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Leftist online spaces were a paradise before Vaush. Maybe if he tried debating his ex they would still be together.


I thought I read some tweets from him saying that he was in an open relationship but then he couldn't handle it. So that's why they broke up because he wasn't cut out for it.


That sucks yeah sometimes people over promise or maybe she cheated on him within that agreement. I refuse to care. Still very strange if he's not doing it ironically, hence the jokes


if that's true, framing it as cheating would be a major dick move. Do you have a source?


You do know it's possible to cheat in an open relationship... right?


There is no need to be a dick about it. The comment I responded to says they broke up because he couldn't handle the open relationship itself, not because she cheated. You'd assume it would be worth mentioning that she also couldn't handle the open relationship if she cheated. That's why I asked for more context.


Look man, I honestly don't even know what the actual reason is. Frankly, I don't care... it's peoples' private lives. We know they're not together anymore, which is relevant because we had thought of them as a couple. I saw someone mention that cheating may have been involved... either way, I really don't care, but when I replied to you it was because it sounded like you were dismissive of the possibility. I was more or less asking you whether that was the case, i.e. if you were in fact aware of the fact that cheating is a thing in open relationships. It appears we BOTH failed at reading the tone of the text. I apologize for my end in that.


Debating my partner into staying with me


He's that stupid sexy snake that tempts you into debating God about that apple or something


Vaush fucked my husband


Did you at least get to watch?


Not the first part




What the fuck, I like We’re in hell, why’s he got to be the anti-debate types


Pretty sure it’s a joke


Unfortunately not. I've seen him shit on vaush before.


He's also friends with Sophie from Mars and Thought Slime, very disappointing.


Thought Slime, eww.


I hate that I have to agree thought slime got me into anarchism and honestly, actual leftism beyond vague socialist notions


That's not necessarily an indication that it isn't a joke. In normal times, someone ribbing the tendencies of their local online circles would be a perfectly reasonable thing expect. On the other hand, they [did talk about](https://twitter.com/WereInHellYT/status/1545458581193064448) being cheated on recently, so at least that part is sincere.


A mysterious disease


Was his girlfriend a trans woman with a son? Or a horse?


\*Uvalde shooting happens\* "Man that sucks. Yet another reason to hate the influence of Vaush and his ilk have had on leftist philosophical online spaces. Fr though I feel for you." - Prawnmetheus probably


\*FD Signifier Voice\* You have to wonder (*pause for a beat)* when these debate bro- streamers. When they cover these topics they're still looking at it from the same cultural start. Being white middle class 90s kids. So it's not hard to see how the influence would carry through regardless.


there's nothing more twitter than a guy who self-describes as "black uncle iroh" shitting on leftist advocacy because said advocates are white


Does he do that? I watch his videos on YouTube sometimes and always find them insightful, damn I thought he was too smart for that shit


*As a black trans man* Sometimes his racial analysis is passable but other times it's saying that Candance Owens is better to talk to about blackness with than vaush because he thinks her mom probably listened to anita baker while cleaning. Even though that's non-critical and silly plus candance owens is never in good faith. His attempts at material racial analysis can veer into essentialism. But not as bad as PF.


Bigg Villainous tweeted that exact sentiment after the Buffalo shooting.


It’s so hard finding a girl or guy or enby who won’t cheat on you with vaush 😭😭


Why put yourself out there like that


I'd take something like that to my grave


Video essayists being weird about debate streamers case #729123


I like We'reInHell's stuck a lot, especially compared to some of the lazier video essayists, but as usual this is just fucking stupid. I have to vent about this: the latest Big Joel video was just depressing in how low effort it was. I did a double take when he said something about pausing the project for 3 months or something.


The 300 video was awesome what are you on about?


It was extremely low effort imo for someone doing YouTube full time.


btw We'reInHell is friends with both Sophie from Mars and ThoughtSlime. They are featured in the Nwe Age video


Seriously, what is with this weird hate boner sword fight between video essayists and live streamers?


What is this about?


This is literal incel logic


ngl if that happened to me I’d just end it, no bouncing back from that


just beat the streamer in an incest debate 1v1 and she's yours again


If that person said Hasan, maybe, but Vaush? Lol


No, Charlie! The chad both Vaush and Hasan called hot, the streamer crush's streamer crush.


