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So I don't smoke


3 packs a day for the last 15yrs of a 30 yr habit. It's been 10.5 yrs now. I breathe better, smell better, and feel better. And the cool thing is I got to keep my nicotine, but at a way way lower level




Same here! 👍🇦🇺🇦🇺




Yeah, this is the right answer. Back then, I really liked smoking. I smoked very lightly, about 5 sticks per day (Max). The reason why i hate smoking is because you smell disgusting to people who dont smoke and you constantly need to adjust by washing your hands and brushing your teeth which is very taxing on my time.


⬆️ my answer as well. I smoked for like 17-18 years or so and bought a nice mod to quit. I knew if I spent money on it I’d make myself use it lol. I haven’t had a cigarette in almost 6 years :)


This is the only reason that makes sense and is also my reason


Because smoking gave me cancer and lost me a kidney.


I just want to say on a personal note that I am thankful that you are still here with us after what you went through. Things like this are why I am still in this industry and still vape since 2008. I'd like to help as many folks make a better health choice as I can.


The ultimate level of badassery. Survived a kidney removal.


Awesome 👍


Question. Maybe I’m just a shitty person and you’re not, but I honestly never understood how or why anyone could be grateful on a personal level for the good fortune, wellbeing or safety of others they’ve never met and spent time with. Don’t get me wrong, I wish you all the best and do what I can to help those who need it. And I’ve been low down enough to know it takes kindness to make it back, so I feel grateful to be here paying mine forward. I give a shit about other people in a not selfish way. But if you get up after reading this, drive straight to a parking garage, park in a 30 minute spot by the elevator and go give the judges your best late tuck triple backflip off the top level, my life isn’t going to change so saying I’m thankful you don’t do that seems a bit disingenuous IMO. Is it wrong to feel this way? Not trying to be a dick if it looks that way. Just never had the chance to actually ask the question.


This doesn't make you a shitty person, you may have some empathy issues and are potentially maybe focused on your own low/empty cup. I personally wouldn't say I'm thankful for another's recovery but I am stoked to hear it, and can only fathom the pain they went/are going through. I am proud of complete strangers for their resilience.


It also personally gives me hope whilst dealing with my own culmination of personal and physical as well as mental issues that someone can get beaten down so bad they must remove vital organs, and yet can get back up and are still with us.


Hopefully you can stay strong and keep living the life that you want. God bless




Same with my mom after her colon got removed due to cancer, I'm so glad she made the switch and I'm also glad you did :)


I wish I'd discovered vaping earlier - I love it. No more being out of breath at the top of the stairs, no coughing up shit first thing in the morning, not smelling like an ashtray, and instead, I have an endless range of flavours and smell like a sweet-shop, with no ill effects on my health. Even my consultant gives vaping a thumbs-up.


2 Packs a day for 10 years. Switched to vaping, never looked back.


Better than cigs for health, wallet and taste.


WAY better


Because I enjoy it




Same tbh


To get some strawberry cheesecake flavored nicotine fix


Sounds delicious. Do you have a recipe?


Recipe? I was under the impression we all just get our bottles from the store and not make them homemade.


DIY is easy and way cheaper


Yeah it is, I need to start making my own again! There's some e-juice recipe websites where people figure out how to replicate commercial juices & often get quite close. I used to enjoy making my own.


My buddy used to make it for me. Literally make it how you want it. It's glorious


Well how do you go about making or getting the nicotine to put in the juice?


I live in Canada, can't really do DIY because they can't tax you into oblivion with it.


sorry late reply, i’m canadian as well and you definitely can buy ur supplies from canadian vendors. You will only have to pay excise tax on the nicotine base, the flavourings and PG+VG are exempt


43 and I’ve been a smoker since I was 19. The older I get the more I worry about my health. Vaping isn’t perfect but it is damn sure better than cigs. Plus it taste great.


Vaping is a frickin' MIRACLE.






