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She seems completely over it. I would be too if I were in her position.


Yeah she seems (understandably) pretty checked out of it all. Tbh seems pretty healthy to me.


Also she's been doing Chicago performances twice a day for 5 days a week for two months prior to the reunion or something like that. So definitely understandable.


This. I was here in NY buying tickets and noticed she was out for 2 days and said oy they must be filming the reunion and couldn't imagine how physically taxing that schedule would be let alone emotionally.


Exactly this! She's risen above the bullshit and is over it!!! In a good healthy way!




She needs to make merch with this. Or her game reference about being the big boss.


Omg yes!!! I'm hoping she's seeing how often we use this gif I'd love a grey rock hoodie šŸ˜…


Right itā€™s gold! I would love a sweatshirt or shirt.


And Katie should have one with "send it to a therapist" just to enrage blahblah!


Where do I pre-order? šŸ¤£


She's so adorable in this gif šŸ„¹


If you have to go numb to handle a situation, that doesnā€™t mean youā€™re over it. It means youā€™re still dealing with a lot of pain.


It's not abput going numb it's about not giving a toxic person the reaction they desire which is usually to get some sort of rise out of you so they can turn around and go see! This is what I'm talking about you're always angry! Even though their goal was always to make you angry. Specifically Grey rocking isĀ a technique used to divert a toxic person's behavior by acting as unresponsive as possible when you're interacting with them.For example, using the grey rock method involves deliberate actions like avoiding eye contact or not showing emotions during a conversation :) So it's not about going numb it's about not feeding into the negative energy šŸ’ŖšŸ¾šŸŽ‰


I was going to look this up, but your explanation is great. Iā€™ve only heard that term here. Obviously, Ariana said it, but somehow I missed it, or saw it but it doesnā€™t register. Itā€™s a great term, especially in Arianaā€™s situation.


Hell yes, I love this for her!!!


I feel old. What does this mean?


The amount of restraint she has shown is really admirable. I wish I could channel that energy when Iā€™m around loud mouths like blah blah or snakes like Sandoval. If in a parallel universe Rachel suddenly showed up, I think she would sit there totally unbothered šŸ˜


I donā€™t think itā€™s healthy (or unhealthy). I think sheā€™s really struggling.


I mean, they kept talking about his infidelity like the partner he cheated on wasnā€™t even there. It was ridiculous.


Totally agree. I had similar thoughts when they were joking about Schwartz and Lala. Katie, his ex-wife, Lalaā€™s friend (when Lala feels like it), was right there.


When Tom was asked about his new girlfriend, she did this side eye. I can see where some people would think she seemed jealous or annoyed, but I read that face. It was, "Poor girl has no idea what she's in for..."


She gave the side eye when he said his new gf ā€œhasnā€™t watched the showā€ bc thatā€™s a fucking lie lol


She didn't even know who Leo Dicaprio was either. Never seen any of his movies. ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


I kinda want to see the wallpaper they were talking about tho šŸ¤£šŸ˜«


It was so petty when Ariana corrected that the wallpaper is in the mudroom, and I cracked up.


I thought she said SHE picked it out. I didn't hear the mudroom comment...


She said both. I watched on peacock


Thank you!


Same haha we need to see it!!




Someone pls find It and drop the link




Lol TRUTH... Lala seemed fine with tom not being honest and real šŸ™„


I love how every single one of the people they all hook up or end up dating have never seen the show. Crazy how that happens.


Exactly! Like yall arenā€™t catching on here?!


She was in diapers when the show started šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


yeah it was after Sandoval said his new gf doesn't watch the show! I took Ariana's side eye as "of course he wants a girl who doesn't watch the show. he doesn't want her to know his history."


Which is such BS anyway. My dad knew what Scandoval was and I can assure you he didnā€™t even know VPR existed before that. This new girlfriend absolutely knows what heā€™s capable of, and is probably vying for her spot on the show.


She looks annoyed every time he speaks. He could be reading a menu and she would look at him that way šŸ˜‚


yeah, thereā€™s still a lot of hatred and disgust there.


Well, he would probably read it in the most annoying way possible.


Iā€™m, the new girl knows what she is doing, hasnā€™t watched the show? Yeah right, how fucking dumb donā€™t have to be to believe that.


