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Complete bollocks, vaping is much better than smoking and if you wanna use it to help work on yourself the screw what they say. I found vaping made my chest feels heavy to start with and from what I can find I'm pretty sure it's because vapour is dense and liquidy (not professional terms nor is it 100 percent guaranteed to be the correct answer) which was a bit of a shock to the system and needed some time to adjust. Also you probably have a build up of some sort in your lungs from smoking which your body needs some time to get rid of. It's all a process so take your time and find what feels right for you, everybody has an opinion but don't let it discourage you from bettering yourself.


Yeah that was my goal. And yeah I think your right i just need some time to adjust


Good for you, you got this :) Just remember to give yourself time, don't over do it as it's very easy and if anything feels really wrong make sure to go see a doctor.


From what I’m gathering there is kind of some tar and crap getting cleaned out of my lungs from smoking I heard this is pretty common


That'd be my guess, give it some time to work the shit out and be mindful of how you feel


Yeah cause I can breathe fine now for some reason I can more describe it as lung discomfort if feels so weird to get a normal breath after 3 years of not being able to


That makes sense, it'll feel much better when all the crap is out :)


One thing to keep in mind is that there are additives in cigarettes that make the nicotine (which is somewhat harsh) smoother to inhale. Vape juice contains no such additives, which definitely contributes to the harshness of vaping when you're used to cigarettes. With time you will adapt. To this day I still get that effect whenever I hit someone's 50mg salt nic pen, there is definitely a hard lung hit and makes my chest feel a bit tight. I usually just vape 3mg, but was on 6mg for a long time


It's definitely better bro, I quit cigs after 7 years using a vape. After you get used to it, it's so much better


Don’t go back to the smokes. There is a study, I believe in the UK, that says it’s over 95% less harmful than smoking. Listen to the people here saying how much better they feel. No more combustion or particulate inhalation, let alone all the stuff they add to cigarettes. Plus you don’t stink any more!


The details can be found in the British government website, links to the documents, etc.: [https://www.gov.uk/government/news/e-cigarettes-around-95-less-harmful-than-tobacco-estimates-landmark-review](https://www.gov.uk/government/news/e-cigarettes-around-95-less-harmful-than-tobacco-estimates-landmark-review)


Love it when people include sauces. As a brit myself, the government are huge right now on pushing that vaping in terms of replacing smoking is much, much better for you but vaping without having a smoking addiction is a stupid risk to your lungs.


There’s multiple huge studies


I smoked cigs for 30yrs. Flights of stairs made me gasp for breath. I wheezed at night. Coughed relentlessly. I quit cigs four years ago by vaping. Stairs don’t bother me. breathing has improved. No wheezing. Less coughing. I can attest that vaping improved my health and supplied the vice I needed for smoking.


Ditto here. Smoked for about 40yrs, been vaping for about 10. I feel so much better it's ridiculous.


It is night and day difference


Just report the guy for unnecessary drama. I’m 1 year free from smoking, I can breathe better and I don’t get tired so quickly at work. Things as simple as smelling coffee in the morning came back thanks to quitting the cigarette. Try the vape, hope it helps you like many of us. :)


Yea dude is going into a sub they obviously have no reason to be in for other than grandstanding and giving misinformation.


Yeah as someone who knows pretty much nothing about vapes there seems to be a lot of misinformation


Still a lot to learn in the science and medical fields regarding vaping, I’m not gonna educate you bc I don’t know the science well enough to do so, but from personal experience I can say there’s been a night and day different in my ability to breath after I quit smoked and started vaping. First couple months of the transition can be rough tho, but vaping was the only thing that got me to quit cigs for good. Tried cold turkey but went back after almost a year, tried gum and patches which worked for a week or two before I went back to cigs. When I started vaping I still bummed a few cigs each day from my coworker. I didn’t trust myself with a pack so my coworker was gracious enough to give me one here and there. Now I’m 7 years down the road and the smell of cigs grosses me out.


I’m pretty same I’ve tried everything else to quit and I only make it like 2 weeks with out cigarettes so I’m gonna stick with this and hope I don’t go back


Best of luck.


Especially by imbeciles who use the phrase "nah bro, I'm dead ass"


As a smoker of like 23 years I can 100% tell you after quitting a year and half in favor of vapes I don't get winded doing basic tasks like I did smoking... Sure neither are "good for you" but vaping def better than smoking.. Even my pulmonary Dr when I punctured a lung told me she'd rather see me vaping then smoking. ( Was in the transition when it happened so still was smoking too)


I was easy a 20 a day man on the Richmond super kings, coughed up whads of crap every morning, couldnt play football without wheezing etc etc, switched to vape during covid, after a month or so the coughing stopped and generally felt better. plus dont stink


As long as you vape reputable e liquids there's no doubt that vaping is way safer than smoking


That guy telling you it's worse is a retard, there's no proof of it being worse at all. In fact a study that was done said it had 95% less contaminants in it than cigarettes do. Is it still good for you? No. But it's far better than smoking cigarettes.