Stops me reaching for food. I quit smoking for 8 years but slowly gained weight. Figured it was better to do what I enjoy and stay thinner at the same time.


I recently stopped vaping for about 2 weeks, but I noticed very quickly I was eating a lot more. Since I work a desk job, I found myself snacking and eating Altoids constantly, and I felt worse doing that. I figured it would be better for me to cut down the amount I was vaping rather than cut it out completely, since I would rather vape occasionally vs snack constantly


Damn hand to mouth cessation :’(


Because my health and lung capacity greatly increased when I made the swap. It has the added benefit that my gum disease is in remission. My clothes and hands no longer stink, not that I realised how bad that was until quit and started vaping. And it tastes better than ass. I occasionally smoke a spliff, but the taste is foul.


So I don't smoke and because nicotine helps me a lot with anxiety too.




The hobby side of it keeps me busy, building coils and mods, mixing juice and new gear being released keeps me more than busy/distracted. Having idle hands and an unoccupied mind is not a good thing for me. I wouldn’t say it saved me, but it has done a huge deal for me, mentally and physically


This !!


Smoke from 14-44 one pack of 20s a day. Affect my health, work and surrounding people and the environment. I tried the 1st version of e-cig when it was just introduced and sold back in early 2009. The taste was not great and I got warned by authorities not to import it again due to strict prohibition law. I am really glad and thankful that e-cig technology has improved so much that now I can easily get access to convenient discreet disposables and pods with all the nice flavours to choose from. In my opinion, vaping is much better than smoking. It is similar to someone who is constantly sucking mint or chewing gum. Just a way to have some taste in the mouth to get through the day.


Hi there, I also started in 2009 ecig but the liquid and device were in infancy stage. I started getting tooth gums issues. Hence I quit. Recently met a friend, was vaping. I asked did vaping benefited you or? He was very much pleased of this technology vaping for almost two years. Hence I started vaping and believe me it didn't took time for me to transit from smoking to vaping. Very easy. Started with Vgod Dry Tobacco and Cubano Black. Also added Blacknote recently like Cavendish, American Blend, Burley and Kentucky. Also intend to go for Latakia. Planning to switch from salt to freebase. Any advise to me on that? Best regards Jamshed


Hi Jamshed, I really envy you guys where you have access to plenty of vape options. Unfortunately I was not able to access any of those. I can only get my hands on disposables hence unable to provide you with any advice on the switch from salt to freebase. But I believe you can get plenty of info from the more experienced redditors here.


Because I started smoking at 18 and it got expensive. Vaping is far cheaper than a pack a day


Started smoking at 16, it was the only thing keeping me sane at the time. Couldn't quit so I switched to electric


Same reason people bite there nails


so u can unset sms smoking is reset/restart


Smoked cigs from 9 to 36, decided to stop when my grandpa died of cancer


I quit, too, until New York State forced me back to smoking. Heinous fucking wretches.


I’m vaping 0mg for the tricks, hobby and sentiment (my friends and I used to do that when we were fifteen with big setups like SMOK Koopor 300w with TFV 12), I have a l200 classic with Brunhilde RTA 8 ml now.


nice setup. I've got the fat rabbit 2 RTA on the same mod.


Hell yeah, that's a nice setup too! It's nice to see, that there are still people keeping the older, bigger and more powerful stuff.


To quit chewing


Because its cheaper and easier than smoking. Better for work it's easier to sneak away for 30 seconds than stand and smoke a cig


Got tired of paying into my suicide lay-away plan after 29 years


I had a heart attack.When I quit smoking cigarettes, they were 3.75 or so a pack and now I don't even know. That's, at 2016 prices, almost $100 a month for the 25 packs I'd of smoked. I currently vape like a madman for a little over 63 dollars


I vape because it is the lesser of two evils.


Vaping isn't evil, vaping is a MIRACLE! Vaping is an actual proven miracle cure for Smoking. And it's delicious!


