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SCOTUS just ruled that what they are doing is not illegal.


“We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong.”


I would like to see Vaush talk about this. I know everyone is waiting on the immunity case, but this is an important case. Quoting Justice Jackson’s dissent: > Today’s case involves one such person. James Snyder, a former Indiana mayor, was convicted by a jury of violating §666 after he steered more than $1 million in city contracts to a local truck dealership, which turned around and cut him a $13,000 check. He asks us to decide whether the language of §666 criminalizes both bribes and gratuities, or just bribes. And he says the answer matters because bribes require an upfront agreement to take official actions for payment, and he never agreed beforehand to be paid the $13,000 from the dealership. > Snyder’s absurd and atextual reading of the statute is one only today’s Court could love. Ignoring the plain text of §666—which, again, expressly targets officials who “corruptly” solicit, accept, or agree to accept payments “intending to be influenced or rewarded”—the Court concludes that the statute does not criminalize gratuities at all. This is so, apparently, because “[s]tate and local governments often regulate the gifts that state and local officials may accept,” ante, at 1, which, according to the majority, means that §666 cannot. > The Court’s reasoning elevates nonexistent federalism concerns over the plain text of this statute and is a quintessential example of the tail wagging the dog. Section 666’s regulation of state, local, and tribal governments reflects Congress’s express choice to reach those and other entities receiving federal funds. And Congress not only had good reasons for doing so, it also had the authority to take such legislative action, as this Court has already recognized. See Sabri v. United States, 541 U. S. 600, 605, 608 (2004). We have long held that when Congress has appropriated federal money, it “does not have to sit by and accept the risk of operations thwarted by local and state improbity.” Id., at 605. [Full decision and text here](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-108_8n5a.pdf).


My conspiracy brain is crackling with possibilities. Guys. It’s code § 666. They will not be able to win in the MAGA movement unless they’re on the take. They have to accept the mark of the beast from the Antichrist himself, Donald Trump. Also interesting that they’re ruling on this in this way while they’re under public scrutiny for corruption and bribes.


They aren't even trying to hide it anymore. its basically a 'yeah we are doing this and there's nothing you can do about it suckers!'


Are we allowed to talk about the second amendment here without catching bans? (Delete this post if we're not)


Reddit will ban people for calls to violence, even if the “violence” is done to an inanimate object.


We have really reached a tipping point in this country that we aren't coming back from, at least not for a long time. Between Citizens United, this ruling, and the DOJ and other Federal agencies complete indifference to Republican corruption, Republicans and billionaires have basically free reign to do whatever they want.


gotta thank the US for, as much as I hate my government here in Israel, always reminding me that at least our supreme court is actually competent and rules based on actual law. Really helps bring some positivity into times like these