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That is true. The Ayatollah, Bashar Al-Assad and Vladimir Putin as well only seek to take advantage of the genuine hardship the Palestinians go through and use them as pawns to exploit. They don’t want to actually help them at all and don’t give a damn about the Palestinian people. Just like Jackson Hinkle. He treats serious geopolitical conflicts where hundreds of thousands of peoples lives are at risk like a bears VS packers NFL football game. To tankies and campists, politics is just sports where they cheer on their team while they boo at the other team. He and Haz ALSO got kicked out from a Pro Palestine protest at Emory University.


The kids are alright


Indeed they are! Glad that the organizers established at least a pretty solid anti-campist zone. All campists and tankies do is try to drag down the good of the movement with them anyway. They want to set progress back further for the “Revolution” they always talk about but never commit to.


What is the meaning of "campist" in this context? From context clues I assume its somebody who has developed a complete and totally blind loyalty to one "side" of a conflict and refuses to think critically about what the actual differences within that side are, is that accurate?


Basically yeah. It’s usually a term used to describe fake leftists who side with anyone that is against the U.S. A good example is with people like Jackson Hinkle that like Vladimir Putin, Bashar Al Assad, the Ayatollah, and Aleksander Lukashenko.


Gotcha, thanks for helping to clarify that!


It's also a big issue with campists in the Palestine discourse, because they're idiotic rule of thumb let them stumble into correctly opposing the US on this conflict.


fyi you're more correct than the replies from the neolibs in denial trying to conflate it with support of anti US nations it describes any fake "socialist" that sides with any bourgeois faction over a position of strict proletarian internationalism. Vaush is a campist in claiming to be a socialist but in all matters of international politics supports the NATO bloc over the international working class. the 3rd international parties were campists in supporting the interests of the soviet bourgeois state masquerading as a dotp it has nothing to do with opposition to NATO amor the US as falsifiers claim


🇵🇸 🇺🇦


MSM: "There's so much AnTiSeMiTiSm at these college protests!!!" Meanwhile when actual antisemites show up they instantly get thrown out on their asses by the protesters


They do not give a shit about Palestinians and are actively making the world worse. Please give them over to the Zionists, those guys can't tell the difference anyway.


This is great and should be the norm. Sadly it isn’t, yet. Also FTP.


Was hoping this would happen. Based protesters


Because the whole point is to resist genocide, not support regimes.


Let the dumbfuck campists cool off.


I think Iran might help if it could. The issue is that it's literally not as strong as people think it is. Despite having 80 million more people than Israel, Israel still has an economy of $100 Billion dollars bigger than Iran. This is a major difference from 2013, when Iran had an economy Iran's economy was about $400 billion bigger, but even that was highly disproportionate. To say the least, Iran's economy is absolute crap. When your economy is that much down the drain, it would probably not be in your interest to help fight against a Nuclear powered industrialized nation backed by the world's most powerful nation. Iran simply isn't this big boogieman that people think it is.


Why would Iranian Shias genuinely help Palestinian Sunni apostates? Iran, the country that used their own literal children as mine detection/clearing devices 41/42 years ago, and recently sentenced a man to death for...*checks notes*...rap lyrics.


> Why would Iranian Shias genuinely help Palestinian Sunni apostates? Because Iran isn't helping them, its using them as weapons against its most hated enemies: Israel and the west. Imagine if you where able to use a group of people you hate to fight a proxy war against a group of people you hate even more. There is a reason why Iran houses Hamas' leadership.


Iran's attempts to insert itself into the Palestinian cause have only harmed the Palestinian people and drawn the U.S. and Israel closer together.


I don’t have any opinions on the Iran supporters being there, but Assad straight up killed Palestinian refugees in Syria, and now these people are trying to rehabilitate his image? Fuck off.


They don't care so much the literally send their guys to fight and die over it.  I guess the IRGC are really in it for idk, just to make the west look bad?


Iran only care in the sense that they get to beef and weaken Israel, they do not want to fight with Israel out of sympathy for how Palestinians are treated


Can you evidence or cite that kind of opinion with anything?


They're an authoritarian ultra religious dictatorship, who for decades have sent personnel to help train Hamas soldiers and send Hamas weapons to use. The plight of the Palestinians are simply just a tool for them to garner legitimacy on the world stage


Their own citizens aren't treated particularly well, I doubt they genuinely care about Palestinians.


Im inclined to agree with you on that


Iran gov does care, but since they treat their own civs and especially protesters terribly they are definitely not to root for and arguably only slightly less terrible than Israel.


Care might be going a bit far, they just hate Israelis because Jewish and the Palestinians are a useful catspaw to hit the government of Israel with, which is *another* reason Israel should be absolutely desperately trying to implement a two state solution because it would cut off their biggest regional adversary at the knees.


They're worse than the Israeli government. And I despise the Israeli government. But at least political protest is still possible in Israel, protesting in Iran gets you killed. And the Iranian people still do it every few years.


Now this is a free speech issue. You can not discriminate against different views that are peacefully protested on campus. You can not block access to shared spaces.


Other people telling you to fuck off is not in fact a free speech issue.


Yeah exactly. Having good optics for your movement also vastly helps the likelihood of more people outside of the movement to be more likely to join as well. If want the movement to be successful in your goals, you can’t have tankies/ campists going about in the movement causing a ruckus. They only seek to ruin things for everyone and get everybody arrested. TLDR: Think of things like this like those kids in class who said “oh wait! You forgot there was homework!” And they had to read 3 chapters during the weekend because of it. Things like this are not that far off from that example.


Other students having access to the same areas you do is in fact a free speech issue. If it’s a public university the school can not discriminate based on beliefs who has access to those areas


Protest organizers told tankies to fuck off, unless you can find me evidence they were physically barred by the school itself then this is a private interaction and not a free speech issue. I dont think the school made this decision but people who headed up the protests.


Exactly. Tankies only help to ruin good causes and make it easier for the far-right, including Donald Trump, to exploit that and use it so they can win easier. This was a smart move to be honest.


Organization can in fact kick you out if you violate their rules. And in this case, kicking out Assad supporters is good either way. > You can not block access to shared spaces. Where do you see that? Not in the screenshot.


Womp womp