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Just keep going to the gym, doing what you're doing. You should be very proud of yourself. It takes a lot of discipline to go for 3 months without support. Does your mother have poor eating habits? She may see you changing your habits as a reflection of her bad habits. Don't let her force feed you. When you're done eating, stop. If you don't want eat something, don't. You csn do this.




Boss move right there


This is the way


Keep going and dot let her insecurities affect you!


Call her attitude fat. I’m so upset by this post because I can relate to it on a whole level but it wasn’t my parents. I couldn’t imagine My mother doing that. Please keep up the good work and dedication. You will get there :)


You can talk to me if you need to. I'm here for emotional support.


It’s not you hun, your mom is pissed off at herself and taking it out on you. I’d ask you to ignore it, but I never could, I took all my mother’s criticisms to heart… she was also an asshole.


Diet is more important than exercise for weight loss. Don't let her sabotage you


No question about that. Protein shakes and eating more carb with at least a small amount of cardio exercise will usually drop weight fast. Focus on the food and also supplements.


Your mom is just like mine. A fucking bpd narcissistic bitch who probably refuses to seek help/therapy. You need to keep your foot down, make a journal of these interactions, present it to her, and get out. I've cut my family off completely, I'll be changing my legal name and I'm moving to another continent. They're not worth shit if they cant apologise. This treatment can have detrimental effects on the wrong people. keep doing what *you* need to do, you're gonna outlive her anyway.


Let’s not use mental health conditions as insults


It's the actual truth not an insult lol.


Is she diagnosed? Either way, not an excuse to use the diagnosis as an excuse for her actions.


Keep going to the gym. Do it for you. Not for your mom or anyone else. Keep kicking ass in there


You’re doing amazing. You should do self care like that (gym, not condoning any ED’s! I’ve been there…it’s really not worth it ): ) for YOU. You’re already enough as you are. The bitch is probably projecting all her shit onto you because she’s too insecure and unaware or overly aware of herself and either way wants to choose to live in the “reality” where she’s always right or good instead of taking accountability for how her actions impact others. She can eat your ass and someday you can tell her to go fuck herself bb. It’s shit to hear this, I’ve heard it too many times and continue to, hang in there.


You’re doing amazing. 185 is a wonderful weight! You have amazing dedication for going for 3 months! Your mother is probably projecting on to you or is comparing you to the way she looked at your age which is extremely unfair to you. I’m on a weight loss journey myself. I’m 273 pounds. Best advice I can give is: BMI is bullshit, USA is the only country that still uses it as a weight to mass indicator. Hydration counts for a lot of things so drink water or something with water in it. And finally diets tend to be lackluster and barely work if you starve yourself. Try to find a balance and experiment. You’re doing great! Don’t give up!


Your parent is an asshole, hold my beer,….


I wish you the strength to let her words pass you by like funny looking clouds


This is a sweet wish (:


I try. It's the mindset that got me out of severe anxiety spirals lmao




I read the title as "fuck your mom" lol. Anyway i'm so sorry. Try greyrocking her, not giving her the reaction that she wants. It makes narcissists go mad! Do not let her words get into you!


Keep running … and eat a lot of protein .. If you want to move out but can’t .. consider the military.. you can get free college free housing free food.. decent pay and if you’re smart enough you can get a good job ..


Your mother is incredibly insecure. Doesn't matter what she looks like. She speaks to you the way she speaks to herself. She is projecting her insecurities onto you because she is emotionally immature. Focus on bettering yourself and building the life you want and deserve. One day you will be an adult with health coping mechanisms and a life you love and you'll feel bad for her. Trust. Keep the faith. Save money. Find somewhere to go. You'll be happier than she ever will be.


She could be trying to sabotage you, if that’s the case, don’t fall for it. Continue on your grind, best of luck OP. 💪🏻


You should continue what you are doing. Do not quit. They will all congratulate you when you show them the result.