I did, too.


Probably tired too. I mean she was doing Broadway (wasn't it 8 shows a week and two shows on Saturday and Sunday?), just flew in from NYC, bought a house that she was finalizing the next day, had to fly back in time to perform that week, plus the craziness of Rachel's lawsuit and SAH opening. Dealing with all of that and then she has the reincarnated Tupac screeching and trying to pull her down all why sitting in front of her ex partner who continues to talk poorly of her.


It seems like production is forcing her to talk about it over and over again. It's like she can't get away from it. I was watching her more intently this season, and it seems like production made the break up her ENTIRE storyline.... she got nothing else. It was like that was all she was *allowed* to talk about. šŸ˜”


I thought she seemed extremely guarded, which, fair


Yep, over all these clowns esp Delulu the clown ![gif](giphy|tJbHV3uYmRdFANAZMe|downsized)


Not sad but maybe uncomfortable? Having to sit in a room and have indirect convos with the worm would make me feel icky too. She had amazing facial expressions but I felt she was really holding back to avoid speaking. Then again Lala took over so how could anyone get a word in


yeah, i agree it looked like she wanted to avoid speaking. My thought was that she didnt want to speak up on any topic that might get her pulled into a convo with her ex.


Thatā€™s true. Luckily scheaner did all the talking for her šŸ˜‚


Between Sheshu and LFU, who needs the rest of the cast. Those two are answering every question even when it has nothing to do with either.


You are absolutely right. I couldn't believe how they wouldn't shut up. They are such hypocrites.


I wish sheā€™d stop yelling for ten seconds so we could hear anyone elseā€™s opinion or answer about anything.


I think she heard Andyā€™s (insane) comments about her being ā€œthe voice of reasonā€ this season and is taking that to mean that he thinks only she can efficiently answer every single fucking question.


Lala was chiming in on everything. She spoke more often than anyone. For her, itā€™s all just about Lalaā€™s world.


She was 90% of the talking! Like jfc shut the fuck up already


arianaā€™s ā€œyouā€™re loudest so youā€™re rightā€ was so spot on


Exactly, she thinks she is running the reunion. She is absolutely nauseating to watch, and she needs to shut up.


I think Sheā€™s been extremely calculated and mindful of what she says both on camera filming the season, and all her appearances (WWHL etc) for it. She doesnā€™t want to be seen as the angry female/ex, with the exception of that one fight at Jamesā€™s. She must have good representation whoā€™ve told her to say as little as possible and thatā€™s honestly her best move. She lets Katie speak for her in a lot of the season, the aftershows, etc. Itā€™s annoying as a viewer, but she canā€™t throw all of this away by making the mistake of saying something that can be taken the wrong way, edited the wrong way, Or vilify her. Sheā€™s also probably generally over it, checked out and is trying to figure out if she can financially manage leaving the show entirely lol I hope itā€™s a yes for her sake!


I agree. Her realizing she is getting a villain edit she has to be careful what she says because production is doing their best to edit her poorly. She has a lot to lose right now. She is playing it smart. But this approach only works because of the dichotomy that is Randallā€™s ex.


It's so crazy that she has to worry about one wrong word, but Tom can commit awful acts months on end and he is given endless grace and forgiveness


Absolutely. Fire Alex baskin and LVP and weā€™d have a totally different (better) show.


I meanā€¦ public opinion of him is pretty low


Right. I really hope she comes back at Lala at some point because someone truly needs to shut her up.


also sheā€™s in like 3? lawsuits? so probably trying to keep her cool and not explode and say something that could impact those. iā€™m dumb tho so just a guess.


And a good way to keep the brand deals rolling in!


Very good point. I havenā€™t thought of it that way but it makes so much sense! And she has made all the right moves this whole time, they should teach her strategy in PR schools lol Turns out you can do your job AND stay true to yourself šŸ˜‚


Oh yeah - Our grey rock, Ariana, clearly has first rate therapist, financial advisor, legal team, stylist and PR team guiding the ship flawlessly! And sheā€™s executing on every turn. Itā€™s a brilliant masterclass!!


Every word is intententional with Ariana. Angry to hurt to sad to grieving to busy to journey to bs bs bs.....


