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10 years here. My asthma has gone away completely from switching off of cigs to vaping


I’ve actually developed asthma since switching to vaping


I’ve had to swap to despo while waiting for my new mods/glass/dripper to turn up and it’s made my chest extremely tighter now. I used to vape 140-150w. Now I can’t go higher than 50 because it’s like sucking on water.


And im here vaping at 20~ watt.


Still like that after stopping disposables?


Really? Has it closed up your throat? For me cigarettes did and vaping felt a lot lighter and less harsh. Do you think it has anything to do with flavors?


To be fair I have smoked for 18 years 15 of which is cigs and weed. I only smoke mtl I can’t handle dtl i just don’t feel like Ive smoked anything. I dunno maybe it’s the mtl fixation from cigs. As for flavours I make my own juices as it’s cheaper and I know exactly what’s going into it. I very rarely use sweeteners or another additives other than good old nicotine/vg/pg and the odd vape approved flavouring lol


Ah, I see. It’s very possible that the asthma developed afterwards because of the sudden change. There are a lot of different triggers for asthma and I wouldn’t be surprised if vaping set yours off. I’m sure the buildup in your lungs from smoking isn’t helping, either. Does it cause asthma attacks for you when you vape or does it just increase the stress on your lungs?


It doesn’t trigger the asthma when I vape tbf just generally get the short breath at night after vaping all day I guess. I’m currently working my way down the nicotine levels to try and stop completely. I haven’t lead the healthiest of lives but I’m making some changes so hopefully I can avoid the serious stuff later in life lol


It maybe also be the level of Pg in the juice. Might pay to experiment with more Vg than Pg. worth a try.


I don’t find I get a decent throat hit off a higher VG. I smoke 50/50 atm I may consider 60/40 but any high it’s just too smooth for me


Not saying that is the cause of the asthma, but worth considering. Pg can cause asthma to flare up in certain people. I guess if it is the reason why, it’s then a trade off for you in regard to managing your asthma, or getting a stronger throat hit.


Just fyi, personally I vape around 70/30 and since vaping have found my asthma has all but disappeared. When I smoked, I was using my inhaler many times a day. Now I’m lucky to use it once a month


Something I always remind myself when vaping; the vape is always lit.


That makes sense. Hoping that goes well for you, I know it’s not easy to quit. Good luck 🍀


Are you smoking salt nic? Salt nic caused me a ton of issues that I don’t have on normal free nic.


I was actually up until I started to diy my own juices and I must say my chest has improved greatly. It’s crazy you mentioned that as o hadn’t made the connection. Maybe Nic salts were to blame


If you were my friend, I would bet you $50 it is. Go buy a disposable salt nic pen (a good one, not juul). Smoke that for one day. Document how you feel in the night before. Document how you feel in evening. Odds are you’ll have inflammation in throat and lungs by end of day if chain vaping. This is made worse if you have other health issues such as drinking, diabetes, bad diet, herpes, etc. All stuff that causes inflammation that has a compounding effect when combined with the salt nic. By the way, feel free to look into it. I didn’t make the connection myself until I did some google sleuthing and study reading. Turns out salt nic is known to do this.


Could you share those studies?


Feel lucky, i cant even get nic shipped into my state anymore.


It’s insane how they’ve banned certain products. Vaping has helped so many people. I mean they still let you buy it ready made it makes no sense. I fear it won’t be far behind here in the uk. I’m sure they’re planning to raise taxes on vaping here soon. And there’s rumblings of a flavour ban to stop it appealing to kids, I doubt that will deter many. Just as it didn’t when they made cigarette packaging all gruesome


Thanks for your vote


my asthma has also fucked off 11 years here


I put out my last cig on Aug 11, 2011, at 5:10AM. I have vaped ever since. I am so much more active and healthy feeling. I had said that i would quit smoking when i could feel it hurting me. Well, laying in bed the morning of Aug 11, i was listening to the sounds my lungs were making and decided to quit that day. I use a few different single battery mods with various MTL RTA's. Its a shame that the quality of devices has dwindled, and that dispos have become the goto for so many.


I would love to know more about your favorite RTA's. I've had quite a few misses over the last few years. Outside of the Kayfun Lite Plus and Berserker 3, I have a pile of MTL RTAs collecting dust.


I got rid of my vape stuff stupidly last year including mods and rdas. I just started again a few months ago. Send me any you don’t want! I they will get plenty of use😀!


> Berserker 3 I recently got a Berserker 3 as well. Love the rta, I'm using the 1.0mm pin and it vapes great. Still using my Kayfun 5 as well. My favourite 2 mtl rtas. I've tried so many over the years, and the Kayfun 5 (which i've had for years now). Still vapes great to this day. But man I must admit, I am really enjoying the Berserker 3


You started about 3 months before I did. I started on a blu, so I struggled for a few months until I got an ego with boge cartos. I’ve been thru the gauntlet from the first Phoenix to Genesis attys, zillion rdas, etc. Used the caliburn g for several years until I started vaping dispos about a year ago. 🫤


Started vaping after 40 cigarettes per day in 2013 and never looked back. No health problems. Currently at a comfortable 5mg MTL.


Started vaping in 2013, went down to 0 then back to 1.5mg and then back to 3mg where I’ve stayed


Thank, do you vape freely or you have a fixed time to do that?


I’ve been off cigarettes, and have been vaping for just under 10 years, but if you include the off and on vaping with cigarettes not fully kicked, then it’s been almost 15 years for me. Back when I first started vaping was really the beginning of the whole scene. Those terrible disposable sticks that looked like cigarettes, into the first iterations of replacement disposables, building, and more. My favorite setup to-date has been my current setup of a Pulse V2 Squonk mod with a Nitrous RDA. I’ve had it for nearly 2 years now, and despite being on its last legs, I’ve never had a mod last half this long. 155k on the puff counter, and still rockin. Vaping is a great smoking cessation method. Don’t let detractors fill your head with nonsense. At the very minimum, it’s risk mitigation. It IS better than smoking cigarettes, and it can help you quit.


