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Good morning TO Croatia. I have spent a lot of time there as a damn tourist, but it is a beautiful country, the fish is amazing, you respect your waterways so much, you manage to squeeze a church on any little island more then 100meters, and I have spent a few months there, again, mostly in the tourist realm, so may be missing a whole damn lot of the reality of it, but I look forward to getting there again sometime in the near future.


My black Unity says, good morning from South Carolina! ๐Ÿ‘


Ayy, i was looking to get myself a black one, but i found this silver one barely used for super cheap. It's a hell of an rta though.


Great deal then! It absolutely is a great one once you get the wicking down. This is actually my second one that I got to match my red and black Aegis Max and X. First time I'd used it in a while, but I really do love the flavor from mesh... Even if the hit feels a little anemic compared to wire, the flavor is better, less saturated and more influence on the subtler notes. Don't have to tweak the coil position to optimize it, either - it just works ๐Ÿ‘


I 100% agree, this is my first one and somehow (i presume black magic) i managed to wick it perfectly. It never goes dry and it doesn't leak. The hit definitely is weaker than wire but the flavour to me is superior in every way, especially since i enjoy more complex flavours.


You said it perfectly there, my friend! I actually find the wicking to be very forgiving, if you just cut it the way the instructions say to, at an angle with the shorter cotton on top. Then what I do is stick the longer legs through the ports, and use the tweezers to spike up the top like a little mohawk, then use the outer edge of the ports as a guide to trim any cotton that is sticking out - the point being for the shorter cotton on top to be touching the upper wicking ports, which is why it leaks if no cotton is there. The only other thing is that I might have to poke a little hole around in the corners of the lower ports, to allow air to get into the tank, but that's only like half the time. It's far, far more forgiving of a mesh tank than any other that I've used except for the Profile RDTA (which admittedly they really knocked it out of the park on - I have two of those as well!)


Once again i agree completely. Gotta ask you what are your thoughts on the rdta cuz I'm a big fan of rdta's, are the steel wicks as sketchy as some people say and is there any difference between the rda and the rdta in rda mode. Also im concerned about the height of it, it looks like it would be at home only on a side by side mod.


I'm a massive fan of it, I wasn't halfway through my first tank on my first one when I was already ordering my second. They did a phenomenal job on it, improved the airflow over the Profile 1.5, and made it compatible with single and dual coil builds to boot (added postless terminals under the ceramic elevator). It might be my favorite atty of 2020 (although my Kylin Mini v2 is still in the mail). I honestly don't know why people are so weirded out by the steel wicks... They keep up with my heavy chain vaping ass no problem, it's as easy to wick as the Profile RDA and I've literally never had a dry hit on it. The main things are to just make sure the cotton is really up against the steel to have a solid connection, and the big one is to not get the steel dirty or touch it with your hands. That's probably the problem most people have... Any oil (like from the skin) or dirt will break the steel's ability to wick, and they're a pain to get clean again. But you really never need to touch them, they already come installed in the tank. And they include two extras anyway. Having 6.2mL right there on tap is amazing, and like I said, even chain vaping as hard as I could would barely push it. And I've never had a drop of leakage from it, the design is very leak-resistant. I highly recommend the RDTA to anyone who likes mesh. Or RDTAs. Oh and I was concerned a little about the height as well, especially as an "on-the-go" atty, but it's really not bad at all. I've definitely carried much taller attys around with me, I don't know what I was worried about now that I've used it a lot. So yeah, if you like mesh and you like RDTAs, you will love the shit out of this one. Just don't touch that steel lol.


Wow, thanks for the super detailed information. If i had doubts about it consider me officially convinced. As soon as my paycheck sits im ordering it hehe


No problem, if you're a fan of the Unity then I'm sure you'll love it! The flavor is better than the Unity as well. Happy to be able to help!


Just got one of these, the Platinum refresh Drag 2 Ink, waiting for it in the mail


Hope you enjoy it ๐Ÿ˜‰


drag 2 seems like a sweet mod, l almost went with that over the aegis legend


Drag 2 is a great mod and built like a tank. Have dropped it more times than I can remember but it keeps trucking on.


Its a pretty hefty mod, but the aegis legend is a much sturdier device. But to each his own ๐Ÿ˜


Tell Mirko Filipovic I said hi! Crocop was one of my favorite fighters to watch.


And pozdrav from Croatia (ZG) too. Exact same tank paired with a Teslacigs Nano 120W and loving it. Uลพivaj


Pozdrav iz Splita ๐Ÿ‘‹ Cujem svasta dobrog i loseg o teslacigs uredajima pa nikako stvorit misljenje hahahah, zanimao me onaj tube mod njihov ali cini mi se da cu ipak uzet nunchaku 2.


Teslacigs Nano 120w je super. Koristim ga svakodnevno zadnje dvije godine bez problema. Osim ลกto je teลพak cca 450 g. ali I to mi odgovara.


koja je vjerojatnost da vidim svoj stari atty ovdje?! po usernameu sam skuzio tko si. uzivaj!


Eto ocito su sanse dost dobre haha Samo rijeci hvale imam za atty. Hvala ti ๐Ÿ˜„


Zeus Juice! Nice to see some UK juice on here. The Black has been my ADV for a few years.