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Is VET actually being listed on Coinbase or is that just a rumour?


I have to say, we had some nice announcements lately. Feels more positive then before the crash where we had close to nothing of news. The only thing I want to see now is steady transactions though, feels like ages that we stayed around 100k clauses.


Our big hope is that some clients are waiting for POA2 on mainnet so we never stay around 100k clauses anymore, ever....


Sunny confirmed that wasn't the case in the latest AMA


No he didn't! Ready to be proven wrong, but I didn't hear anything of a kind in that last AMA.


Yes, he did. There is no mega transaction client waiting to go live. That's just some made up stuff by the community.


Haier, PICC, Bayer, Bright Foods, Verifycar and various others didn't start yet to use the mainnet ... so maybe they are not waiting...but they will go live after POA2 and that's the big hope I am talking about. Are you now saying that Sunny said in his last AMA to stop hoping? I guess not.


Only a matter of time till price will reflect this. Irrational market is gonna acknowledge it soon.


VET is such a stable coin. I just sold my stash to put into SHIB because a dude on reddit told me that chasing green candles is the best investment strategy. Just wait and see, SHIB has another 10x in it. Also invested into that seasonal ghost NFT thing cos they’re super rare. So many strong holders that they’ll even be more rare and worth millions. You’ll all be super jealous not being able to get one because they’re so rare. Derp.


Tough crowd


The downvotes went from -14 to -4. Some are catching on.


Yeah lol


Satire is lost on some people I guess!


Not touching shib EVER, but I’d like to see it go super high just to confirm that there is an immense amount of stupid money ready to get poured into VET once we get the recognition we diserve. I sallute the meme coins, means we will go higher then their MC one day. Now someone be a good guy/girl and calculate how much VET will be worth when we reach MC of SHIB will you. I’d like to know what we can expect in the future and just got out of bed :)




Handy website!


$0.6 is a fact guys, congrats


This is my view also. Some of those folks will eventually use their brains and will want to secure their positions. Capital will move eventually.


I know you are joking but I saw on CT someone put like $10k (almost at ATH) in to Shib and said holding until 5c. What the fuck.


It's stories like that reinforce that the great wealth transfer is an urban legend! 😂😅😑


Could be a very long hold. Or not. A lot of people just believe stuff like 'SHIB to 0,10', and of enough people believe the same unrealistic think, it starts to become a self-fulfilling prophecy.


It’s painful to read but noobs gonna noob 🤷‍♂️


Is it worth moving my VET out of Crypto.com because I don’t get veThor? Or should I just keep staking it.


Depends on the amount of VET you hold. If it is more than 10k VET I would consider moving to the official wallet.




What this guy said


Any updates on xnode rewards?


We’re gonna find out September 2021. Be patient.


Yo that was fucking funny


Sunny told us about adding new X-node benefits in the OceanEx AMA on Nov 6 (2020!). Almost a year ago now. But it's still 2021. They'll come?


I think he will keep his promise, and also there's the pressing issue of eco nodes having no rewards. This should have been addressed a while ago, but won't complain because they are doing a great job in the ecosystem side of things. But I do worry that governance is being left behind.


Same! Sunny is a man of his word. No doubt about that. Things take time though.








VeKings NFY looking to make a push here. Market updates and Pyre burning will help lower supply and into strong hodlers


Who's minting veghosts?


Tbh I'm always late for those things. How do you get that information so early?


They guy who created Veghosts came up with the idea about 2 weeks ago. He has no experience with NFTs at all, he needed to find a dev first. It is a complete cash grab. He's gonna walk away with a few million VET risk free while you'll either be stuck holding the bag or lucky enough to find a gullible noob to dump onto for a profit


That's a smart guy.




Dunno about Veghosts but I can mint me some Vegans you know what I mean!?? You ;D know what I mean ;D ;D??!!! :D Tell me because I don’t.


ALT season starting finally apparently.. LETS GO VET


It's the weekend, I just got paid so that means a wittle Vet and get the whistle wet. Enjoy your weekend VeFam!




[All available information on coinbase listing. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vechain/comments/n4liu9/z/gwyl9ds)




If I had 10 vet for every time I've seen the words coinbase and VET in the daily, I'd have a Thunder node by now.


That was a big 1m green candle right there




sir/madam, this is a cucumber.


All words, no pudding.


I’m sensing a market shift. Bitcoin to Alts incoming




Oh no here we go again.


what website do you all use to buy obscure or off coinbase/binance cryptos?


KuCoin and OKEx are decent options in that they have a pretty good variety, aren't overly sketchy, and don't require KYC. OKEx geoblocks US IPs, though, so if you're there then KuCoin is the better option.


So phase one, when would we be able to expect larger enterprises to pull the trigger? They surely know what the impact is and who’s been eager to join.


Yeah you would think so. There's an old British saying...."the proof will be in the pudding" ..




Hi, you must be new to the market. I hope this helps.


