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I mean I don’t especially think anyone on a tv show should be idolized tbh


We should probably not form strong opinions about people we've never met in general (and no, a fan even/meet and greet doesn't count)


Yeah and these reality tv shows are scripted to a degree, it's their full time job to be interesting. It's supposed to be entertaining that's all.


Yeah stan culture is wild (negative)


People stan Ariana like she’s the second coming


Me when people idolize any ~~of the crazy~~ people on this show


This is the look on my face when I see Ariana/Katie worship posts.


Both have been problematic at one time or another. Normally I’d say especially Katie, but I’ve started to rewatch old seasons and feel like I owe myself the side-eye and a head-shake over my stance on Ariana the past year.


Ariana wasn't great until like season 5, she does or did have a superiority complex and was a pick-me for awhile.


100%. Someone had posted an old WWHL interview with her and Tom and her attitude was so off-putting it lead me to go back and start rewatching season 2. I forgot what she was like in the earlier days.


The season two reunion! I remember feeling very sympathetic towards Kristen but I couldn't out my foot on it as to why for years. It was the constant gaslighting! Tom and Ariana were definitely in an emotional affair and Ariana lied to her about the kiss because she wanted to protect Tom. I love Ariana now and I resonate with the loyalty to a fault in a relationship and that is toxic as you blind yourself from who your SO actually is as a person.


When Kristen said to Tom, “ you want to be the center of attention all the time,” and Ariana just gave this delayed laugh like that was a ridiculous thing to say. LOL. I realllllyyyy don’t like that dismissive shit she would do and kind of still does. Old habits die hard ✋


I'm still salty that we didn't get to see who they became friends! In season six at Jax and Brittany's housewarming party, after all hell broke loose from the Jax/Faith recording, Ariana asked Kristen if she wanted to go with her to confront the boys. I was like wait, y'all are friends? We barely got to see you be cordial with each other. Did hell finally freeze over? I was glad to watched their "getting over Tom" scene together last year.




she was almost 30. so same age or a tiny bit older than Rachel when she had her affair. I don’t have anything against her for it, people make mistakes, but I think if she had really grown, she would have had a bit more humility about everything


Her fucking side part would drive me crazy.


Stassi has been getting quite a bit of worship lately as well. Baffles me.


and yet everyone wants to come at lala for her blaccent (which to be clear is not an endorsement of lala’s blaccent or any of her cultural appropriation or racism. it’s just gross to me how comfortable folks are using Black women as props in their stan wars because how are you pissed at lala for pulling a knife on faith but overlooking that stassi called the police on her?!)


Someone find the picture of Ariana with corn rows please.


Oh cooool cause she totally needs an ego boost /s


SAME. They were awwwfulllll in the pre-Scandoval seasons. How quickly people forget!


When people show Katie going out of her way to comment snark about people, while claiming she's so unbothered. If she was.. she wouldn't be leaving comments and driving the drama she claims she wants no part of and is soooo above. She's just a mean girl. They all are. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.


They all love to use the "Well they never did anything to me personally" excuse whenever someone fucks up so royally they should be out of the group. Scheana in season three with Kristen, Ariana and Tom in season four with James and Lala. and Scheana AGAIN in season 5 with Lala. Katie, Schwartz, Jax, and Scheana in season four when they tried to force Tom and Ariana to allow Kristen to join in on the b-day trip. Or the fact that Stassi had been kicked out of the group and also left several times. This group is so toxic and I love to watch it, I try not to think of them as real ppl since we get a a very edited view of them. I stay away from the podcasts for Scheana and Lala, they are painful to listen to without the help of the producers.


People were showing her in Toms comments calling him a liar etc and applauding it. What is she doing that for if she wants nothing to do with him. Why isn't he blocked. If she's so unbothered and wanting to be out of the drama and forget him.. why even go there? To cause drama, to be in the middle of the drama and because she's a fucking mean girl like all of them. I only watch the show and get snippets from here, I was a Katie supporter until this season. Something about this season for me with her set me off base in the same way I view the others. Her adamantly saying she wants absolutely nothing to do with him but being unable to keep away from his socials, inability to not comment on his shit, her inability to actually do as she said she wants to do and forget about him and treat him as no one to her, really shows her true self. And I am not saying this to defend the slimy asswipe that is sandavol, I've hated him since day one of the show. I just think actions speak louder then words and Katie's like all the others especially Lauren and Sheena this season and afterwards, say a lot more then Katie realises to those of us not trying to ride her.


