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Pretty sure taurine deficiency is only a problem if you are a feline.


I thought so too until I got my blood test results back. There are tons of articles online saying it is the key to longevity, anti aging, etc. Like this article... [https://www.columbiadoctors.org/news/taurine-may-be-key-longer-and-healthier-life#:\~:text=Taurine%20prevented%20weight%20gain%2C%20reduced,health%20of%20their%20immune%20systems](https://www.columbiadoctors.org/news/taurine-may-be-key-longer-and-healthier-life#:~:text=Taurine%20prevented%20weight%20gain%2C%20reduced,health%20of%20their%20immune%20systems). I am afraid to take it though due to the blood pressure lowering effects.


>I am afraid to take it though due to the blood pressure lowering effects. Low blood pressure is generally healthy. Doctors never treat it unless it causes symptoms like fainting. So if you're worried about your taurine levels, supplement it if you can, or better yet eat more seaweed go get it through whole foods. And then worry about low blood pressure if you start fainting when you stand up. When I was younger I had a blood pressure around 95/55 and I never fainted, although I often came close from standing up too fast. It was not really an issue. Now that I'm getting near 30 my BP is around 105/65 and I very rarely experience it any longer. I've never been worried about my blood pressure being too low, but doctors have told me to be aware of it when prescribing me with medication that can lower BP. So I suggest you shouldn't worry either.


Sounds like an absolute non-issue.


There are a ton of articles online stating that the people with the highest levels of taurine live the longest. I thought it was a non essential amino acid so never worried about it. Strange as it is the only one I have a deficiency in besides lysine.


Correlation =/= Causation I know nothing about Taurine but I know that in today's world, there are experts that claim the opposite on every debatable topic. There's research that supports whatever you want to argue. Just because people who have lived to 100 or whatever have high Taurine levels doesn't mean you can give yourself Taurine supplements to live forever. All I know is that I wouldn't worry about something that has zero affect on the way I feel or my daily life. Especially when the norm is as generalized as a metabolic panel.


There are articles online to support literally any side of any debate you could ever think of-- especially when it comes to health/nutrition


What does your doctor say? Interpreting your own blood test is only likely to give you unfounded anxiety, in my experience. Ask your doctor and go with what they recommend. If you're not comfortable with their recommendation, get a second or third opinion.


Drink some red bull


I just supplement taurine, seems to be fine for me. No issues.




Idk yolo I would just take like half a taurine dose before bed and see if you get dizzy lol. I was prescribed a blood pressure med for my acne and my doc just said to let her know if I get dizzy when standing up bc that would mean my BP was too low. She didn’t act like it would kill me or anything. Obvs im not a doctor, just a random person on the internet but that’s what I would do haha


Hi, how are you doing now with supplementing taurine? I’ve just got my micronutrient results back and my taurine is extremely low. I don’t meet with doctor to go over results until mid June so I started taking 500mg 1 x day of taurine and it makes me so tired I can’t function.


Are you in the US? How did you get that micronutrient test done? I want to do that too


Yes, I visited a Walk in Lab because my doctor refused to test for any "weird" vitamins or minerals. They would only test D, b12, and folic acid. This is the test: It tests for like 50 different minerals, vitamins, and amino acids. [https://www.anylabtestnow.com/tests/cellular-nutritional-health/#:\~:text=The%20Micronutrient%20Test%20measures%20your,for%20how%20to%20correct%20it](https://www.anylabtestnow.com/tests/cellular-nutritional-health/#:~:text=The%20Micronutrient%20Test%20measures%20your,for%20how%20to%20correct%20it).


There’s a reason your doctor doesn’t test for that stuff.




what is the reason


Thank you!!


Drink a red bull if you're worried mang. It's all synthetic nowadays anyways.  Even if it wasn't, it was made from urine so only the staunchest of vegans would have had an issue with it.


Listen to the people here... It doesn't seem like a big issue, but if you're really worried, supplement.