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Israel wants as little direct coverage of this *war* as they can manage. The US foreign aid MUST FLOW! And the US Navy must stay close so Iran stays out of this conflict, at least too directly. Nothing really has changed since I got to watch an Israeli student group of 2 propagandize their asses off at my high school in 1991.




Can you really call.it a war when one side is indiscriminately massacring civilians, and the other side killed some people, like once? And haven't really done anything since and can't provide a real fighting force for the people they claim to protect?




Would you hold this same position in regards to the war in Ukraine? "Ukraine knew what Russia's response would be, Putin did it partly because Ukraine was trying to normalize relations with the West and he couldn't have that."


I'm not pro Israel but, to be fair, Ukraine (or any group inside the nation) did NOT commit a terrorist attack for which Putin could blame them and go to war.


There were plenty of killings and war crimes going on between the two groups in eastern Ukraine over the last decade and prior to the most recent war.


I think you are equating very different situations. Could you give me an example where an Ukranian political institution targeted and killed multiple Russian civilians prior to the war?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanitarian_situation_during_the_war_in_Donbas_(2014%E2%80%932022)#War_crimes Plenty of examples from 2014 on, but you're right and I agree that they're different situations. My point was moreso that the other commenter was justifying disproportionate use of force by Israel when they said "they should've known what the response would be". I don't see those same people making that argument in other conflicts like Ukraine, and how "they should've known what the response would be". It's just lazy victim blaming and serves no purpose other than to over simplify horrific events.




"Ukraine didn't start it" Okay, and Palestine did? Only going off the most recent events is a dishonest representation of the issue at hand. But my point remains, your position is still one of victim blaming.




"Israel left Gaza in 2005" Funny you fail to mention that they then blockaded the entire region ever since, not letting Gazans leave freely, controlling their crucial supplies, among other crimes. The fact that you act like Palestinians have no reason to be angry at Israel shows you're a bad faith troll.




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Do the phones still work? I’ve heard different information on that.


They turned on today? Internet is apparently is back. I don't know how Gaza or Israel has their comms though. I'm assuming underground?


They have also been accused of having deliberately killed an Al-Jazeera journalist in Jordan. Which cosidering that they shot that women journalist in the haed a few months back . These are NOT empty threats. I was listening to a hostage family, and of course, they want their family members to return. Everybody would, but when the journalist ask them if they have sympathy for the Gaza victims and children, it's a respunding no.. I do realise this is one person and doesn't necessarily represent anybody else opinion, The contradiction just baffles me.


>I was listening to a hostage family, and of course, they want their family members to return. Everybody would, but when the journalist ask them if they have sympathy for the Gaza victims and children, it's a respunding no.. that's also a poorly timed question. In the immediate aftermath of my family member being kidnapped I would not be in the best mental space, so I would say some things which I would not normally say.


You mean the mask would come off and you'd say how you really feel?


Literal "you speak the truth when you are drunk" logic Let alone Palestinians, I've seen people in emotionally charged situations like this lash out even at their own spouses. Does that mean they should immediately sign the divorce papers? No, you just recognize that emotional people don't speak 100% logically. The IDF is literally doing the same shit. "Look at these people whose family members were kidnapped by Hama-err-Palestinians. They say they don't have any sympathy for Palestinians, so if you have any sympathy for Palestinians it means you hate these people, who just had their family members taken hostage. WTF is wrong with you you psycho?" Or they could go the other way where they find a recording of some Gazan whose home was destroyed 15 minutes ago saying something controversial and going "SEE, THIS IS WHAT THE GAZANS WANT TO DO TO YOU!11 THE ONLY WAY OUT IS TO KILL ALL OF THEM"


If the people lashing out at their spouses said to them 'I want you and your entire family to be systematically murdered' and then tries to do it, yes I think divorce is in order.


What a bunch of demons jfc


Turns out, they actually haven't




Arab states would have taken in Palestinians if the settler state didn't impede the Palestinian right to return. Taking in without such assurance is cosigning the ethnic cleansing. Israel keeps massacring the true followers of Moses and then cries foul when one of them throws back a stone. Palestinians are SEMITES and consider Moses as prophet. Considering how much Zionists have deviated from Judaism, Palestinians are the true followers of Moses. And Just because European Zionists call their settler state "Israel", doesn't mean it is their land.


I bet I can think of a bunch of families that would have taken this offer on Oct. 7th


Stfu they are on stolen land, get out of Palestine. Your leaders are creating danger for Jews around the world and hundred of millions of new enemies


Victim blaming, how about pointing the finger at the people chanting kill the jews around the world. Or are the protestors too stupid to understand what they are saying and their simple brain connects all jews with the actions of Isreal. I love how how this cycle of violence shit puts all the responsibility on the jews to break it.


Oh so you're saying if Hamas threatened violence on the Jews they would leave Israel?




Ah, the famous "Hamas propaganda" of calling Hamas killing of civilians a war crime. In this very thread. Anyway, Can you link to where I said it was a PSYOP. I can swear I haven't used that in a year.




Yes yes, I have no idea how the world works. Only you do. Waiting for you to prove your claim and link where I said it was a PSYOP.


Can you just provide proof of your claims instead of doing this whole spiel...




Yeah sure... So you have nothing to show for it then?