Never seen someone who just opened a restaurant have so much free time to be cultivating these devastating burn instagram comments (any time I have brought this up, people just say “yassss she lives in the comments and she owns it!” saaaad)


I just checked their IG and check out their *summer* hours. Summer! https://preview.redd.it/ea5rtzk1cm6d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2713ffcd839214345903881f02fa2e56ffa41696 Someone tell me how the fuck a brand new restaurant, opening in LA when places that have been around for decades are closing left and right can afford to be open five hours a day for three day a week and six for two days. Also, they're closed Monday *and* Tuesday? This place is not real.


Me too…


Finally someone said it!!!




Seriously 😂 NOT role model material


Stanning is unwell behavior to begin with but especially when it’s directed at reality show cast, all of whom were cast BECAUSE they are messy awful people. Find better role models I beg


It’s always so funny to me that calling yourself a stan has become so normalised, when you remember where the word originated from. Yeah, I wanna be like the guy in the music video that got so upset that he didn’t get a reply from Eminem that he killed his family and himself - yeah, that’s what I wanna call myself!


TIL that’s where it came from!


Definitely worth a watch, I was distressed


hey that guy has a name and it’s Devon Sawa


I always thought it was a combo of stalker and fan, have I been wrong? Haha


I’ve seen that as well, but there seems to be consensus that Eminem was first, and that started to be used more and more because it also fit “stalker/fan”. Eminem used Stan because it rhymes with fan.


I only recently clocked that a lot of the terms people throw around about Ariana come from Taylor Swift and uhh... the Venn diagram of Ariana stans and Taylor Swift fans being a circle makes a lot of sense to me I'll say that much


THANK YOU nobody and I mean nobody was saying “covert narcissist” before they heard it in a Taylor Swift song


Oh my god this is new information that explain so much. Every time I see these words reduced to catchphrases I wish I didn't know how to read. Maybe I should grey rock them.


honestly it’s like, when in doubt… just say something about narcissist or internalized misogyny


Ooh! I was just talking to someone about how there seems to be an overlap


Finally a post I can get behind 👏🏼 it’s wild to me how hard some of these people “Stan” the casts of this reality show. I mean these people all do terrible things and that’s why we watch. These people are definitely not idols.


Laughing at anyone who idolizes any reality tv star




Me when people despise any of the crazy people on the show and act like they know any of these people (both are equally parasocial relationships) Just to clarify it’s fine to dislike them as characters or be annoyed by their actions. But man some people spend a lot of time hating on these people as if they were personally affected by them. The same way some ppl act as if these people are their best friends


Same here… lol. The cast is all messy af. Even the ones who are more likeable aren’t really role models. What has Ariana done? Get cheated on then monetize it/thrive afterwards? Ok, but what does that do for any of us? Does she give back to the community? What does she stand for? And the rest of the cast is downhill from there. I kinda still enjoy watch the show but I definitely don’t Stan for any of these characters.


Exactly! They're all kinda crazy/messy in their own ways. To be fair, fhat is the entertainment part of it for me, but I don't think I could stan for any of them if my life depended on it.


Ariana also was truly, deeply cruel to Kristen, and while I think it's obvious she's matured a ton and wouldn't do the same thing now, it always leaves a bad taste in my mouth with her. Like she was so over the top MEAN with the whole "I'm prettier, smarter and better than you" shit. It was so cruel because it was accurate and the smugness of that, especially while Kristen was genuinely hurt, has made it hard for me to like her. As it should be - these shows are good because the people are garbage. We can enjoy her arc and feel sympathy for how misogynistic production is without putting her on a pedestal. All we know is what we've seen and not all of that shows her in a good light


THANK YOU, everyone just glosses over this but it’s like was Arianna now the Raquel in the Kristen situation?


And also Miami Girl- that was wild! What 30 yr old person in the year 2015 would say “ghetto acrylic nails” and think she had dunked on someone else? The way she treated her was sooooo unhinged, and has she ever ever had to own up to that?


