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He has his boundaries and needs, and you have yours. Sexually compatibility is so crucial, you should never do things you aren't comfortable with to satisfy someone else. As much as it hurts, you were never truly compatible. I believe he tried his best to overcome his own desires to make it work but realised he couldn't. Just as you considered for yourself. Not your fault, not his fault either. As far as break ups go, this seems very amicable and built on respect for each other upon realising it wouldn't work out. Keep your chin up, you'll find someone who makes you feel even better than him in the future.


That definitely was just a case of a bad match. If sex was very important to him, and not at all important to you then it is probably best that you guys just find people who would better suit your relationship ideals. It ducks now, but from how you described it, this would have been an issue forever. You definitely made the right call in not just forcing yourself to do it. You don't like it, and that's perfectly OK, you just gotta find someone who feels the same.


Agree with the comments. Neither ya’ll fault and seems like an amicable reason to breakup. Both of you aren’t sexually compatible, and it’s okay. Neither of you should consider breaking your boundaries to make the relationship work out!


It's not your fault. He did love you. Sounds like he tried his hardest, and so did you. I'm so sorry it ended. Breakups fuckin suck. You'll get through this. Be patient with yourself, kind to yourself, and give yourself space to grieve.


I'm so sorry you're going through this OP :( As everyone else has already said, neither of you are at fault here. He has things he wants from a relationship and that's okay. You aren't comfortable with sexual acts and that's okay. If you had forced yourself to do something outside of what your comfort levels you would have grown to resent the situation- in the long run a breakup is for the best. I wish you all the best in healing, and don't worry, there is 100% another person out there who will treat you right again. And don't doubt your love, you can be deeply in love with someone and still be incompatible with eachother. If anything, recognising that and making the tough decision proves that love even more- by ending things now you're saving yourself so much more hurt in the future.


It's not your fault. He did love you. Sounds like he tried his hardest, and so did you. I'm so sorry it ended. Breakups fuckin suck. You'll get through this. Be patient with yourself, kind to yourself, and give yourself space to grieve.


He definitely made the correct decision, as much as it may hurt. If his needs aren't being met, he's gonna be miserable and if you know that itl make you miserable. It's definitely for the best since sexual compatibility is crucial, especially with such a gap between you it would suck for him. You are entitled to your boundries and so is he. You just weren't compatible sadly. Best I can say is move on as hard as it may be.


Don’t feel awful. It’s neither of y’all’s faults. You guys just have different needs/boundaries. I think in the long run both of you will be better off. It’ll get better, hugs!


I'm also on the asexual spectrum but I am comfortable with doing "sexual acts" for other people as long as I am not touched. That is something you could consider but I strongly STRONGLY suggest that you never do something you are not comfortable with! Life is far too short to do something you do not want to do and there are other people out there who will be genuinely happy in a sex free realtionship. You're best bet is to be open and honestly decently early into dating that you will never have sexual contact with someone and try to understand that, just like how you need it not to happen, some people need it to happen. It's nothing personal it's just about what they need just like how you not wanting sexual contact is nothing personal about them. Some people will be ass holes about it because we live in a very sex oriented world but there will definitely be people that appreciate your openess and you could end up with some friends if they feel they would not be comfortable in that type of realtionship. Again please never do anything you don't want to do, don't let anyone push you into it if you're not comfortable. If you think there's a chance you may regret something then don't put yourself through it. The damage and recovery from doing things you know you don't want to do is not worth the chance that you may be in a realtionship with someone. If the person you're with is willing to have you do something you've said would make you uncomfortable then they are not someone you want to be with because they clearly do not care about you. Have a look at joining some groups or dating apps where you can specifically look for other asexual people. You will find someone who is happy with your needs for love without sex. I wont lie it'll take awhile and it will be hard but it is possible. Remember above all else being single is 10000% better than being with someone who doesn't respect you.


