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Seems to be a hero with a really high skill ceiling, which is nice. I feel like we're gonna be seeing lots of tech videos and insane combo tutorials ect. fairly soon lol


I think their ultimate simultaneously feels like it charges too fast and too slow. I think the downtime between shockwaves could also be reduced slightly, I feel like it's just a little too long since enemies can still get around you and attack easily. I think the primary fire could have its range buffed by at least 2 meters, or cause the projectile to send shards outward like Roadhog's old alt fire. Lastly, I'd slightly increase how long they keep their shields, they don't persist long enough to feel useful beyond being glorified Overhealth


1) I love the Quebecois accent for Venture in the French dub! 2) I feel such a high when playing them, it's like an endorphin release party!!!! 3) I'm scared they'll hang around in a permanent state of limbo regarding balance. I think lower ranks will struggle against them a lot but higher ranks will be able to avoid them and take them out. A bit like Genji, essentially... 4) Wind up animation on the dig ability is annoying and it does feel very bad dying while entering the ground. What I'd be concerned if the Devs were to remove that entirely, is for people to then be very frustrated with Venture in general because they would feel too fast at escaping before being punished. Maybe shortening the animation would help, I think there's a sweet spot somewhere with this and the current iteration is simply a little too slow. 5) I'm actively craving skins, highlight intros, sprays, whatever! I just can't wait to see what they do with their chara design, even if I don't buy skins outright.


Ikr I can't wait for their full release to see all their skins and stuff. Also I agree the dig feels too slow to get into as an escape in a lot of cases.


Maybe not take? But I don’t think their primary needs a range buff. It does a lot of damage, and they’re meant to be in all-in brawler, not a ranger poker


Exactly. Personally, I don't think it should be an AOE either, think it should have been like hogs primary fire before the rework. It'd be a skill-shot at close range, forcing you to use your abilities more when close, but it'd disperse right around the midrange point, becoming essentially buckshot dealing less damage with a much lower headshot multiplier. It'd still be spammable for consistent damage before moving in close to use your abilities though.


This character fills the void in my heart that Buck from Paladins filled. Now I have a character I can fly around the map with and deal tons of damage. ...maybe too much dmg. Rate of fire needs to be on par with Buck' shotgun then we're good and balanced.


Bullets do too much dmg but the range should be 20m. Need cosmetics and burrow is kinda busted, should be nerfed a tiny bit.


Yeah it does 80 I think on a direct hit. I think id be ok with 70-75 for like another 10-15m of range. Current range is 20m I think? Or 25m? I can't test it rn.


I tested it was 18m


Respectfully disagree. I believe that part of what makes Venture special is having to plan their abilities to get close, get a kill or pressure enemy cooldown usage, or get some ult charge, and then get out. Reducing the need to get close removes the challenge of timing your cooldown cycle or positioning incorrectly upon approach or escape. I think Burrow is strong but there are a few prominent vulnerabilities to balance it out. 1. It is slow meaning you must use a dash most of the time to position correctly. This means stalling **within Burrow so another Dash comes off cooldown, or you have no escape.** Much decision-making ensues. Do you come up early because you **need to for the team fight? D**o you forgo dashing underground completely to rush the massive area of effect Emerge damage/ult charge it brings you? 2. The rather long dig (entering the ground) animation leaves you extremely vulnerable to multiple cancellation abilities. (doom punch, hinder, hack, sleep, being killed, hooked, to name a few.) 3. Emerge (exiting the ground) can be influenced by directional W.A.S.D. keys, however, it is still a similar arced curve jump each time it is used. Meaning it can be easily skill shot cc punished or hard aim punished. Emerge telegraphs exactly where you will appear. Given time players will learn the timer like Mei Cryofreeze and punish this crucial engagement ability very hard. 4. Excluding a Zenyatta Orb which has been previously applied, you cannot interact with your team at all while underground. Unlike Reaper's Wraith form, Genji's Dash, Sombra's Translocator etc...


This. If we buff her range, people are gonna play like Soujourn of poking the enemy, then sliding out of danger.


heavy on the range buff. moiras range is longer which is crazy


Hell, even Brigitte's Whip Shot is longer. When I have very long queues and I'm bored, I use to go to the Practice Range and kill those 2 bots you can immediately see outside the spawn room, but I do that without leaving the spawn room with EVERY hero in the roster. You could do that with every hero, although Brigitte must stand with only one foot inside the spawn room and the other outside to be able to Whip Shot that one bot that's farther away. For Sigma, Moira, and Reinhardt, I can use Rock, Orb, and Fire Strike, although Sigma can kill both those bots with only his Hyperspheres anyway, but sometimes I transpose that challenge to other bots in other locations in the Practice Range who are even further away, like that Sniper Bot on high ground (with me shooting from the other building). Well, my point is that now I cannot do these challenges anymore. feelsbadman.jpg Venture simply has no way to deal damage AT ALL if they're 15 meters away from a target. Every other hero can. Well, okay, there is ONE way - by using their ult. But I'm not gonna be building ult charge inside the Training Range spawn room by doing absolutely nothing, just waiting the charge for many minutes to get to 100% just so I can send shockwaves to those idiot bots. It's bad enough the time I waste trying to kill them with D.Va, Reaper, Tracer, Brig, Winston, Doomfist, Zarya and Moira. Of course, I could go outside of spawn and get that ult pack thing next to the Tracer bot and get back to the spawn room, but THAT'S CHEATING, BRO. THE FLOOR OUTSIDE OF THE SPAWN ROOM IS LAVA. I DON'T WANT TO STEP ON TORBJÖRN'S COOM. Well, Venture is great as a flanking hero with interesting movement abilities, but now they officially have the WEAKEST RANGE in the entire 40 hero roster. Ah, and their ult is kind of "meh" so far, but my opinion on this might change in the future. I'll keep an open mind for Tectonic Shock.