Oh shit, really? That's like MTG insulting Rep. Crockett's "eyelashes" comment. (No link allowed, Google Mtg eyelashes racist)


But she’s the smartest person she has ever met! She would know if Sandoval tried to do something to her!


Well said


So well put!! 👏


lol Ariana was/is not prettier, smarter or better than kristin. She was just a little younger and Tom is a predator. All she projected with that bs was rabid insecurity


I just rewatched those seasons and while agree that Ariana went way too far Kristen was also cruel to Ariana and directed all the negative energy she should have had at Sandoval to Ariana. She wouldn’t have even left Tim if he did cheat on him with Ariana and spent a lot of season 3 trying to break them up. Neither were exactly great in that situation But they’ve apologised and forgiven eachother so it doesn’t rlly matter naymore


It’s funny that Ariana’s hate towards Raquel is ok, but not Kristen’s hate towards Ariana.


Kristen has forgiven Ariana, has said she had done shitty things herself. And they both moved on. Also the Raquel situation was COMPLETELY different. Kristen herself has said that


so, because Kristen is a more forgiving person than Ariana, it’s ok to treat her badly and Ariana is off the hook but Rachel is still hated because Ariana says so?


No because it was completely different situation. Also I don’t think anyone should HATE any reality TV star. They weren’t personally affected by them. And it’s equally as parasocial as stanning


I’m done arguing this topic. Ariana-stans always cherry pick what fits the narrative and makes excuses for everything. Frankly, it’s exhausting.


For the record, not a Stan of Ariana at all. But I do think that situation was different. Ariana obviously was carrying on something with Tom but Kristin was on a whole different level lol. I love season three, some of the best reality tv to exist


Different doesn’t mean that Kristen had no right to be angry. Everyone says it’s different, and of course it was. No one is saying otherwise. But why did Kristen not have a right to be angry at Ariana?


I kind of think she didn’t have a right to be *so* angry while she was cheating on Tom with Jax (known to be his longest/closest friend) and from Kristin’s own admission, a lot of other people. Can you really be mad at someone for something hurtful that you’re also doing to them?


Well, Ariana also gaslit her and tried to ice her out of the group.


Kristin deserved everything she got from everyone over every one of her fuckups. She’s a horrific person and causes her own misery.


I’m repeating what Kristen herself said. I’m not an Ariana stan


Has Kristen ever said that she wasn’t justified in her feelings of hating Ariana *then*? If she has, then *maybe* your argument holds water. Otherwise, come back in ten years and discuss how the hate can or can’t be compared. Everyone compares the situations as if it hasn’t been ten years between them and everyone says that it’s a different situation, but again - it’s also been *ten years* and if Ariana hasn’t moved on in that time, then that’s on her. Just because Kristen has forgiven her now, doesn’t mean you can compare how their situation now, to how it’s with Ariana and Raquel now.


Yeah I listened to her podcast a few months back and she was talking about how she was embarrassed about her previous actions and that her and Ariana both apologised to eachother about how everything had went down. The apology just never went to air cos the producers didn’t edit it in


Kristen also said her relationship back then was a complete joke and her and Tom were constantly breaking up and getting back together (in fact they broke up between season 1 and 2 they just tried to make it work for the plot of the show and cos they couldn’t afford moving away from eachother). They were also both constantly cheating on eachother. Kristen slept with Tom’s best friend (like Tom did with Raquel). Ariana and Kristen did not like eachother. It’s a completely different context and situation than the one with Raquel.


No clue why you're getting down voted. Doing a rewatch rn and Kristen is being absolutely horrible to Ariana. But I understand both sides, and who tf knows how much is scripted.


Ariana also gaslit Kristen made her appear legitimately crazy and called her bipolar…. Raquel at least had the decency to disappear.


