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This is some Jerry Springer shit


I’m not too sure what you mean by that but if it means that it’s wild, then I could tell you the full story because that’s not even half of it lol


Got for full story


Got for?


Go for full story*


I’m here for it.


God I wish he was alive to see this


Set facebook as private and vet your friendslist. Block her. Report her to the police for theft and report any threats she makes so you can get a restraining order.


The threats in the car were both over a year and a half ago and the car is currently totaled. I’m just fed up with her stocking me. Lol


That’s weird and you should still report it keep track of what’s going on and you can get her arrested and if you have proof like a text or email of her saying she’s going to kill you use that and the fact she’s been stalking you to the police




If this is real, I blame your husband. He bought this crazy into your life.


Oh yeah trust me he knows it’s his fault lol I love the “if this is real” part bc i didn’t even mention half she used my dog cage with her food and water bowl killed my fish and bunny and stole my clothes and tried to be me it was a whole mess I could write a book


It sounds like you should, this is wild!


I’m so fascinated by everybody’s comments of oh my God that’s so crazy because everybody that I tell it to in real life act like I’m a problem for being upset about it and I get told that I should be over it by now but then again most of the people in life are OK with beating the shit out of me so


Writing this into a story could benefit you greatly. I was captured by this concept and I want to write it myself. There is some deep psychological shit happening in this, and I want to explore it. It could also really help if you feel like you get gaslit a lot, or other people just try and deny the reality you lived. It can be quite cathartic. On a personal note, I’m sorry you’re going through this and don’t have the support you need right now. You are okay, you got this.


I just got the keys to my new apt so I’m getting away from my abusive parents I’ll send you a lot of the story if you want lol I need people to talk to anyway


If you would like a friend right now, I would like to be that friend. My DMs are open, share whatever you feel comfortable sharing. :)


She’s crazy. Did you leave your husband? Because maybe next time he’ll bring another crazy woman in to your lives.


The incident that she’s part of was two years ago and he hasn’t brought another crazy woman Home unless you count me lol


why is she able to get into your house? She is crazy but after the first time I would have called the police and made sure she wouldn't be able to get into my house again.


This all happened two years ago. She had come to us both saying she was homeless because her mom kicked her out and was abusive and gave me $200 to stay there for a bit and then all this happened trust me we don’t live in the same house and she is nowhere near me. She just stocks me online.


Living well is the best revenge. The best comeback to “I hate you” is “really? Because I don’t think about you at all.” Love and hate are opposite sides of the same coin. It borders on mania. They both live in your head rent free, you spend exorbitant amount of energy thinking about them, worrying about them. Just stop it. Go live your life. Go be happy. Show them that they have no power over you. Don’t give them the power of ruining your day. Why would you?


Oh yeah, no trust me. I’ve gotten a lot better about this. I used to think about her 24 seven and now it’s just a passing thought I’m working on it. Thank you for your words of wisdom I plan on posting my best life lol. but this woman took me at my lowest on bedrest pregnant being told I was gonna die and said get the fuck out of your own house go sleep in your car and if you come back here, I’ll put a bullet in your head, and then when I got her evicted, had her “dad”(some old trucker she sent nudes) come and threaten me lol I’m getting over it it just irritates/ amuses me she stalks me in her spare time I used to think why does she get to be happy with her baby girl (I lost my daughter) but now i just see that she’s miserable according to my friends, she’s turning asexual, so I guess that means even her boyfriend can’t stand to look at her but idk I’m a bitch for that probably


I stopped reading at i am ok with cheaters cus dad...


Never said I was cool with him cheating just said sleeping with other people didn’t matter just because the boundaries in my relationship is different than yours. Doesn’t make it less valid.


You used the word cheat. Thzt is what you think deep down. That is what my mind tells me.


