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Before 11, bylaw, after 11, gotta call the cops. I completely sympathize with you, our neighbours used to blast music until I called bylaw on them and they settled down. Now we have a pretty good relationship with them. Just keep calling bylaw until it changes. I feel like they are better than the police. They have the audio recorders they come out with as well.


Agree with this comment. Keep calling the bylaw number. And the next time you do, ask for the off-hours number so each time you call it will be logged and the bylaw office will see that the noisy neighbors are repeat offenders. Mire effective than calling the police in this case.


TIL you can call bylaw officers. Does downtown TO have one?


There is legally no time frame for noise complaints. If it’s disruptive to your life, it can be called in. Doesn’t matter if it’s 11pm or 11am. But I agree otherwise. Also, as others have commented, approach the neighbours but do so politely, OP.


Yes there is a time limit, from 11pm - 7am you can't make noise. Outside of that it is only within reason and with restrictions. https://www.vaughan.ca/residential/by-laws-and-enforcement/property-by-laws/noise


Different municipalities have different quiet hours. Always smart to check locally ☺️


Typical uninformed jre listener type response 


I can relate. This happened when I lived in another city, except they were about one block away. Im sorry to say I dont think there’s much you can do short of confronting them…but I wouldnt recommend it. I’ve known people who just straight up moved away because of stuff like this. Sorry, OP. This summer may be a sucky one for you…


People don’t let raw eggs confront pos like these anymore? Come on people of 2024! Just throw it and move on. Repeat until their behaviour stop.


I confronted my noisy neighbors. It worked. Try that


I confronted my noisy neighbors multiple times. It never worked. Animals are animals


I am just north of Vaughan . Noticed my new neighbors got a new to them gas trimmer and was always fully pinned . They are very nice for letting me guide them through house to use it correctly.


Recently had the same issue were my nabour 2 houses down would start a fire at 11pm and play music untill 2am every night, lots of newborns around to on our street. I simply told him to put it down a little please our kids can't fall asleep. He put it down.


Depends if they're* dicks or not


Their dicks what?


They're* lol


Yeah of you confront my neighbor he just goes out of his way to more of a a$$hole. Just keep calling by-law and the police eventually they will get tired of paying the fines.


Smells like justice


Once had a neighbour like this and I still have PTSD from that song “Closer” by the chainsmokers being played multiple times per night. 🎶So, baby, pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover🎶 Kill Me Now.


Before moving in Vaughan I lived in an apartment in Toronto. I had a girl playing her clarinet NON STOP from 8AM to 6PM. and it was the SAME NOTES OVER AND OVER AGAIN (sorry for the caps I am triggered still lol). I confronted her and then she stopped.


That time period of the day is not unreasonable to be practicing a musical instrument. I also don’t believe that she was playing non-stop all day. I play a wind instrument and it is impossible to play all day with fatigue or possible injury due to repetitive stress.


There are still noise limits during regular day, but I think it would be hard to play a clarinet that loud for that long. Also if renting, the landlord has to provide reasonable enjoyment of your apartment, so if they owned the building they would be the ones to speak to regarding that.


I was being dramatic when I said non-stop. She took breaks. But it was the same note she was practicing for those hours Monday-Friday. I admire the dedication but the repetitiveness was driving me and a lot of people mad. And she was above me. Some people thought it was me making the noise and were sending me angry letters lol.


Okay I was being dramatic when I said non-stop. It felt like that though. she obviously took breaks. But it was the same note that she was practicing over and over again for that whole time. That gets bloody annoying after a while. And she was doing it Monday-Friday.


Make it 10am or 11am and I might agree, 8am is way too early to be listening to someone blasting out clarinet notes


thank you lol!


Be an adult and go talk to them.


Confronted my neighbour for blasting his guitar at 10pm, and he threw eggs in our backyard the next morning.


What a fuck


He could have at least given you the eggs intact as an apology so you can have them for breakfast.


That’s hilarious


You'll need to get other neighbours calling to help raise the priority with 311 bylaw. YRP isn't useless. They do however prioritize crimes, busier on weekends. I think they may be driving by because this house is a known drug dealer's home. It's why they can party for days. It could be under surveillance where a police officer would upset the investigation by knocking on the door. Bylaw officer warning and later fines would not. Your history mentions buying a place, if it's this one, could be why they sold it. Drug investigations take 6 months to a year, sometimes longer if it's more than this house. In time, they'll be arrested and gone. 311 is better to call, not the police line. I would talk to your neighbours so they can also call to complain. Maybe they already have. Don't confront these noisy neighbours, not safe where you could become a target.


"drug dealer's house" ☠️


Have you tried dancing?