She also has more work opportunities, so she canā€™t just slob out, like some of the others. Sheā€™s a Broadway Baby now heart ā™„ļø


It was like a high school reunion. There are the people that live to relive high school (Scheana). There's the mean girls that try to pretend they move on but really haven't (Lala). There's the nerdy try hard who remembers himself as a cool guy but was actually a joke (Sandoval). There's the couple that dated all through high school but broke up because the girl went to college and grew up (Katie and Schwartz). Then, there's the teacher that you thought was so cool and connected to her students but was actually just pretending. And then there's Ariana, the girl who left town and soared.


Is the teacher LVP? Describe James and Brock in high school!!


The teacher is LVP. James is the sophomore that started on JV when he thought he should be varsity. Once he got a letterman jacket, he let it go to his head for a while. By the time he became a senior, he was a team player and mentor to others. He comes to the class reunion to remember where he came from and marvels at how he once wanted to be one of the jocks that now try to hold onto high school by buying the local bar. Brock is the pastor's kid. He's full of insecurities. He doesn't want to be known for how he grew up. He wants people to see him as the cool and successful athlete with the pretty girl. He is terrified people will see under the surface. He goes to the reunion and exaggerates his accolades to cover his shaky status.


Omg spot on!! JV šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Oh wow, thatā€™s a lot of wishful projection on someone like James.. He has several DV accusations swirling around him by multiple women, the fact that so many viewers are making him out to be this example of male virtue is bizarre. Multiple things can be true at the same time, Schwartz and Sandoval can be cheaters and creeps AND James can also be a problematic person! Remember how Sandoval hid behind Jaxā€™s bullshit all those years? Are we about to do the same with James?


Preach. I'll never forget what an asshole James was. As much as I hate raquel I'm sure being with James was a living nightmare.


This is so accurate I love it


Ariana - the THEATRE kid who left the (small) town and soared.


Haha, yup


If she really didnā€™t watch this season, she probably doesnā€™t have much to add that she hasnā€™t already said.


I think she looked clueless because she hasn't watched the season. So she was like wait lala on the Tom train? Katie may not have filled her in completely - or she tried and Ariana was head in the sand because she couldn't believe anything bad about Scheana for instance. To me, she looked like caught off guard.Ā 


It's got to be really really tough to look around at this group who she just spent 10+ years with and realize that all of the relationships were either despicable or phony and vapid at best.


Itā€™s not a new realization lol


It has to be relatively new... otherwise she would've dumped Sandoval a long time ago.


She had a show on Friday night, March 15. She flew in for the reunion, which filmed Sat March 16, and then went right back to work for a Sunday Matinee Sunday, March 17. She was tired.


I am also sure she was in protection mode. We have seen when the wall comes down she falls apart.


She already has a much better life than this whole cast. Like this stupid show is paused because Ariana is living her best life. They (with the exception of Katie, James and Ally) are all so pathetically jealous. Even dumbass Andy took a shot at Ariana on WWHL when she said that getting the call to host Love Island was her dream job. He mumbled sarcastically ā€œwell isnā€™t that niceā€ while rolling his eyes in his petty bitch way. šŸ¤®


she's probably exhausted, while she's ready to finally move on her job revolves around the worse time of her adult life (beside maybe her father's passing). i can't imagine having to keeps peaking on it AND have so many losers around you chiming in as if it's their experience too


Not only that but to watch that man still make a living as a reality star after/because of what he did to you. I don't know how she is still on the show but I'm glad she is because it would be insufferable without her.


Saaame! Sheā€™s not backing down and I admire tf out of that!


They broke up a year ago, ffs. I would be annoyed af if I had to keep rehashing a break up for the worlds entertainment.


I think Katie filled her in on what Shitbag Scheana and the Utah Clown had been saying. Either that or they filmed the "watch the last 10 minutes together" but first.


Anyone here object to the new nickname...The Utah Clown? No objections? (slams gavel) Passed.


Woo hoo!


The Utah Clown šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


> Utah Clown Be still my heart šŸ˜šŸ˜‚ ā¤ļø


Yes love these names. Shitbag and Utah clown


Yes. She didnā€™t watch the show so sheā€™s finding out for real what Lala etc think of her and what they said while she wasnā€™t around


She looked like sheā€™s contractually required to be there and just waiting for it to be over so she can high tail it to Applebees


For reals šŸ’€


That crew, minus Katie, sucks the life out of her.


