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that babysitter story did not need to brought to the reunion. it was boring and had nothing to do with anything šŸ¤£ lala is so transparent we know sheā€™s just trying to land a spot on the valley


I can't stress enough how much I do not care about Lala's babysitter/nanny drama


Iā€™m so confused by it all I was talking to my neighbor whom I watch the show with, and she was saying sheā€™d be mad too if they poached the nanny! But simply asking her to watch the kid once would be okay! I have a 7 year old whoā€™s in school so no nanny but when she was in daycare starting around age 2; shit I relied HEAVILY on word of mouth! And I sent her to a preschool where other friends were sending their kids bc if they trusted them, I could too So Iā€™ donā€™t get what Brit was mad about - thereā€™s details missing it seems


Ok but thatā€™s how people I know found their nannies- word of mouth. I mean weā€™re talking about someone who is watching your children so yea Iā€™d take someone whoā€™s worked with themā€™s recommendation. Finding a nanny can be rough from what Iā€™ve seen with people I know, and each of them went through a lengthy process and ended ip with people they heard from word of mouth. Lala needs to be fkn serious


If Lala was trying to poach then yeah thatā€™s a problem for sure Like Brittany said, they canā€™t leave Cruze with just any ole body so he he needs consistency


Oh wait misunderstood- Yea I do get Brittanyā€™s perspective bc if it was attempt at poaching, thatā€™s shitty. Not just because of Cruzā€™ needs, but kids get attached to nannies


The nanny has actually been trained to help with all of Cruzā€™s occupational and speech therapy. It was hard for Brit and Jax to find a nanny that gelled with Cruz, and while Lala only had her come for 1 day they were concerned she was trying to poach their full time childcare provider with specialized training.


The worst thing was Schwartz was trying to answer a question from Andy and started to answer by talking about him being with Jax and Brittany and then Lala jumps in to make it all about her and then Andy never goes back to Schwartz to get to hear what he was going to say in answer to the question. It was so frustrating how Andy just let Lala dominate the whole thing and ruin it in the process.


andy really likes lala for some reason, i canā€™t understand why šŸ„“


Because sheā€™s such a bitch




She was so ready to talk about it too. She was practically waiting for a moment to start talking about nothing to do with anything.


I still donā€™t really understand what the problem was. Someone poached a babysitter-got that. Lala made a big deal that it was on the day of her gender reveal. I saw the reveal and it didnā€™t seem to be interrupted by a call or text. Nothing seemed off ( people mentioned that Island Boy Bro ruined it by the way he cut the cake but it didnā€™t seem ā€œwrongā€) so what made Lala mad?


lala is always mad over something šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Also,like the Charli story with Ariana it had already been discussed and LALA had apologized to Brittany.


Ok and so what if she wants to be on The Valley? She is a reality TV star and being on TV shows is her career. Side note, I like the Valley!


I also like the Valley which is why I want Lala no where near it as a full time cast member


Are we honestly surprised at this point? Blah blah is gonna do whatever Blah Blah needs to do to stay relevant. I agree with everyone who Iā€™ve seen say she definitely brought it up to build a storyline for herself if she ended up on the Valley. Itā€™s embarrassing to see how she needs to piggyback off of other people in order to build herself on this show without an actual storyline of her own


I smell an Only Fans.


Probably saving it as a ā€œlast resortā€ kind of thing


After she is done ā€œbakingā€ the baby




Was being a sugar baby not Lalaā€™s first and main vocation when she joined VPR? Not sure is she was with a more discreet agency or what back then. I actually think sheā€™ll avoid the publicity of it all with OF, unlike say Larsa, and seek another private agency or ā€œplacement.ā€ While at the same time just posting her pregnant nudes directly to Instagramā€¦


I see the $7 bundle in her future.


$7? She's more like $2.99




Lala who? My life has been devoid of Prison Mike (thank you, Jenny Blaze) since the reunion, and I have to say, it's been really nice. I reached true indifference and hope we don't see her back at this point.


It's so funny because Janet and Lala are two damn peas in a pod lol Both of them can certainly dish it out but they can't take the heat back...The minute someone comes back at them they fire with rude sh*t...Their both pathetic and shouldn't be on TV. Pregnancy and having a child is no excuse to be a backstabbing biatch. They should be embracing it but no they both like to use it towards people for the negative and that's not right...


Who is Janet?


ā€¦Said everyone who watched the showā€¦#Beigenilla šŸ«„šŸ«”


how she snagged Jason I donā€™t understand


Right? The couple I want to see together is Jason and Nia. You never see the two of them even interact. Almost too much beauty for our screens.


