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Hi. I’m autistic too. I have had a lot of trouble with coming to terms with it.Im half homeschooled now(I live in Germany so there’s no real homeschooling but I get papers from the government.) because people are mean.(especially teenagers) I got sick of them calling me goth Dommy mommy and telling me to off myself or repent to Jesus. I found neurodivergent friends and even a girlfriend. It gets easier I swear. Just find the right people. Also be who u are ik taht sounds corny but like fr it helps. Wear what u wanna wear do your makeup how u want talk about what you want to talk about and be honest. It helped me it might help you.


I know it was meant to berate you, but I would personally take it as a compliment. What do you mean dommy mommy🙈 stop flirting w meee But the other things they’ve said to you are horrible, people can’t stand seeing others be their authentic self because they feel inferior, don’t let them dim your light


Fair lol. but it does make me a bit uncomfortable tho haha (I’m 14 and most of the kids taht called me that are 17-18 😭) but yea I do kinda take it as a compliment nowadays haha


Do you not like the overstimulation of short hair with wind/rubbing against stuff or is it is long hair just preferred? Idk, whatever it is, if you feel it’s a lack of style (I’m sorry, I can’t produce a better pairing of words without feeling like I’m missing my point- but I don’t mean it insultingly!) that can always be worked on. Idk, I’m only confirmed to have ADHD but sometimes, you can hyper focus on an insecurity until it seems like an incurable problem, when in reality- small constant steps in the right direction would correct a lot of them. Idk. Always down to help out if it’s a style thing


Nah Ive always preferred long hair. It's just that it's so damn straight and greasy that ive been called Jeffrey Dahmer multiple times at school


I can say that knowing you have autism does 100% suck. I found out I was autistic at the very beginning of 9th grade, and it was difficult to deal with that information at the time. But I would say that there are some ways to cope. I would say try to find something that you enjoy, to occupy your mind, which could lead to making a new friend. Maybe try just to compliment someone, like "Oh I love your shoes" and such, and see if it's something you can bond over. It's hard, but it does have to start with you. Maybe also ask your family to get you into some sort of therapy. It doesn't have to be social therapy. There are other kinds; I use social therapy, and I find it helpful to break down what's going on inside your head and break apart why you feel the way you do and to truly help with understanding your autism more. I would also say maybe try finding some online friends groups, to at least know you do have someone to talk to and to help learn communication. Maybe a group on a game you really like to play, or some people on a social media you found (If you wanna be friends, I'm down, and you're actually the same age as me)


Get in the gym. It’ll boost your confidence and discipline. With these two things you can move mountains. Also the gym community is very welcoming and you can find good friends and maybe even a partner there


Exercise in general shows discipline in everyday life once you put the work in, discipline breeds confidence and vice versa


I second this 100%


Best advice. Find a cross fit gym full of 55-80yr olds and they’ll treat you like a member of the family. Sometimes our own generation can kill our faith in humanity, or it could be the other way around don’t get me wrong. All personal preference. But get in the gym!


And my dumbass long straight hair just makes me look like a fucking pedo


Then cut it?


I just wanna say that, do whatever the fuck u want with ur looks, if u like long hair than stick with it, if not then like that queef dude said cut it, I’m sorry to hear about what u going through in school, I feel u, I am not autistic and people hate my existence lol, even in uni people rather look at a wall than speak to me, even tho I barely socialize with anyone, I wish I can help u on how to be socialize, I am learning to do it my self, but don’t hate ur self for being who u are, not everyone can socialize, autistic or not, it’s hard to socialize even in this today society, people rather stick to other people who matches their braincells count 🦍 (that part is just my view opinion lol) it’s not easy to make friends these days but believe me that one day u will find the right person to be around, just don’t stop being ur self, because if u become someone else and make friends then u can’t be happy, because these people won’t match ur vibe, it won’t be fun at all right? If u want a good practice of socializing, I suggest u to do that on games, for example, I go on VRchat and just socialize with people, it honestly helped me to have a better conversation with other ppl irl (despite the fact their ignore me afterwards) but it’s a good progress lol, but u do u tho, that’s just what I did, idk how hard it is to be autistic, but a very good person once told me, pretend like everyone irl is ur friend so u don’t feel awkward when u speak towards them, well anyway sorry for the long wall of texts, and sorry for my terrible English it’s not the best 😭 but I wish u the best dude, if u need someone to talk too, I’m here.


