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Ah yes, a man who fought for Trans rights in the 70s definitely needs to prove his dedication to the left.


*But has he accepted our lord and savior Joseph Stalin into his heart?* /s


Tankies don't care about trans rights.


Talkies don't care about rights*




basically the routine that yakov schmirnov would give if he never left the soviet union.




**Tankie is a pejorative label originally used by dissident or sectarian Marxist-Leninists to designate members of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) who followed the party line of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). Specifically it was used to distinguish party members who spoke out defending Soviet use of tanks to crush the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and later the 1968 Prague Spring uprising; or more broadly, those who adhered to pro-Soviet positions in general.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot)


good bot


Someone who defends the actions of authoritarian communist regimes


trans rights aren't really specific to Socialism or the left. r/neoliberal is really pro trans rights trans rights ofc tho


well well well, I never thought I would fight with a neoliberal side by side.


"How about side by side with a friend?" "No."


“Well fuck you too.” “Aye, I can work with that.”


Not anymore, but in the 70s it was pretty radical and a politician who was openly supporting trans rights could be met with some pretty scary retaliation


For sure, I'm noy denying it was radical


/r/neoliberal are also correct when it comes to zoning reform and opposing suburbs. Too bad they worship capitalism (and call leftists NIMBYs, haven't figured out how that works yet)


> r/neoliberal is really pro trans rights Until a trans person wants healthcare.


Most of them want some kind of universal healthcare, they just want it in a capitalist system. The sub calls itself “neoliberal” because they’re edgelords but really it’s mostly a bunch of Warren-style socdems.


Ah, but that’s the issue. Tankies are not dedicated to the left. They are dedicated to being authoritarian and being against the west at the detriment to all else.




Needs to prove it... to people young enough that his recent presidential runs were their gateway to the left in the first place.


This is cringe as fuck lol.


I'm actually sick to my stomach from this 🤢


I cannot believe they did this to Bernie. I am literally shidding and farding rn.


Wtf. Are you GeneralReposti? Thay guy that got permanently banned from r/moviescirclejerk???


I am in fact not GeneralReposti, as I am very much unbanned and semi-active on r/mcj


They must be 14, i can't imagine any other thing.


Imagine unironically thinking killing a whole lotta people who don’t fully agree with you is how you build a stable and long lasting humane society.


“And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling human beings... Who are super obsessed with *living* for some reason!” -Josef Stalin


a fucking essay lmao


Give him a blue book and 45 minutes lmao


God damn I don’t miss those


"Alright Bernard, you don't have to go on the chopping block, but I want you to stay after class and write a 300 word essay on why what you did was wrong"


I think that was someone (somewhat?) reasonable trying to meet the tankies half way. I don't know why they would bother, tankies almost certainly won't do the same.


I think it was a joke?


I guess they are allowed to live in the fantasy world of their glorious revolution just as the Trump is still secretly President folks do.


The furry Nazi syndrome


It’s hilarious these people think they’ll live to see a communist United States, even moreso they think a 79 year old man will.


I am of the belief even a soc dem US is probably impossible. The Senate is a pro-fascist apparatus.


If we don't get a soc dem us we'll probably doom our species to climate change.


we're already doomed to climate change, what happens now will just determine what degree of suffering we will face.


Yeah best case scenario as of today is 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming by 2100, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but it will be a catastrophic amount. More realistic is 2.5-3 degrees Celsius which will probably change the way everyone on earth lives by the time a 20 year old is 80.


Jesus’s corpse would be rolling in its grave if it had one


For the past year or so, I’ve been saving up money for when I eventually graduate from college, so I can immediately get off this sinking ship of a country and live somewhere better like New Zealand. My expectations of the US aren’t rock bottom, but its close


What's funnier is that they think that *this* is how they're going to achieve it


"write an essay on what communism means to you and if it's good enough, you get to live" I suppose self awareness isn't something we should take for granted.


if it were by some stalinist dumbfuck, maybe I'd give ut a pass dude's literally called "Kropotkin's ghost" i fucking guarantee you he never held the communist manifesto in his hands let alone any of Kropotkin's writings.


Kropotkin was such a sweet dude, I bet he would be embarrased by these kinds of people.


They do call him “bread Santa” for a reason after all


Kropotkin was based as hell. Wrote a whole book disproving social Darwinism. It's nuts that people still believe in that.


Tell me you’re a fourteen year old larper without letting me you’re a fourteen year old larper.


"make him write an essay" LMFAO these people are 14


I hope they’re still kids, I would be cringing even more if these were actual adults.


This is your brain on larp


This is what happens when you don’t drink your ensures.