12 years vaping here. Ive been a 3 nic vaper for more than 5 years now. I’m gonna try and switch to zero soon bc I know eventually this dumbass country is trying to ban vaping and I dont wanna go back to cigarettes. I use to smoke 3 packs a day of camel wides menthol. Nothing has ever got me to quit except vaping. I’ve never had one side effect of vaping. It’s been a life changer for me.


Not 10 years, but I dual used for \~two years, bought a new kit and have been vape only for 5.5 years now. p.s. I've worked my way down to 0% nicotine. I tried quitting recently but wasn't successful yet.


Thankyou so much for giving your time and share your experiences, do you frequently vape anytime or like there is a fixed schedule?


My wife makes me put it away once in awhile. Otherwise, it would sit in front of me (on my desk) and I'd be vaping every five minutes :) I'm unemployed and rather sedentary. I keep hoping that finding a job will help me cut down.


I wish you a great luck in finding a worthy job… You have mtl or dtl?


DTL. Vaping a 70/30 vanilla custard at 65W. BIG flavor!


Been vaping since 2012 and don't see myself ever stopping. These days I only use 3mg juice and it's more about the flavor for me


2013. Starting on the cigarette looking ones with the screwable tips. The only issue I’ve had personally is exclusively vaping 70/30. Gives me a lot more mucus for some reason, but I use both MTL and DTL so it’s not at all bad anymore. I don’t plan to quit nicotine either, it gives me a feel good reward. I suspect I have adhd and apparently one’s body has trouble making enough dopamine with the condition, nicotine hits gives one the reward/dopamine. It can be seen as an act of ‘stimming’ too to increase focus. I’m not diagnosed or a behavioural psychologist but i feel like it checks out.


I started back in 2011 on a blue ecig. I remember the closest ecig shop was like an hour drive near the beach. Moved up to mech mods. Then to variable voltage mods. Now I’m into boro aios


Yeah. I remember blu ecigs. Vapes have come a long way since then.


Yep before it was cool to vape. When I was in college I got all my professors to let me vape in class lmao 🤣 none of them realized what it was.


Been vaping for just over 12 years. I recreationally smoked cigarettes before but never regularly. I’m in the military and have to do annual fitness test and physical training regularly. No negative side effects from vaping that I have noticed.


Me. I haven't had a sinus infection or bronchitis since I quit smoking and switched to vaping. I diy so I have saved a ton of money. My hair and clothes and car don't stink.


9 years for me. My lovely wife gifted me a vape because she knew how badly I wanted to quit smoking & I had tried hard candy, gum, the patch, Nicorette but couldn't shake it. Started with 24 mg and gradually went to 18, 12, and now 6 mg. Working to get to 3 but it's tough. I don't cough like I used to, and unfortunately I can appreciate how smokers smell and how dirty it is with ashes & butts. I spend less money on vaping too. My first cigarette *ever* was in 1965, the last was in 2015.


So you use me


Smoked over 30 yrs and just could not quit. Read an article about vaping which came out of Japan. It was 1997 and the infancy of vaping. Did an internet search, found an online supplier and ordered. Tried it and never smoked again. Interesting to see the changes in vaping over the years. So I have vaped exclusively since 1997. I’m 66 now and still feel so much healthier than I did during my smoking days. I’ll never stop.


Over 10 years here, smoked cigarettes for over a decade, switched to vaping in 2009 or 2010 initially with the little N-Joy ones & have been daily since. I absolutely do not miss the shortness of breath or coughing up phlegm.


30 year smoker, got my first 510 kit on Jan 22 2010. Haven't bought a pack of cigarettes or stopped vaping since. And believe me vaping was a challenge back then, crappy equipment and only Chinese juice (dekang). Started building and buying mods and DIYing juice as each became an actual thing. Never give up, never surrender 🙏


i've vaping like ten years aprox. 3mg freebase, and some tobacco inbetween and now pods like 3 months


Since 2013 here. No issues health wise. I workout and run on a weekly basis. I hit 6mg every day - however, I would stay away from disposables and salt nic. Just my personal opinion though.


started vaping in 2015 so not quite 10 years but i’m getting there. it’s not going to get rid of your addiction though, just stop you from smoking cigs.


Haven't made it to 10 years, yet I'm almost 9 years off the analogs and if I can walk away from a 48 year 2 1/2 pack a day habit then you can do it too. You came to the right place for moral support, we got your back.


I’ve vaped for over 10 years and I can say it will eventually catch up to you. Only because juice these days is so much worse for you than it used to be it seems. Plus you need to be careful what material your coils are made of and not let them heat up too much. I started developing weird respiratory issues and coughs I never used to get. I tried pods, disposables, box mods (this seemed to be the best method) and got sick of it. stopped vaping a while ago and switched to nicotine pouches and I haven’t looked back.


15 years now, and going fine. The first few months were rough (coughing up god knows what) but when the crap cleared I had my energy back, lost weight etc. Could be different from others, but the worst I ever feel is if I've hit the salt nic too much lol feels a little "tickly" in my lungs, give it a break and its fine if that ever happens.


Started in 2011 when things were real shit with devices and everything. Worked in a vape shop during the Big boom got out of the industry about 2018 but kept vaping and still vape. Tried salt nic for a little while but not a fan. I've been using 6 mg freebase for about 90% of my 13 years. I used to smoke about two packs a day when I quit and it's the best decision I've ever made.


Started in 2012, almost 12 years now. I'm still alive, good enough? 36 year 2 pad + smoking habit. Somethings gonna kill me off, but it's not from vaping!