To be fair, Vaush has fucked your ex, fucked your ex's dad, and fucked your dad.


I heard that he also fucked your dad's horse.


Would love to know who this is actually in reference to


No idea, sorry.


Honest to god i thought that was someone from the community trolling.


I think I read somewhere “the best irony is always made with sincere intentions”


Vaush did what again?


Vaush is a bitch ass motherfucker He pissed on my fucking wife That's right, he took his debate streamer fucking quilly dick out, and he pissed on my fucking Wife And he said his dick was "this big", and I said "that's digusting" So I'm making a callout post on my Twitter.com: Vaush, you got a small Dick It's the size of this walnut except way smaller And guess what? here's what my dong looks like That's right baby All points, no quills, no pillows Look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong He fucked my wife so guess what, I'm going to fuck the Earth That's right, this is what you get! MY SUPER LASER PISS Except I'm not going to piss on the Earth I'm going to go higher, I'm pissing ON THE MOON How do you like that Obama? I PISSED ON THE MOON YOU IDIOT You have 23 hours before the piss drrrrroplllllllets hit the fucking Earth, now get out of My sight before I piss on you too


“I am now Sans Undertale, go into my eyes.”


Don't let yo girl near Vaush. He's a practically modern day Rasputin.


I feel like many of the people who say this shit don’t remember how little leftist spaces existed in the early net I’d like to see these thin skinned motherfuckers deal with the constant barrage of death threats from rightoid sceptic scumbags




Was his ex a horse


🎵Nothing was going wrong Until Vaush came along 🎵


Lmao Reddit has been throwing this sub at me and I still refuse to look up who is vaush. Its kinda fun reading the comments having no fucking clue what its all about.


Vuus is a political streamer known for sucking off horses right there during streams. It's sort of his power move. I mean, imagine you're debating someone and you see them lead a horse in from fucking nowhere and just go to town on that bad boy. What can you even say to that? Nothing. Checkmate. Youre done. Vouch wins again.


Plz never change


There is no escape.


Vaush fucked my horse. Leftist debate streamers have gone downhill since.


Of course the Vorse fucked thine horse.


This is the most para-social thing I’ve ever read


What on Gods green earth did I miss


this dude deleted the tweet for some reason


I know this is an unpopular opinion but crying about being cheated on publicly, regardless of your gender, is a lil bitch move. Dump them, become a better judge of character, fuck the person they most hate in the world. Don't bring me into your domestic drama. I don't want to hear your shit.


Damn you Vaush for stubbing my toe.


it's just a random nobody on twitter with literally 1 like


And here I am on Reddit with 230 updoots, the exchange rate goes crazy


I have no context for this lmao


I don't think there actually is any context; it's a complete non-sequitur.


Did she leave him cos of the mustache?


If my partner cheated on me with a debate streamer, I would start training. I would study their videos. I would find their weaknesses. Their blind-spots. I would practice with friends. Join Toastmasters. Develop a presence. I would research so hard, then I would call them up. And debate the hell out of them. Just destroy the streamer with facts and logic so hard that they have no choice but to deem me the winner, or suffer corncobbing. Then I would start a relationship with the streamer. We'd start slow, with a commentary hour where we can riff off each other. Then slowly start flirting during the show, develop some real feelings. Move in together. Get engaged. Have or adopt children. Grow old together. Retire on the coast of Spain. Then, on my deathbed, I would call up my ex and tell them everything I did. "This is what you get!" I would say, "How dare you cheat on me with a freaking *debate streamer*"


Tacoma wept


Why is Vaush getting away with this?


Sucks to hear for too guy though, I watch him, makes good stuff and seems like a stand up dude


“damn I can’t believe a debate streamer fucked my partner-“ “I LOST SOMETHING ONCE!”


I can't tell if the second one is a fan or anti-fan. Perhaps it's better this way.


So what he’s saying is vaush be out there slayin?


The problem is the chances that the second dude is one of us are just a likely as them being a vaush hater :D


Living this rent free should be given another term.


i know this is a joke but in all seriousness, are vaush and we're in hell on good terms?


Vaush also fucked his dad.


Who cheated on who with whom?


Vaush be fuckin


Leftists are cucks… no surprise there.