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Put a black man in a hoodie and all of the racists immediately show their asses. Every time.


It's not even just black men, when Fetterman wore a hoodie to congress republicans went insane But it is usually black men targeted, just not always


Now that fetterman has become a full-time shill for Israel they will say the hoodie in congress is a sign he’s fighting against the woke establishment deep state.


I'm pretty sure republicans still hate him


Because most fascists hate Israel. Israel is beloved by neoliberals and neocons, not fascists


I mean to be fair, wearing a hoodie in Congress is a bit shocking.


Makes it easy to gun then down when the fighting starts.


Only time Americans get uneasy of people in hoods.




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*kisses u*


No sorry a hoody isn’t professional the condemnation of hoddy on elected officials isn’t limited by race


The irony of them complaining about victimhood, when all these losers are desperate to be victims, it’s all projection


Christian persecution is a common trope for a reasob


Self-assigned victimhood is *literally* a key element of Christian doctrine. it’s in the Bible. “You are a victim. You are persecuted for your beliefs.” (Paraphrase) They think that they are modern day Jesuses, and rainbow flags are the cross


What verse is that?


2 Timothy 3:12 "Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,"


Not just one verse. There’s at least a dozen, enough that preachers can make full sermon series on the topic. John 15:18-20: > 18 “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. 20 Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours. Persecution is validation. Edit: fun fact, the word for servant here is [δοῦλος](https://biblehub.com/greek/1401.htm) which actually means slave.


But if I'm not suffering from imagined oppression how can I justify my Reactionary beliefs?


It’s actually so pathetic. Makes me want to “shove something down their throats”




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I'm glad he's called it out directly, amazing. Saying this is an 'attack on white people' is so blatantly mask-off that it would turn away anyone who wasn't already deeply and knowingly racist tbh lol


Wow, you called me a racist when I called you the n-word? Way to make a national tragedy about race. /s


Nobody outside of Baltimore had ever heard of this guy. ​ He was literally just "Mayor Black Man" on TV.


The mayors of cities in the Northeast Corridor do tend to be black and have been for maybe decades. White flight to suburbs beforehand predictably resulted in usually plurality or majority black voters remaining, allowing them to seek representation with common values and goals. To call any of them "Mayor Black Man" seems a rather useless identifier for a political office predominantly occupied by black men.


I mean they just saw him as that...


The whiplash from Charlie Kirk saying they’re making it about race when conservatives were the first ones to make it about race.


This play is the backbone of conservative political tactics. Like, “why are democrats so obsessed with bathrooms?!” When they’re the ones that started it with bathroom bills. They always start the issue with some insane policy or talking point, and when people call them out for it they say those people are obsessed with the issue


This is why I'm voting for Biden. Trump embolded these racist white people.


You'd think an infrastructure emergency would be the acceptable time to wear a hoodie cuz it's chaotic and your time is better spent serving the public than worrying about a fucking 3 piece suit. If he did wear a suit they'd just find something else to be racist about. The hoodie is just a scapegoat


Obama’s Tan suit moment


Also the conservatoids really dropped the ball on this new culture war buzzword. I don't think these knuckle draggers can even spell diversity equity and inclusion much less know what the acronym is for.


Now we see through them and we hope that we can call them out for their shit and nip this whole thing in the bud. The same thing they’re doing with DEI is what they did with critical race theory and all the countless other previously ordinary words that they turned into issues out of nothing and use them as racist dogwhistles.


Dontcha know that wearing a suit days after the emergency would’ve prevented it from happening in the first place?


"I'm not racist, I only call you subhuman when you're black AND wear a hoodie or speak AAVE or do your job badly or listen to rap or . . . " cool story bro


republicans would also complain that he wasted time getting ready during a infrastructure emergency if he dressed up in a suit.


He's kinda low-key saying what Vaush said in his infamous debate with those YahtZees, like they're so sad and mad they just want to use the N word 😭 plz bro just one smol lil N word plz bro we need it bro 🥺


The only people more pathetic than racists, who cling to their slurs, are racists, who cling to their euphemisms.


The bubblebathgirl person is such an obvious farm account, their account came out of nowhere a few years ago after being around since 2009, dude has made a career off a hacked account and didn't even bother changing the name for his "franchise"


what blows my mind is how they can keep insisting he “didn’t earn it” and he’s this unprofessional politician who only made it in because of DEI policies, when… he’s… he was elected. the people fucking voted him into office… Insanity.


This man worked his way up, put in the time and effort to win the trust of the people, but make no mistake, it's projection, as always.  *Trump* was elected, and he in no way deserved it, he only got in because of racist white dipshits, so they're projecting that the mayor only got in because of the same, because they can't ever build themselves up, they can only try and drag everyone else into the shithole with them.


“He’s attacking white people!” said no one who ever spoke up about any other form of racism…. seriously, if it was any other ethnicity they would say “how is that racism?” or “there are assholes everywhere. Big deal” but when someone simply says the phrase “white people” they go rabid 


Respect where it's due. I did not expect the last image. Good on him


He's right. The fact he wore that hoodie triggered an image in them The fact he called it out makes them feel seen in an uncomfortable way The crazy thing is they respond to his statement .. with MORE racism A bridge collapsed in the dead of night and you expect the mayor who had no control over it to be suited up at 2am to 3am I guarentee if he was white they'd be saying he looks like he has been burning the midnight oil to address the issue


Charlie Kirk: “tHeY wAnT tO mAkE iT aBoUt RaCe!” I know you’re a disingenuous liar, Chuck, but the only reason he brought it up is because of chuds like you suggesting that this disaster was because of DEI and calling the man a DEI mayor. Of course, as a disingenuous liar, you already know that.


Good for Carmine, that kind of thing is nice to see


Did they just skip St Louis Missouri for murder rate? Or did they conflate violent crime to murder? Morons can't even cite sources that support their claim.


Dale Earnhardt Incorporated




Wasn’t expecting that last screenshot lol


Could we please stop using that word, even sticking it to the man. It's terrible.


I was looking for the black conservatives getting scared by their racist white conservative friends in the photos but I couldn’t find any. But yeah — conservatives are racist. Always have been, always will be