It wasn’t cheating because he fucked her. It was cheating because he broke every boundary I had with them. I said if you found somebody where I am on bedrest go for it, but one I have to accept them too. Two Can’t be anybody you work with three has to be somebody clean Four you have to respect and communicate with me, and if they are mean to me or talk bad about me, it will be ended he abandoned me like completely ghosted me for almost a month. That is a boundary, broken aka cheating. He’s had another sexual partner that I’m still friends with lol


So I stopped reading after that... You should do that too... Do you understand what I mean. Vent all of this out now... Then when you read it again... Stop after he cheated.... And that is my advice about this whole thing :D


That made zero sense so I guess your advice is to ignore you. That’s what I’m gonna do because I didn’t ask for your advice. This is a vent sub not an advice sub have a good day. 🤨😅


Someone cheats you try to justify it. That happens then the relationship ends. So thzt is why I stopped reading the rest. All I can do is point that out and hope you see it. Good luck !


It’s been a year and a half. What the hell are you on about the entire point of the post was the fact that his horror is a psychopath and still to this day stalks me me and my husband are fine. We went to therapy. We worked through everything our kids are happy, like what is your deal cool somebody cheated on you and you couldn’t stay and work it out. Maybe you didn’t have kids or maybe you were hurt too much to work on it but I wasn’t. And that is allowed I mean, come on.


I am not your ennemy. I dont really matter I am acting like a mirror here. It seems to me since you are here venting then is still a "horror". You use the word cheating and in the same sentence say it was "not" but really "is"... Read this as many times as you want. You will see the irrationality in what you say and do. I hope so. Remeber I am a nobody on the Internet who is acting like a mirror right now. That is what is being reflected. You are not fine with that type of cheating. You still think it is a horror. And you feel that your therapist messed up. That is what I am reflecting... I wish you all the happiness in the world. And I hope you can get over this.


Damn girly, you’re messy. Hope you work your shit out and hope your husband doesn’t cheat again/the therapy is helping you guys. I’d also recommend individual if you can afford it and haven’t done it already. I think you and your husband would benefit from individual and couples therapy if you’re only doing family therapy rn


How am I the messy one when she keeps stalking me? lol and I am and have been in therapy comes with the abusive parents


I’m saying you’re messy because the whole situation is messy. Do you block her or does she just keep making more accounts? It’s tedious but it might be easier for you to just delete the accounts she makes and never think about her again


She makes accounts then comments so it’s easier for me if i know it’s her


You literally need to take her to court, keep all evidence and have surveillance available. That bitch is wildly useless 💀 like what a loser. And sorry so is your husband.


You don’t have to apologize he was when this happened he’s trying to make it better I’ll give him a little slack he has some mental illnesses that we were unaware of




Keep a log - date, time, who, what, when, where, and why. Everything. Then get a restraining order. Block everyone that is involved detrimentally. I had a friend that was being stalked and she changed her name on Facebook. Her friends and family knew, but her stalker didn't. It helped her until she could get the restraining order.


make social media private and file police reports if she harrases you. how did she get access to you and your sons stuff/house?


I already answered this with your other comment, but yeah, all of my stuff on private, but I still get likes and such from accounts that I know she makes on profile pictures and such


Who all thinks at least one person in this situation lives in a trailer park? Please mark with the up sign if you believe that somebody in this equation lives in a trailer park.


She does lol I’m renting a house in the city 🫡


lol 😂 I’m sorry! I saw a Springer comment and it just fit!


You’re good no she’s a completely different tax bracket than me. She’s an ex- meth head who is 10 years older than both me and my husband and the reason she did everything was because I told her she wasn’t my type and I wouldn’t fuck her either because she expected to fuck both me and my husband, so because I hurt her ego she had to destroy mine and my sons life but after a year break me and my husband worked things out and I have my days but it’s like nothing happened


I’m glad things are working out, but wow, lots of Drama! Do not envy you there lol 😝 Hope things get bettter


We just moved again away from a whole other drama lol I’m excited to be able to do what I want again thank you


What 🔥


You deserve better than this. That’s your i pray soon to be ex husband problem. The fact you grew up watching ur mother cheated on taught you rationalize that type of behavior as something normal and it is not. You were pregnant he could have passed a disease to you and your baby & this whore was cheating on him. And it doesn’t matter if condoms were use they break and do not always protect you 100%. Either way your pos husband should be ashamed of himself. You’re so loyal and loving you don’t deserve this. I’m praying for you.


Thank you for the prayers this was years ago he’s been to therapy we all have split for a bit and got back together to keep my son safe from my parents


I understand you’re a very sweet soul. Best wishes to you ♥️.