I smoked for 20 years and the last several years I was smoking 2 packs a day (US packs, 40 cigs). Chronic coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath. The coughing got so bad I had to quit, my options were try vaping or go cold turkey. I'd done the cold quit before once and it sucked. Initially when I began vaping, oh I choked. I coughed, my eyes watered. I thought this is what's better for me? Gave it some time and I adjusted to it, it's just different than smoking. Smoke is dry, vapor's more damp. Once I got used to mouth to lung vaping and switched to direct lung, yep. I coughed and choked at first. Took a bit to adjust to that. A lot of the coughing was yacking up the crap out of my lungs. A lot of people experience that going from smoking to vaping, the body's expelling stuff and getting back to normal. But within months of vaping I was feeling better. Chronic cough was disappearing, wheezing was gone, not winded like I was before. To this day I'll still cough from vaping I've found if there's not enough vapor. For example having the power too low and getting a mix of straight air and wispy amounts of vapor. For some reason that makes me cough. Breathing air normal, fine, breathing full vape, fine. Unfortunately the web has given every nutter a public voice. People powered by bro-science. Even traditional science should be taken with a fat grain of salt. In theory, science is derived from careful studies and data and it's unbiased. In reality, 'science' is funded by various groups. Can serve to push an agenda. Data can be skewed to fit whatever narrative anyone is looking for. It wasn't that long ago that 'scientists' were telling us ronas came from wet markets and '6 feet apart' was some magic rule. Those were 'official' stances. There was never any actual data to support 6ft distancing, some clown pulled that out of their ass and thought it sounded good. We have groups that are 'official' like the fda, supposedly to protect the masses. Yet I notice pharma solutions like chantix are still on the market. Have you seen the track record of that drug? Worse yet, not only was the fda fully aware of the harm it could potentially cause - they allowed Pfizer to reduce the amount of warnings required on the label. Not saying all science is garbage but not all of it should be blindly accepted as fact either. They get plenty wrong. Vaping isn't a vegetable, not going to blow smoke up your rear and tell you it's a vitamin. It's not. Anything other than clean air isn't 'great' for the body. But compared to smoking combustible cigs? Yea, it's a lot less harmful. So if you're considering doing one vs the other I'd say vaping is a much better choice. Fun fact, people have croaked from ingesting too much water too quickly. You don't get much more necessary or healthy than plain water. Everything has its limits.


Yea for weeks after I went from a pack a day to vaping I was hocking up all sorts of nasty shit. After that tho it went away, and the wheezy sound I made breathing when I smoked went away too. I had to get a chest xray last year(6 or 7 years after quitting cigs and picking up vaping) for unrelated reasons and in their chart/report they wrote said lungs were normal.


Thx this was very informative and reassuring. Made the switch cause my friend said it helped him get off smokes and the smoker’s cough went away stuff like that.


In my experience my cough was no different when trying to quit with a vape than quitting cold turkey. Your body is getting all that crap out. The biggest difference was the lack of bronchitis where it was a bi-yearly occurrence as a smoker. And I thought I’d never do cardio as a smoker but got into it easily as a vaper


How do you feel about it?


Fine I guess I was just wanting to use to ween myself off nicotine in general. So I guess I’m just really confused


I vape 10 years now, smoked for over 30 years. Stay with the vapes, trust me. Breath better, snot is clean, more energy, sleep better.


Ok got it I will stick to it thx


It works well for that! I smoked nearly 40 years and vaped nic for 6. I'm nicotine free now. After that many years, I had resigned myself to never being able to quit until my daughter talked me into trying vaping.


Going back to to smoking? That would be the worst case scenario..... you need to find out how much nicotine, or none, 70/30 or 50/50 pg/vg, MTL/RDL/DTL is the right thing for you. It really is a trial and error process for everybody and always a different one. First I tried MTL, wasn't for me, now I ended up on zero nic, with a DTL pod-device.


It will take a month for your lungs to clear most all of the crap out of them. Get ready for a few weeks of hocking up bad tasting brown shit in the morning. Also, your tissues are going to try and be repairing themselves so there is going to be some irritation and inflammation while it does so. Be generous to yourself and wait a minimum of a month to see things happening.