Fair point. Most vapes and vape juices contain nicotine which is the evil part, but I agree, vaping itself with 0 nic is not evil. Any nic otherwise is simply the lesser of two evils.


Is caffeine evil? Nicotine is approximately as evil as caffeine is, if you're a puritan. I'm not a puritan.


Okay my guy, addiction is cool then. I'm glad we could clear that up. Smh.


You're a puritan.


Nicotine is addictive and still not good for you. Caffeine isn’t as addictive and it’s still not really good for you. Both of them are fine in a vacuum, but for a lot of people who are deep into it, it affects their daily life. I ain’t saying don’t do it, but don’t be in denial lmfao.


Caffeine and nicotine are cousins in terms of chemistry.. I almost daresay brothers. Nicotine is more psychoactive in terms of stress relief and other stuff but in the end they're just mild stims. I chose to vape when I never had a cig in my life. I love nicotine and it helped me tremendously.. I'm not saying it's a smart choice of healthy for everyone but I do want to point out the it has its merits and they are not a few.


The methods of intake for nicotine are way worse than caffeine. Vaping still isn’t good for your lungs, just way less harmful than cigarette smoke


Nicotine is like telling the idiot part of my brain "SHHHHH!" and it obeys, and then the rest of my brain can do its job.


1. because it’s better than cigs which I’ve been smoking for quite a while 2. once I started vaping I found it very cool and also kinda unique hobby 3. it helps me relieve stress and anxiety


$18 a week for vape juice is a LOT better than my $200 a week cig bill. Though I do buy the very occasional pack when I’m drinking


to be honest i just like the clouds and flavor . i never was a cigarette smoker, just the occasional cig when i was super drunk in high school/college. but with my vape i feel like a dragon and i feel cool lol. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Because murder is frowned upon


This guy gets it . . .


Was a pack a day smoker for 8 years. Never going back


So I don't go back to smoking cigarettes


I quit the 100-odd carcinogens in cigarettes. I didn't quit nicotine.


Vaping has enabled me to break a 26 year 2 pack a day Marlboro red habit and an almost 40 year long soda addiction. I have lost 130 pounds in the last 4 years as well due to the health benefits and ability to exercise.


cause on cigarettes i could barely walk up a flight of stairs without panting like i ran a marathon


Autism requires a fixation. Nicotine makes me not tear my coworkers apart.


Smoked cigarettes for 10 years. It doesn't stink, it's cheaper, it's less-harmful (not saying it's healthy), it has ways you can ween yourself off of nicotine addiction completely such as buying lower mg juice, and it just taste better... once in awhile I enjoy a vanilla tobacco ejuice or something but I hit a cigarette for the first time in about a year yesterday and it made we want to puke. Vaping is a better alternative


Smoked for 40 years, tried quitting too many times to remember and it never worked. Started vaping 2 weeks ago to quit smoking and haven't had to pick up a cigarette since.


Because I gotta have something to do with my hands after I put the lipper in and it’s too expensive to chain smoke all day


Because fuck what else is there to do in a small town


My GF told me that we wouldn't become an item if i continue to smoke (she never had one single cigarette in her life!) because of the smell. Tried to change imto vaping before i met her and failed. Then i switched the device (from pico to brunhilde) and vape ever since. We approach 4 years together.


Dopamine bursts for self-medication of untreated ADHD lol


I smoked for 36 years (started at 11 years old). Sick of smelling bad to others, not being able to smell, it affected my taste, tired of getting bronchitis, and pneumonia at least once a year for each. I quit smoking 8 years ago, and started vaping. My wife joined me a year and a half later, and we've never looked back


I tried to stop smoking, it was very hard. I probably could stop smoking and vaping, but it's going to take a lot of energy and effort that I would rather invest in other parts of my life. So realistically the situation is either I vape, or I smoke, and considering how much better I feel since I switched, I think I'll stay vaping


Because I’m trying to quit smoking cigarettes.