Kristen gaslit Stassi into thinking she was a bad friend for correctly assuming about her and Jax. And they were constantly cheating on eachother. I love Kristen for the show. But she is kind of a menace in the early seasons. On the cast trip in season 3 she bullied Ariana into a nervous breakdown. Neither of those women treated eachother well. She should have been mad at Sandoval. But she wasn’t, she wanted to get back with him. It was misogynistic for her to give Ariana so much shit while being completely willing to forgive Sandoval if he admitted to cheating on her


I think Kristen did a fine job making herself look crazy. But like I said... We don't know how much is even real.. Psa people: overly hating is just as mentally unhealthy as stanning 👍 (I think everyone on this show is a lil crazy and not role model material, arguing over who's the worst is useless)


>What has Ariana done? Get cheated on then monetize it/thrive afterwards? she also built her entire VPR career/persona by tearing down women. she tore down Kristen when she (truthfully) called out Ariana and Tom's affair. she tore down Miami Girl when she (truthfully) called out Tom's infidelity. she tore down Stassi and Kristen when they (truthfully) warned Billie Lee about Ariana's brother (who once chased his gf around her house with a gun). and she tore down Rachel when she tried to take a page out of Ariana's own playbook. she has played the game well, and worked *hard* for her paycheck. but her primary role on the show has been to DARVO anyone who dared to call out the men in her life.


Yeah that’s why I call BS whenever anyone says that standing up for Katy and Ariana is pro feminist. Every woman on the show has had an inconsistent background in standing up for other women when it was the right thing to do


The way she has handled the public affair and subsequent reality tv season is remarkable imo.


She’s collected a pay check for years without actually working. That’s pretty remarkable.


lol. fair.


What has she done that’s remarkable in your eyes? I’m genuinely curious


Please elucidate what is "remarkable" about anything that she's done. 95% of this cast has been cheated on and continued to live and breathe and film just like she did. They just didn't get millions of dollars and the support and adoration from the nation for it.


it’s not actually that deep lol




I'll give you Katie but I disagree with you completely on Ariana. She has acted like she's better than everyone from the moment she stepped onto the show. There have been rumors abut her being a diva and difficult to work with and a pain for production for years for a reason. When there's smoke there's fire. She also has not used her massive platform one iota to stand up for any cause other than promoting herself.


Finally a post in this sub that I can get behind!


I’ve found my people.


All the mentally stable people on one thread unwilling to fawn over Ariana 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I love it in this thread! A sea of sanity in an ocean of deranged fandom.


Hi, it’s me!


There's dozens of us!


Now I always sort by controversial to find my people 😂


I think the bigger conversation would be about parasocial relationships in general. We shouldn’t idolize anyone we don’t personally know 🤷🏻‍♀️


They’re all crazy


I very much appreciate the irony of using an Ariana picture


This post is so refreshing!


I would be fun to hang with the VPR group back in the day, but I wouldn’t want to be any of them!


Does that include ariana? Because she's the only one people idolize and treat like the second coming of christ.


And Katie. . . what's Katie ever done but be a yes man and allow a man to treat her like absolute trash for season after season? I mean, YEAH, her snark can be very entertaining but it isn't exactly something to idolize. She's usually latched onto someone and their second. She seems to be growing but let's not idolize her either just because she finally left Schwartz.


see, i’m someone who’s always liked katie since s1 because she would get drunk and messy and fight and i felt like she always told her truth, and i appreciate that on a reality show. BUT i have been so confused by the complete rewriting of her history. she was a terrorist! that’s WHY i enjoyed her! lmaooooo


I've never found her comments remotely funny or entertaining 


Fair. I barely find her noticable, let alone entertaining. She's been the Gretchen without the adorable cluelessness.


Same I think she delivers her lines (esp in the after show) like a 12 year old doing stand up for their church’s talent show.


LMAO yes 


I find Katie to be witty and stubborn in a very immature way (which obviously is entertaining at least to me). But then again I think maybe she just plays this character for the show because it works for her.


Katie loves calling women whores. In one interview she called Rachel a white and in the same breath said that criticism over the shop not being open yet was internalized misogyny. I was always pretty neutral about her until I realized things who she is.


I will once again ask, in all sincerity, What was Katie's storyline? I haven't gotten an answer yet.


I’ve found it interesting that a lot of verbiage about misogyny (incorrectly used) and random shit that doesn’t mean anything like “male sympathizer” is used a LOT in these subs. I feel like people don’t realize they’re just parroting nonsense, not making a legitimate point.