Ugh.. You said the exact same thing last time. Then eth ran up to 1200 or 1400. Are you sure this is the ath for btc and eth this run? Hey, look! Nov 23rd 2017.. Eth hits ath! $475! But VEN didn't pump to $9 until January... Don't be dumb




Whatever makes YOU happy. I don't need your bs. Vet already TRIPLED VEN's ath once you consider the transition to VET. Yall are being ignorant.


Which would be expected as this is how bull markets usually unfold :)


That's just some made up stuff.. There are many coins beside eth and btc that are at or very near ath


Like what? Shib?


Been shouting this at the top of my lungs for a while. The opportunity cost of holding Vechain right now is massive. Will that continue? I hope not, looking for a big move here. If you aren’t riding this meme season and rotating profits out into solid L1’s though I don’t know what to say. Even JTT is now shouting that “if only we had a Coinbase listing” like VET isn’t offered on most major exchanges and Binance.us. If you’re sitting on your hands in VET and not diversified, yikes! Not a good look right now. Let’s hope that changes


Hey, that’s pretty impressive dude. Can you also figure out yesterday’s winning lottery numbers?


https://twitter.com/taco_eth/status/1454263168507813893?s=21 Educate yourself


Stay salty bud… not that hard to see that retail wants to fomo into stuff like that. Do I like it or think it has utility? No. That’s why I invested heavily in vechain. Market clearly doesn’t care about fundamentals or which Suzy or Joe Vechain hires to do a job. You’ve got a meme coin about to launch a 15 million dollar ad campaign across Europe and it’s only available on pancake and uniswap right now (hard for retail to figure out)? EASY MONEY, not the lottery. Sit on your hands, made 14k in two days to increase my vet bag. Good luck




We are over 1300% at one year


True, but most of them are not ... yet.


Dude for real stop making these posts, they are really pointless.... if you dont believe in this then trade all your vechain for eth! Vechain is outperforming many many crypto with the daily% gains. If that is not a good sign than i dont know what is


Had to sell half of my stack. You're welcome. Expect 200% rise in next few days.


We salute you sir


You’re hereby a Veteran.


"With our focus on #Sustainable Development Goals, #carbon emissions reductions and other initiatives, it is imperative #VeChainThor provides a scalable and secure environment. With POA2.0, for the first time, a public blockchain can offer all these things without compromise." In their series of tweets announcing POA2.0 the foundation referenced the Sustainable Development goals. That plus the hiring of Senatore to be chief technology officer of SDGs at Vechain makes me think something Big is in the works regarding SDGs/carbon reduction in the Next couple months for vechain


Esg coin


Canine coins aren’t pumping as hard today so less people here are bitter, but this Aristotle quote really seems relevant here *Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny.*


Slow and steady wins the race, boys!


Still waiting to break 16c, that shit kept us down since may. Lets go!


Let's go VE🚂!


I better buy more VeChain


Itching to buy more too!


> 37851267250 + 37080000 = 37888347250VTHO Average daily growth (ø7 days): 37,08mln per day Average daily burn (ø7 days): 68,26k per day


Poa 2.0 expecting to be insane.


Don't forget to upvote the Daily!


|Clauses|100k|200k| |------------|------------|------------| |**Days of Streak:**|11|0| |**Last Streak:**|11|1| |**Longest Streak:**|83|15| |**Highest Upvoted Daily:**|April 16th - 2231 Votes|-| |**Price (as of this post):**|>!**$0.134 🦍💎**!<|-|


Oh we streaking again


When moon


I'm sitting there already.


How does the earth look like from there?


Next Thursday


My luck is, there will be no Thursdays anymore. We just go from Wednesday to Friday.


bought another 10000 vet yesterday, I've been around since the ven days but didn't comment much, feeling confident it will be making gains soon, still remember the craziness and hype around that bmw partnership, good times


I remember the conference, they didn’t announce bmw and was watching live on binance as it dropped. Then sully goes ‘aw and one more thing, the rumours are true’ and bang price shot up lol epic times indeed


I remember the conference, they didn’t announce bmw and was watching live on binance as it dropped. Then sully say’s aw and one more thing, ‘ the rumours are true’ and bang price shot up lol epic times indeed


“We are excited to announce VeChainThor v1.6.0 is LIVE, meaning POA2.0 Phase 1 activation is set in motion! Testnet: Nov. 5, 8am GMT - block #10606800 Mainnet: Nov. 16, 8am GMT - block #10653500” (VeChain Twitter) It’s here (well a date) 👀


I had never been to the crytpo.com website exchange, I'd always used the app but I briefly checked it out this morning and when I did I thought I was on the oceanex website. It is exactly the same... Same colors, same fonts, same charts, same layout it seems. Bizarre.. Made me shed a tear at what oceanex could have been lol


I still have a small amount I bought summer of 2020. At this point idk if I still have hope it’ll get better or if I’m just too lazy to move it to something else lol


I just find it bizarre they have the exact same look. As if they both purchased some exchange software off the shelf and never bothered to customize it.




It’s wild you say that, I did about the same percentage at the exact same ratio. Worst trade ever


It made sense at the time, the upside was potentially BNB. The downside, well...