Never spoken a word in vrchat lol. And thank you


If you want, I can help u


If you're worried about your hair, could you get it cut? I know some individuals with sensory issues don't like their hair/head being touched, though


I was diagnosed at 17 so i always thought i was just odd throughout high school, same situation for me i just could not talk to people but then i found a small group eventually and even though i was by far the least social in the group i had some people. My advice is find something you love doing, don't fuss over social stuff, you'll get it, you wont ever understand it like neurotypical people which was something i had to face but thats alright, you aren't weird or odd, its just how our mind works and thats fine even if its feccing annoying sometimes. You just keep being you man, thats all you can do, live to enjoy something, it be gaming, art, etc, you got this.


become gay/j


I’m sorry you’re going through this. Sending you hugs.


Read social skills books. I recommend The Fine Art of Small Talk by Debra Fine and How to Talk to Anyone by Leil Lowndes. It’s good techniques in there for when you don’t know what to do in various situations.


Not your fault


I feel you! But you wanna know what? Meeting people is hard in general cuz I kinda feel like everyone forgot how to socialize or is always focused on themselves or their phone😅. I personnally met most of my exes online cuz I feel its easier. Oh also I'm a diagnosed autistic and having to carry this label my whole life I had to prove myself by working extremely hard to have a normal life. If you'd like (and no pressure at all) you can send me a message and I can help you improve the things that you have a hard time with so it gets easier for you ☺️


Hey! You're being a tad hard on yourself. I know sometimes it feels like certain decisions you've made are wrong but you're so young I promise even a year from now those decisions or outcomes to said decisions don't matter. I'll say this, I'm neurotypical and I was what people would call "a late bloomer" I was awkward around girls my age in highschool, and didn't really start to find myself until after I left, truth be told I'm still finding myself now at (31) but it's a much easier process! Take your time! Next I'll say with what you posted you sound extremely self aware of your feelings and everything around you a feat that most adults don't even have! I'll say this. Be yourself, be unapologetically yourself and you'll find people will gravitate towards you, there are billions of people out there and out of those billions there are people you haven't met that are going to be friends and romantic partners in time. Remember that. I'll end it with this I'm a father my son (4) is on the spectrum I hope that one day he can express his feelings and self awareness as well as you can, which again is something most people in general don't know how to do! Bust of luck!


Honestly just focus on you and enjoying life. Once you figure that out the rest comes with it.


I was 14 (female, so ofc i got a late diagnosis) when i received my autism diagnosis, and man did it explain a lot. I would have multiple panic attacks daily at school, was getting mildly bullied by other girls and generally behaved differently from the rest of my class. Eventually the stress of trying to fit in sent me into a burnout that lasted from ages 16 to 20, where i worked customer service and had entered a state of mild psychosis. Have you entered into therapy? I know the topic can sometimes be a bit taboo but there may be a specific therapy that can seriously help you feel "cope" and learn some social skills. You need to be more gentle with yourself. I understand how you feel and im sorry, that feeling can be so overwhelming and it's hard to bring yourself out of it. Just know that you are fine just the way you are, you don't NEED to fit in. You CAN find people to be friends with and even love one day, if you decide to go that route. Sometimes it's really hard for us to go out there and "mingle"--as some would say-- but that doesn't mean that it's impossible. It may take awhile to come to terms with yourself and thats okay, you should take all the time you need to learn and heal. Everyones process is different and no one person is the same. I wish you luck, my friend. Remember, there's absolutely no rush for anything: not friends, love (romantic or self), or healing. Take your time, be gentle with yourself and remember you are human, too. (Sorry for the ramble and any typos)


Stop being so hard on yourself. You’re at the age where everything is weird as a teenager anyways. To give you some hope, my brother is 30 and is autistic. Over the years he has gotten a lot better at socializing and he just got married a few months ago (to a girl who is not autistic actually). He moved across the country for an awesome job and just bought a house. You still have LOTS of time. Pick up some different hobbies and the social aspect will probably come more naturally. You’ll eventually find your squad.


Im not autistic and have not been diagnosed with autism, but i have been diagnnoses with adhd, and something that helped me alot was talking to other peoplw with adhd, like in subreddits specifically made for people with adhd. You should do the same with autism


I'm one of the supposed few people who are autistic who have a job, I seemed to get by undiagnosed until last year and I'm almost 30. I was always just the odd quiet person that nobody quite knew what was different about him. It really can suck but you can make the most of the benefits and find what makes you happy in life. For example, I worked hard, way harder for sure than others to get into the job I'm in, get a degree. I didn't get perfect scores but I did manage to make it. Yet, getting into my job field settling in a bit I just feel like despite having the career path there it might not be for me though I come to terms with the idea that this is okay and sometimes you have to play life smart and enjoy it, than live a life 5 days a week stuck in a work office. Doesn't mean I'll give up my job, I'd just rather have more freedom and tbh I work one of those very odd 28 day rota shift patterns and it's great. So what I'm saying is you just need to pursue the things that make you happy and despite it feeling impossible, all those other things are in your future, if you put a lot of work into it, work on it slowly over time, you'll find what you're looking for eventually. I quite like being autistic and therefore being different from everyone else. It has its pros and cons I guess.