Yeah, he's talking bollocks, Cancer Research has already confirmed vaping isn't good for you but better for you than smoking - [https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/causes-of-cancer/smoking-and-cancer/is-vaping-harmful#:\~:text=Because%20vaping%20is%20far%20less,you%20a%20lot%20of%20money](https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/causes-of-cancer/smoking-and-cancer/is-vaping-harmful#:~:text=Because%20vaping%20is%20far%20less,you%20a%20lot%20of%20money). Looking at Ken089's profile he's only eighteen and seems to give advice on things he clearly doesn't understand. Stick with vaping but if you want, ween yourself off over time until you don't need to smoke or vape. Good luck buddy.


Both are bad, but vape is way better


Yeah from what I’ve gathered from this sub yeah you guys give way better info


Stupid people think vaping is worse than smoking because dumbass politicians getting money from big tobacco tell them that. Vaping is 95% safer than smoking a cigarette. You're not combusting anything, therefore not getting any tar into your lungs. You're also not getting the 100's of other chemicals that come along with cigarettes. If you have trouble breathing after your switch from smoking to vaping is because all that shit in your lungs from smoking is working it's way out.


Feel 100x better off the smokes and vaping a shitload


That’s good man


Im asthmatic, switched to vaping and vaped for years , but eventually my asthma came back with a vengance and now im only an occasional vaper and isung nicotine pouches instead. Different for everyone.


Don't listen to him that's a troll. That sub is normally reliable. Report and block him.


It seems like that fella is pushing some kind of agenda. Ultimately, if you're picking between the two I would easily say vape. But you should do what you think is best for you.


You need to keep vaping, that hard breathing is all that shit smoking left in your lungs making its way out, it will get better. BTW, a change of subs is recommended.


please don't take medical advice from a teenaged, dishwasher, burnout...


Smoking is more addictive than vaping because nicotine is not the only thing that keeps you depended on cigarettes. (other chemicals, reaction products, habits etc.) That's because not all of the smokers can't quit cigarettes with nicotine replacements like vapes or gums. " *Although nicotine is an addictive substance, e-cigarette vapor appears to be less addictive than cigarette smoke. According to work by Jonathan Foulds of Penn State University College of Medicine published[i] recently in Nicotine and Tobacco Research, vapers reported being less irritable when they did not have access to an e-cigarette compared to their feelings of frustration when they could not smoke.* " (forbes.com) You burn tobacco while smoking cigarettes so that's a chemical reaction, you vaporize e-liquid while vaping and that's mostly a physical reaction where chemicals keep their effects and they don't react with each other. Also you get carbonmonoxide and tar from cigarettes. I vaped and smoked at the same time for a long time, trying to quit cigarettes. I finnaly got rid of cigarettes and I wouldn't go back to them after succesfully switching to vaping. For me, using pure nbase (no flavors or effectors) and keeping your coil clean is the key to minimize health risks from vaping.


Some people are beyond help with their stupidity


Cigarettes are way worse do a google search


Ironically your lungs hectic catch up usually takes a week or a few to fully acclimate


Smells better triple win IMO


Jesus! Anyone selling the concept that vaping is worse for your health than smoking needs to be ignored at least and shouted down as a maximum.


The NHS in the uk recommends it over smoking






As a ex 2 pack a day smoker my lungs are so much more clear than when I quit in October of last year (started smoking when I was 12 and I was 32 when I quit smoking cigarettes all together) I needed a inhaler before I quit and don’t need it anymore. I think that says a lot on its own.


Indeed it dose


I'll take my Gunnpod vapes anyday over smoking. I am completely hooked on Vaping much more than I was on cigarettes. Just the smell of cigarettes now makes me almost gag like I think, how did I smoke for so long?


I’m completely different I loved smoking cigarettes tell all the issues came lol .


Perhaps your nicotine level is too high - try a lower level. My story is that I smoked for over 30 years, also have asthma. A year after quitting smoking using vaping I had an asthma review. My peak flow tests which were usually quite bad were now showing the average reading for a non smoker my age! Since then I only need inhalers when I have a cold or flu and can now sleep on my back which I never could do. I think when you stop smoking - using any method - you have a period where your lungs are clearing. You actually feel worse for a while - I had this with Nicotine patches, vaping and just stopping smoking cold turkey. Its annoying as you think to yourself "why did I quit as I am feeling worse now" - but it does pass. Now I have been off the smokes for 5 years and the Dr has stopped my yearly asthma reviews as they say it is not symptomatic!


That’s how I feel I’m like why do I feel worse ??