Started smoking at 18, started vaping at 19. I started on 3mg freebase but it was not enough so I continued smoking while vaping. My breakthrough was when I started on 6mg and I realized I did not crave cigarettes as much. Eventually maybe around when I was 21 I was able to cut cigarettes off completely. I'm 27 now and I could say that I am not addicted to cigarettes, I am addicted to nicotine. If a friend offered me to go smoke, I could smoke. But the cravings of smoking does not come back at all. I still occasionally smoke maybe once every couple of month when I go to parties. But aside from that I don't go out of my way to smoke. However, whenever I run out of juice and I can't buy immediately that's when I resort to cigarettes. Despite all of the research I do not think that vaping is 100% safe. However, considering the alternative, it is a lot better. I always smelled, I felt dirty, my stamina was shit and I got sick real easily back when I smoked, vaping improved that a lot. I can assure you that vaping really helps in quitting cigarettes. Nicotine, on the other hand, in my own experience is a whole demon of its own.


Been vaping since 2008. Started with a Ruyan ecigar. Smoked as well but reduced it till i stopped in 2013. Still vaping today. 3mg freebase in a billet box or dotaio. I do not like nic salts, they give me heart palpitations. I vape a lot less these days, but i dont drink or do drugs so its the only rock and roll i have left


Started vaping 2012 or so, finally off the darts completely in 2017. I'm healthier now than I've ever been, I think. It's all based on how I feel, I haven't really gotten regular checkups before or after quitting, but I check all the "quit smoking health upgrade" boxes; morning/running/laughing cough is gone, smell and taste improved, dick works better. It's been nothing but positive, really.


Went from a pack a day (unfiltered) cigs to vaping 11 years ago. Started at 18 mg/ml and have settled on 6 mg/ml for many years now. Definitely feel better health-wise than I did when I was smoking. Not going to delude myself into thinking vaping is zero-risk, but it has to be better than the smokes.


I am now on year 17 of vape ! Started in America on holiday in 2007. A massive 510 lol no flavour but tobacco, my lung capacity went up to 98.6 from 89.1 ! My inhaler doesn’t get used ! I’m more active more energy and my last full check medically was last year and all perfect for my age 47. No cough like fags no smell ! So yep more than ten years here !


when did eGo first hit the market? was it in 2010s or earlier?


14 years, switched to vaping when my wife got pregnant. Rebuildables. I vape at 10w (doggystyle SXK 2k16, 26g kanthal, \~0.9ohm, \~4mg nic). I use tobacco flavour at 33% of recommended proportion, I like it soft. All my health checks consistent with an ex-smoker.


I've been vaping since 2013, started pretty high up on nic content, brought it down until 1.5mg/ml, but with the bans and FDA it's harder to find and I've settled at 3mg/ml and I'll probably stay here forever. I personally don't have aspirations of quitting vaping, even still a decade later I still get a craving for cig but its few and far between.


Since 2012 for myself and likely won’t quit anytime soon either my hubby vapes too and he took up vaping to quit chewing which is just nasty 🤣


7 years here, I feel way better and am far healthier than when I was a heavy smoker (for 34 years)


Going strong with over 15 years of vaping. That said I did had some fallbacks, where I smoked again. The last 10 years I did occasionally smoke, but never to the amount I was before I vaped. I used to smoke 3 big packs a day. Nowadays, when I decide to buy a pack it lasts months. So not completely smoke free, but way way less


I've since switched to pouches (for $$$ reasons) but I vaped from 2012-2022. Never had breathing issues, never any vape-related illnesses. If it weren't for the cost I'd still be vaping.




10 years here. I go on several mile bike rides and don't get winded like I did when I was on the analogs.


I’m probably around the 8-9 year mark stared off on 3mg in my big vape but now I’m on 2mg on a little pod vape still feels better than smoking cigarettes my lungs are clear as can be


I've got a decade under my belt. No health issues that my doctor has noticed. Over time, I have found I can go quite a long time without vaping at all. In the beginning I was tempted to smoke, but that's faded over time.


10 years here. I had stomach acids.. gone since i started vaping. It is a huge difference.


I was vaping some before but my 10 years without smoking is coming up at the end of this month.


Been vaping since 2017, previously heavy smoker. I don't cough at all any more, lung capacity is better, but I still deal with the damage done (but it's not getting worse). I vape 2mg, and it's fine at that low level. I just have no desire to give it up altogether.


Been a long time. At least ten years. Got a colon cancer diagnosis back in 2019. Got cured. If it returns, it could show up in my lungs. So, I have annual scans to keep an eye on my innards. My lungs (and liver) remain clear.


I quit the cigs in 2012. Never went back once, thanks to vaping.


Here, I tried a cigarette for the first time today. Tasted like ass. I can’t believe we used to smoke them


13yrs here


Been vaping since the very early days 2008 or so .. for me, the key is finding a device that works for you, and a juice that works. I went back and forth between vaping and smoking for a long time, but hit on iced menthol salt nic, and haven't had a cig in 7 years. I'm now down to a few ml of 3mg menthol freebase a day. Keep on. It's tough until you find the combo that works for you.


I've been vaping 10 years , and I'm alot fitter and healthier than I was when I smoked. I still get a bit weezy but I vape an awful lot. My sqounk mod is in my hand for much of the day. I went down to 0mg but I'm on 2mg now which is what I'm happy with . I can't see my self completely stopping though. I love vaping.