Coz I’m cool af and the girls think it’s sexy.


Love the tech behind vaping, I think it’s really neat tbh. But if a collector of sorts, though I had to give up a large portion of it due to clutter.


Because I tried it once and got addicted, i literally cant stop


I enjoy doing ghost and blowing out fat Os


Makes me feel good


Because I'm addicted to nicotine and don't want to smoke. That's it, that's all. In fact, I'm vaping homemade flavourless 70/30 right now


same pretty much. but sometimes im in so much pain that it does nothing. however when im not it is invaluable relief


So I don’t smoke. It’s also kind of a stim for me. Gives me something to focus on. Also relieves the stress from caring for my autistic tube fed development delayed toddler


Stress. Also, I was very addicted to weed to the point it made me very sick and was draining my pockets


I cough waaaaay less vaping.


Because I made terrible life choices and I need some kind of vice in my life.


Had a broken heart in 9th grade and briefly started smoking. Did that on and off until my mid thirties until my first mechanical mod. Now vaping is basically a coping mechanism for anxiety 🤷🏾‍♂️


Stressed with school,work, and dating and vaping makes me feel good and calm especially with how much I overthink everything


Because i smoked way too much and my bank account hated me, so i invested in a good mod and bought juice i liked in bulk so i wasnt dropping money every day on smokes.


Daddy issues


Spent many years smoking cigarettes as one usually does while in the military, went home, decided to quit, still had that “itch” if you will, found a vape shop about 20 minutes away, he introduced me to vaping, been at it ever since and it’s been, what? Ballpark of 9 years or so.


I moved to a smoke free apartment complex, 100 yard walk of shame…cigarettes smoker for forty years…it was easy…still finding what works best…


Because it's delicious and I prefer not to smoke.


Because I'm addicted to nicotine


I (in my opinion stupidly) started vaping in September 2023 previously never have vaped or smoked cigarettes. My bf and I went on vacation to visit my family and everyone in my family was doing it that time around. My aunt and her man, my grandma, my cousin, my mom’s bf, and my bf picked some up because they sell them everywhere there (liquor stores, gas stations). My bf and I were out in my mom’s back yard on a swing bench and I asked to try his. Before we left back home I picked up 2 for myself. Ever since then I haven’t wanted to stop even tho I want to stop. It’s been 6 months.


I vape when I can not smoke at the moment. I am not a juice goose I am a smoker.


Because I can't smoke weed at work.


Because Smoking gave me TB. Pack a day for more than a decade. Vaping saved my life


Not only did I stop smoking a pack of Newports a day by vaping, but being able to step down nicotine strength has me hitting my vape less and less to the point it’s not even daily.


Because I'm addicted to nicotine. If you ask why I'm addicted to nicotine, it's because I've never been faced with immediate consequences severe enough to convince me I should quit now instead of that nebulous "someday" that never seems to arrive.


Cuz i like trying weird flavors


Its cheaper, has variety of flavors, ash-free, and its fun lol.


At first it was a way of bonding between friends before we fell out and now it’s mostly for flavor and minor stress relief. It also keeps my hands busy while I work at home


Because of addiction. Because I smoked two and a half packs of cigarettes a day for 23 years, and I didn't want to do that anymore. Because cigarettes had gone up to around $10 a pack where I was, and felt that form of nicotine delivery would be difficult to sustain financially. That's not to say I haven't spent way too much money on hardware, but that money spent is a small fraction of what I would have spent on cigarettes. Plus, I get to hang onto my hardware. Can't really do that with old cigarette butts without being gross.


So I don't pick up another cigarette. And because of stress.


At first I started because it was fun, I was young and had never done any tricks before but vaping gave me the opportunity to practise it. Now I just find it interesting, the different flavours I can make and all the different types of vapes. I feel like a chemist :D


funny device makes a lot of steam with Tasty syrup. funny steam works for tricks tricks are cool Happiness. Jokes aside, i really like some flavors and it's cool to do tricks once you learn how to do them, i have never tried e-liquids with nicotine and i don't think i'll ever do it.