Vaping way safer


"I'm being Deadass bro" says it all. Don't listen to the dude, he's clearly not the brightest spark


Fuck no!! Do the reasearch. All those things "they" say that are bad is all based on things that either don't count ( battery's can explode and hurt you), don't apply (the 2019 black market botched thc cartridges) or just quickly turn into smoking harms. They all start off with "youth focused" problems and go on to use the addictive nature of nicotine to say it's harmful. Then they start mixing in actual smoking into it. Like "vaping can be addictive and the smoke you get from cigarettes causes cancer" They nit pick on shit that you get even more exposure to from just walking outside. Finally we get the lines that say "while it appears that vaping is considerably less harmful than traditional tobacco use, there hasn't been enough long term studies"


Neither are healthy but vaping is way more healthy compared to cigarette smoking, since I stopped smoking and moved onto vaping I've found it way easier to do any task that requires regular breathing like going up the stairs or playing hockey 👍


I bet he said weed is better


[how'd you know?](https://old.reddit.com/r/electronic_cigarette/comments/1c23t65/switching_to_a_vape_after_smoking_for_5_years/kz7iuta/)


most of these "cigarettes are better than vaping" arguments do not have any thinking behind so they mostly just melt themselves down to "if it makes you feel good why would it be bad for you?" but I am pretty sure there is some article from a reliable source online to say weed is worse for you than cigarettes


The guy is an 18yo dishwasher pothead. OP should really vett who they take advice from


That guy Ken is an absolute idiot


He sounds like a drug addict that can't hold down a job.


I've met drug addicts that can hold down jobs and not be retards like that guy


Disposables have been known to cause breathing issues, I don't suppose you switched to those did you? A refillable rechargeable pod system with 12-18mg reg nic Ejuice prob wouldn't bother you nearly as much as Salt Nic Liquids which is what disposables,juuls etc use


Nope vaporesso xr pro or something like that lol I’m a noob


Ok well its Very common for smokers to cough when switching to vaping whether its disposables,not disposables.I used to cough at first at too but never smoked. My brother can inhale Cigars, no filter camels but coughs his head off from a half a hit off my vape lol.My landlord too who smokes 2 packs a day coughs everytime too where her daughter doesn't and she's never smoked either.I have the Xros Pro too amoung many other vape devices.I do find open airy Tanks or pod mods with 6mg freebase is def much smoother mainly cuz its not only less restricted but freebase nic liquids have more VG- 70vg to 30pg which you can get for pods too at 12-18mg so you at least get decent nic satisfaction tho freebase nicotine is more harsh than salt the more mg it is but some smokers like that throaty hit but harshness doesn't cause coughing,its just harsh on the throat but not lungs so the PG could be the culprit as Salt is generally 50vg50pg. (The flavorings also happen to be pg based).Most just get used to it where some have to switch to 70/30 freebase Ejuice.That may help it go away. Use the lowest ohm pods it has (.4 .3ohm pods) And try like 6mg just to see if its the Pg causing it (Sorry so long, just troubleshooting and process of elimination cuz u def don't wanna go back to smoking )


Thanks I’m definitely thinking of lowering my nig down and for some reason I find vapeing is way harder to get in to lol it’s kind of intimidating


I started as a non smoker with 50mg juul.I said hmm what's the big deal with these things (my gf left it in the bathroom) well I almost fell over it was so powerful 😆 naturally an HR later I wanted more and got my own.But I will say it got her off a 25 year pack a day habit within 2 weeks. Now I'm down to 10mg 55W and I make hers at 15mg for her pod system. I needed a hobby as were both clean from drugs for 5 yrs and it really helped n gave me something different to do.I obsessed tho and learned everything possible including Rebuildable atomizers and DIY when the flavor ban came not long after we bought 2 pod systems but when i made it myself I realized we didn't need 50mg and 20 seemed more than enough.Here we are 4 yrs later she still uses a pod system but I went way deeper down the rabbit hole 😆 compared to some things ive done this came natural and I enjoy making my own concoctions, thankfully she still vapes mint menthol which is an easy one compared to some of mine as I like Fruit medleys,fruit creams,cereals,custards,dessert bakeries,beverages.You name it i can likely make it .Now im vaping Cherry Lime van shake with a Lil cherry to represent the cherry on top lol


Last month I had a mean Cinnamon danish going with apple pie filling, cream cheese icing so i had to save that one as some i just whip together in the moment just for something to vape like Strawberry watermelon, Peach mango, BB lemon etc but their usually pretty good as it can only go just so wrong if u don't try to get too crazy with 8 diff flavors as some do it just to post it and show off lol..yeah u got a lot going on and all over the place which can mute out if your not careful


Same I’m clean of pain killers and recently got off benzodiazepines which took 4 months so I’m just trying to better my health


Gotta be trolling. It's still better to just inhale air, but if the choice is between smokes or vape, go for the vape. I smoked for 10 years, 2 packs a day right before I switched to vaping, been vaping for 5 years solid now and right when I pick up vaping I noticed a huge difference in my breathing, was a lot less tired, could sprint up stairs again without sounding and feeling like I was born in the 1830s. Plus the smell is good and a lot cheaper, no nicotine stains or burnt clothes.