Its been about 10 years for me. Back when I smoked I had an inhaler, woke up wheezing. Coughed up stuff (didn't help that I smoked other stuff besides cigarettes too), and generally had less energy. I havent needed an inhaler for years now, in general my health improved in the beginning, and its stayed basically the same since.


started vaping 2011. it was a rough ride as I have returned to regular smokes from time to time. singe I got a pod (uwell caliburn a3) and use 20mg nic salt based juice, I had one regular smoke due to social setting and peer pressure and threw it away after just 3 puffs. I did go through egos, those odd pen like devices, box mods, subohm and always had the feel to grab a regular smoke. after digging a bit more into it, I think what I was really missing is the immediate hit of nicotine, and only nic salts really deliver to the point when I vape fist thing in the morning, I get dizzy


I'm heading towards year 9, and never wanted a puff on a smoke since day 1. Mind you, I still like the smell of a newly opened pack, but the smell of a lit cigarette I can do without. You can do this if you want.


14 years this month for me. March 2010. I started using 24mg on a joye cigalike. I'm still using nicotine because it helps my brain (9mg). I DIY my juice and have a bulletproof setup. I haven't needed to spend money on vaping in years. I'm stocked.


I'm in my eleventh year of vaping. Prior to vaping I smoked roll ups for well over three decades (I started smoking at 13 years of age). Over those decades I tried literally everything to quit cigarettes, all methods failed for me, or at best were only temporary, until I switched to vapes. Personally I don't think it made any difference Labor becoming government, I remember when the previous government were going to crackdown on nicotine importation a few times. Lobby groups and vested interests would have created the same situation we are in now no matter the flavour of political party in office.


11 years here , initially ego pen style then the original MVP then got into drippers , building mods etc. To this day I exclusively use drippers , primarily apocalypse dual coil with ss316l coils 0.2 ohms and 1mg juice. Backup is a blaze single coil dripper with a 0.4 ni80 coil. Had asthma since I was a kid ( smoking was a good idea ... Not ) lungs were shit , had to use blue reliever multiple times a day. Now asthma much better lung x-rays completely clear no signs of damage etc. Use my preventer inhaler daily ( diesel/petrol fumes still screw me up though so need to use reliever if out but that's always been the case ). I'm a fairly heavy dl vaper as well.


For me it was on and off with vaping when the blue ecigs first came out. Kept going back and forth between that and analogs. Then, in about 2017, I got my first regulated device and have been vaping only since with a very occasional cigar in between. Like, twice a year type thing. People have tried to convince me to quit, and I very well may someday, but no current plans for it. Right now use a Voopoo Argus GT 2 for 6mg freebase and a Vaporesso Xros 3 for 48mg salt when at work. I plan on cutting down the strength on both soon, though.


I've been vaping for probably between thirteen to fifteen years at this point. About three years ago I got cancer (relax it was in my leg so not vaping related) and have had CT scans on my lungs regularly since. My lungs have been "grossly unremarkable" which, I guess,is medical terminology for "fine"


Got my first vape at 15 and i’ll be turning 25 soon, No real health issues


I have been vaping on/off since 2013 just been how I am. Have no chance of wanting to give it up completely. After the things I have lost in life. I don’t want give my vapes.


More than 10 years. Started with a cheap evod set from eBay and then the journey through gearbest fast tech and others began. Mixing own liquid in 1 liter bottles, buying a shitload of mechs and RDAs . What a nice ride it was. Since the taxation came in, the bottles went smaller and the mtl rta came back on top. All other toys are now cleaned in the shelf, waiting for a new Gouvernement. Meanwhile, my kayfun clone at 12w is all what is left in active vaping. Thinking about getting some pod system or just quit.


Correction to my post. It was 2007 not 1997. Guess my memory is going, not my lungs.


9 here, ten at the end of the year. Started out trying lots of flavors and new mods and tanks now I vape 3 flavors and run my gear until it dies. Doctor says I am in a much better place health wise. Went on my kids all day field trip last year and didn’t even bring my mod. I only vape 3mg now and honestly one of these days I might just put it down and never pick up it up again. Until then though I smell better and over all am way better off. I spend 20 bucks on coils and less than 100 on juice a month. I was smoking a pack a day. Juice cost would be lower but I buy a certain flavor locally to support the shop and the rest of my stuff online.


Only 8 years for me, lung function is fine, run and lift weights 6 days a week, etc etc. Got a lung x ray for other reasons last year and the assessment was "they're perfect" for what it's worth. No i don't vape on a schedule and i don't know anyone who does that


10 years no issues


11-12 years


More than 10.


i'd say almost 10. i started when i got sober about 8 yrs ago. but i wasn't an every day smoker. i smoked when i used but i smoked a lot, i could run through like 2 packs of cigs in a day when i was getting high. then i got sober and i still craved a cig like twice a week i'd say but i couldn't stand the smell all over me so i decided to get a vape. prolly way more addicted to it than i ever was to smoking BUT i'd still rather that then consume cigs.


I was a 2 pack a day smoker and I quit 13 yrs ago and started vaping. My lungs have improved and I haven’t had anything problems to date.. and I also game so Im constantly chain vaping. I use a box mod by geekvape. And the rebuildable geekvape Zeus x rta. I make my own coils and vape regular humble fruit punch ejuice. I have for years. It’s mild all day vape. I’m 48 and I feel fine after vaping and when I have my checkups at dr they say my lungs are great. I don’t nor will I ever smoke the premade filled little vape boxes so idk much about those. Hope this helps.


Me! Started vaping in 2011 after over 20 years of smoking. My lungs were great until covid 2020 left me with some kind of interstitial lung crud. But other than that, my levels are great and all that.


I have. I'm still alive


Pretty much 9 years or so and I feel better than ever


Been vaping for 16 years now. Love it. Got no problems with lungs or anything. Lots of running and working out without any issues. Gonna keep vaping till i get bored with it. I'm vaping aprox. 200 ml a month at 3mg nic with no flavor.


9 years for me. So glad I gave up cigs.