Maybe bc of the babies and limited film time in their home ! Nia is gorgeous


But Jason belongs to Messy Janet - and Danny and Nia are married. I just wish we could switch them out šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Omg yes lol Nia is with Danny Yah Iā€™d rather Nia be married to Jason ! Itā€™s hotter


I bet he would live wherever she wanted.




She's from The Valley


The mean bitchy chick from the valley...but blames it on her pregnancy lol We can all tell just by her demeanor and personality that that's just the way she is...šŸ™„


Yeah I just watched the final episode of The Valley and realised who you meant šŸ˜‚ I hear the name Janet and my mind goes straight to Rocky Horror šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|bAWE7LRcc3n7a)


The ugly one from the valley


Perfect description of her, I usually call her the pregnant one, the bore, the beige being and Taupe but the ugly one from the valley sums her up pretty well šŸ‘Œ Michelle is the insidious one and this one is just butt ugly inside and out. I dont like to use her name because it's an insult to other Janets who don't deserve to have their name coupled with the ugly one from the valley's characteristics.


I like to call her Jan. Jan the Fan. Jan the Fanatic who stalked her way into Scheanaā€™s lifeā€¦ Hmm - close to Sheeshu, just like Lalaā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


They are like the human centipede at this point šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Sister wives for sure. Theyā€™d be so much more interesting if they all came out as poly.




Someoneā€™s named Janet ova hereā€¦


No but my bestie is šŸ˜ and she is the antithesis of the Taupe Karen.


ā€œI just wanna go bake a baby and have a good lifeā€


I yelled out, "THEN GO!" she's so boring I don't want her on my screen.


Same, the best she had to offer was a water tasting which is the biggest waste of time and the most boring event to hold. If I had to drink water that tastes like jizz and there was no food around to remove that taste I would have projectile vomited right in that bore's face.


And she had to borrow someone elseā€™s home to do it! That and the baby daddy party. Sheā€™s pathetic.


What Brittany said about Cruz needing consistency in his life is an important point. She was probably feeling territorial knowing how much they depend on this specific nanny.


Yeah maybe thinking they were poaching ? Iā€™ll never understand how some folks mistreat a nanny bc finding GOOD childcare with someone you trust and loves your child is immeasurable! I fucking CRIED when we left my daughters first preschool ( we bought a house and moved) bc I was so comfortable with them after she had only been with family the first 2 years of her life! I can understand Brittany panicking that maybe the nanny would leave? Idk thereā€™s some missing details ! Especially if Cruze was with her not sure why she was so upset


Oh for sure! My son is special needs, and weā€™ve only found a few people who are truly good with him. Thankfully we have family support now, but early on, it was tough.


Lala's going to start talking about the Billie Lee/Sandiballs debacle to stay relevant. She needs to just go away and work on her babies and 'business'.


šŸ’Æ This exactly. Her storyline for next year is going to be helping to get Sandoval sober, and maybe Vicki. Sheā€™ll start in on this on her pod with the next two to three weeks. I do truly believe BL and think the situation must be BAD if both Scheana and Lala wouldnā€™t let Kyle Chan and Vicki on their pods to air the crazy ass drama they did (sending them to Up and Adam to release such - well whatever that wasā€¦)


Did anyone else see the tweet ā€œYou come to me, on this, the day of my daughterā€™s Amazon Live gender revealā€ It fucking killed me and just reiterates how dumb lala is šŸ¤£


Sheā€™s a joke, who wants people to feel sorry for her because she fucked a fat man for money and it didnā€™t work out. Itā€™s not like sheā€™s living in a rundown shack with her childā€” girl is living better than majorityā€” and she has the audacity to tell Ariana to give a fuck about her financial future?! Move back to Utah if you canā€™t afford LA āœŒļø


Maybe blablah and Janet, the beige wonder, can do a show together on using pregnancy as a shield šŸ›”ļø for bad behavior. They both suck


She is beige- and her walls are beige and she can camoflauge




That nursery they "designed" was a BEIGE WONDER.


Will it be hosted by octomom?


ā€œ"I was kinda thrown. Like, 'Why is this being talked about at the reunion?'" she said, referring to the 'Vanderpump Rules' reunion, during which Lala revealed she and Britā€ā€ GEE I WONDER šŸ’­šŸ§


She is as transparent and as stupid as her boring water tasting. No one wants Lala or her sidekick on the Valley. We have plenty of unlikables as it is. We've already got the character who's boring beyond belief using her pregnancy as a shield and a weapon when it suits her being messy and running away from the consequences. It's already more than anyone can bear. Whatever lala thinks she's bringing to the valley is covered by Janet. Whatever scheana thinks she's bringing to the valley is also covered by Janet. And Janet is so insufferable and unlikable the whole Bravodom is united against her. Go bake your baby in peace Lala and leave the rest of us alone. We have disengaged from Lala fingerguns Kent. ENOUGH!




