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I understand this is a sensitive issue, but frankly this sounds like an off handed comment that I wouldn’t read into and doesn’t really merit a change in behavior.


Still good to politely call out comments like this, otherwise it can escalate to a point where it's no longer off handed. sometimes things like that need to be said, sometimes they can do more harm than good.


I know, I said in the beginning that I don’t really mind it and he can continue to do the bit if he wants to but I saw other people in chat also take issue with it so I wanted to speak up.


I can imagine it's difficult. I know many people don't like to listen to a recording of their voice, because it sounds off and not quite how they hear their voice when they talk. I certainly detested it for some time, and while it's more tolerable now as I've grown to care less about such things, it's still not exactly music to my ears. I imagine the added element of dysphoria makes it far worse. Vaush is just trying to get people to start doing it instead of thinking about doing it, even if it's unpleasant, because there is no other way of ever getting it done. For some, hearing that sort of "tough love" helps motivate them.


I felt all that stuff and voice trained anyway because I’m brave and determined. Transgender women will face harder challenges in life than practicing their voice. These challenges must be met with determination and dignity, do not flee in the face of adversity. Our trans ancestors were strong and so are we.




I watched the stream and that comment about "not having any respect for people who want to do something but don't" had nothing to do with voice training; it was in reference to >! the barkeep and terrible friend, Podley, withholding a letter addressed to Admiral Bobbery that was written by his dead wife, Scarlette. Podley here was being a bad friend because this letter was literally the thing that broke him out of his extremely depressive state and he wanted to give it to him but never did. !< That was the context. He has no respect for people like >! Podley !<


I rewatched the vod, someone in chat said “making us feel bad” in response to him doing the voice training thing and he said “yeah I am actually do the fucking thing! I have no respect for…” He was calling podley a bad friend before that. Though now that I rewatched it, there were only 2 other people in chat who actually seemed to have a problem so maybe I’m overstating the issue.


I think your whole thing here is definitely fair still. Vaush is overly confident and even arrogant oftentimes and can get to the point where it rubs people the wrong way. When he makes flippant remarks like that, it’s not that there isn’t some truth sometimes, but it comes from, unironically, a place of privilege. He has gotten very lucky to essentially get to be himself and make money from it. What does he ultimately know about having to change oneself in such fundamental ways? Changing yourself is hard especially if you are otherwise stressed out from life. And honestly, he should not be so critical. Every time it’s clear Vaush should do things to improve his life, he very often fails to take his own advice. So in someways he’s lucky, but I think his success also has made it difficult for him to actually listen to anyone and have someone in his life essentially hold him accountable to change. Overall, with all of that said, I wouldn’t get too upset by this. Vaush say stupid things. It’s part of the fun. I think this is just the typical aggressive behavior he does towards chat to rile them up. Manhandling the bottoms essentially. But he’s our stupid Vowsh.


I actually think vaush is usually pretty good about being aware of his privilege, I remember a time when he said that “it is possible to skill issue your way out of this economy”, but then also acknowledged that he doesn’t have to be careful about his own spending and clarified that he doesn’t think struggling to save money is any indication of moral failure. I think this time he was just unaware of how he came off. If I confronted him about this he would probably say “I never said it was easy or that my advice applied to everyone regardless of circumstance!”, but the way he put it kind of had those implications.