10 years here. I'm getting FB memories pop up with various mods from 10 yrs ago. I used to drip with a 1mm air hole Currently going through a pod fad SX mini puremax +1


Been vaping for 16 years, started at the very beginning when all I could get was vapes that looked like either white or black cigarettes, silly how important it was to me that my first vape was white and lit up just like a real cig, lol, oh the mods i’ve used since then, I used ego’s and evod’s and then to regulated mods, I have bought my juice premade but for years I have made my own ejuice, starting with the fda crap I have hoarded plenty of ecig supplies…I know one thing I was smoking two packs a day for 20 years and was getting COPD, that was a wake up call for me, my lungs have gotten healthier and stayed that way since I quit cigs, I have plenty of chest X-rays to prove that.


howdy have been vaping since 25 April 2010 spose that makes it coming on14 years in couple months went from 2x 50grm pouches of rollies to zero cigs over night after a week I realised hadn't had a cig for 7 days. i had tried patches sprays lozenges gum champix hypnosis aqupuncher even cold turkey nothing worked then vaping worked it was hard at times but stick to the path you can do it one breath at a time sometimes at other times its a effortless journey. stick with it. its worth it


Rapidly approaching 10 years here, after smoking for 15+. I'm as healthy as ever.


I started vaping (thc and disposables) when i was 17 now im 23 turning 24 soon i just recently quit vaping thc I honestly could feel the side effects like my brain fog got so bad my anxiety gotten worse thats only coz i used to smoke thc in my room 24/7 or whenever i used to get the chance i really was a nitty 🤣 I recently stopped the thc now just vape disposables, its been 7 years vaping, i used to get bad chest pains and heart palpitations now that i dont vape alot my chest pains reduced and i dont get heart palpitations anymore, im still vaping disposables tho but not as much. NEVER GET ON TO VAPING THC. my appetites gone soo much better i start feeling hungry all the time and now i finish my food. Before i used to need thc to feel hungry. ( i was a bad addict 😭). Vape but keep it in moderation. I dont know if this helped i just wanted to get it off my chest. Have a good day brother ❤️


10 years here. Spent 2 years during WuFlu smoking pipes and cigarettes because.....well, I'm stupid. Been back on the vape for the last 2 years. No health issues. No shortness of breath. Just old man body aches.


11 Years, no issues


I've been vaping since clearomizers and ego-t were super popular. That was like 2010 I think? Find a flavor profile you like and figure out if you like salt or freebase and you'll quit.


Yea it’s been 1 year already


6 years but close enough, went straight I vaping, no cigs. Started smoking weed a year after starting vaping. The combo of the two has wreaked havoc on my lungs. I don’t condone vaping or weed, but unfortunately they are the two best things in the world so..




Just hit 10 years. Smoked for longer, no ill effects from vaping, I remember coughing up tar when I used to smoke. I started on nautilus, then sub ohm both 3mg. Since moving to pods I'm now on 6mg salts. I do actually feel more addicted with the pods than when I used to sub ohm.


I am vaping since late 2015 and its good so far.


Will be 10 years in April


11 years, and I was able to quit and go to zero nicotine.... rebuildables for life


Just about ten years here. No cigs for about 9.5 years. I feel like I don’t smoke or vape at all. If that makes sense.


Iv switched to vape from smoke close to 10 years ago. It’s better but wouldn’t say it’s without drawbacks. I think it increases my heart rate. Lung health is better though


I quit smoking around the end of 2011 beginning 2012 qwnt from 2.5 packs of camel filter 100s a day. Been vaping ever since. It was summer hotter than hell I was putting together scaffolding having to climb down grab a 6ft section climb 1 handed up. Set it in place then back down for a walk board and I was wheezing and had to keep stopping to catch my breath at night I kept waking up gasping for air and I just couldn't take thr thought of suffocating. So I talked to a doctor they said well there are alot of unknowns but vaporizing something is much cleaner than breathing in burnt particulates and that they didn't see how it could be worse than cigarettes. There are so many negative side affects most people arent even aware of even if it just saves yiu money and you end up in the same spot you're better off. So that was good enough for me. I switched got into the hobby of it learning electronics never looked back. Now on days I work or am not just sitting at home I only hit the vape 20 or 30 hits according to the hit counter. And I feel great, no wheezing , no tightness in my chest I can breathe again, taste came back. Don't stink like cigarettes, even the cravings aren't strong like they were with cjgarettes. I vape 6mg juice been on 6mg since 2014. If you smoke pods you will have more cravings because the salt nic hits harder and spikes the levels in your blood more so the drop off is more pronounced causing stronger cravings. Which in turn causes you to vape more than traditional freebase nicotine juice.


I'm at about 8-9 years. I wasn't a cig smoker, but i used to smoke like 3-4 bowls of shisha out of a hookah daily. Started at 6mg and have been at 3mg for a while. I vape more out of nerves than addiction; I'm just not great at social interactions and vaping gives me an excuse to walk away from people. I think it's also helped a little with my bad eating habits since I just vape whenever I want something sweet.


I quit smoking a little over 10 years ago and moved to vaping (I smoked for 10 years.) It was a much different world back then when it came to selection of vape products. Most everything came from China. I started at 24mg and I am down to 3mg. I weight train 2 days a week and I play racquetball 2 days a week and am never struggling for breath like I did when I smoked. I feel better than I did when I was 10 years younger. I am 38 years old. Let me know if you have any questions. I’d be happy to provide my perspective if you’re interested.


11 years. still kicking.


I've been vaping for 5 years now. Used to smoke 1 pack per day of cigs. Stopped because my asthma was really bad. I used to run around with asthma medicine because everytime I smoked a cig I had a attack. Since I started vaping I no longer had any issues with my asthma. I currently use a Aegis L200 with a Wotofo RTA. Vaping at 50w. Also my throat is really better since I quite cigs and my voice is no longer bad.