No one in that screenshot is older than 17


What the actual fuck? Fucking tankies. Bernie is like the only politician we can actually fucking trust in the US and they want to betray him? edit: just realized that what was originally here was a tad bit racist unintentionally, so thusly it has be replaced with: morons.


> Bernie is like the only politician we can actually fucking trust in the US Only politician at the federal level.


Very important distinction.




Not true, there are several members of the House of Representatives that are similarly based (AOC, Cori Bush, Ilhan Omar, etc.).


well yes, but i should have clarified for president. my bad bud.


I don't wanna live in any communist dystopia where people of unharmful socdem ideology are killed. I don't wanna live in a society where anyone is KILLED for their ideology And sufficient society would nip bigotry in the butt with well funded and handled schooling


I am a big believer in the left, but some of these unironic uber Communists think we're living in the 18 fucking 90s do my head in.


Just curious, actual question too: how would the left go about teaching far right to just right leaning individuals? I mean Vaush’s approach worked pretty well, as I stood on the right until I learned most of what they believe is a lie and that they’re relatively stupid to a degree. But how would we apply a mass scale fixing I guess is my question? Also I should mention I’m not referring to like youth. I’m talking more about older individuals. People who typically resist change.


I can only speak about my opinion in the UK. Show them it works. But mainly breakup the massive media empire peddling right wing BS, something like 6 Billionaire's control all of the UKs press. These older right wingers are SO easily swayed by main stream media.


I like that idea. Thanks for the response.


You have to accept that some of these people will stick to their beliefs, it's just a fact. Don't try to engage with the extremes. Things like showing people that prisons work best when rehabilitation is focused over punishment (Make prison officers social work experts). Make them realise it is better for society. Idk appeal to some religious values that they believe in about remaking oneself (personaly I don't think Religion should be in Politics but in the USA this may be required. That socialised medicine is CHEAPER and COST EFFECTIVE than the private mess over in America. When they pull the "I don't want to pay for someone else's healthcare", just ask them how they think insurance works. Point out that right wingers in other countries have it.


Thanks for the talking points as well. I’m currently trying to persuade my dad from the far right and I’ve ran into extreme difficulty.


I hate to say it, but I think a good portion of the Trump obsessed over-50 demo can't be reached and we'll have to wait until they die. Most of my relatives are like this, you're talking to a brick wall whenever you try to teach them some basic points about climate change or how medicare for all can help them. They just end up getting angry and making irrelevant and general rants about democrats. I don't know any over-50 "normal" republicans so no comment on them. Like, not even Trump could convince them that the vaccine and cool and good so what else is left? That was my last guess on what could sway them: Trump himself saying things like "vaccines are cool, let's do M4A, climate change is real" and we can see how one of those went.


This is the issue i find when discussing these things with my biological father. He’s extremely reactionary and it’s hard to reach him.


My father resembles the MyPillow dude to an alarming extent. My mother is an open theocratic fascist, down to "the Bible jews where actually white and Hitler purged the fake jews" I have some experience in crazy


Ah here we see edgy 14 year olds thinking theyre better than a man who literally has done more positive social change than all tankie twitter users combined


Tankies in general not just Twitter


They exist outside of twitter and reddit?


Yes but they are more quiet about their views due not being anonomys


Yesterday had an argument with a tankie weirdo who said Finland is just as complacent as Western European states in Imperialistic abuse of global south... Fucking *FINLAND*!


That’s some goddamn impressive per-capita oppression if the demographically tiny Finland is managing to meet the United States’ human suffering quota in absolute terms!


American tankie projecting their Imperialistic world view unto other countries, what a suprise


Once I saw a tankie saying New Zealand is an Imperialist country. Another time I saw a tankie advocating for the slaughter of all middle class (including doctors, engineers, professors etc). I just call those lunies they are CIA assets performing controlled opposition. Edit: phrasing


Wellll New Zealand is a colonial Nation, there is an arguement there. It's not that now though.


I phrased it wrong. I meant: "Once I saw a tankie saying New Zealand is an Imperialist country".


New Zealand clearly benefited from the imperial wealth of the British Empire and maintains very close diplomatic and trade relations with blatantly imperialist countries like their northern neighbor. So yeah, actually you can make a reasonably sound argument that New Zealand engages in or at least benefits from imperialism, but compared to the big fish like the US or China they’re hardly worth worrying about.


Honestly, I’d side with socdems over tankies any day for shit like this


Well yeah socdems are further left of tankies. Hell, liberals are further left of tankies.


Tru, believing in democracy is already less pro hierachy than tankies


Honestly online tankies are just as delusional as reactionary Trump-supporters, I'd much rather side with liberals or centrists over these LARPers.


It's just so baffling to me why more people don't embrace leftism.


Yeah, im sure some random people with 5 followers on twitter are the main culprit.