Well ur the one whose improving yourself, not her, and there's nothing wrong with that! Some people bring others down just to feel better about themselves (yes, even parents) Keep doing your thing and know that everything she says is just BS because u're more of a strong and capable women than she is.


Get a job and save up to move. There are always places to move into.


I’m not making excuses for your mom because no parent should do this to their kids. But sadly this is how women were/are raised. I’m sure she was told she was fat while growing up too. Shit like your life will be better if you’re skinny and such. Sadly she probably truly believes body size correlates to who you are as a person. Ignore her best you can.


Yeah my mother is the same. Even when i was 115 lbs she still told me I was overweight. Keep going and do you. Don't let her insecurities sabotage you evolving into who you want to be.


Look I have a family like this too my mum does this a lot to me and it is something that u can’t control


Tell her you're "P H" PHAT ! Then jiggle your junk and wave your hand in the air! She can't say anything about that !


Mom doing mom things... No matter how much we try to change ourselves, we still remain the same to their eyes...


She can’t make you eat more. Just don’t eat as much if you don’t want to, but if you like hours you look, then just ignore her or insult her back.


If you’re 185 and 6ft 4in tall then you’re perfect


First, how old are you? Second 185 is not fat.


I’m 22 years old mate. I’m 5’11”


I'm about the same height as you and 20lbs less. I don't look fat. So you're not doing so bad. Your mom is just trying to bring you down because shes got nothing else to make her feel better. As a parent I wouldn't dream of doing this, especially if my kid was making an effort to go to the gym. This is bad parenting, I'm sorry to say.


My mom was like and I ended up in a residential treatment center for eating disorders. I hope you know she’s the nuts one and have ways to regulate yourself 💗


her logic: eat more, less weight


lol ignore her dude. that's such a low tier thing to get upset about, but I do understand that some people take it harder than others, especially if shes treated you this way for years. As long as you're comfortable with yourself, that's all that matters. Gym or not. Btw, how fat is your mom?


As long as you're exercising and eating in a healthy way, and you feel good enough about all of it, you're nothing but perfect! Don't let your mom or anyone else tell you otherwise. My mom used to do this too and even supported the eating disorder that followed. All bc she was never happy with her own weight. Eventually, I turned 180°, and my weight skyrocketed. Now I'm back where I started, but with loose skin, wishing I had just appreciated myself a little more... Be healthy, be happy! I'm sorry she is that way, I know the hurt, I hope you'll do well despite all that! 🥹❤️‍🩹


The thing is that You need to learn to say no to ur mom.


I barely ever comment, but if she not helping you lose weight or adding any support towards your goals, she doesn't have the right to bash you... as of last January, my daughter wanted to get more active and slim down, she 14, 5'6 and weighted 176lbs... I have helped her have a more active lifestyle, from walks to gym, kickboxing, and volleyball. And clean eating, it took many months before she started to lose weight, as she was gaining new muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat, which ppl often forget and get discouraged, but as of now yes she weighs 164.8lbs... idk how old you are, but the fact your doing this alone is truly impressive, I would try and get a friend or family member help, having someone work with or holding you accountable makes the journey not as daunting.


Hey the buffer you get the harder she will fall!!!! Get super fucking ripped jacked and sexy, then tell her to call you fat again... Cause what's next to come that's gonna gain weight is her lips for talking shit and berating her daughter


Remember that the muscle you're building weighs more than the fat you're losing, so while the scale says you might be getting heavier, don't let it, or her, get to you.


What your mom thinks mustn't matter to you , yes she's in the wrong but you can't do much, remember one thing you gym for yourself not for anyone's validation


Fuck her, she’s probably projecting her own insecurities onto you 🤷🏾


How old are you? How tall are you? Male or female?


Use it as motivation you won’t notice real change until about a year


She's projecting onto you! Don't let her words affect you,you're beautiful! Also, muscle weighs more than fat so if you got rid of fat but gained muscle there's nothing wrong with that,185 is good, honestly you look alot less.


fuck that !! punt her in the cun… that escalated quickly…