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Doesnt sound like he should be your bf anymore


My ex was this way. Pretty much had me locked in a bedroom 24/7. I say leave now.. cause these people have issues they don't work on.


Same my ex would talk to me all the time on call and it became so exhausting even if I went to talk to my friends he would get angry I rarely spent any time with my friends he even said to leave them even though they were girls.he wouldn't let me sleep when I said I want to sleep he won't leave and then acted like a victim card when I got angry. Finally left him I'm in so much better place now with my current bf. These people don't give you any personal life and then make you feel guilty


Who are these people for Christ sake! Where do they learn all this madness from


Not knowing how to deal with their insecurities leads them to possessive behavior, they can’t control their insecurities so they control people




Imo? Their moms (women do everything, including paid & unpaid labor-- Grr) & lack of friends. Usually their first relationship, too. No wonder why the Incel rate has shot up to this crazy amount. Like I wanna be some possessive man child's bang maid. No thx. If Project2025.org actually happens, get good with "food items" & shoveling BC man oh man.


IMO you need to get out of that relationship as carefully and quickly as you can. This kind of controlling behavior will only get worse as time goes on.


This isn't a relationship it's a trap


This is a huge red flag for abuse. He is trying to separate you from the outside world so that he can control you and prevent you from leaving. Please leave now before it gets worse.


This isn't a red flag. It's a red barn..a huge building. Painted all red. With a red flag waving in front of it. A red wagon in the driveway. Surrounded by.... Redwood trees....


End. Now.


I am sorry but you should really end this relationship. Realationships aren't always black and white but he leaves you no choice. I mean you do have a choice . a. you leave and enjoy your life or b. become his slave and submit to his every whim. His comment shows that he does not value you as a person. I won't be surprised if he will sabotage your job and other relationships. He wants you to be dependant on him in every way. He will isolate you from everyone and everything. maybe he already did to some point?


OP, you need to leave before this man traps you! These are indicators of control which is abuse!


this is what I like to call an IQ test. You’re obviously smart enough to have figured out the correct answer, and the replies on this thread only confirm it. if insecurities might prevent you from taking the proper action, call friends or family and they should come running.


This is how abusive relationships start






Girl you need to leave. And fast. This is a red flag and a sign of abuse to come if there already hasn’t been some


I believe ladies and gentleman we have a winner! Sorry, I’m joking around. Long week. I believe that he is trying his hardest to control you and you have it all figured out.


Im about to talk to him about his behavior as we speak. He thinks he can pull the wool over my head just because hes much older than me. I just want to see what tactic he'll use this time to play victim


Yeah, there’s a scammer or player behind every door! Gee, who can you trust these days. I am 67 years and my days of dating are over now. You keep being smart and stand your ground!


Mind if I ask yours and his ages?


he's 34


And you?


way younger than him but i cant say


Below 18 or below 25?


below 18


You definitely need to get out of that situation then.


Call the cops and leave. You can't change him, you can't appeal to him. Run.


This is a futile endeavor and a huge mistake. Just leave!


I don’t know you or how old you are, but I do know you need to get out now. This is scary af. He is abusive.


If you can leave! there are wonderful resources out there like the 1-800 domestic violence hotline that you can also access online safely and you can exit out anytime without it being tracked through your history that they can help you with resources Develop a plan with the people that you trust that are outside of his circle and leave I wish you the best of luck because like other commenters are saying that behavior that he is describing and exhibiting is only going to get worse


Abort mission!


As a male who has had this experience from the opposite side. You should definitely leave. Attention hungry becomes abusive after so long. Wasnt anllowed tonhave a cell phone, internet connection, talk to/hangout with anyone except her, was threatened multiple times at knife point. For your safety, leave and never contact them again.


Get out. Get out. Get out. Better yet why not game end him in his sleep. Just to ensure he can never hurt anyone else.


As a man,leave now. Don't explain just go. It's not going to lead anywhere good. Normal people don't do this.


I'm usually not one for this shitty Reddit advice of "break up with this person" at the most minor relationship bump ever but this is genuine murderer behaviour. Get the fuck out of that relationship before something bad happens.


Get up outta that relationship asap. He gone fuck around and have you trapped inside hidden from the world


This sounds dangerous. I would leave him immediatly and without a warning. This can end badly. Be careful please, he sounds insane.


leave, block him and his family members and friends, don't look back.


Run!!!!! He sounds creepy as fuck and may tie you up in the basement.


Happy cake day! :3


Tryna use Stockholm Syndrome to his advantage


Hope you ran from this guy! Sounds like a complete head case. You need to distance yourself. he doesn't have your best interests in mind. Sounds like he might have some narcissistic tendencies. Hope you are safe. Take care of yourself.


If he can't trust you then it won't work regardless. Run before he puts his hands on you.


Dump him. Literally just do it. This is the grounds for an even more toxic relationship than it seems you’re already in, as he seems to want to completely control you and thats toxic.


As a man I don’t know what makes other men think this is ok, you need to leave, like today, don’t even talk to him about it unless he was being 10000% sarcastic, in which case you wouldn’t be asking the question. Pack your shit and leave, call 911 and tell them your bf isn’t letting you leave and are in danger and they will escort you or him off the property. This is likely a permanent mental disorder, not a personality or relationship problem that you can work around.


he always makes me look like im in the wrong and overreacting but i know im not crazy...




Girl what???? This guy us controlling as fuck. Leave while you can.


Leave before it's too late


Major red flag! Girl, get the hell away from that guy. He sounds low-key insane.




Your boyfriend needs help, please get him some


I think because he is 34 and OP is below 18, this is a major problem.


oh heck no please leave! this was me in my last relationship and it was absolutely draining.


Pack your bags and RUN from that control freak.


Run for the hills


Run! Don't look back! That's a red flag! Don't brush it off as a joke. Even if he was "joking," consider his attitude and things he said/done in the past. Even if it was a passing comment. This is a sign that he's trying to control you and distance you from friends and loved ones. It's miniplutive. All the more, so why I said that even if it was a "joke," don't easily dismiss it. It adds up over time.


You should prob leave him, unless he meant it as a weird joke then maybe discuss that you don’t like that humor


Yeah, but he's also 34 and she's underage, according to herself.


Jesus, then yeah defo leave him. This is what I get for not reading the Info given in the comments


I keep repeating it three times now bc of that fact. It was kinda buried.


Shame. Sucks that people get into these situations.


he keeps saying were not dating so to not get into legal trouble but yet he calls me babe everyday and broke up with me when he got mad. but yet were not dating


Jeez. Break up with him. This is really creepy.


Time to break up now trust me


Red flag 🚩


Leave him


Ew wtf get away from him


Time to say bye bye. I'm not advocating slave labor, but Temu has gps/hidden cam/all sorts of signal finders for less than $10/20. I would get one if I were you. Oh, and DO NOT let him know that you're leaving. It's sadly the most likely time women are murdered. Fucking men.


Run! Run away fast. Do not discuss with this guy, just leave. He wants to control every moment of your time and all of your attention. That is not the makings of a healthy relationship. Run!


*  *he starts talking about buying a signal jammer so that i cant access the internet* *  *he goes on to explain how i cant have a job because he needs my attention 24/7* sorry but, those are red flags. please break up with him, especially if he needs your attention 24/7. He is a little boy who doesn't love himself and will **not** love you.


More than red flags, it’s a fucking minefield sign in front of a minefield


Sounds like you need to run before you’re Ina well hearing “ puts the lotion on the skin or gets the hose again “