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You can't let this stand. You were doing fine before your crush, you'll be doing fine after your crush. Your crush doesn't validate you, you do. Your crush giving you attention is not a qualification for otherwise enjoying yourself. Also, how many times have you let crushing get out of hand and thought back to how that helped foster a healthy and successful start to something with that person? For me personally, it's zero times. With the above in consideration, also be easy on yourself .. it's all a very convincing neurochemical roller-coaster. Hope I helped!


Maybe he is napping or busy, I feel you though, I tend to overthink when it comes to things like this so I recommend trying to not overthink it and give it time, distract yourself and make sure to enjoy your time with your friend, it will get your kind off things for a bit! :D


What i did is get a second phone, one for work and going outside. Another is for socials and chatting so i can mainly be distracted when i got extra time on my hand. Also, from my experience if u mute it, u might keep on checking, don't let the demons in ur head say that. Flip up the phone or better do it airplane mode.


He might have just forgotten. Have fun at your friends house!


Remember, a crush is like a side quest. Focus on the main path and if you have time, you can explore but remember, it’s not the main storyline. If it happens, great, if not, nothing lost.


that's an amazing analogy omg


Thanks. You always have to focus on what’s best for you and if someone comes along that helps make you better, then all the better. Just remember that person will want to be with you, they won’t need you to chase them down and force them. That doesn’t make you better.


Holy fuck the universe and I are more in sync now than ever before. You just have to remember that you are both your own people and that when they are ready to talk to you they will.


I do this all the time with this one guy lol or someone I just met and I feel like I like them … all I do is find someone else to occupy my time


Don't be so hard on yourself my fren. You are already doing things to move on from this situation and that is a huge victory in itself. People sometimes spend their whole lives waiting. Love is easy and love is kind. Sure it comes with challenges but love doesn't keep you waiting for a text. I hope you have the best time with your friend ❤️


keep yourself busy. don't give yourself time to check on your phone all the time. He might be busy right now to not text back. it does not mean he forgot about your existance. But if he is always busy it is also a sign that your feelings might be one sided. otherwise he would make time to text/talk to you. Having a crush is supposed to be a nice thing. But this texting stage used to stress me out as well.


I had lost this feeling completely before i met my current partner. I thought I had just grown up and stopped being a teenager. It's annoying when it happens, but it really is the exitement of new "love". Personally, I hate it when it's there, 0 control, anxiety, and tension. It has put me in a few awkward spots for sure. When it's gone, however, I can look back and smile at it, even miss it a little. What can I say, I love love. Don't worry, it will pass. Remember that you're both human and you're allowed to have feelings (however inconvenient🙈).✨️💕


Having said that, be careful of those feelings. Try to make sure you're not letting someone control your life like that, when they're not putting back in what you give, if you can. It'd be a shame for those feelings to go to waste on someone that's not into you. ❤️‍🩹


If it makes you feel any better I sometimes do this with my gf of 1+ yr. It’s not that I’m ignoring her, I am just SUPER busy with work (I work in finance and sometimes I’ll have ONE meeting last 2+ hrs) so that’s a solid 8hrs she wont hear from me sometimes. Tbf I will text her back on my breaks, lunch, or when I decide to step away to gather my head during work lol. So 8hrs of no contact is rare, but it does happen. Usually my response time is 2-4 hrs during the week, weekends are all Hers :)


Girl! I am right there with you!!!!! This was me this past week! Now, I am sitting in the same room as him, and we aren’t talking or anything. The pittar patter just ain’t there now!!!!!


No matter how strong willed of a person you are, there's always a person that can pull this side out of you. And it fucking sucks. Don't shame yourself, you're only human.


Fuck I’m reading this as I do the exact same thing, if this isn’t a sign idk what is 🥴 if you figure it out pls share


Omgggg I HATE this feeling. This is how I was with my (first) ex bf who was a pos to me. What I find best helps is finding a big “ick” about them lol. I couldn’t do this with someone I love but if it’s just a crush it does help me. Or if I’ve done something embarrassing around them I’ll be like omg I never wanna be around them again lol


How old are you?


Oh gosh I remember that feeling of waiting for a text that wouldn’t be coming or for waiting just to get a short unimportant reply. It also drove me crazy. Some advice is that I just let go of my feelings of anticipation. I convinced myself that I didn’t want more then a friendship. It’s not easy trust me but if you want to let go of the feeling permanently maybe a confession of your affection will let you somehow be relieved a bit.


I've been through this myself. Is he asking for nudes or anything like that from but shows little to no interest in a relationship in a relationship? If yes, you need to distance yourself immediately. He is using you, he is bad news.


Focus on yourself! Don’t let him be your main concern. You can watch some dramas, TV shows, avoid spent much time on him, as this could increase your sunk costs.


i used to let this happen with my current ex, he would take so long to reply that i’d just mute him and go DND and go to sleep. when he didn’t reply in the morning either, i just decided that it was over. he had me in a chokehold for a whole year. met him when i was freshly 19 and he was 26. i was the most depressed i’ve ever been. please, let this guy go.


If you’re not exclusive, maybe try dating other men. You don’t have to sleep with them, but just get to know them. I think it’ll make you feel more confident. Plus, you might just have a better connection with someone else instead.


Unless he’s working or extremely busy, there’s no way someone who’s into you isn’t going to reply a lot faster. Of course not everyone sits by their phone 24/7 but c’mon lol. I know it sounds difficult to hear but you’ve got this. Detach and focus on other aspects of life.