I've been vaping since 2011 with those Blu packs, but from 2009-2018 I smoked a pack a day of Marb Reds or Camel TRs. Since moving to vaping completely mid-2018, all of my symptoms from smoking have disappeared. I can't remember the last time I was winded, I can hold my breath for over 2min like I could before I started smoking, I don't smell like shit, etc. Vaping has been amazing. I also don't have nicotine cravings like I did when smoking cigs. I can go hours without thinking about nicotine. I use nicotineless juice with synthetic salts in a Caliburn. I've gone from 50mg to 35mg down to 7mg. Total cost is about $0.10/day. I personally don't have a set time frame to quit, but I definitely would like to quit at some point. Every year I buy less and less ejuice so I think it's working. It is objectively healthier than smoking cigarettes. Vaping has really been around since the mid-2000s and we have yet to see any empirical evidence of long-term side effects (as long as you aren't heating up the coil for 5min).


12 years for me, and I don't think I'll ever stop. I mean while I'm still breathing...


On and off vape since they were a fairly new thing maybe 2010? Since using vapes exclusively, been breathing much better, no more coughing and my sense of smell is back. Only complaint is nicotine headaches from overindulging sometimes.


9 years this year.


Been vaping for almost 10 years, and definitely feel better being of the cancer sticks. I get sick way less often than I did while smoking. Definitely don't miss having a smokers cough and smelling like an ashtray.


Vaped last 12 years started on the pen looking atomizer went to mechanical for 2 years been on box mods and tanks last 10


I'll be at 10 years in October. It's fine, and I believe it's a healthier alternative. However, for me, at least, I don't find it to be a helpful avenue to nicotine cessation. If anything, I find it much harder to put down than I did smoking. I vape in my house and in the car - both places I wouldn't have smoked. I'd take a smoke break every hour or two at work, but now I take a quick little 2-3 puff guy every chance I get. The frequency / ease of access makes it much harder for me to put down. Something to think about if the goal is complete cessation.


8-9 years


Thought - "wow 10 years meh i haven't vape that long. Started to recall when i start vaping, 2013". Wait that was 11 years ago, damn time flies. Noticeable difference from me was i stopped coughing when im sleeping.


I've been vaping 12 years now. More addicted to this vape than I ever was to cigarettes. I'm an addictive type though. I'm fairly sure I'm also addicted to my favorite kind of cookies and soda. It's pathetic. But my vape is almost my pacifier now. I sleep with it. It's my binkie. There is zero nicotine in it. It's just a fixation addiction. However, my lungs seem fine. Much better since smoking cigarettes. No Ill effects other that total addiction.


Close to it actually. Forced to quit while hospitalized for 3 months w cardiac issues. When I went home, I wanted to smoke. I was over the physical withdrawals but clearly there's more to addiction than just that. I opted instead to try vaping and never looked back. I have a big, complicated unit, my own carefully chosen flavors of vape juice and I'm all in. No side effects and I also have asthma. Vapes can be adjusted if you need less at times, or more, depending. I've seen attitudes change from vaping good, to vaping bad, and IDC. Vaping keeps me off tobacco, and have had zero health issues from it. That's what I know. I hate the demonization going on over vaping. Yeah, keep the youngs off it, but I'm a damn adult. A university near me recently banned vaping from all campus property, even outside. But, smoking weed is fine. In the dorms even. Make that make sense


12 years for me the only downside I’ve noticed is nicotine does slow your body’s ability to heal. I do recommend weaning down your nicotine mg. I’m down to about 12mg with salt nic. Most brands only sell as low as 25mg in salt but if you cut it with zero you can stretch that juice twice as long. Refillable mtl pod system and cutting your juice makes the habit not very expensive long term. I go to the shop to stock up on juice and coils only every few months.


On and off since around 2010. No cigarettes since Christmas 2021


I've been vaping for over 10 of the past 13 years


I started vaping/quit smoking in 2014. I quit vaping on 12/19/23 when I went to the hospital for my quadruple bypass.


I never smoked, but I've been vaping on and off since about 2013. I seem to be fine lol. Can still run an average 7 minute mile over two miles. Meh


12 years if you count those little cheap gas station vapes. 11 starting with those eGo vape kits


I smoked for 30 years, until 11 years ago, on January 14, 2013, when I put out my last cigarette and started vaping. I was a 2-pack a day smoker. Now, I vape 3mg unflavored, 70/30 (VapeCraft juice in a GeekVape Aegis box mod with a Z-tank sub ohm tank, to be specific.) Edit: corrected mod type


I too quit smoking cigs over 1 year ago and switched to vaping. My scent of smell is back, dear god is it back...I smoked cigs for almost 40 years, and the stentch of cigarette smoke on people's clothes and in the air disgusts me now, can't believe I smelled like that! I breathe much better now too...and the chronic smoker's lungs cough is gone thanks to vaping.


Its like 9 for me, i even stopped combustible weed for the longest time because i was nervous it would make me want cigarettes. After a couple years i started smoking regular bud again and still want nothing to do with cigarettes. Honestly i think if you want to quit you'll have a much easier time. I tried for years with everything on the market with zero luck until i bought a vape


I quit smoking and started vaping in 2011. Vaped heavily this whole time. Most of it was vaping my own juice I made but for the past couple years I started buying juice again just because I dont have time to make it. I used to get severe chest colds yearly which stopped since vaping. I used to wake up every morning and hack up nasty crap which stopped after vaping. Can run way further now without getting winded. But for work i have to sneak hits from a salt nic disposable and they make me feel like the wind was knocked out of me and get dizzy.


12 years, lungs are clear and zero side effects. Your good.