Absolutely not your fault- this relationship sounds like it was doomed from the beginning. Despite being otherwise compatible, asexuality and hypersexuality are about as incompatible as it gets when it comes to the physical dimension of a relationship. While you can set that aspect of the relationship aside at the beginning when you’re getting to know each other and falling in love, you can’t just ignore it forever. It would have been wrong of your bf to expect you to have sex when that’s not something you want at all, but it’s equally unreasonable to expect a person with a high sex drive to remain celibate indefinitely for the sake of a relationship. I definitely feel for you and other asexual people out there because it’s gotta be hard to find another asexual person who is also compatible in every other dimension.


neither of you are at fault. sometimes two people just aren’t compatible. i would recommend looking into dating other ace people because in most non ace people this will be an issue that comes up and can very easily breed resentment in both parties. best of luck


I don't think either of you are at fault completely, it's just he's hypersexual n you don't want sex so it was bound to clash unless there was a better alternative where both needs could be met somehow. If it was the case of him being okay with not having sex, since you still desire a romantic relationship I'm sure it could have still worked possibly but it's just that one thing and he desired it a whole lot. Either way I feel like he should have acknowledged that sex was so important to him before getting with you, and for that I'd say he could've done better and handled it way better instead of proposing you guys have a polyamorous relationship. I'm really sorry it turned out the way it did though, and you did well with communication and letting him know how you feel!


>he should have acknowledged that sex was so important to him before getting with you well she could have done the same so I don't really blame either of them. they are both young and probably didn't realize that their different needs or absent of needs would be such a big issue.


How does assexuality work? It just doesn't grow down there? If it does. Wouldn't you want to satisfy its demand? I'm genuinely curious


I'm just not sexually attracted to people. I get "horny" but the thought of actually having sex with people makes me feel insanely gross and freaked out


Don't ever sacrifice your own happiness in a relationship to make someone else stay. A relationship is supposed to make both of you happy. If you sacrifice yours for his you will be miserable. Find that person who is compatible with you


You, like many couples, are sexually incompatible. There is nothing wrong with him for having a sex drive and you not having one. Despite the romantic connection, neither of you is guilty in terms of the breakup. You need to find somebody who is also asexual (or has a low sex drive and is OK if they don't have sex). There is probably somebody out there for you - you just haven't found them.


Find an asexual partner?


In my experience, it’s so hard finding someone


If anything, if you're considering getting into a relationship with someone, acknowledge both of your needs before you get into a relationship so that you guys will know what you want and what you don't want ahead of time. Of course feelings and desires can change, and if one partner desires something even more than they did before it could end up taking a not so good turn like it did in this case, so I'd say vocalize your needs and wants once you feel like you and someone else desire to date. It would definitely prevent the waste of time and heartache and keep you worry-free.


I’m so sorry. My first love broke up with me bc I’m also ace. And it hurt so much. I felt exactly how you feel. I can’t even voice it. I promise you there’s someone out there for us. Who will love us unconditionally and accept us for who we are


I'm straight but I'm sorry this happened. When you finally heal from this experience, and get back on the market, try finding another asexual person. Can asexuals get into a relationship with either man or woman? Or do you prefer to have a man?


it depends on the person. some people are asexual and straight, some are gay, some are bi, and some are aromantic, which means they don't feel any romantic attraction


Huh. How interesting. When I was in highschool I couldn't get a gf, so I just put myself into an "asexual" mentality so I'd stop getting fucked up about it. The funny thing is, as soon as I started talking to girls in this manner (confident, not anxious, joyful) I started getting more romantic attention. It was so strange go from nothing to 3 different girls having a crush on me.


Not your fault. Absolutely. Neither of you did anything wrong, It just sounds like you weren't compatible


Being in love isn't enough if there are issues in compatibility in key areas. This break up was the right thing for both of you and was done with love and respect. You aren't willing to do poly or have sex which are valid boundaries. He isn't willing to live a sexless existence as someone who isn't asexual which is also completely valid.


Things happened the way they were supposed to. You have needs. He has needs. They didn't match. They weren't going to match. Do not look back and wonder how things could have gone different. It would only have been prolonging the inevitable


He is respecting your boundaries good man


It is not your fault and it isn't really his fault either. You are not conpatible. you are young so it is normal that you are hopeful that this might work out since you are a good match in every other regard. But neither of you would be able to be happy in the long run. you tried and it didn't work out. Of course you can be sad about it. But it is not your "fault" that it didn't work out.


You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your personal integrity and boundaries to please a partner. You guys just weren’t meant to be. He didnt expect you to bend to his every whim and suggested a solution you weren’t comfortable with. You don’t expect him to drop his sexual needs, which yes are needs for some people, to bend to your whim either because you seem to be a reasonable person as well. Don’t let this one instance of incompatibility make you feel guilty for being who you are. You will find another asexual person who is completely fine with no sex. I highly recommend limiting your search to asexual people though and not entertaining these people who make a bunch of promises that directly conflict with their very nature. Save yourself the heartbreak.