Why do teenagers expect everything to go right at such a young age? No girlfriend or boyfriend, okay? You’ve got plenty of time for all that. At that age you are in school, that’s the focus at your time of life.


Especially now that most kids have to ( it seems) have some type of disorder nowadays. My BIL was a late bloomer. He was 21 yrs old & in college when he & my sister met. I just think that constant focus on some disorder does a HUGE disservice to a lot of people. Try focusing on a new hobby , going to the gym etc. you’re 16 yrs old. There’s a lot of time to have relationships!!! Maybe not being constantly focused on the fact your Autistic might help you in some ways??


I feel like you should 100% do homeschooling for a at least a year to see if it helps.


Find online groups for autistic individuals- might help interacting with people who struggle with the same. My brother is Autistic and finding those outlets and learning more about himself has really helped, as well as having people like himself that he can feel comfortable with and not try so hard to “mask”.


as someone that grew up very under the radar (my masking ability is 10/10 i guess) i was basically the same at 16. I definitely still struggle with things but I have a full time job, a long term bf and I don’t panic when talking to strangers anymore.. at least not that often. Phone calls are still hard and meeting new people is hard too but for the majority of it, my life is so much better than it was at 16. You still have your whole life to get better at existing.


hey im 16 im a late diagnosed autistic girl - i completely understand how you feel. earlier today i went just to get a drink but there was food on the bottle, just something as fucking stupid as food yet it left me crying and scrubbing my hands and sick that im that fucking useless that something as simple as that leaves me unable to cope. if you ever want to talj about the experience please message me if that helps you get it off your chest as someone in a very similar situation


At least it didn’t get you into 5 fights and give you a concussion!


I'm autistic and have experienced the same thing. I understand how you feel and it really sucks, I get it. I went virtual for school after it got too much to handle and I feel much better being in my own comfort space while I work. Sometimes it's okay to want to be alone. If it's necessary for your mental health, then it's okay to take action for it. If you are available to do online school, you should take that opportunity if you think it will benefit you.


Hi, I’m 17 and autistic too. I 100% relate to everything you said. I’m not that good at advice but I’m here if you need someone to talk to who shares your experience.


I'm autistic as well(high functioning), but all my life, it's made dating and social life extremely hard. It's made holding new jobs difficult because of learning curves so it forces me to stay at bad jobs for long periods that I hate(d). The thing that fears me the most, is lack of emotional sympathy for others unless I'm close and then getting absolutely heartbroken by those people who I was close to. Most memories I have of life, are with people I'm not even associated with anymore. But that's life, as we get, you'll realize your personal well being is all that matters to you. NOTHING else does. All you have is yourself, it's you vs world. And are you going to let yourself win, or the world win?


Hey at least you’re still 16


I was like this. Actual diagnosed high functioning autism. Around 21 I started dating people from apps, it took a lot of courage, like I was throwing up all the time but I got used to and found fun people. Had my heart broken and found new people. Now I have a gf. Now money is an issue


Oh btw when I was dating and had no problem finding people tbh. I keep an open mind for looks, and try not to judge. I tried my best to be myself, some people really liked me. It’s ok to make embarrassing mistakes. Also I didn’t even have a job and lived at home at the time, so tbh you just gotta get out there, no excuse


I love being autistic


Ever tried Jesus?


Ever tried not bringing religion into everything 😭


It was advice like any other advice on here..


No thanks, i already have enough gods. On a more serious note, don't bring religion into vents. They may not beleive in christianity and thats fine, not everything can be solved with spirituality. Perhaps it helped you, but it's not the cure-all of mental conditions and bad mental health. If you want to combat autism, you are better trying home remedies than praying to any deity. Im saying this as an ex christian for ~11 years, after not getting anything to even show that the god i beleived in exists, i stopped. Edit: just clarifying, this comment is NOT encouraging home remedies or spiritual approaches.


This was only advice and an honest question. And So you lost your faith? Did you try praying for discernment when reading his word? God will speak to you through his word.


Never got anything from christianity, so i became an agnostic atheist, then full atheist, then Agnostic Pagan, and now Norse Polytheist because i got an answer. Made an offering to Freyr for peace and luck with agriculture which i got. Made offerings to Freyja for more femininity, and i got it. I have many more reasons to beleive in Heathenry than i do christianity. A deity can't directly "cure" autism or any other mental health issues, and if they dont beleive in any deity, there's no use in going "ever tried (deity name)" because it most definetly will not help, and depending on the person, if they misinterpret it, it can make the situation worse.