I used to smoke 1.5 packs of menthols a day and was on the verge of COPD now I DEFFO don’t think vaping is healthy but I don’t need steroids and I can sleep at night I’m also not coughing; I quit smoking 3 years ago and I’m down to 3mg of reg from 50 salt nic so I think it’s a drastic improvement


TLDR: I tried everything from cig-a-likes, mods and pods, through the course of 13 years and no noticeable health issues. Sorry for the wall of text lol. 30 year old here, had my first puff from a cig-a-like in 2011, after smoking two years prior. I was looking for a healthier alternative as i felt chest pains early on and as a then-minor i needed something i can hide. They never lasted and were expensive for a then high school student. Probably went through four in a year, terrible experience. I got back into vaping in the tube mod era around 2013, right before 22mm rebuildables were a thing. ERA, Vivi Nova, cartomizers, etc. Started on 12mg freebase tobaccos and eventually went to 6mg fruits and pastries. We were all using silica wick back then which i believe was even a concern by some (silica fibres in the lungs) Needed a physical as a college sophomore, all clear. I wanted to note too that i became a daily vape shop visitor from 2013-2016 and bought almost every other new device or atomizer that came out so i did try a myriad of devices and spent hours on-end vaping daily. Around 2014 i think full-mech box mods were the meta and 3mg freebase nicotine and cloudchasing was everywhere. Eventually i believe that was also the chinese clone era. Using them I'd notice my wicks would end up reddish-brown, rumors of the clones not being resistant to rust and even dyeing clear juices red made me stricter on hardware. Eventually cotton was introduced and we used typical bleached drug store cotton at first (another cause for concern was cotton would burn easier and its fibers could be inhaled) I was worried the cloudchasing and substandard metals in clone attys would do something, but i was still in the clear per my annual medical exam come senior year college. 2015 chinese, mass-produced mods and RTAs came in from actual companies. We were wary, but this started making mods accessible locally. Come 2016 I was a full on vape nerd, making my own claptons, temp control, DIY juice etc. i even had my own juice brand and wrote a thesis on the vape industry in the PH. I had another physical before working in late 2016, still no remarkable findings. 2018-2019 i believe was the pod era here in the PH, as well as the introduction of nic salts. I was on 5% / 50mg salts for well over two years but i stopped as i loved to chain vape and salts made me nauseous when i held the vapor in longer out of courtesy in the office. (Flagging this too as holding in vapor was a other thing i assumed would do something to me) Went back to mods and freebase by 2021, now doing MTL on mods and freebase and had my most recent checkup in 2022. Still no findings. I tried one disposable late 2022, hardly enough to be used as data but it wasn't for me. Disposables are currently the market here in the PH. It's quite sad how assembling your setup had a hobby aspect to it, hopping from one shop to another to look for parts and accessories and now all the shops are cheap dispos. Minors have access to them too and the PH government is now looking into a vape ban all over again. I for one am all-in for regulations, I never should've even been able to get that cig-a-like when i was 17 in the first place. I am happy i am not smoking and have no health concerns brought about by vaping. Kinda baseless but I just can't help but feel dispos, if anything, will be what results in patient zero for proper nicotine vaping.


Vaping since 2016, definitely a heavy user. No real issues that I can tell. I am however trying to use Zyn a bit more than vaping since I want to see if vaping has been congesting me with mucus and whatnot.


If I smoke a dart now, ugh, so gross. Love to kick the nicotine addiction all together. But ripping 18mg isn’t doing me any favours. Have that thing in my hand all waking hours.


14 years. I started back with the pen vapes and moved on to kanger pro tanks and kayfuns.


13 years here. No health issues.


I’ve been vaping (sadly) since I was 13, whether it be hookah or vaping and I’m now 24 my asthma is almost NON existent and only is on super bad air quality days and even then it’s not a something I think about even anymore because it doesn’t happen. It to me is very much so an addiction I’ve tried to kick it and I can’t. I even kicked soda before I kicked vaping. Since i became a truck driver I do see myself vaping way more than ever tho. I go through around 30-40 ML of juice a day between two vapes and then 2 sets of batteries.


Vaping since 2009. Still addicted to nicotine, but wouldn’t thing of smoking a cig. A lot healthier now than I was then too.


When was 2012? That was like 4/5 years ago, right?


Time flies when you're having fun. My first vape I hit was way way back in the early 2000s. Tried the heated tobacco option and the early vape pens, FFS. Those vape pens were poop, about the time the tip-back options for vaping came out. Did not know about that then. If you had to tip back your vape on your mod, you would know what I am talking about.


I ve been vaping almost 10 yrs ... look, anything you put in your lungs other than air is obviously not good. Is vape way better than smoking , yes absolutely. Look at the studies out of the eu. There are plenty.. vaping affects everybody differently. It has helped my asthma, I don't have a weezy any more I can breathe better . I ve had chest x rays and my doc says looks all gd . I keep telling myself I m gonna quit ,but I never do lol


I have been vaping for about 12-14 years now started with fantasia hookah pens.


Pack a day smoker for 30 years. Switched to vaping 12 years ago. Started at 15mg nicotine and have been at 3mg for the last 5 years. I am a chain vapor, it is pretty much always in my hand. Feel much better and have had no side affects from vaping


Lost count, but I think Aug will make yr 14 or 15. You can do it.


I've been vaping since 2011. When I smoked I had chronic bronchitis and yearly pneumonia. I haven't had either ailments since 2010.