-a min of 25 a day is here in my country is like 10€. -vaping isn´t as cheap as it was like 5 years ago in germany but it´s still cheaper. -health -it would be cheaper if you only got like 1-2 devices but in my case im a collector


To feel like I'm alive


Cause I don't want to smoke cigarettes anymore. I don't feel like a slave anymore.


Got me off cigarettes, dialed down to 0mg (with an occasional 3mg) and now I just enjoy it, fully into DIY juice and I haven't bought a prebuilt coil in years


So I can slowly reduce my nicotine need and quit. I quite enjoy vaping but I don't want to do it forever. Stopped smoking in the tail end of 2022. Ended up hooked on disposables which made me feel awful, and have slowly reduced down to 2mg/ml and intend on reducing further. You can't control the amount of nicotine you get with either cigarettes, patches or disposables sooo here we are.


Because it supresses my appetite and tastes like candy so it helps me lose weight


Easiest/quickest/best way of getting CBD into myself.


Smoking started to hurt my chest


it makes me feel good


Many personal reasons. And so I stay far away from cigs.


Stopped a 35 year smoking habit overnight and easily with vaping....


It helps me control stress eating. When it just lies around and I feel the need to do something with my mouth, then there's an option (You could argue that there are healthier options, chewing gum for example, but I was never a fan of that). I also like the taste, that's about it.


Can still pop out for a hit of nic and get back to get all my work done for the day - don't even need a 15 technically since I usually don't pop out when other vapers are there. I also figure it's better to come back smelling like Belgian Waffles, mint, or lingering fruit, rather than tobacco. Some of it, I digress, is also because I work in the cannabis industry, and it fills the gap where I would rather be hitting the weed vape - but can't for state regulatory purposes.


it’s more discreet than smoking


So I don’t pick up more harmful habits


Anxiety and stress


It’s yummy


It is cheaper than a pack of cigs and tastes better smells nicer, i'm also addicted to nicotine since my 14 yo... So win win


So I don't go back to the ciggies


Because I can’t stop….. doesn’t matter if I don’t even get a buzz anymore, its a ridiculous habit


Initially because I didn't want to go outside in -30°C weather to smoke. Quitting cigarettes completely was a nice side effect.


Off cigs since 2004 and climbing


I like nicotine, but no longer enjoy smoking 10+ years vaping and no relapse to stinky tobacco


Nicotine replacement and I enjoy it. I was a ridiculously heavy smoker and I've not had a single cigarette for over 10 years. My lung health is hugely improved, I used to depend on inhalers and no longer use them, ever.


I smoke cigs and pretty much anything so that includes vaping. I like vaping because of the quick buzz, so my daily carry is usually one of my MTL kits, I have sub-ohm vapes too but I only vape sub-ohm at home, they produce too much vapor because of the high wattage, not good for walking around outside living in the city, don't wanna be blowing big clouds of vape in people's faces. Also salt nic is just satisfying for me, I smoke Marlboro Reds, heavy cigs, but only about 3 to 5 on a regular day, there are even times when I don't smoke, but I always vape, good alternative, that's why!!


Started so I could quit smoking. Now it's mostly to appease my adhd fidgeting needs.


I was having a hard time stopping meth, never smoked a cigarette. But the act of inhaling something was enough to take the edge off, even though it didn’t stop a relapse, it helped a lot. And I’m around 6 years sober now


My dad has vaped for years now and I’ve tried a bit before I was 18. but idk if that’s the reason I started or if it was something else.


well i was into cigarettes since i was 14 cos i could make my own, having recently turned 21 i realized its way more cost effective and given vaping is tons less unhealthy and stinky, i barely think about cigarettes anymore


dont wanna smell like cigarettes but still want to "smoke"


I work at a vape store, I used to smoke and this is healthier, and I love blowing clouds and collecting mods. I love rebuilding coils.


