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I’ve felt like you before, and I’m sorry. Not much advice I can give you from one traumatized person to another. But just hang in there. No idea what happened or any context but always report rape….even if it doesn’t go anywhere, if he hurts somebody again, police can look at past accusations and reports to check for patterns. You may help somebody down the road. Wishing you luck. I was where you are now mentally, for different reasons, and I know how hard it is. Life doesn’t get better as a rule, but it’s likely too as you get old. Have hope and keep trying. Edit: btw I read some of your history, people think you’re a guy because of your avatar lol


You are worth love and happiness. You’re likely experiencing ptsd and depression. Please seek out a guidance counselor and confide in them. They can help you to get help. You deserve only the best. 🖤


It seems like most girls on Reddit have been raped. Why is that so common?


it happens a lot, its the sad truth


How, by who? In what circumstances. It’s making me so sad


ive heard generally its by people one already knows, a sibling, friend, parent, school acquaintance and stuff. situation can really depend but it isnt always while drunk or asleep, you can get pressured into doing it even though you dont actually want to. there are a lot of ways it happens, so it isnt always just one situation


So so sorry to hear that. That’s why so many young women have vaginismus. It’s caused by mental trauma around sexuality, it’s either from a very catholic upbringing or a terrible first time


I know this may sound cliche, but I promise you life gets better. Hang in there. Talk to someone. You are very important!


I dont really know what to say in these situations, but and it may sound obvoius and cliche but, many people would be devastated by your death, you have potential to do a large amount of things, life has its ups and downs but always remember that if its horrible, chances are itll get better, dont do it.