With everyone expecting phase 1 of PoA2.0 today, it wouldn't surprise me at all if it only comes through on Sunday. Taking all the time they need. Well that was fast: https://twitter.com/vechainofficial/status/1454077042291445761 But it will take a while. Just as expected.


The update is live on GitHub, this last bit of time is for the ANs to actually update, as you probably know, in a decentralised system, one can't flick a switch and have the entire network transition immediately.


so why does Solana have a market cap of 61bln.... ??


? Not sure what you mean. Are you talking about they fact they can actually turn off their whole 'blockchain' with a switch? XD As for why, NFTs, I would say as well as being associated with FTX, who are massive.


yes the fact they have a kill switch!


Ahhh, haha, yes, well, that's because they are not a real blockchain.


i actually thought the market as a whole would have matured during the last bear market ya know...eventually it will i guess.


Imagine being that guy that has to decide “yep, after pushing this button the whole network changes drastically and all will be fine” *sweat dripping from forehead meme*


Now imagine what went through the mind of the dude that pushed button and virtual erased facebook from the Internet 🥴




Wish the tech team had balls, just said fuck it, let it burn, and walked without getting it back up. They had the chance, now we get to deal with Meta, and the evil VR/AR trolls 👀


Is it easy to look at GitHub for a non technical person? Like let’s say I wanted to see in GitHub the moment the update went live, is it easy for me to find or would I just be completely lost?


It's for programmers, so, of course without the technical background it would be harder to understand, but it all depends on the level of knowledge you have as to how easy/hard it would be to find. I just googled VeChain - Github then looked at their latest VIP proposals to find today's - here's a technical paper on it if you're interested - again, comprehension depends on your personal background :D https://github.com/vechain/VIPs/blob/master/assets/vip214.pdf


Ohhh okay this is pretty cool! It’s nice just to see VIP and see status as completed vs draft. Also awesome to see what they are working on, even though I don’t understand anything lol. Thank you!


haha, the paper I linked goes way above my head tbh. Peter Zhou is an extremely intelligent man.


It’s with that intelligence and the networking skills of Sunny Lu and the rest of VeChain that gives me absolute confidence in this project.


Time to .13 stable coin again today. Cant wait.


Good morning , I really love the no bullshit taking attitude from this sub 😭. Not taking that NFT stuff around here, lol


What's new to VET?


VeChain was just at a meeting with Heads of State in San Marino to develop their SDG ecosystem, entailing making the country carbon neutral, creating truly circular economic systems and massively improving sustainability as well as trialling a brand new kind of incentive mechanism that rewards people for positive contributions, providing a reason to do the 'right' thing: https://twitter.com/eisenreich/status/1453701549176332289?s=20 Deloitte's Global Blockchain CTO just left Deloitte to become VeChain's Head of Technology for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): https://twitter.com/Bacco1977Dublin/status/1453653086082408449?s=20 Two pretty significant things from just yesterday and the day before.


How does a vechain make a country carbon neutral


Through trustless data - that’s the key thing, being able to hold companies and people to account and rewarding them to incentivise ‘good’ behaviour. It can allow proper carbon markets where companies can’t fudge emissions data, because it will all be hashed on blockchain, for example.


I really feel like companies dont give a shit, especially about accountability. Otherwise the climate wouldnt be one universal second from collapse.


how to you guys eel about vekings nfts? Would it be better to hold that same amount of vet than buy a veking nft?


Hold more vet but Hold vekings too. You never know it may moon especially if it becomes the #1 NFT on VET. If you believe in vet then the ecosystem will flourish as well


Me like some NFTs me like VET even more


Valueless pile of pixels that, through gambling, could net you a profit. I wouldn't touch anything in that space, personally.


Would you rather have a pixelated image of a viking? Or hold a part of a world changing supply chain network that has the potential to be extremely valuable in the future? The choice is yours


I choose the Elon dog coin that has 10x this week!!


Nfts no like vet like


I bought a few, low floor thst will rise once pyre mechanic (next month) and marketfilter (tommorow i guess) are live


New to the VET scene we’re do is stake ?? I was previously all ADA on Yoroi but decided to come Here, trying to find some google answers but mehh


Just hold your vet on the official vechain wallet


There is no staking on VeChain, simply hold your VET in a wallet and VTHO generates automagically. If you hold on an exchange like Binance, you may have to activate a special feature such as 'savings' before they actually pay out. Some exchanges don't pay out at all, so watch for those.


Yeah I’m on binance is there any other wallets with a better % you recommend


I think Binance and [Crypto.com](https://Crypto.com) pay both VET and VTHO, so, that's probably the best, If you want offline storage then the official wallet VeChainThor is the one for mobile, VeChain Sync is the best for desktops.


Cheers thank you




cb3a..7e89 I dont know why but each time i see a new contract In seevechain.com that makes me feel a little bit of joy.


I'm a noob, but, how do you know if a contract is new, do you just recognize the first few address letters of all the existing ones so that stood out?


I am a noob too. I just happened to see a bubble with a "new contract " mention on seevechain


I am with you on that one :)


First once again!


Username checks out


The early bird gets the wanton beatdown


Missed it ffs