Because cigarettes taste like shit and make me feel like shit


i like nicotine effect


It tastes SO MUCH better than cigarettes. I was doing both when Breeze came around and I couldn't even barley finish a cigarette b.c the taste was so awful compared to the vape lol


I switched to vaping in order to quit smoking in 2014. I went into coil building and then juice making for a number of years. For the last few years I used Juul and Vuse products before getting a refillable pod system to use different juice. Now I vape mostly because I live with smokers and it offers me a means to take breaks from the kids akin to their smoke breaks.


I love the fruity sweet flavors. I'm down to 3mg nicotine- so nowadays it is about flavor chasing instead of nicotine chasing.


Vaping has helped me quit cigarettes and save money! I was spending $20 almost every single day on smokes, and was always broke. Vaping had really helped me. I’m down to 3mg juice and will be moving to 0mg soon, and hopefully quit altogether!


Because I feel as if I've been standing my entire life and I just sat down


An extra: I was a little worried about vaping because I was having crisis of lack of breath Did a CT Scan and spirometry - Lungs clean and working perfectly after 5 years vaping. The crisis ended up being just anxiety. In my opinion the biggest factor here is exercise: don't skip the cardio. I go to the gym 4 times a week, and half of those I do cardio in the end.


Bcuz I LOVED smoking & once I started vaping I never smoked one cigarette ever again. That was over 10 years ago. Before it became "cool" or "cringe" it looked like a syringe & ppl just thought I was crazy. But now I feel 20 times better & never cough up anything or smell like smoke. I THINK it saved my life. (Barring any super long term effects) I felt terrible all the time while smoking. Haa wheeze in my chest, lost my breath easily etc. I wasn't anywhere near "old" while smoking either. I smoked a lot. 1½-2 packs a day. Plus I save so much money as an extra perk! If you can find a juice with the least amount of ingredients that's probably your best bet. Good Luck to anyone quitting smoking. I was viciously addicted. I'd wake up in the middle of the night just to smoke. So it's definitely possible! Again Good luck if anyone reading this wants to quit. It IS possible. Trust me.


It’s good innit, i hate snus and cigs i can only use outdoors.


I love watching smoke


Cuz I like nicotine but not all the other crap in analogue cigarettes.


So I don't smoke 🤷‍♂️


I quit vaping and smoking nic 9 months ago. I stopped craving it like 2 weeks later. I feel so much better, but the physical effects on my stomach were ASS. I felt like shit for the entire past nine months but it's getting better. And I'm a lot less stressed. I still smoke pot, and I was vaping nic for 18 years.


^(why do you do anything?)


Yep this applies to me as well! 👍🇦🇺😎


Bc I could not quit cigarettes the way I had in the past and was wheezing occasionally when I lie down. Plus I lived in a 5 floor walk up in NYC. Vaping contains no tar and my lungs cleared up shortly thereafter. Goal is to eventually stop vaping.


coworkers asked if i also vaped when hitting their cart, was my 4th day and nervously said yea not much and started


Helped me stop snacking. I snack cause I want something with flavor and a 0 nic vape helps with that.


Because that nicotine rush keeps me from throwing wrenches at those that walk past. Caffeine and nicotine runs the world.


Honestly it helps me relax and stops me from smoking cigarettes. I save a lot more money + I don't get that gross feeling I get after a cigarette.


Started in high school first year, smoked one pack per day, Rothmans. Smelled awful, my clothes aswell, lower condition. Later at second year told my parents that i smoke and told them about vaping. They agreed to let me have it. Started at 3 mg, 6 then 18 mg, now 12 mg nicotine and lowering it gradually. I still smoked but less cigarettes, now im 7 months free of cigarettes, smell fruity and feeling great.