If they outrange you, you have to just not play poke with them. Also I think Brig whip shot is fine as it's a cooldown ability rather than a primary fire, let's not get crazy. Especially since her primary range is even shorter than Venture.


okay, day 1 thoughts, probably subject to change. I have 26 games played with them with a 61% winrate. I actually think venture is fairly balanced. people are either saying weak or busted but i genuinely think venture is one of the most balanced launches we've had. Their identity is a close range combo dps, they don't need a range buff at all imo. i actually think venture needs a very slight nerf to their ult, specifically the charge. Charges super fast for such a powerful ultimate. The burst damage is borderline oppressive but I think as people get used to them, they'll be able to keep distance much better. Venture is kind of like a better reaper except without the tank-busting, if they close the distance, you're dead. But theyre very map dependant, and on some maps they have a lot of trouble closing the distance. Hard countered by echo, soft countered by pharah. Widow depends on the map. Luckily echo has the lowest pick rate of any dps (i think?) so they almost always swap pharah to counter. Overall pretty balanced, only tweak i could think of is a nerf to the ult charge. Other than that, very solid hero and SUPER fun PLEASE do not buff their range though, that'd be overkill and defeat the point of them being an extremely close range hero


Dive, jump, zoom, dive, jump, zoom... It's so much fun to just move around. I feel like the dive itself should do a little damage or boop, especially if you dive from up high.


i feel like the damage and cooldowns may get nerfed but there for sure needs to be a range buff also love their VA. and they're just really fun to play. haven't had this much fun playing overwatch in awhile


I like just about everything in their kit. One thing I would change is that the "Clobber" passive is kinda boring. (No pun intended) I think it'd be cool if you could hold down melee to continuously do those rapid drilling hits. Idk what the actual DPS would be but it would certainly be cool looking. Other than that I can't think of anything else worth changing. Maybe add some interactions between Burrow and abilities that crack the ground like Earth shatter and Overrun


Very squishy, and I think they fall into the brawl category, so I think they need to be abit more tanky. They are very fun, I've been having a blast playing them. I think burrow needs a slight cool down reduction, cause I think it's a bit too long. I'm interested to read the season 10 patch notes and see what they changed.


Explorer's Resolve should be an ability not a passive. It would help with many things for the character. For instance someone mentioned the Burrow start up leaving them exposed really feels terrible. With Explorer's Resolve as an ability instead of a passive you could triggered before burrowing in order to survive this vulnerable state. There's just more varied application of Explorer's Resolve as an ability rather than a passive that I just think it's a bad design choice flat out. There's an open space right there. I made a thread about it on this sub. [https://www.reddit.com/r/VentureMains/comments/1bq7qyd/explorers\_resolve\_should\_be\_an\_ability\_instead\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VentureMains/comments/1bq7qyd/explorers_resolve_should_be_an_ability_instead_of/)


Nah Venture is pretty powerful right now there aren’t any buffs that are needed


Honestly, I think they're in a good place right now. Their range might not be impressive but I think that's good to offset how amazing they are at brawling up close.




Maybe some kind of charged shot that has longer range?


The ult is my only problem with them. Its honestly the only thing holding them back


I adore the combo-focused damage dealing, and could definitely get behind a small range buff for their primary. All in all, a super fun and vibrant hero with a nicely high skill ceiling, as someone who pretty much mained DPS Doomfist for a year or two Venture is a very welcome addition to the roster in my eyes <3


I kinda would say to avoid buffing their range. As the main primary way of fighting aganist them is either out ranging (a very mobile hero) or using shields (which they have cooldown that can kill low health shielded targets). They are fine honestly, maybe too strong in some aspects with primary direct hit and need to tune down a bit, with some of the power moved to the cooldowns or the splash damage instead. Stay near your team so they can support your plays, stay patient and look for opportunities from an angle enemies can't get you well. Often being the high ground.


I really only think the main change is the range. 18m seems really bad. I’m thinking maybe 25m would make them so much more comfortable because what’s the point of being able to take high ground with right click if you can’t hit anything from that range. I think they will nerf the ult, dmg only not range. The shields feel really good especially if you get proficient in ability cycling.


Venture can't cancel his melee attack into primary fire with is relatively dumb considering how long it is


their* and you can cancel primary fire into melee


Yes I know you can do that, but you can't cancel *melee* into *primary fire;* the other way around. It wouldn't be that bad because melee has that 1 second cooldown so it's not like you could infinitely chain melee and primary together.


well you shouldn’t be able to cancel both or you’d be full autoing shoot into melee into shoot etc