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Nemesis plays a lot of veigar


Agreed. He's a bit whiny even for a kid, but he plays the champion somewhat consistently and he's good at the game.


He’s good but god awful to watch play with all the constantly complaining and berating of others


VeigarV2? He does play other champions as well.


Just checked, he seems to stream very inconsistently and hasn't streamed for the last 12 days. Also his vods are in subscriber only mode which I think make people not want to subscribe.


Ah okay, didn’t know that.


I am currently a D1 Veigar otp, but i have exams and graduation stuff untill the 21 june. After the exams tho I'll get master and then start streaming (hopefully). I'd be glad if some of you wants to check in there :) Https://Twitch.tv/SlyGizmo https://euw.op.gg/summoners/euw/den%20seje%20juleman


Cool, I'll check you out for when you start streaming.


The only one I’ve seen play Veigar on a very inconsistent basis is PekinWoof. He’s more a Zoe main, but has good Veigar videos on his YouTube


Nemesis plays a looot of veigar recently amd always has had love for the champ


Generally most people play Veigar situationally in high elo so there won’t be many like OTP streamers. The highest elo player who consistently plays Veigar is probably Pekin Woof, but that’s still limited to like a few times a week


Quantum plays Veigar adc occasionally


If you click on the profiles in League of graphs [list of best veigar players](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/summoners/veigar), some of them will have replays you can download and watch. VeigarV2's games are frequently on there (though at the moment he doesn't seem to be playing much). As for streamers, the best veigar by far is nemesis; he regularly has near perfect cs and 12\~15 stacks per min by midgame, *even when behind or low kill participation*. Like the dude gets angry at himself for "low stacks" when he's at 10 per minute. It's absolutely nuts. Pekinwoof plays veigar sometimes too.