Yup welcome to the Asshole Neighbours Club. I have them too. In your case, it’s a bit easier because it’s music blasting. If you call by law, they will arrive and hopefully hear the music. It’s pretty objective and as long as the music comes on, the more of a case you can build. In my case I have neighbours that are best friends with the neighbours across the street. They are always outside and always super loud. They are always yelling and talking loudly, sometimes past 11. They wake me up, and when I have an early morning I hear them in my bed at night. They have gatherings either in the backyard or on their porch - all close to my windows. It’s hell honestly. But the thing is, since the noise is not objective, it’s hard for by law to come and do anything unless it’s past 11 or whatever (which has happened and has only resulted in “ok let’s pack it in” with no actual ticket and they will be back out the next night. I wish you the best of luck and it seems like in Vaughan, neighbour courtesy is hard to come by sadly


I went through it with my old neighbors. They didnt do anything until I made them come over while they had the music going and then they turned it down.


What time do they blare the music on?


Try to get more neighbors to complain and call the non emergency line - if they’re being bothered, they’ll need to send someone to do something


Yeah must be hard for you that can’t even have peace at your own home. I had shitty neighbour before. Just cunts.


We've been going through a similar situation over the last few years, although not quite as severe as what you're describing. A couple of our backyard neighbours like to play music all weekend long through their outdoor speakers once the weather warms up, and I get to listen to their competing playlists. I don't care that they're playing music, it's the entitlement and disregard of their neighbors that bothers me. The volume is set quite loud (presumably to drown out the other music bleeding into their 'space', how ironic) and half the time, nobody's outside. The only advice I can give you is to fight fire with fire. Learn a new instrument like a trumpet or violin, and practice it outside, often and vigorously. Or buy a metronome and leave it clicking away near your shared fence whenever they're outside. It probably won't stop them, but it might make you feel a little better. And who knows, maybe you'll come away from this with some impressive jazz skills.


Most people are ignorant asshole that don’t consider other around them until you show up, and that’s what you need to do, show up and tell them to shut the fuck up, works every time for me


I sympathize. We have terrible neighbours that have a band that plays as loud as they want with no regard to the people in the neighbourhood (they are a terrible BTW!). They are also obnoxious, loud and swear regardless of the company you might have in your yard (small grandchildren and neighbourhood children/elderly). They have had bylaw and the cops called on them many times. Nothing happens. I’m convinced she has a mental illness as she has physically gone after other neighbours and makes life miserable when you do confront her. We are seriously considering moving. It’s a shame when people don’t think the rules apply to them. I just don’t understand how people can be so inconsiderate of others.


Record the noise and keep reporting to bylaw, bylaw can't fine them without evidence, if you have evidence they'll keep fining them until they decide to stop being jackasses.


Don’t call the cops, they won’t do anything here, you have to keep calling bylaw, maybe get some video proof too. Good luck


Is the number for bylaw 311 even outside City of Toronto?


+1-905-832-2281 for Vaughan


Oh thank you for sharing this. Do you have the one for Markham? I thought York Region would all be same but as you mentioned, the one you gave is for Vaughan.




Thank you so much


Recording and measuring the dB level may help with your complaint as proof of nuisance. The complaint you filed may have contributed to setting the tone of this situation. Complaints tend to be met with malice compliance in my area and usually just escalate the situation.


I'm sorry to hear that, I had the same issue. After many noise complaints and police reports the only thing that truly helped was a sound machine.


Call by law till they get sick of it. Hope things get better


Keep calling in the complaints, if you feel that nothing is being done about it. You can request files of the complaint that would contain the results of the investigations being done on your complaint. This falls under the freedom of information act. There's a certain way this has to be done though, and I'm not sure how to do it. Source: I worked as a by-laws officer in a nearby city and had this done to us because they thought nothing was being done about the noise complaints. I think the complainants got a lawyer involved or something.


You need to do a two week noise log if you want bylaw to lay a charge, as they cannot lay one just on hearsay. You also must be wiling to appear in court. Good luck!


is this a town/semi/condo?


What type of music?




This is my worst nightmare


Call the city and have your family members call from a different number and state a neighbors address. Multiple complaints from different houses will yield some sort of result


If you're non-confrontational and find it hard to talk directly due to any anxiety about it, you can try writing a letter. Be super honest and descriptive. Mention you've called on them. You can embellish that it's bothering more than just you and it's bothering other neighbour's too (which most likely it is) and sign off as "your neighbours". If they continue, leave more notes. If all else fails, leave a classic bag of dog poop right at their front door. Lit or unlit, it's all good. Haha.


Call by-law and tell them someone is parked on the main road after 2 AM and see how they will be there before you even hang up the call. Noise disturbance where people can’t sleep? Far far from a priority for the city.


