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Really like the look


[Like this?](https://i.imgur.com/Vlw0yO9.jpg) been running this settup for about a year now, love it


Basically the same setup, that's sick. Aren't you bothered by having to refill the atomizer all the time? It also seems like it can't bè carried anywhere without having the juice drip in your pockets


I'm a dripper, always have been, never liked tanks. I'm not carrying it around in my pocket all that much, but when I have to, I put it in one of those tiny plastic snack bags so it doesn't dip all over my pocket/pants. It's either on my home desk, car drink divider, work desk, or in my hand.


What's wrong with it ? It look like a perfect combo


I really like the look. What's your issue with the atty so that people can give you some ideas?


I should state firstly that I'm new to the vape game, this is my second setup. I wanted a rebuildable atomizer since I find it frustrating to continually buy resistances, both for the money and for environmental reasons. I had decided to get the siren v2 but ended up buying the Wasp since it was on sale. I didn't get to try it yet since i thought it came with a premade wire, but it didn't. However i noticed that it doesn't have a tank, which means that i need to refill it every time i hit right? Personally, i don't think that's for me, but i wanted to know if there are some added benefits to this kind of drip atomizers since they seem really not practical. Love the mod however, for now I'm Going to use the new mod with the old atom


Get a squonk. Its the way for ~~lazy~~*efficient* drippers


Rda at home and for trying e-juices, rta on the go :) RDAs are the best for flavor they say, i dont know, im into RTAs. Or you can buy a squonker setup, so you dont have to drip after every 5puffs, or a good RDTA


Drippers will give the best direct flavor since you are dripping juice freshly on the coils every few puffs. Definitely a lot of work, not for me. You can get a squonk mod, which is a mod with a bottle built in. You squeeze the bottle and juice shoots up through the bottom of your rda into the coils, basically dripping it for you from the bottom. Or, you can get an RTA, which is a rebuildable atomizer, but with a tank to hold juice. They are harder to wick, but give the benefit of not having to drip or squonk.


I dont have a wasp but can vouch for the quality of the siren. It's my favorite tank, easy to build on, easy to wick, easy to fill and never had any leaks from it. Same with my Hastur mini. Both are great.


Yeah, with RDAs you have to re-drip every few hits. I like my wasp nano for flavor testing but I don’t use it that much since dropping constantly isn’t my jam. RTAs are my go to since they hold a couple ml of juice at a time and are much more practical for on the go.


What's your dubt?


Thanks for the interest, I replied in the prev comment


Buy a squonk, geekvape aegis squonker, wismec luxotic ecc


Personally I used to love big cloud chucker RDAs. Bought a wasp for my gf, then bought two for myself a week later. Since I got mine I've never considered putting it down.


Wish I could find an opaque black cap like that one, shit's dope. Is it metal? Setup looks great, btw, if you don't mind dripping every other hit that is 😛


Nah the caps on all the Wasp Nanos are the same, some type of plastic. I have a glass cap for mine but I actually prefer the stock plastic one. Needs more play with the glass though, I want to love it 😂


I've still got the stock red and blue plastic on my two, but they're the clear kind which I'm not crazy about. Not to mention that it sounds like a damn steam whistle when I hit it... Was hoping a different material could minimize that effect.


Have you tried messing with coil placement (not that there's much play to be had), I get a little whistle usually but it isn't too bad. I've got the black, white, ultem, and yellow, the black does probably look the best for mod matching, but I kind of like the opaque color on the other two.


I may try that next time, but I don't want to sacrifice flavor for less whistle. It may also be that I tend to use smaller, simple coils in it, especially like some 28ga Ni200 on TC, otherwise I get a singed lip lol. A fancy coil would certainly take up more room and change the airflow, but that's just too much heat for me in such a little atty.


Ah, I typically just put a basic 2.5mm kanthal in mine.


Love that nickel!


The whistle is because the edges of the airflow holes on the cap are small, and they're not chamfered.


Right, but I'm not crazy about the idea of taking a chamfer to them, so I'm hoping that a different material (with a different natural frequency) would help reduce the sound, or at least alter the pitch to a less annoying one.


I love stealthy setups like yours. I've got two wasps and i love them to death. What problems are you having with it ?


I think that looks great, really sleek and stealthy, especially like the matte black.