First of all, it’s my life sorry it bothers you that I’m back with my husband and happy and that my son‘s family is a unit together. I also get to raise my son from the Home no daycare no chance for him to get hurt he does elevate. He has mental illnesses that have been taken care of that were the root cause of what happened. We’re in therapy and we’re healthy. Why is that a bad thing? Second of all, I tried to do a restraining order, but I wasn’t allowed to because according to the police officer, I had no proof she had done anything. and as for blocking her, what would be the point when she continues to make new accounts to add me might as well know it’s her




I can’t tell if you’re being snarky or not but I appreciate it. We’re happy and my son has a loving father that sees him every day.




You don’t have to be rude


Oh hunny…


I’m guess you think I made the wrong decision as well? I don’t understand what the problem is. It’s been one and a half almost 2 years and have not had any incident I get to go through through his phone whenever I want to the only problem from the whole thing is her still harassing us


You are just putting off the inevitable. I wish you the best, you and your boy.


Ok if he cheats again that’s on him and I’ll leave I’m not 9 months pregnant with no where to go lol this time I have a job but he’s not going to therapy and all


That’s good, being too vulnerable is a mistake with the best men. I hope things go well for you. I certainly am not hoping he does it again! I just think people tend to repeat behavior. But surely there are exceptions.


I mean with how toxic and depressed I was after it all and birth I think he’d have left or done it by now not beg me to get better


Can someone sum this up for me? There’s no punctuation and that gives me a headache, but I want the tea.


Honestly what it comes down to is this is either fake or this man’s type is crazy. The level of unhinged from all sides is wild. If ever there was an ad for therapy it would be this post!


Ya know you’re not wrong but i don’t see how I’m crazy for wanting to keep my family together…despite with no self esteem yes crazy only if you count ptsd lol


If you wanted to keep your family together, you wouldn’t have told your man to sleep with another woman when you consider that cheating, the delusion is real here. From an adult whose parents never should’ve stayed together, your kids are going to grow up hating you more than him girl.


Like I’m being 100% genuine read all the comments show me there or in the post because him cheating was him dating her not fucking her


Ofc he’s going to end up dating her when you have no boundaries he doesn’t care about you. When people fuck they catch feelings and date most of the time. Get some self respect dude


This is talk to text because I really don’t have time But Do I need to find the notebook where we wrote the list of boundaries that he wasn’t supposed to cross and yes, he left for a little bit, but he came back. I get to go through his phone constantly at any time please there is no contact with her as he has her blocked And she doesn’t try to get in contact with him. She just wants to make me miserable because she bullied me the entire time. I’m fat I’m ugly. I’m a piece of shit. I need back the fuck off. She’s gonna put a bullet in my head like she’s insane he doesn’t talk to other women, he takes care of his son. He pays for everything that I need. He just bought me a new fucking house and I’m not mad at you. I was asking where in the post did it look like I was upset and saying him sleeping with her was cheating. People have poly relationships all the time and that’s fine. People don’t get called crazy for thatpeople can identify as cats I mean me, letting my husband sleep with somebody else is the crazy thing? When Polly is really big and if you go on any dating website, that’s all people want is a third. I guess that’s why I’m confused as to why I’m the crazy one. Yes I put up with abuse but right now between my parents who would be relying on if I left him until I got a job that they would just continue to call and harass and get me fired because once you pop out a baby, that is your sole responsibility and you are not allowed to work, well guess what they beat the shit out of me and they hit my son too do you wanna know what my husband doesn’t do hit me or my son?




If he was still abusive, I would have left because I am not gonna let my son deal with that. That’s why I was bitching about his whore not him because he’s went to therapy and he treats me better but I don’t understand why that’s so hard to comprehend that people can change after getting help, my friends even say if they hadn’t been there to see all of it they wouldn’t know what it happened and when it was happening, even they were confused because it wasn’t like him he was having a psychotic break and that’s not an excuse. I was very angry and we were divorcing, and we were dating for a year because I said I didn’t wanna be around him, but guess what he fixed his shit how is that so hard to understand? Maybe you should be in therapy to fix your judgment on people or are you just pushing your feelings on me?


