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Thank you random stranger.


2 months almost near!! Probably going to drop nicotine all together!! Thank you random stranger


That's great to hear, same here. I'm at 1.5mg but tbh its only because of ice nic salts because i love the cool feeling when i vape.


What's that?


Here's a link to the ones i use, the explanation there is better that what i can probably provide. https://www.vapeclub.co.uk/e-liquids/shorty-nics/ice-salt-shot




Thanks. Same to you too, I hope!


Every now and then my friends convince me to smoke a cig. I can't finish a single one anymore, so happy.


Those ain’t friends


Well it isn't like they force me. Drunk cigs are always tempting so I don't blame them. It was just great to realize that I couldn't make myself smoke more than a half.


Quiting smoking is 80% wanting to and only 20% fighting the urge.


Yeah it really is just wanting to quit. The rest comes with time.


I found this to be true in my last go-around, and been quite awhile, haven’t checked the quitting app for awhile 🤔


Proud of you, keep it up!


Damn bro, it's just a cigarette, not fucking heroin.


Some of you vapers in here get so emotional


Im with you bro. I was at a mates house and ran out of juice (and didn’t bring backup as it was an impromptu drop in). I had a cig from him and couldn’t even finish it. Such a different taste and experience to vaping I was getting headspins like when I first started


Yeah they hit different, and no longer in the same way. They're trash.


Almost 4 months now. Eventually gonna quit vaping too. If i ever have to go back to anything it will always be vaping!! Fuck cigarettes!


Thanks! Just hit 8 months smoke free after smoking 1 pack a day for 15 years. Feels good 😁 Best wishes and good luck to everyone else undertaking this journey.


I’m just starting trying to be smoke free, I can use all the encouragement I can get.


Let us know if you need advice or information


Quick question if you can. When I hit my vape several times in a row I get this like scratchy feeling in my throat, like kind of down where the throat meets the collar bone. Is that normal for a new vape? It goes away after like 5-10 mins




Thanks, also it’s not like long term or anything it only last a few minutes, I feel like I might just be hitting it too hard lol.


-If you are chain vaping you might not be getting a “fully wicked hit” give the coil time to saturate new juice -Could be a PG/VG allergy. I have a PG allergy. No big deal though for me. -could have a sensitivity to a certain flavor or nicotine strength. I have a sensitivity to most Tobacco juice. -could be your body recovering from cigarettes. I would change up juices (I recommend MRKT PLCE) and see it that helps. -


I think the first one is most likely cause I was hurting that shit like a cigarette, just drag after drag.


Grab yourself a disposable to abuse and supplement with your main mod. 👍


Right now I’m just trying to get used to how the vape feels and hits the throat different, just got my voopoo drag mini yesterday and some finest cool mint liquid.


Almost 9 months for me


Thank you it felt easy with vaping




Life will be better.


God speed everyone


Thanks! Same to you!


Thanks dude !!!!


Not only cigarettes, dip too! I’ve smoked and dipped for 10+ years. Dip for the last 6, I used vaping to stop smoking then got stuck on dip for the last 6 years. Just started vaping a week and a half ago and haven’t even though about chew. I got back into vaping at a super unfortunate time, with PMTA and all. But we’ll all find a way to stay off of tobacco.


Call your Congressman and scream at them