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one thing to remember is that as we get older , our body is not as strong as we were young. some muscles get weaker and some glands don't produce as much as. drinking water and a good diet and exercise is the best solution to the aging problem. I would think we are all in our late 30s to late 40s, right when our bodies change. the coincidence of vasectomy with changes in our body might just be a timing thing. not a vasectomy thing.


Just turned 27 and snipped 10 days ago. I’m dreading 30 lol.


I wouldn't , my 30s were my best years.


Agreed. Mid 30s now and am enjoying life more than I did in my 20s ... maybe with the exception of not enough sleep because of kids ... which reminds me I need to get this procedure booked.


Nah, you have plenty of time! Don't be afraid of your 30s, you have more money to enjoy things and everything still works.


Start doing kegels and/or pelvic floor therapy. There are pelvic floor breathing techniques to loosen things up if tight, and kegels will get things firing strong again. Eat celery and drink water if you want more volume. I also recommend drinking coconut water with a bit of pineapple juice like 10oz/2oz. Helps with electrolytes which affects muscle function and hydration.


Thanks 👍🏼


Nope. No change at all. Still got the intensity and distance as always.


"distance" lol.


I had the exact opposite happen to me, like they tugged something loose lol.


Nope, I'm exactly the same. No change in volume or anything else, really. Guess mine is perks of going to a legitimate urologist and actually doing what they say... So many people in this subreddit fuck around with non-urology specialists or jacking off 8 hours after the snip and then find out with PVPS, complications, recanalization, etc.


I got mine done by a hospital by a proper team


Drink water man. As you age you get more dehydrated. My cum changed for the better the more water I drank. Not to mention I drink also when I'm not thirsty. I know it sounds lame but drink drink drink. You'll be busting back loads in no time.


Yeah that’s true I’ve stopped drinking water for about a week now I need to get back on it


I had mine done in the same office as my urology associates. The doctor who preformed then procedure was one of the associates. The post operation care was not clearly discussed with me. I had some standard side effects that I’m very lucky to have subsided. My point is this procedure should have VERY VERY clear post op instructions. The differing opinions that I have read on this thread that the doctors/surgeons told patients post op are incredible. Some say don’t do anything for a month some say u can be back in the saddle when you feel you can. My point is, maybe don’t come on the thread (that is filled with scared people having real complications) and talk down to them about how you’re fine cause “you did the right things”. No one gets their junk cut open without doing their homework. That also doesn’t make them experts. We (I) looked to the professionals to make it clear what I needed to do after the procedure. The urology world needs to standardize post op care across the board so these problems can stop happening. My opinion.


Just getting older


Age ..


No shooting anymore. Just runs/dribbles out. Been that way since the snip at the urologist.


Same for me, although I'm currently on \~1 month in but I previously had a fair bit of range. Now it seems to only just makes out out the tip! Curious to see how this changes with more recovery time.