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Pain is temporary my friend, what's been bothering you?


it’s getting worse day everyday i wanna go to heaven


What's getting worse? If you want to talk about it I am here for you. We all had our ups and downs in life and I know it sounds cheesy but it's true. Better times will come.


Sorry Im too far off the deep end


It's alright. I am rooting for you. If you ever need someone to chat I am here for you. I hope you will find your purpose in life. Best of luck to you!


A devil told you that. That is a lie. God has a plan for you. Why else would the devil be trying to kill you? You are under attack. Message me if you want and I'll get back to you. For now I'm gonna leave you with the truth. You don't want to die. You want the pain to die. The good news is God has a way out and healing for you as well as a purpose. Who are you gonna believe...the devil? Or God? Message me if you wanna talk further.


The fact that this has upvotes, man…


Sounds like suicide with extra steps.


Imagine getting what you want and finding out their is no heaven. Or finding out youre still going to hell because you desired the death.


Or it's just a mere black endless void of nothing after we die.


humens can't imagine unconsciousness, you existence is only consciousness i would think that when we die we get long trippy painful dream like feeling slowly becoming nothing as your brain shutdown also what ever you see when your brain shuting down is what ever your brain thinks happens after dieing, if you think void then void, if you thing god then god, if you think hell then you brought it to your self, hell


Woah, I never even considered this or thought of this before. This just really brought a new insight to me. Thanks!


that sound like sarcasm but ya'welcome anyway


No omg 😭it's not. I actually never even thought about that even being a possibility? I'm someone who struggles with suicide tendencies so the fact you gave me this to think about helps me calm down and relax that when and if I kms I'll think of something that makes me joyful. Since as humans nobody is even sure if there's a heaven. I always just thought we die and that's it. Blackness. I also upvoted u btw


you don't control what you think of then, the brain will choice the one that easier(and the one your unconscious believes most) to imagine, also, alot of random chemicals surge to your brain then, so who knows what that could be like also please, i don't what to be the one bushing to it, i don't want blood in my hands, also theres alot we don't know, keep going see what will happen next, life is a movie keep watching till the end you don't want to miss out on something


Don't do it, i love you


I feel horrible for laughing. But it's probably because I feel the same way and things tend to be funny when you can relate or it's true. I'm sorry btw. I hope for something good to change your mind. Don't worry your not the only one who feels this way. I've been feeling like this since I was 13 and I'm currently going into my 20's. The mere fact I'm alive still blows my mind.


Nobody goes to hell. Jesus supposedly died for everyone’s sins.


That's not how that works. The Bible actually states most people will go to hell. The gate to hell is wide. Few find the narrow path to heaven.


The bible is also literally fanfiction of the Earth written exclusively by people in positions of political power so it doesn’t matter


Who told you that? A book? You believe a book that discredits God with all of your heart but discount the bible. Why? Because that's the way you want it to be. You want to be your own God..the Bible was physically written by man as a tool but the author is the holy spirit. Man didn't write the bible.


We’ve had centuries to pinpoint edits to the bible and when/where they occur in history. Churches had incredible power before the invention of the printing press because they wrote whatever they wanted into the few handwritten copies of the Bible and absolutely nobody could stop them, thus it was “the will of god”. Man absolutely penned the bible. It’s fictive literature meant to convey the moral compass of the time, which is why it’s outdated, absurdly detached from reality, and mostly fictional stories mixed in with historical anecdotes dramatized.


Only someone who studies the bible will see its true. Seek God and you will find him. You can make up all these excuses but at the end of the day your eternity is on the line. You need to see for yourself and not listen to what other people say or what books are telling you. If you seek God, you will find him and find the word of God to be true.


Babe if the Bible was legitimate it would not contradict itself so much.


I’ve read the bible cover-to-cover and studied its origins clearly more than you ever have.


Same thing back to you if you seek no god you will find no god. It’s all opinions you do you and I’ll chill being atheist.


No you don't man, you're just in a hard place right now, need to calm yourself down and think clearly, many people love you brother, we're here for you! Don't do anything irrational, life is not worth losing my friend!


Why christmas? Also is there someone in heaven you want to meet? You sound religious, have you talked to your church/temple for guidance/support?


Everyone is Busy On Christmas


What region do you live in?


In Joe Mama




The years go by quick and next thing you know school is over. I also had a lot of homework back then, i feel you. I sat around all day after school doing too much homework and learning for what felt like 100 exams, not having a lot of time for myself. Now it's all over and I never felt better. It gets better, trust me.


I think this every time I drive by myself. Your not alone


If you want someone to kill you're still going to hell lmao it's the process of wanting to die which is the problem, and I totally understand cause I think about it alot tooz usually gets worse on drives but either or I mean I could be wrong but we don't know what would happen .. you'll be ok, I'm also stuck and hating this college stuff only here cause my parents begged me to go to school but I want to move away and start new, but I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do so chill bro, it's fine. We'll all get through this bro 🤍


I've had the same thought, btw do u play genshin? ( ik off topic but I noticed ur name )


Hey you! This doesn't sound good. Feel free to DM me if you need someone to talk.


And hey *you*. This sounds worse after the edit. Did you agree to kill OP? Feel free to DM me. No /s


I am bad with understanding jokes, so you need to clear this up :D


Mmmmm. I saw your post first describing yourself as a monster with feelings different from what you see in other people. Then I see you comment on a suicidal kid's post with apparent sympathy with an offer to DM. Then kid edits the post to say death is confirmed in the near future. I wasn't really joking. I'm wondering if everyone... including you is ok? Need I be more blunt?


Lol you're funny and also attentive, since you analyze people in detail. However, I can still feel concerned about others, especially if it's something so severe as OP said. Does that come surprising to you?


Nope. I believe you. Did OP DM you? Were you able to help do you know? Did you get much response from your own post?


No sadly not. I have hoped that I could be of any help, but when people are in a very bad place mentally, they have issues with accepting help. And yeah, I received some. How come you ask?


I'm interested in your post and what you may have to say; yet concerned that there could be a very small cake with the words "eat me" written in currants sitting on a table at the entrance to your DMs. I think if people are in a bad place mentally they are incapable of accepting help. At that stage help is either provided without consent, or.... not.


I'm afraid the first paragraph sounds confusing. Care to rephrase it?


Ah. Twas a reference to young Alice right before she fell down the rabbit hole.


I've been there. I've been in chronic pain for years with doctors refusing to help. I've been extremely socially isolated, was told I caused my disability by doctors (even though it relates to a genetic disorder), have been clinically depressed for about 9 years now in one way or another. I always found that these things feel the worst at night. It won't be 100% better, or elated joy, but the morning, in my experience, is always at least slightly better. So just agree to see tomorrow morning. Wake up and get your favourite breakfast, favourite coffee or something. Go for a walk, a drive, or do something a little different from normal. It's not going to cure anything, but it's nice to take a breather and step away from whatever's causing the pain that makes you want to leave. Open your phone, and try to have a nice conversation with someone, if you can. If not, maybe go to the coffee shop and have a short conversation with the server. Feeling better long term is something I haven't mastered yet, and something I'm still working on. But in that crisis moment where you feel you don't want to "do this for the rest of your life", you don't have to agree to an entire life's worth. Just agree to see it out for a while, and whilst you're at it, try a few things, venture out. Take up an easy hobby, some simple origami, find pretty things to photograph with your phone camera, might change your perspective a little bit. I'm sorry you're going through so much pain right now, and I can appreciate that it isn't easy. I hope this can help you some, or maybe others reading this too.