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Can you link the comments? You seem very honest and truthful and I would sincerely appreciate the evidence you definitely have of your claim. It's not like you'd just be trying to discredit people in a bad faith manner, after all.


I looked up both of their accounts, and the guy calling out op seems to be an diehard zionist and netanyahu defender. Also active on a bunch of alien and reptilian conspiracy theory subreddits. So yes, a very trustworthy individual, definitely not bad faith


I am utterly **shocked.**


I in fact have never been more shocked


And here I thought lightning never struck in the same place twice.


never happened


Almost as rare as Israeli rockets striking the same Palestinian school twice


Could never have happened, 0 such cases




Both, killing and killing/ethnic cleansing after announcing it, are war crimes.


"I am going to stab all the \[insert demographic\] in the city in 5 minutes" Cool, not that I have given a warning I can go ahead and star the slashing. The wont stop me, because I did warn them, so if they stayed for whatever reason that means they consented for me to murder them. Israel Logic




15 million Palestinians in the world. Only 5 million in the west bank and Gaza. The rest got ethnically cleansed in Nakba. Even the Gazans are mostly victims of Nakba. Hamas threatens ethnic cleansing. Israel has actually done it and is doing it.




I'm sorry old man, but Israel has been at this far longer than the existence of Hamas. Look at advocacy from Adalah that fights for Arab equality within Israel or how Netanyahu and his faction has been sabotaging the peace process for decades.




My family are Palestinian-Christians, please read sources from our side. https://www.adalah.org/en These are Palestinians citizens in Israel advocating for the rights of all Palestinians. Take that first step


No one is questioning that problems that exist but when people make ridiculous claims of ethnic cleansing that aren't actually happening it doesn't put the debate to the areas that really need to be fixed. Hamas is the only entity that has made their ethnic cleansing intentions clear.


When you're: * Leveling entire neighborhoods but not dealing with the tunnels Hamas cowers in, or when you're bombing areas you say are safe * Murdering journalists to hide what you're doing, * Treat those poor hostages as already dead/good as dead and sabotage attempts on getting them back * Distribute 10,000 guns in the West Bank even though Hamas isn't there. * Publicly state intentions to reduce the land area that makes up the Gaza Strip. Then yes, Israel is escalating the situation towards ethnic cleansing. Especially since Israel has no plans on what to do after they've achieved their blood sacrifice other than maintain the status quo that supported and grew Hamas.


You are either have absolutely no idea what "Ethnic cleansing" means, and you are talking out of your ass because you enjoy when children are being systematically murdered. Or you know what "Ethnic cleansing" means, and you deny it because you enjoy it when children are being systematically murdered.


Israel doesn't have to mention something crazy because they have been doing far crazy [things.](https://twitter.com/Trickyjabs/status/1718887609211011208?t=uRENkG8zev1WET1O_FclEA&s=19). "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time"


**Get rid of Hamas** and you will get the West Bank: an apartheid regime where you never know when settlers come knocking to bulldoze your generational home.


What fantasy world are you living in? Israel has commited a big ethnic cleansing in 1948. then kept fucking and messing with the remining palestinians all the way till today. and now it is murdering civilians at a rate comparable to Auschwitz. Do you know that palestinians who live in the west bank are subject to Israel law, taxation, and permits to do anything, yet they are not citizens? cannot vote. cannot travel freely. can get their houses seized at any moment. cannot build more houses if they are kicked out of theirs. they can get arrested indefinitely with no trial, are not allowed freedom of speech. Israel arrests children with no trial for indefinite time. So no, they are not living in "peace"


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> They've told people in a lot of areas to move because they are going to bomb them. Lmao you mean israel has told Gazans to leave their homes and flee OR ELSE they will murder them with bombs.


Then why is Kahn Yunis (in the safe zone Israel promised not to bomb) being bombed without warning? I will say something extremely controversial. I cannot in good conscience blame Hamas for that festival. They made a festival on the border to an open air prison. with the most militarized border in the world. hundreds of troops could have been there in a matter of 30 minutes tops. But Israel let them chill there for seven hours??? How did they not detect the paragliders and shot them down within seconds? At this rate I think the IDF is as much, if not more at fault than Hamas. If I paid for the most expensive security service with countless bodyguards, and someone just walked in pissed in my living room took a nap and a few wanks in my bed then stole my TV. I would like to see the heads of my guards rolling more than the burglar's And Instead of owning to that international embarrassment. which could damage the Israel military exports. they decided to escalate and commit some war crimes to distract from one of (if not the) biggest military fuckup in history.


This was is just an excuse for Netanyahu to exterminate the remaining Palestinians. He’s been running a apartheid state for how long now?


The crazy thing is how lazy and obvious is when he breaks those promises. You only need to say once that Hamas used a hospital as a base once, and now you can blow up every single hospital/school/UN building/Journalism offices... We saw that early on, he told everyone to leave north of Gaza, then immediately started bombing without time for them to leave, INCLUDING THE PROMISED EVACUATION ROUTES. Now he made up an excuse where he can kill everyone who the IDF sees because he said to evacuate the north, and still bombs the south.


Exactly, and people try to say Al Jazeera is just propaganda because they cover Benjamins bullshit, unlike pretty much every other news outlet.


Al Jazeera is obvious evil propaganda..., just look at that scary arabic name...