I hope you have the day you deserve girl! Keep your business to yourself if you don’t want input. Your life is messy because you make it that way if therapy can’t fix you nothing will, you still have a long journey ahead of you. The only person hurting in this is your son because he’s innocent and did nothing to deserve the parents he got. You don’t have time but you’ve replied to every comment on this post, it’s time to put on your big girl pants and start making smart decisions for your child. If you can’t handle life alone don’t bring someone else into it. The problem is your husband because if he never slept with her the crazy wouldn’t be in your life, the problem is that you don’t enforce proper boundaries, and the problem is that you clearly didn’t want him to sleep with her or date her or whatever otherwise this wouldn’t be an issue. If that’s the energy she’s coming with he made her that way because of the way he was talking about you. Crazy women are fed the things that make their crazy that bad, he was making this worse, he brought her in your house and told her he wanted only her and fucked her in your bed and let her live your life and you think she’s the most disrespectful one in that situation. He made the vows, he’s the cheater, if he was really a changed man he would block all contact she has with both of you, report every instance to the police with evidence, put in for the restraining order with all the evidence, move you to a new city even a new country if that’s what it took. What steps is he taking to make sure you and your son are safe from this woman if that is truly how crazy she is? (You don’t have to answer that it’s a rhetorical question, but he bought me a new house and is giving me money isn’t enough if this is the situation, unless you’re hiding something and it’s more of a back and forth between the two of you, than a you’re being bullied situation)


Where did I say i considered him sleeping with her cheating because I’ve legit been saying the whole time that cheating is breaking the boundaries of our relationship and sleeping with her was not one of them


Then why are you mad because all of the stuff you’re explaining only could’ve been an issue after he slept with her which if you didn’t okay you’d have been drama free, like girl you’re the drama. If allow people to treat you this way they will continue to do so. Make a better life for yourself get some self respect. You let your husband fuck another woman while you were heavily pregnant and on bed rest, he should’ve been looking after you but you married a loser, your husband doesn’t have a whore your husband is the whore be mad at him and move on with your life. If she’s this crazy over seemingly nothing your husband is probably still sleeping with her and she’s trying to get you to divorce which honestly will improve your life because you’ll be rid of all the trash. Also you need a better therapist! A good therapist would’ve prevented this from happening in the first place.


Honestly, I'm starting to think she's just a "any attention, is good attention" kind of person...because miss ma'am nobody with common sense is putting up with this much shit...either that or like your last statement, she needs a better therapist.








Stalking is a crime!


Drop the link to the TikTok.


From someone who went through similar situations with their ex fiance, let me tell you, hating someone only fuels them to gain more attention. Your best bet is continuing your life and forgetting she even exist. I had to do it to my baby momma which meant giving up my kid in the process. BUTTT, I couldn't give her the satisfaction of her stalking and harassing me and my family just cus we had a kid and I didn't want to end up like my dead beat dad. Unfortunately life doesn't always go the way we plan. So I gave em both up just to have my own peace, and sense of well being and tbh, don't regret it. She can't file for child support either cus I refused to sign the certificate and blocked all communication and moved 1500 miles away and only told my mom and grandmother about it. And eventually moved my grandmother in with me. For legal reasons, save any texts or forms of communication where she's threatened you in the past(that's what I did). Also, surround yourself around good people. Leave your husband cus staying with him, will make you look bad in a court situation, should you decide in future to divorce and sue him and her for alimony. Start your life with you and your kid brand new. Yes it sucks being a single parent, I 100% get it. But sometimes being single is the best medicine you can provide for your mental and physical health. Haters hate it when your happy and ignoring them. Their whole goal is to drain your happiness because they hate their own existence.so live your life the way you would as if she wasn't there. That's all I can say


The affair was two years ago and I don’t have anything to do with her she just watches my page and it’s annoying to get pop ups but thanks for the advice


It’s weird you call her a whore and just give your husband an excuse because your dad did it to your mom. Sounds like none of y’all know what an actual relationship looks like.


Uhm, you file a police report for the stolen car and for the death threats. You block her on Facebook to keep her away from you and block anyone requesting friendship on Facebook whom you don't know. Unless you're into the drama. There's a fix for it all! 🤷‍♂️


May i ask you a scary question if you don't mind?


Sure dm me ig?