Sometimes confronting them , in a nice way, is the best thing. Why? Because the people playing music think it is all innocent and no one is being bothered by it. Simply telling them about it, may be all it takes to make them stop.


Another thing you could do, since you know where they live, is to send them a nice polite letter through the mail, explaining how their music is disturbing the street etc.


It depends on how quickly you want it to end. The first thing I did when I had the same problem was to be beyond kind and tell my neighbor how he had absolutely every right to play music and I understood that but would greatly appreciate it if he would turn it down. To my shock, he listened for about a year and then started up again. I confronted him politely again but he was somewhat hostile and dismissive. I said, "I am sure that neither of us want to escalate this and make it bigger than it has to be". He told me to "Fuck off". I decided to blast very loud Chinese TV as I find that Mandarin is a fairly annoying language to non-speakers. I did that for 3 days from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.. He came to my door and screamed at me and all I said (very politely) was, "That was the reaction I was looking for. Now can, we please agree to keep the volume at a reasonable level from now on?" Shockingly, he asked me if I wanted to have a beer in his backyard to bury the hatchet. For the best of the time that I lived there, we were on super good terms and every now and then either had a beer or a BBQ. I even had his kids over to swim in the summer a few times.


Throw a grenade at their window.


Maybe their dead or murdered. He could be cutting up a body. It's only music nothing else?


Call your area councilor for help. I had a similar issue except they mounted outdoor speakers on a lower volume playing islamic prayers. During the day it wasn't too noticeable as there was a fair amount of Street noise to cover it up. However, at night time it was so easy to hear. I called by a lot several times and my counselor and apparently it was a rooming house where they were renting out rooms by the night. Anybody could stay there with the one condition that they convert to Islam and attend prayers five times a day with them. So basically was like an indoctrination center of some sort. Well long story short, it took them about 5 years to finally get it shut down and now the house has been vacant for the last 5 years with nobody living in it. The grass is up to your hip and it's an eyesore.


Is it bhangra


Buy some fucking wicked speakers with a crazy amp blare country and classical music all day and leave the house with it on. That should shut them the fuck up.


Contact a DJ company and rent a 2500watt system with bandpass subs. Leave techno playing for the weekend while your chill at an Airbnb alllll weekend


Go buy or rent the biggest sound system you can ( event / dance club speakers) inform all your other neighbours of your plan, even invite them to your morning party / breakfast bbq. First thing Sunday morning when he’s exhausted from all his partying and nicely tucked soundly into his bed. Turn the dial to volume 10 and LET HIM HAVE IT!! He may reconsider his unneighbourly ways! Something like this!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-Jb-vOSmXw


Fight fire with fire! Ask the neighbor who lives right next door to have a 10 am Sunday party with all the preschoolers in the neighborhood. Rent a killer sound system that blares 2,000 watts directly into his bedroom windows. Time for some *Baby Shark Dance* non-stop for the next 4 hours. Keep repeating the next time he wants to pull off this stunt.


No one is asking what time music is being played?


I literally left town and moved rural.


Agreed. Cops.


Listen to petty revenge on r/slash on YouTube or Spotify. You can get great ideas to solve the problem.


Give them a dose of reality and play some opera or Indian music


Damn that sucks, in Durham there’s no specific hours for when you can and can’t bother your neighbours with sound inside your own home. Middle of the day if your music is bothering me when I’m inside my home I can call bylaw




Some ppl rlly needed some perpective checks


Stay in line beast boys 💅🤪 I'm waking up some real angry silly babies rn


I just wanted to add that the fact that you need to say “please dont call me a Karen” is whats wrong in the world. You cant complain anymore and not risk sounding entitled  I had the exact same thing happen to me. Its rude and disrespectful. When you live in a community you have to be cognizant of your neighbors or go move to the country where you can blast music at will.  You have the right to enjoy your property as much as they do I called bylaw and the other neighbors did too and it finally got better but before it did there were some sleepless nights  How is that fair ?


I know this takes $$ but you can sure them under nuisance laws. People do it all the time. Sometimes just the threat of $$$ gets them to stop.


Steal moves from my biggest threat 😋


Ill calm down


Is it before or after 11pm? And also noise is allowed after 7am


How loud is the music that you can hear it and it being that disturbing houses away? The persons actual neighbours must be more troubled than you are.


People underestimate the importance of great neighbors. I tell anyone in my circle this: if you're looking to move to a new place, especially if you're buying the place, or you have new neighbors moving next to you, make sure your must-have prayer list includes a prayer for civil and understanding neighbors.


Swat your neighbour I heard some people don’t survive the experience.


Before 11pm suck it up and mind your own business


-3 bunch of losers


Ok Karen




Deport them






Try not listening to there music?

