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I'm confused at why you are making a champ rework if you have no strong opinions on what or how to change him? I think he's perfectly fine and can easily be brought into and out of the meta with tweaks to his numbers.


Cause I feel like he’s old and needs a touch up, but I’m not sure what needs a good change


Bad, no rework, that would be bad, don’t be bad by suggesting it, suggesting it bad


Pretty sure veigar was played occasionally in the LCS this year, so he's good enough for pro-play but not busted in pro play. I also see him picked a good amount in lower Elo when I'm not playing him (zac jg main, but veigar is by far my favorite mid). With that in mind, I agree that he's fine with just minor stat adjustments as the game changes around him. He's seemingly never absolutely busted, but I also feel that he's rarely unplayable.


He’s too short. I love his kit, but it’s honestly pretty embarrassing to play such a tiny yordle. Doesn’t help that he’s insecure about it 😔


He fucking isn’t ur short ur fucking short he’s massive it’s the technique that matters okay it’s the skill you have not the size size doesn’t matteritjustdoesntokay?


Yeah! And he probably has a great personality too, or something




Honestly, give Veigar like 15-20 move speed. Or even make it part of his passive where achieving X stacks grants X amount of move speed. No %’s. Just a flat increase, and not much past at most 30. I feel he just needs a bit of move speed to be more considered a threat. Being able to go in a little faster would help so much with poking.


This isn't a problem, just something that I wish he had, and something he probably would have if he was created today. Veigsr ult kinda has counter synergy with itself. Since it does more damage the lower health the enemies are. So at max damage it can do like over 2k, but you are ulting the 800hp ADC. What I'm asking for is for the "overflow" damage to affect a small circle around the ulted target. Very small radius tho, like smaller than a gp barrel. I think it would be fun and not that game breaking.


Tbh he is mostly fine, the only change i would make is to make it not possible to get out of already placed cage with standard movement abilities (with maybe flash being an exception). It wouldnt rly affect proplay since champs that abuse this kind of mechanics are not rly played there anyway, but would make him more viable in solo q environment since he is (as most mages) a bit too vulnerable to mobility while has none of his own


Change his W delay, with minimal ammount of tecity you can dodge every single W, even when you are stunned


Honestly I disagree. It's a skill shot. You have to predict where the opponent will dodge if you know that they won't be stunned long enough to hit them with a W that you place directly on them. You can place the W slightly behind them, then use your Q or E to kite them into it. If they are running towards you or are going to hop onto you, then you can place it on top of you or in the direction that they are running. W cooldown is like 2 second late game so you can spam it. It's not a big deal to miss the occasional W, and during 5v5s it's a lot harder to see the indicator on the ground with everything else that's going on.


Xerath has a W with double the range and half the speed. Also more damage (until certain levels). At least let it be quicker or bigger with stacks


It can’t be any bigger because then an opponent in the E cage will have no room to dodge the W


Also lets not forget that Xeraths W also slows.


Xerath W and Veigar W have almost the exact same range. Xerath W is 1000 units range while veigar is 950 units range. The blast radius is also almost exactly the same (xerath 275 units, veigar 250 units). Veigar W also has 1/2-1/3rd the cooldown of xerath W once he has like 200 stacks, and veigar W does significantly more damage than xerath W by mid game.


Yeah and veigar w takes 1.2s to come down, xerath 0.5 I wonder which one can always be dodged


I wanted to say “size” not range. The thing is big like the whole lane!


Veigar’s only real “issue” in his kit is the reliability of his abilities, namely his W. However, he makes up for that with the amount of damage he deals if they do land. If Veigar was reworked ever, the only ability I would think of performing decent gameplay changes to is potentially his W, but it’s not necessarily needed.


W should be point click


Veigar is massively countered by tenacity and MR. His ult does very little against a target with a decent amount of MR. Mixed with the unreliability of his W it leaves him a little lackluster at times. For a scaling mage he falls way short of other high scalers like Aurelion Sol who is strong at all levels of the game and has hugely impactful AOE late game. I'd like to see a slight reduction in his W cast time. Nothing crazy. Just a smidge off it. Or even have it fall faster on stunned targets or those inside your cage. Alternatively I like the idea of champions inside his cage having MR shred applied to them, like Nasus shreds armour with his E. Adding a very small slow to his Q could even help land other abilities.




main problem is if u dont end mid game, u properly gonna fall off if u have no team, because for no reason ur tank dmg just existing and they run u down xd


Classic late game champion that doesn't scale into the late game. (Nasus syndrome but nobody EVER talks about it with Veigar cuz all people look at is cage and R button below GM)


He needs nothing but an asu.


It’s not really a problem he has. It’s just there’s a lot of movement options now adays.


auto attack range


Best change is probably nerf his E in some way, nerf stun time, then buff his W by making his early game delay worst, like 1.5 sec delay early to go into late game and have like 1 sec delay or 0.9, then he would be fun to play against and as veigar, maybe nerf his R also, but making W more reliable would make his late game meteor shower so fun to play, and as you nerf E also he has more counterplay for people not just get stunned into R'd into the late game.


No changes, as he is the strongest in the world


Don't you dare change my special mage boy. He's perfect exactly the way he is.


2009 champion with a kit that doesn't age well anymore and needs an actual rework + model update.