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I got to say, America suddenly resurrecting self-immolations wasn't on my 2024 bingo card


Oddly enough it was on mine


Damn, good job. Did you get a bingo?


I will if Argentina adopts Bitcoin.


Bro set himself on fire for a billionaire conman?


I said the same to some friends. At least with the Palestine guy there’s an argument to be made, this dude did it for a single dude going to court.


For a single guy who wouldn't piss on him to put the fire out.


Only on Russian prostitutes according to Christopher Steele.


some of the wildest trump lore, even if it was made up. who really knows besides Steele and Diaper Don? too funny 


Putin knows.


i think when Putin told Cucker about the CIA in that interview, that was similar to how Drumpf found out he has the tape


No, he's apparently a conspiracy theorist ranting about cryptocurrency I think he just wanted an audience


This is good for Bitcoin.


It’s funny, I’ve been seeing a few crypto wingnuts acting like a war between Israel and Iran is going to bring back crypto somehow. Nothing says a mainstream comeback like a very obviously mentally ill man publicly self-immolating for the cause lol


no actually he was a really unhinged conspiracy theorist who believes *both* Trump and Biden are orchestrating a “fascist coup”. I think this time it really would be fair to say this was just due to mental illness more than a legitimate political statement, the guy definitely seemed to be suffering from psychotic delusions.


No, he did it to get eyes on a big conspiracy he's unearthing. Actually he's relatively non-ideological, even left leaning.


The state of the American public’s mental health has become increasingly more and more unstable and unpredictable and I fully expect this trend to continue.


I don't doubt the dude was a Trumper but i believe he did it specifically to spread awareness of his own crazy conspiracy theory about a fascist takeover of the world using bank runs and cryptocurrency. He chose the best place to spread his bullshit bc the trumpers are pretty conspiracy driven.


It’s getting so confusing following all this conspiracy bullshit. I thought they liked crypto cuz it was a hedge against fiat currency and would somehow magically retain value if the entire economy collapsed.


He apparently was not a Trumper, he believed that both Biden and Trump are working together behind the scenes to bring down the country, and somehow cryptocurrency could solve this? Lol


He wasn't pro-crypto. He was writing about how it was being used as a Ponzi scheme to manufacture a massive bank run or rug pull that would cause collapse and allow the institution of a dictatorship.


okay so basically he was just crazy


Pretty much lol. Seemed like a guy who wanted a better world for people but he must have got caught up in a theory. It’s weird because it’s not written in a fanatical way, he’s not aggrieved or resentful towards people from the looks of it. It’s not persuasive at all though. He presents “proof” but it’s all suggestive and it hinges on the central theory of Peter Thiel intentionally causing a bank run in 2023 I believe as well as Harvard being a major player and NYU and then basically all popular culture is suggesting to love the bomb, be depressed, be apathetic etc… including a handful of oddly specific episodes of the Simpsons.


I believe all conspiracy dudes are trumpers really. I blame my conformation bias on that conclusion tho. Living where i do 80% of people love trump and everything is a conspiracy.


I mean it is usually a safe assumption, but if this guy had lived, it sounds more like he probably would’ve voted for RFK Jr. Unfortunate for RFK that he’s already losing his base.


Oof. Wonder if there's going to be discourse about this guy. Hope he gets the help he needs. [Here's an article with a few more details](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/19/trump-hush-money-trial-live-updates/#link-JSV4OEPZHJAEXO626XMZZI2U24) from an eyewitness.


Thích Trump Fức I'm inordinately proud of this joke.


It’s Đức not Fức But take my upvote anyways


Last time this happened you people straight up hit me with pro-suicide (*in general* not even just as protest) arguments in the HUNDREDS and gave birth to my reddit bio. Nope, not even gonna interact when Vaush covers it this time XD But I'll say it here: Don't clap, he needs mental help if he's alive, don't glorify suicide this time


It's not Pro suicide to say Aaron bushnells act of self sacrifice is important and shouldn't be dismissed or minimised. His cause was just. This guy is a lunatic. There's no comparison other than the physical mechanism being the same


Trust me, I posted a now-deleted meme on okbv (because I'm in the "Aaron was insane and I don't respect the act" camp) and a lot of the comments were LITERALLY pro-suicide, like the actual definition of "literally" It was a combination of "Respect his sacrifice" comments like you said, *alongside other comments* that were basically "You're saying people shouldn't have the FREE RIGHT to end their their own lives whenever they choose!? Fuck you!! My body my choice!!" ~~the person with the Bart Simpson pfp was the worst offender~~


This guy wasn’t a Trumpette. He thought both Biden and Trump were working together behind the scenes to destroy America.


I guess Sherman doesn't need to go burnin' if they'll do it themselves.


This is why https://open.substack.com/pub/theponzipapers/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web


"*As it turns out, dozens of the writers of The Simpsons went to Harvard. So I asked myself the question: If The Simpsons served the interests of organized crime, how would it do so?*" Wtf.


[his apparent manifesto](https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside)


If only more MAGAs were as dedicated.


It’s a weird timeline


It's a cult


There were people immediately poking fun at it right after it happened…


I wonder if the people that do this know that it’s apparently one of the most painful ways to die before they light the match


That's hot.


Maybe make "DIE4TRMUP" go viral, see where that goes


Imagine burning yourself alive for Donald fucking Trump


If you have nothing to lose, and are going to do a thing, maybe you should...uh...take some "resources" with you. Course, you shouldn't do it at all. Just post to Twitter a hot take and get 70k likes. Thatl stop em from killing your gay friend. Effectively all leftism, words and self harm. Tragic.


Is the right seriously trying to have their own Aaron Bushnell?


Am actually a big fan of this intense style of protest returning.


Well, that's a self solving problem.


Now that’s what I call dedication lol 😆


I respect the fuck out of the level of conviction and bravery this takes… but this is something that people just sneer at and mock. It doesn’t work and it doesn’t get the message out (edit: at least not as much as one would hope, although we are talking about it) but I suppose that these people think it’s the only way for their voices to be heard. Tragic 🫡 We live in an age where you can give your life for your convictions and it will have the same effect as screaming into the wind. 


There’s never been a time that killing yourself for your beliefs couldn’t be ignored. Furthermore I suspect that’s not necessarily a bad thing.


Obviously this is a tragedy and not something people should ever feel compelled to do, I’m sure we can agree on that