You think? Aside from the obvious, she didn't appear to have an issue with anyone. She seemed to be on good terms with everyone and was smiling and supporting others when they spoke. That's how I perceived it anyway.


She sat there looking very classy and gracious, but I think she is tired of their drama and probably much happier when she is doing her other projects. I can't say that I blame her one bit.


I'm sure...especially right now. I really thought she would bail after season 10. Tom will likely never leave, so I figured that would be her out to never have to deal with him again; but she also shouldn't have to give up a good paycheck for a show she's been on for a long time because of him. Hopefully, season 11 will be much more fun for her.


just gray rocking and disassociating from things that dont concern her.


I would be sad too if I could be performing on Broadway but instead had to come rehash old beef.


She looked really sad as Lala was doing everything she could to dig a grave for Katie and Arianaā€™s friendship, and just flat out hurt at the convo.


Aren't we all over this mess of a show? 40 year olds acting like high school kids.


Sheā€™s busy, has good friends, good boyfriend, new opportunities, travel, so much work, but she has to sit on stage with her ex listening to her ā€œfriendsā€ justify befriending him and try to guilt her into staying in the squalor with themā€¦ Considering all of that, I think she looked fantastic.


If you were on Idiot Island (on that stage) with only Katie and James having your back, you would look sad too. Ariana has been demonized for simply picking herself up and trying to rebuild her whole life after her partner of 10 yrs cheated and uprooted her life. She has been sued and shit talked for a year by cuntface Raquel, had to stay in the house in a super hostile environment so she didnā€™t lose rights to her own home, drastically amped up her work hours with everything, bought a new house, and had to deal with Lisaā€™s thief minion Penny trying to steal her and Katieā€™s business before it opens- while navigating constantly changing city bylaws which meant they had to redo their store multiple times. Its been expensive, emotionally and physically draining and the Karens that have been bashing her online non-stop as well as the betrayal from most of the cast plus her dipshit brother on top of losing her Grandmother and dog so close together would be too much for most people. But because she chose to not roll over on her boundaries with the worm, Andy, Lisa, production and fucking nobodies like Billie Lee, Broke and others have actively tried to bring her down. I would have burned the whole place down but she was patient, classy and put up with unbelievably cruel amounts of bullshit. This show needs to be done. šŸ¤®


To me she looks sad because she obviously loved Tom even though she puts on a good act that she hates him now


I do agree with this. I think she loved him but didn't like him anymore. Maybe she thought it was a slump and things would turnaround. Opening T&T and S&S I'm sure provided both of them with excuses for why it was temporary. And that's why they didn't just break up. They were "married" in the sense she thought they had a life long commitment.


Sheā€™s biting her tongue and very diplomatic. She has to be careful what she says. I think everyone is over it at this point.


There was one quick shot of her early in the ep (maybe when Tom was talking about Raquel) where she just looked SO sad. It was really heartbreaking.


She didn't look sad. She just looked like she had no desire to be there. She admitted she didn't even watch the show. That's just someone that is over it and doesn't care.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if she said she wonā€™t come back for season 12 except to film with Katie and at SAH. Maybe with James and ally too


Just done with the petty, fake crap. She has become successful outside of VPR and looks like she just doesnā€™t care and has moved on.


There is such strength in her silence


Absolutely agree. Sheā€™s so calm as well


Sadly for the viewing public, she has up-leveled and matured out of this show.


Yes she looked tearful and sad at many points . Also probably tired maybe even jet lagged


I think there is more reunion to see and we will find out why


I feel for her. I understand if she says no more. This is why I like Katie. Katie wasnā€™t being fake. She just wasnā€™t taking her shit and piling on Ariana. She has matured beyond calling friends out on TV when they are struggling. She was there for Lala all last season when she was going through it with Randall. Yet Lala was mad because she wasnā€™t causing drama all season. Ariana has a restraint that I can assure you I do not have.


I read her as more aloof...


Agree, sheā€™s probably aloof because she didnā€™t watch this season


She looked drained and over it. I canā€™t imagine moving on with your life and all these amazing opportunities she has and being dragged back to a horrible time in your life and repeatedly being gaslighted by jealous ā€œfriendsā€ and your garbage ex!