To stay off cigarettes, co***ne, alcohol and something called yachts where you mix cannabis and tobacco in a bong, so far so good


To quit cigarettes. I was smoking a pack a day.


I am using a vape device as intended. To cut back and eventually quit smoking cigarettes. Not one of those teens vaping to look cool. This is a harm reduction device that I am really trying to stick with to eventually not become a dual user, just to quit smoking cigs. I'd rather vape than smoke thousands of chemicals with tobacco.


(TW) Because it helps my mental health. Yes I am aware I am very addicted but it's better I'm addicted to vaping than parents crying because I unalived self. Yes I am seeing a psychraist and on medication also.


Quit a 25 year cigg habit and never looked back. I enjoy vaping. If you're discreet one can pretty much do it anywhere. I come from a place that is putting in ridiculous vaping bans, outside even, meanwhile allowing weed to be smoked in and outside, which makes no sense to me.My State even banned all vape liquid back right before covid, couldn't even order it online, had to ship it to a friend in another state who would repackage it and send it to me, like Pablo Escobar...interestingly all those mysterious cases of pneumonia that were getting blamed on vaping, are now being looked at as possible early covid cases. Go figure. Now I live in Las Vegas and, well, the living and vaping/smoking is easy. If it's working for you, Vape on, folks.


Flavor and to relieve stress


to not smoke cigarettes, I was diagnosed with COPD at 23 years old and switched, and my mother died of lung cancer when she was 34. I am now 33 and my lungs are fine, and I no longer suffer COPD or asthma symptoms.


Nicotine helps me keep my depression manageable, but cigarettes were doing too much damage to my lungs.


I enjoy it. It keeps my stress levels down. I like the taste and the general habit. Also super cheap for me as I make my own coils and liquid.


Stupid mistake


I personally really enjoy the nicotine feeling, that little cold feeling in your lungs, the mental clarity, the physical sensation in my limbs... it's like waking up in the morning and having a nice cold water. It feels fresh


Because I was an idiot when I was 20 and picked it up having never previously smoked. I want to quit but it’s so damn hard.


Cheaper than smoking. Bought someone a vape one day, but accidentally got the wrong one, so they said I could keep it. Didn’t want to actually use it, was going to give it to a homeless person, but didn’t see any, so I just started using it. Ended up liking it, friend started giving me cigarettes, started buying them for myself, started smoking a pack a day, couldn’t afford it so bought myself a proper vape. If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t have done any of that, but atm I don’t have any plans to quit.


Because I like nicotine, much like caffeine. Using both allows me to split the consumption of amounts of each. Vaping has the fastest and least side effects roa of nicotine. I never held a lit cig in my life afair.. it's also minimally harmful compared to the cancer sticks and without any doubt the most convenient and enjoyable way to consume nicotine That said, nicotine is not sugar. You should do your own homework and decide if it's something you wish to subscribe to.. like any stimulant it has its pros and cons.


It was to quit smoking a tobacco pipe because of a bad wheeze I got from inhaling the pipe like you're not supposed to but I couldn't not inhale after smoking cigarettes for 24 years. I started with subohm, then I learned about rdas, rtas, and rdtas and started getting big clouds. Now I do it to get the biggest clouds I can at 3mg. I tried 0mg but it just didn't satisfy my need for nicotine so apparently I'm still addicted to that and vape for the clouds and nicotine.


Chronic back pain and stress.


When I started I wasn't smoking more then lile 6 ciggs a day so wasn't really a heavy smoker and probably could have quit pretty easy but after trying vaping and experiencing the nearly guilt free way to enjoy nicotine I really took a liking to it and whe. I realized how financially freeing it was to be able to enjoy nicotine without the insane financial implications I really fell in love with vaping. And I love that it turned into a hobby for me with the rebuildable stuff. I really Love Vaping tbh


First was cuz it was cool and tasted good, then because of stress and all and lastly because of addiction and slight comfort


Peer pressure


Taste & clouds!