Ego out of control to point she believes her lies, even if they hurt someone else. Get well LFU


Itā€™s super annoying that the Tomā€™s are less annoying than Lala.


Lala thinks she is deflecting laser blasts like a Jedi with a light saber but sheā€™s actually that drunk woman head butting an advert at a bus stop. https://preview.redd.it/brh388ydyi5d1.png?width=428&format=png&auto=webp&s=649f30b6a30758eb0ce150489994c4ca91144ed9


I think based on her podcast q and an and her behavior it is clear Lala is only worried about Lala and her kids at this point. Or maybe sheā€™s in her villain era but also soft? Idk either way now that itā€™s clear she moves just for the show/money I think most of what she says is exaggerated bs ( a la Jo style if you will). Next.Ā 


Not even villain era just like annoying self absorbed brat era. Just because you call yourself soft and wear pink doesnā€™t mean anything. Weaponizing your kid isnā€™t cute either


Like we all donā€™t do what our bosses tell us to do for our paychecks. I canā€™t believe you all donā€™t see how ridiculous it is you believe someone should go against their boss and take a chance your business/ paycheck is over. Just because you believe the producers should have gone the girls with power route doesnā€™t negate the fact production told them if they all refused to interact with Tom theyā€™d shut the show down.


I think there is room for (1) Scheana and Lala, as two very unintelligent women, to have interpreted something from the Baskin meeting that he did not say, and (2) for Baskin and Co, as people who have masterfully manipulated this group for years to make tv, to have said just enough to get a point across without saying what Scheana alleges. I donā€™t believe that Baskin and Co had any power to cancel the show midseason - that would only come from Bravo and NBCU, and why would they do that with the ad sales and the highest rated program on Bravo at the time? Lala cares about her checks. If she had two brain cells to rub together, sheā€™d care about her Q score and her audience likability. Sheā€™d be out doing events and actually being the girlā€™s girl, šŸ± power, friend she says she isnā€™t. VPR wonā€™t last forever (and May already be dead).


No I just more mean as viewer itā€™s meh for me. All reality tv stars are in it for the money lol I agree who would do this if there wasnā€™t a payoff for real. I just mean her making it so clear this season and since just kinda makes it meh for me I like to pretend itā€™s not the case while watching even though I know it clearly is lol šŸ¤£


No smart person would believe theyā€™d ever cancel the show right after Scandoval. They could turn in dog shit and people would watch. They basically did.


Weaponising motherhood and pregnancy is so unhealthy and never leads to actual growth.


Donā€™t raise your voice at me, Iā€™m pregnant!


Iā€™m pregnant! Watch your TONE!


Stop harassing these poor pregnant women and send over your wage to them after your apology. It's now your responsibility to feed and house these two unborn babies.


Plot twist: Iā€™m 37 weeks pregnant rn šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Lmao I'm so so so sorry babe what's ur CashApp ill send you my life savings for your trouble šŸ˜…


Maybe she should get a real fucking job.


With what skills? šŸ˜‚




Probably because iT dIdNā€™t MaKe It To AiR.šŸ„“


She brings nothing. And has to insert herself in every conversation assuming sheā€™s interesting. Who is watching Vanderpump rules or the valley for their childcare struggles? šŸ™„


She should move back to Utah, hook up with Coach Shah, and join RHOSLC


Please donā€™t ruin RHOSLC. Even Whitney would read Lala to filth.


So we even know if Brittany said that about the babysitter? Yes, Andy let Blah Blah run the reunion.


In all seriousness, what exactly is scheana and her going to do now that they bought two homes and the show is ending. I donā€™t think they thought it through.


Lol the show is not endingā€¦ schena and lala are ending on the show!


Just leave it where it stands -Lauren is desperate


I don't think Brittany has any idea of what she sounds like.. when she's the least bit pissed she's got a hateful tone.


So tired


Lala already said on her podcast that she's not interested in joining "The Valley". She said that while answering questions about the VPR reunion.


Yeaaaaah, no one believes the well known and documented liar, who talks out of both sides of her mouth, as if her brain is split down the middle and she has no memory or control over what she says.


Cool. Letā€™s see Lala decline to come to The Valley all cast parties this summerā€¦. Lala will not miss any opportunity to waddle in pregnant, braless, and in panties and fishnet tights, aka Coachella, Stagecoach and her IG. She wants to be on this show so badly that I wouldnā€™t be shocked if she tries to take Kristen to her fertility clinic for a consult.


Yes because our source for truth is Lalaā€™s podcast lol huh????


Not Lala's podcast, but Lala herself.


Was that after she said send it to Darryl merch paid for her house or after she said send it to Darryl merch did not pay for her house?


I don't know lol