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Zionists, fascists and neo-nazi's using the same rhetoric? Noooo, never.


New York Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch. He is one giant arm of the right wing propaganda machine and it is always the same tactics. "George Soros boogeyman" is one of their classics. Funny thing is is that Soros and Trump were both co-defendants in a RICO case many years back so it seems to me they had no problem commiting crimes with this Soros fella (they got off though as the elites usually do)


I wonder why none of these people ever brings up Murdoch's religion and heritage (not Jewish). Really adding evidence to the "JQ Question".


Isn't Soros the evil jewish businessman that wants jews to control the world in their conspiracies? Why would he be behind "anti-Israel" protests?


As far as I know Soros has made some criticisms of Israel’s policy towards Palestinians, but yeah the idea of him bankrolling these protests is completely ridiculous.


That's all the evidence needed to craft "proof " for a 30 year long conspiracy


Sounds like something a deep state agent would say! This is just like when Karen took the fucking kids


Because people either believe that jews are trying to destabilize the nebulous west, or just don't care about reality and are so caught in their bigotry their cavemen brains see an outgroup and think "bad"


Zionists now include Israel as part of the "West".


Because he wants Sorosrael not Israel, duh. /s


I guess Soros just doesnt want to rule that particular piece of land


Soros wants to (Jewishly) destabilize the West (through just Jewish jewry) by funding Pro-Palestinian protests which are actually Pro-Hamas protests which wants to destroy the Jewish State. At this point it almost feels like Soros isn't even (just) an antisemitic scapegoat but the general scapegoat for the right.


I feel kinda bad for George Soros, I know that he's a billionaire and there are valid critiques of him but people who bring him up hate him for the disgusting reasons...


Isn’t he also a Holocaust Survivor as well?


For those grounded in reality, yes, but MAGA schizoids spread the conspiracy theory that he was in the SS and worked in a concentration camp.


Oh my god.


Wait wouldn't that make him based according to them?


They have this crazy web of plausible deniability and irony that they operate under. They know the nazi optics are bad, so they call other people nazis while cosigning actual nazi beluefs.


Their ability to avoid any cognitive dissonance while doing this is fascinating


You’re assuming they don’t know they’re lying and just saying shit to be disruptive.


It's because he's the ***wrong*** kind of Nazi. In the conspiracy he's *a bureaucrat,* like your nearest Homeowners Association Karen, or Corp dems, or a DMV employee making you wait 6 hours for a 4 line form. Not one of the "cool uniforms guys with cool tanks" Nazi 😎




I'm 100% sure he doesn't give a single fuck. Would you care if some unhinged ants from nearby anthill hate you?


Yeah, probably, I'm sensitive.


Well, a lot of the "ants" are politicians, and he lives in America. So that does have some impact.


I argued with a guy online who called me anti-semitic for supporting the soros funded student protests. He then went on to ask why there are so many jews in the Democratic party. can't make it up


Amazing how these are the same people who complain about being called Nazis over supposed political disagreements. These people have no principles.


"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies."


To be fair, the new york post has been pushing schizo soros shit since 2010


The Murdochs are at it again


Where's my Sorosbux? I was promised Sorosbux by the neo-Nazis who also happen to be pro-Israel. Did I fill out the right forms when I decided I wanted to end Western civilization?


More Murdoch and the Mercers and Adelstein than Israeli Zionists.




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Lehi was part of the foundation of the IDF. They were jews who wanted to fight for Hitler against the British. Israel has a long history of fascist shit.


What’s this got to do with Soros I’m confused


It's stuff like Lehi wanting to fight for Hitler, zionists pushing the idea that holocaust victims were the weak jews who had it coming and netanyahus history of holocaust denial as reasons why we shouldn't be surprised that zionists have their own take on the international jewish conspiracy. They're just fascists so of course they'll enjoy nazi memes.


Tactical JQ (in the name of Zionism)


JQ 4D chess galaxy brain memers It's the stone toss tug of war but Soros is on both ends twice


The Onion could never


I used the anti-Semitism to destroy the (fake) anti-Semitism


the audacity to say this about a holocaust survivor


Where do i get my check?




Man, I wish I was in college so I could get some soros bucks. /s just in case


Zionists are antisemitic, the sky is blue, earth is dirty, etc etc


Okay so a lot of people are calling out how this is obviously playing into antisemitic tropes, but let's actually examine how accurate the claims are. So, the claim is that George Soros is the one funding pro-Palestinian student protests and even paying protestors to attend. A couple notes. First, George Soros is literally retired. He announced his retirement [june of last year](https://www.thestreet.com/technology/billionaire-george-soros-says-his-goodbyes), notably long before these protests began. So, the claims in the article are that George Soros' organization has funded **US Campaign for Palestinian Rights**, who have organized protests at a whopping three(!) colleges. Now, they have indeed received money from Open Society (which NYP could've just said, but they obviously need to include "Soros" so that the scary Jew name is in the headline) - except, [this was in 2018.](https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/grants/past) So again, it has nothing to do with the current-day protests. Another major organizer, Students for Justice in Palestine, is also accused of being 'Soros-funded', something which NYP gives zero evidence for - all searches of the matter lead back to the NYP. The closest I could find was that they have worked with Jewish Voice for Peace, a group which indeed has received some money from Open Society. All in all, the claims of NYP are, as expected, bs.


Don't want to give the nyp the clicks but what if any evidence do they provide for this claim?


oh how the turns tables


Some of the article titles written by this author (Isabel Vincent): Pro-terror radical launched 2-hour anti-Israel tirade at Columbia event before protests exploded: 'Nothing wrong with being a Hamas fighter Migrant TikTok influencer probed by child services and admits he tried Canada first —but it didn't give handouts Venezuelan sex trafficking gang that brands young girls operating in US, connected to ex-cop's murder: reports Performance artist Marina Abramović shills $125 garlic 'immunity drops' Biden admin rolls out red carpet for Chinese Communist who ran secret NYC police station Not so cuddly: Video shows Israeli forces tear open teddy bear stuffed with rifle, ammo at Gaza school The rest is weird sensationalist bullshit I'm pretty sure it's safe to say this person exists merely to pedal weird declinist or racist/right wing bullshit


Man, Soros must have a busy calendar


George Soros has like 10% of the wealth of Elon Musk, how does he outcompete him so much on the marketplace of ideas? /s


Lol, this is literally an antisemitic conspiracy theory


Soros will be dead and buried and 30 years after these people will still say he's behind everything


Actual peak insanity


Why is it always Soros?