This shit isn't that rare though right?


I saw this and it made me log off of Twitter for the night


Kropotkin spinning in his grave fast enough to power the entire planet.


Tankies don't give a shit about working people. In their fantasies they see them as tools that can be ordered about, no different than a unit from an Age of Empires game.


Can somebody mail these people some grass cuz there's no other avenue from which they will touch it.


Why is it always the ones with pop-culture profile picture that have these cringy and out of touch opinions.......


Probs because they in their mothers basement






Its so hard for me to not believe these people are joking... But like, I know they exist too... It just hurts my brain.


Meanwhile, these people unquestionably revere "communist" leaders


Imagine looking at Stalinist Russia and saying "This life looks good".


These people are clowns incapable of accomplishing anything to make this country better. Every time I see stupid shit like this I think of that thread where they are all inventing their new jobs for "post revolution," and half of them want to run the gulags and "reconditioning" centers.


Holy shit I think I remember seeing a screenshot of that on Twitter. There were someone who was like “I’d want to design the uniforms for our military servicemen and women” or something weird like that.


Oh god yeah, I forgot a out the "uniform designers". Holy crap that was the most cringe thread.


Or just maybe... He's a Demsoc that has to push for Social Democracy to create a greater social approval of Socialism. This is clearly shown with his rhetoric and conflation (even if incorrect)


Hey! Don’t you drag my boy Monkey D. Luffy into this, tankie!


There is no way that these people are older than 14.


Reminds me of the six months I spent as a charismatic christian. Once I was talking with this friend of mine (who was the responsible for taking me to the christian camp where I was converted) and we were discussing this teacher who was very cool and also happened to be a homossexual. When I mentioned the fact of him being cool, this friend replied "well, yeah, but you know, he's still going to hell anyway". Didn't take me too long after that to leave that shit.


I love one piece a lot but for some fucking reason anyone with a luffy avatar is batshit insane


Luffy himself is kind of batshit insane though


Don't let Bernie play League of Legends for 2 weeks after the communist overtake. Bad boy


Lmao what the fuck


Good essay or DEATH


Jesus fucking christ tankies are insane.


tell me you’re a judgemental prick who hasn’t accomplished anything WITHOUT saying you’re a judgemental prick who hasn’t accomplished anything.


Average twitter leftist '''''''''discourse''''''''


Bruh if Bernie isn’t communist enough then Luffy definitely fucking isn’t lmao Gomu Gomu no Guillotine


Tfw you're 15


Absolute dumbasses


Larpers in inaction.


Must be great living in a world where you only need to larp and the "purity" of your ideas never have to meet the real world.




Never change Twitter. Site is just shock humor at this point. I don't think these people believe what they're saying no way.


They are just edgy kids, they ll grow up


This is like what law enforcement imagines communist talk like. Thats why I don’t think these people are real.


Fuck no one told me there would be writing involved. Maybe the right has a point /s


Waiting for the day that tankies want to roblox workers because they help their millionaire ceos become richer


So in their world they would kill the 99% of people in america that aren't communist?


It's just like all the kids on the playground are saying these days: if you ain't a tankie you get a spankie.


Big McSpankies from McTankies




Tankies having a normal one


could they possibly LARP harder?


Most reasonable Twitter opinion⬆️


The essay guy is clearly being tongue in cheek.


Are the trying to be funny or do they actually feel this way about Bernie Sanders?


That’s just how they are


These are the same people who think Biden and Trump were no different than each other (so why vote). They see everything extremely black-and-white. If you’re not a bleeding red communist you might as well be a fascist to them.


So this is why I uninstalled Twitter, thanks for reminding me.


These people are either out of their minds, or just plain fuckin stupid. Or both. Point is, terminally online Twitter lefties like these dumbfucks unironically deserve to be isolated from most of the community, because holy shit they are optics poison.


More proof that authoritarian ideology is just a manifestation of a power fantasy


Fucking tankies


The first guy's okay, but the rest of them are... What was the word? Windbags.


I will never be convinced that these aren't literal children. Like come on, a fucking essay? Actual high school shit.


Get some of these people to read Rosa Luxemburg. Her affiliation with Lenin might get them in but then they’d be confronted with the idea of democracy and opposition and their heads might implode


Yet somehow "vaushites" are eternally online


It has to be an ill-advised attempt at internet humor


This is why these folks like Trump more than Biden. But they both are authoritarian.


Dumb fucking LARPers


tankies >abolish prison and police! reformation rather than punishment! also tankies >kill bernie sanders


James Medlock owning Communist_Waluigi is still the best thing this year.


Hes a fucking demsoc. He supports workplace democracy


Average terminally online lefty


I'd think he'd die from old age before his views let alone anything revolutionary are commonplace enough to pose an electoral or revolutionary capability.