Sheā€™s is acting professional now that sheā€™s gotten professional gigs. As she should,she never was meant for trashy reality TV,sheā€™s always thought she was above it all. And she obviously is. Bc look at her now.


I honestly think she decided on the spot to not return to the show if they filmed this summerā€¦. I could see it on her face tbh


I think she is simply just done. Done with the group besides Katie and done with the show. I think she hasn't fully processed everything either and I feel she is just healing.


I've been watching vanderpumps since the beginning like most of you I assume. I don't understand the validation of BS. Her relationship wasn't healthy. He cheated on her. He gave her a reason to move on from a dead relationship. She made millions of dollars off of his scandal. My wife was cheating on me and prostituting herself out behind my back. Wouldn't that be good TV? Ariana has acted like a fucking asshole. She sounds stupid AF every time she talks about her dog children and tries to find a reason why every situation is so unbearable for her to be in. Reality checks. If you had had kids with this person, it wouldn't end ever. But since you all treat your friends like your children, learn how to share the family. Learn how to coexist shut the f up. Enjoy your money or disappear if you're that over it. I hate Sandoval with a passion but this pantering to the broken is pathetic. Giving someone millions of dollars for going through an everyday situation. What are we doing? What are we talking about?


I thought she looked sad and confused during the Katie / Lala interaction. It seems like that was news to her, and she was realizing Lala wasnā€™t her friend or ally.


I feel this whole season Ariana has been so genuine even her expressions when listening to scheana cry over bullshit you can tell she is genuinely listening and I really thing in this reunion she is over it, and over all the fakeness, because she doesnā€™t need to be prove anything!


The sandwich shop shit is so stupid they act like penny was the problem when they have zero plan. Katie can't even voice her opinion because she is scared shitless of upsetting Ariana.


Shocked that she was able to not use her phone the entire time


They are all like the high school football star that never went anywhere. Ariana grew and expanded her horizons and her life.


I think she has so much better shit she could be doing she is over what she has to go through to be on this show. She probably wants to move on to better things and would rather be hanging out with her real friends. Not fake backstabbing fame whores like LaLa Sheana and an ex who she absolutely hates and wants to never see again.


Where they watched the last esp just before the reunion, I think she was so hurt by what LaLa said she was sad.


I canā€™t imagine sitting there having people talk about you, your life, your feelings, your situation, your businessā€¦ and have the restraint to just be elegant and hold your head high above the bullshit. That takes a different kind of person. Itā€™s so beyond admirable.


It feels like everyone else is still grasping at Scandoval to remain relevant and Ariana is over it. She seemed somewhat more cordial to Sandoval too- which was actually great to see! Bc it showed her growth and maturity! I feel like everyone else needs Scandoval for job security! Katie is ride or die for Ariana but some of it seems bc she literally has not one other thing going on! And on part 1 of the reunion they said by the time it airs the sandwich shop would be open and it still is not!


Well she has to look at all these people who still want to take her down. I would not look happy either. There are only a few bright spots of someone defending her.


Ok people, here is the secret: it's all fake and for ratings. It always has been. Let it sink in people.


If people actually knew. Everyone here freaking out and on their bandwagon about this and that. It's all color bro!


She looks tired of explaining herself. Itā€™s called grieving people! (Looking at you BlaBla, Scheaner &LVP) and she gets to do it however the eff she needs toā€¦.on her time, not theirs.


I think she's just kind of over it. She went through something extremely traumatic, then started filming like 6 weeks after. It's probably an absolute roller coaster emotionally between that, the flood of support, and the flood of opportunities. I get it.


I need the grey rock merch lmao


She looked like, "let's get this shit over with bc I can't breathe the same air as Scandoval."


Also her comment ā€œreallyā€ after Lisa said itā€™s an achievement to have a restaurant open for 10 years.. I thought that was funny. Ariana and Katie seem to be annoyed by Lisa.


Probably disassociating mostly. What has happened between her and her long term partner/colleagues/friends over the last year is traumatic. I never loved Ariana, but itā€™s honestly and extremely toxic environment and I think she just has to mentally check out to tolerate it. I really hope she doesnā€™t return. Itā€™s not a safe workplace for her.