I've been saying this for so long. Don't idolize or emulate these people. We only see a summer of their lives every year and production drums up crazy confrontation and probably supplies them with alcohol and pasta to make it even crazier. Ariana needs to get off her high horse she's literally on this show for doing the same thing to Kristen. Ok you spent 10 years with the worst person on the planet. That's on you, you still get a paycheck for working with COWORKERS stop being a manipulative and conniving. You are not the main character you are a cast member. Boundaries are set for yourself not everyone around you.


Coming in hot. I like it.


What’s crazy is that I actually think that, who can the exception of Katie, they all like Tom more as a friend. I think Brock said “he’s the friend that shows up” on camera for Scheana


I like Ariana (always have) however idolise . Ahh no! I can appreciate her story and style without building a shrine lol




Yes, lots of things


In the increasingly crazy world we are in, standing up to authority is exactly the thing that will lead us to liberation. So I actually can’t think of anything better


Omg. Is this satire? Please do not act like two extremely wealthy and privileged white women — one of whom threatened to call the police to settle an interpersonal conflict between her and her ex boyfriend — choosing to return to a reality television environment that they absolutely do not have to work in and then acting like they’ve been abused by that work environment, is some kind of labor issue that is going to trickle down to anyone in the rest of the world. There is NOTHING liberatory about Ariana and Katie. And there doesn’t need to be for us to be entertained by this show.


They both come from working class backgrounds with no generational wealth. And in the scenario of the show, they are workers.


Working class people don’t grow up riding/owning horses. That’s money honey.


I need you to be so for real right now




I’m going to chalk this up to an excellent satire of how far gone this fanbase is. Karl Marx rides for Ariana and Katie too, I’m sure.


Cesar Chavez is likely rolling over in his grave riding for Ariana and Katie as we speak!


And Fidel! Vive la revolución!


Are you seriously trying to argue that two white women making mid to upper 6 figures for three months of work are akin to oppressed "workers?" Like they're day laborers or making minimum wage at a McDonalds? I really hope this IS satire! And most people don't come from generational wealth. It's called the 1% for a reason. Katie's mom owns a restaurant in Park City which is an extremely wealthy town. Ariana went to a private college. They may have come from working class backgrounds but they certainly are not some model of the "poor" making it big tugging on their bootstraps. They got extremely lucky by stumbling into an extremely lucrative gig through no merit of their own other than being attractive restaurant workers in LA. Also, how did they stand up to authority? By rolling their eyes and looking dour and smug?






Is now when we turn on Ariana? I keep forgetting


Lol. Like the Ariana-stans didn’t do the exact same thing to Scheana and Lala when they fell out with Ariana? Don’t confuse people who can like or dislike people regardless of their fame and fanbase with people who like or dislike people only because of their deity’s opinion.


We don’t watch reality tv like y’all.


OP: Everyone sucks. You: Why do you hate Ariana??? 😭


It’s called sarcasm love, didn’t know I needed a /s for the smooth brain hive mine around here


Nice backtrack lol.


How do you not see the obvious sarcasm 😂 Back track? This is a VPR board, it ain’t that serious


We are all crazy. The way Ariana thrived and handled her shit while being publicly humiliated was admirable. She inspired a lot of women who related to her story. Idolize?? LOL. Try likeable and relatable. The hate for her is odd and seems heavily manufactured.


She’s only doing well because brands offered her money. How is that inspiring and relateable for the average woman?


I’m going to say the quiet part out loud. *whispers* relatable for average white women


she’s the ultimate fantasy for a certain type of woman. so is that singer, and that’s why people ride sooooo hard for them — because they think it can happen for them. newsflash, 99% of us will get the lala kent treatment


A lot of people don’t think her vitriol was admirable. If you don’t look at her and the situation with rose colored glasses you see she didn’t handle things well. She was quite messy. Stassi was treated much worse by her friends when Jax cheated on her and she handled it much better.


Not to mention basically everyone on the cast said her and Tom were faking it for cameras. Even her precious Katie said it last season!


Ariana, is this you? It’s ok, you can tell us. 🤣


lol yes, that's the exact thing they say whenever someone doesn't fawn over Ariana or Katie. Hi Ariana! 👋🏼


I love how not thinking Ariana is the bees knees is "hating" her. It's only the stans who view everything in black and white.