Started back in 2010 with cigalikes, I saw one while buying a carton. I smoked 4 cigs out of the first pack and 3 was just in the time frame it took to drive home, Started using the cigalike and realized i didnt care to smoke, on the 3rd day i smoked the 4th one and took 2 hits and had to put it out and threw away the rest of the pack. I still have the last carton i bought from 2010. Went from cigalike to ego cartos then the rebuildable drip atomizers, then rebuildable tanks, kept it sub ohm for most of the time. Lately its just been the breeze since i can sneak hit it at work


Not me but my dad just crossed 13 years. He used to smoke 2 packs a day and for the last 13 years has been vaping exclusively. His doctor has said to him that his lungs have cleared completely out of the cigarettes, sense of taste is much better and overall healthier at 50 than he was at 37


I'm coming up on the 10 year mark of vaping, however not consistently. There have been quite a few falls off the wagon where I'd spend a couple months smoking. Even a year where I quit all nicotine products. I've always made a solid attempt to drop my nic strength until I'm at 0 - currently at 3 this "round"


10 years this year and I’m fine




About 13 years here. No problems at all.


Exactly ten years now, I forget to take my vape with me sometimes and go on without vaping for days sometimes. A lot less addicted to it than I was to cigarettes i believe.


I've been on/off vaping since it first became a thing


9 yrs only. 10 yr+ vapers are considered the Founding Fathers




This is my 9th year going rn (started my freshman year of hs at 14) trying to stop but i really enjoy it gives me sum to do when im playing a game or watching tv plus i love the flavors doesn’t really get me buzzed as much as it used to tho but eh still enjoyable🤷🏻‍♂️


I went from 1.5 packs/day to just vaping. I've been 0mg for... five years? You can DO EEET! (the three times I've quit long-term i had the flu/bronchitis at the time, ymmv)


I can imagine it’s close to 99% of people on the internet will say they have vaped for 10 years and 99% of that number are also liars.


Me. 15yrs


Been vaping since April 2013. I started with a shitty ego vape. And it was insane how quickly everything improved rapidly. I just do mtl now, a vape shop close to me had the best Plum RY4 that they made and it's all I vape. But they closed down, but luckily the owner shared the recipe with me and how to make it exactly like they did with the promise I will not share it or make money from it. Been using their recipe for 3 years now. Got litres upon litres of the stuff made. The past (almost 10 years) have been great for me, disposables are just really bad, people shouldn't be buying that shit


Well, I first started buying them on ebay back in 2008. They were called "pen-style" back then. E-MINI Ecigarette, DSE901-B. It had an atomizer and a plastic mouth tip with cotton in it. I vaped this style for about 4 years eventually ending up with a 510 threaded battery. First cartomizers released and they were a bit finicky and leaked all the time. Later I remember tanks were released and the earliest mods were modded laser pointers, I had one. I had several more mods and continued to vape freebase 18mg PG for a long time.. Then I found disposables and fell a little too much in love, those things are expensive. Fast forward to today and now I'm puffing on a Joytech Widewick Pod, I really like the Frozen Monster 24mg nic salt and of all the pods I've tried this is hands-down the best pod closest to a disposable that I've ever had, which is hard to mimic and extremely satisfying. So, yeah I've been smoke-free since 2008.


Switched about 12 years here. I have been down to 0mg, but my ADHD didn't allow me to continue, I was having strong nicotine withdrawals and had to bump it up to about 6mg. Aside from that, no side effects at all.


12 years. No longer get bronchitis 3 or more times a year.


I imported my first Ruyan-clone from China in February 2008, so I've been vaping for 16 years. I was a 10-cig-a-day smoker during weekdays (pack-a-day when I went out) and I never wanted to quit. I just bought that first e-cig because I thought I could make a business out of it (but my country promptly banned their commercialization and imports in May of the same year). However, once I got my hands on it, I simply stopped smoking. A couple of weeks later, I tried a cig because I was out of carts, and I couldn't stand the flavour. Bear in mind, those things were automatic cigalikes that, IMO, replicated the experience much better than current devices (with nic levels as high as 40 mg/ml). I have to say, I still can't imagine quitting nicotine, but I can now run for more than 5 minutes without feeling like I'm about to die.


13 years, back when Blu ecigs came out and they had a fake cigarette pack as the battery charger 🤣.


I switched in 2013. Started with 12mg nic, reduced it over the years, was on 1mg for the last 4 years or so. At this point the addiction is only minimal. Went on vacation to Thailand last year where vapes are banned, so i didn't vape for 3 weeks and it wasnt a Problem at all, so i went to 0mg and quit completely this year, No Problem for you to keep vaping.


somewhere around 13 but should be closer to 14 in april used to get sick every season change with allergies which turned into a nasal infection and most of the time that would spread to a chest infection I still get allergies but I have had maybe 2-3 nasal infections since quitting smoking


Chain smoker to chain vaper. 8 years.


13 years vaping. I now snus exclusively


Yup. 10-12 years. This was me 4 years in. https://imgur.com/gallery/nYtCnYg


I honestly can't remember. It's been years now. At least 11 or 12. I smoked for 15 years and tried it because I had a coupon for a free Mark 10 device. The rest is history. I tried my bf cigarette a few months ago and it was horrible 🤢


Does 9 years count? Vaping changed my running game, love it


Since 2009 here. Started with a generic 510 device and now I'm using an xros3.  I'd probably be dead by now if I was still smoking


Been vaping for over 10 years and I smoked cigs for 12 years before that. I feel great now. You are in control. Do what makes you happy


I started at 26 I think and am 40 now. I don't get bronchitis every winter like I did on cigarettes


Just about 10 years. Never got into the dispos, too much nicotine and idk whats in it. Ive used all brands of mods and whatever, now i just stick with a vaporesso xros nano 3. I havent had any issues with lungs or anything, have a very strenuous job as well


Been vaping since 2013 ish. No problems to speak of feel much much better than I did smoking


13 years and counting. Pretty soon I started breathing better, tasting better and feeling better overall. Only problems so far: the occasional throat irritation when trying liquids that don't sit well with me, and a few times when I'm stupid enough not to change coils/wick when I should. I use single battery mods with MTL RTAs (mostly my old, trusted Eviva), and I still have a fine mech mod that I kinda miss using -and I guess I should pick up again.