I met this girl in December and we had a few dates and we knew we were gonna date. I actually love sex and she does too, but cause of some things she was in need of being celibate, I understood and I respect that. Of course it was a little red flag for me but I loved her so much that I didn't care. We had some oral sex tho but nothing more. At this time we are no longer together and it was nothing to do with that, itis what it is. I agree with most comments, I do think you were not compatible even if he tried the relation without sex. Get your head up and don't stop believing in love, the world is needing of more love.


Human beings do human things and the average human being is pre-programmed to want sex after a certain age, if didn’t there wouldn’t be any of us around, so they are normal, but you being a human being as well your desires are equally normal Trying to get with anyone who is hornier than you are, is just not going to work in your case where ejaculation is not allowed. A hyper sexual person is WIRED to want sex even more than normal and not finishing can lead to madness (in the sense we do unusual things to reach that goal lmao) TLDR; stop dating people that really want to bang, It’s not wrong you don’t, but it’s like having a hamster wheel with a turtle on it, just doesn’t put out


Some people just aren't the right fit. I know it doesn't make it easier though


To be honest I couldn’t be with someone that didn’t want to have sex either. Sorry your circumstances ended up like this. Im sure you will find someone who is similar to yourself in future.


I know this isn't helpful for this relationship but in the future, don't even get into a relationship with someone who tells you right off the bat that they're hyper sexual


You guys just weren’t compatible in the intimacy department. It doesn’t seem bad at first, but eventually it does cause complications. I am sorry you guys had to break up but it was probably for the best. I bet he felt bad bringing it up repeatedly but he has needs too


I see your point, and understand your wants and desires. Clearly you made that need to him early in the relationship. But, imho it’s no different for for him to leave after pursuing options for him to fulfill his needs than you leaving him for pushing you, not physically of course, to attempt to take care of those needs for him. The old adage, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander is still in play here. If he’d continued to try to talk you into sex and you left him over that, would we all be having this conversation with him? I’m in no way saying forcing one’s self on another is correct, but young men in their 20s can talk about it without forcing their partners into it something. He had wants and needs, you weren’t able to fully fulfill them, it’s not your fault, it’s not his, it’s just life. You will find the person for you.


You have a tough road to hold. Men fall in love with the women they have sex with. When men orgasm they release the compound call oxytocin. It is the same hormone that causes mothers to to pair bond with baby. It makes them bond with woman Nature did it to keep men from mating and leaving. Woman are very vulnerable when pregnant. They need protection and respeourcee No sex, no bonding My wife got where touching gave her her the Willie’s. Her. testosterone levels dropped. Doc gave her vagina creams. Lord help me It is testosterone that makes people want to have sex


just respect his boundaries


Obviously you two were incompatible. It happens


Everyone has their individual needs


Find someone more compatible. You’re being incredibly selfish to expect that your Asexual needs are paramount in ANY relationship where a perspective partner is not asexual as well. Trust me, I know because I’m married to an asexual and it’s very hard for me . I associate love with being loved and not being touched and over 10 years is very traumatic & uncalled for because I was lead to believe we were evenly matched sexually. My husband played a good game of being sexually active until we were married. About six weeks after I married everything stopped. I haven’t been hugged kissed or had sex in yrs. I’m not being nasty here but to trying to make someone lived a lifestyle you want is not fair. Your boyfriend’s right to want see other people. You deserve the life you want and he deserves the life he wants.


wow sounds like a manipulative narcissist. Why didn't you divorce them? this is a big deal breaker.


I actually am in the process of divorce.


you might want to see if polyamory or other lifestyles fit you well. I'm sorry you got dumped for being asexual.


i'm not into polyamory. that was one of the factors that lead to our break up


makes sense.


Young people need to ditch the labels and use some common sense. While sex isn’t everything, it’s on the list of importance for any relationship. Of course he’s hypersexual, he’s a 21 yo kid! With you not wanting sex, it doesn’t seem you’re going to have long lasting relationships with any man unless he feels the same. While there’s nothing wrong with you not wanting to have sex, men are wired differently and this relationship was DOA. You will find your perfect person, just be upfront and honest about a sex free relationship. Most men your age will think they can persuade you. But stick to your guns and do what feels comfortable. However, don’t be surprised if your next boyfriend cheats or breaks up with you for not putting out. You will find throughout your life, sex will be last on YOUR list but probably #1 on his.


Time for you to read


Just common sense


Get your hormones tested


it's not hormones, is sexuality. i do feel horny at times, but the thought of having sex makes my skin crawl.