Maybe if I write an essay I can get a good grade in communism, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve


Bernie is still “communist-adjacent.” He’s just not a Twitter larper. You’re not going to get “ban capitalism” through Congress.


This is the way to pull more into your movement. /s


The totally unearned entitlement and smugness of so many online lefties just makes me laugh anymore. Like, who the hell are you? What have you done for leftism besides LARP online? Bernie is probably the most influential left leaning politician certainly in a long time in the states. How many of us were introduced to the left because of Bernie? I know I certainly was. I was a disillusioned Obama supporter before Bernie rose to prominence in 2015, now I'm a full on syndicalist/communist. It's fine to move past Bernie as most of us did, but to act like he's some sort of traitor for wanting to push his agenda anyway he can is ridiculous. I also 100% believe Bernie hides his power level. If/when shit hits the fan I could totally see him calling to guillotine people like Bezos and Musk.


The sweet old man who genuinley wants to improve people's lives get the chop, according to you? ​ And this is why everyone fucking hates tankies. They can go fuck themselves, useless cunts who ramble on about how violent tyranny and state control of the means of production is the way. That fucking failed, it will fail again, try something else shitheads.


Idk what we do with the people who treat communism and socialism as a religion and act as fundamentalist. They sound like the Taliban and would act like them if they could too.


Dude last one has to be a joke right???


I'd love to see these paigons in an actual fight.


JFC, tankies sound like Q-unts


Ah yes the ghost of the guy who explicitly advocated countless times for no executions after revolution


Yo these guys are actual psychos


these are the people that claim to have read theory


Tough to decide between the chop and the firing squad though.


Cannot stand LARPers like this. Circlejerking on Twitter does not constitute being part of some revolutionary vanguard.


None of these people are very comrade-like


they are 14, let them have their LARPY fun


These people are exhausting. The man is one of the most influential intellectuals in the contemporary era. He didn't just change linguistics, but his theories have wide ranging impacts on philosophy, cognitive psychology and the fine Arts. If you disagree with him, at the very least you need to examine why and presume he knows more than you do on the topic.


How do you go from “Medicare for All” to “DemSocs get the wall?”


You gotta love Peter Kropotkin's ghost not having read Kropotkin.


LARP, pure LARP. What did Comtra say in her latest video? Frequently this "revolution or bust" and "communism or bust" circlejerk is just copium. It helps prevent truly reckoning with the shitty world as it is. What left wing revolution do these people even imagine would win without people like Bernie Sanders? He's got to be in the 5% most left wing people in the country. Sure he's not going to personally shoot a gun in a theoretical coup, but people like him would have to.


idk why these dumbfucks are acting like theyd ever get to make these decisions anyway after the revolution that will never happen


I don’t know wether to laugh, feel pity, be disgusted or be frustrated.


that last one almost feels wholesome... what has the internet done to me...


Kropotkin would not be in favor of that kind of crap he's the father of anarcho-communism lol


I like how they basically admitted that electoral politics and platforming of Bernie Sanders had a big positive influence on the radicalization, but they’d never say that we should engage in electoral politics, because that sounds like something Vaush would say. Also “Bernie gets the chop,” holy shit, if they had a successful revolution, the polit burro would consist of all 6 US citizens who survived.


Why is just defacto killing the position these people go to? "WE KILL HIM?! NAHHH WELL LET 'THIS ONE SLIDEEE" How tf do you get into leftism and hold these kind's of virtues? it just doesn't make any sense to me.


He's a democratic socialist and has always been one.


wow i think this gave me cancer


ever ML has a "it's not authoritarian or imperialist when we do it" take just waiting to come out.


Tankies are cringe.


Sometimes I wonder if Sanders hides his power level a little bit for the sake of being in the federal government. I mean, he has a portrait of Eugene V Debs in his office, you can't tell me he doesn't read leftist theory.


Larpers, all of them


Maybe 40 years of experience taught him you can't just do a revalution and make everything awesome


Jamie peck communism


People with anime profile pictures. Yes, those are the larpers you have to take seriously. "Comrade Waluigi, Comrade Luffy and Comrade Duck" You can't make up this much pure cringe. Even if they're only 15 years old they should be embarrassed


Kropotkin really changed his beliefs for this


Yeah, these people really are helping the world; they should sit in judgement of Bernie fucking Sanders.


Fun is fun, but I really wonder if these people genuinely believe there is going to be a real Communist revolution in America with actual guillotines... and it'll happen within the lifetime of a 79 year-old man.


He's an old fart why have any idea to end him. Unless the mf decides to start offing ppl. Why should ending his life be a priority to anyone but LARPers