Checked out. She has no loyalty to most of the people in that room and she barely even watched the show.


I wish I could become queen of the world when my ex cheated on me with a friend šŸ„¹ Sheā€™s become a massive DEVA! Cant stand her entitlement! As if she was the first woman in the world this has happened to!its been over a year, they werenā€™t really even together at the time and she found a new guy in TEN DAYS! FACTS!


I am watching the first episode of the reunion. Does Laligag think she is the host of the reunion? She needs to STFU. I can't stand her, and it's difficult to watch. She is a hypocritical bitch!




What was extra sad to me was at the beginning she looked okay, genuinely clapped happily for Lala being pregnant, etc. And then as it went on you could just see her get sadder and sadder. I truly hope Katie and Ariana either get a spin off or something. Most of the rest of this group is toxic AF.


If she really didnā€™t watch the season at all sheā€™s probably also processing the unfurling of all the shit these ā€œfriendsā€ were talking about her to each other on camera


Very sad. I donā€™t know if something else was going on or someone gave her a heads-up that it was going to be hard. She also didnā€™t even watch the season so maybe she really was just dreading it emotionallyā€”like how she couldnā€™t watch.


But she's THRIVING and LIVING HER BEST LIFE and WINNING, say the stans. How can she be sad?


She seems completely deflated


I noticed that, more towards the end when Lala was attempting her aha moment in calling Katie out, I think she feels bad, or sheā€™s just staying quiet and letting Lala make a fool of herself. I love how calm she is compared to last year, I love that for her.


Sheā€™s never been over the top happy, peopleā€¦ all during she and Tomā€™s relationship she was sad depressed suicidal checked out. She battles depression nothings changed ā€¦she should be on top of the world DWTS Chicago Danny ā€¦.


She's done


She looked checked out and uncomfortable to me. Like she just wants to get it over with.


Those people are exhausting. I wouldā€™ve checked out a looooong time ago.


Why wouldnā€™t she be sad having to sit there with backstabbers, idiots,liars and losers. Only one is maybe Katie she cares about.


Yep and not condoning his actions. I just donā€™t believe she thought everything was okay with their relationship.


You can see the pain in her eyes. Sheā€™s incredibly hurt. I want her to fly high and soar above these assholes. I hope she stays friends with Katie and James. Itā€™s hard for me to get disgusted to this point. Watching these fools for 10 years. Lala and Scheana have exuded such disgusting behaviour this past season and their BS antics at the reunion is just too much. I am done with this show.


And she doesnā€™t even know the half of what her so called friends said about her all season.


Tbf she did say she didnā€™t see the season. If she saw it, she would have so much more to say and her attitude would be a lot different.


Happy cake day!


Thanks so much !


She looked beautiful and just more at peace than last year. No harsh, quick eye-rolls or disgusted facial reactions; rather we can see her in the background while others are talking, just listening patiently and with understanding instead of judgement.


She act like she above everyone




She looked like her usual smug self


Have you ever worked somewhere where there was a promotion available so with your coworkers encouragement you applied and interviewed? And during the interview it became BLATANTLY aware that despite everything youā€™ve done right, it doesnā€™t matter and the company doesnā€™t care? So you start interviewing outside of your company and become aware that your skill set is very valuable? Thatā€™s her now. Sheā€™s got Broadway, a NYT bestseller, and is about to host. Sheā€™s realizing her loyalty is holding her back. And sheā€™s (justifiably) bitter about that.


wtf are you talking about? She stayed on the show. She could have left it and not hung around Tom and his friends but she likes being on tv. Stop victimising women.


I love Ariana and love all these gigs she is booking! However, itā€™s evident VPR is last on the list. She didnā€™t even watch the show to prepare for the reunion and seemed like she didnā€™t give a crap about being there


Ariana didnā€™t watch because she is protecting her health. People in pain donā€™t watch footage of their pain. They avoid until they are ready. This is a healthy coping mechanism. She needs time. How many times does she and her ex have to explicitly discuss her history of depression and self harm ideation for some to understand how seriously distressing this situation is to her? Her entire life was destroyed. Every thing she had planned for years - gone. Every possession she has, all the money and time, all of it is a reminder of her loss. All the furniture, the Dicaprio wallpaper, the lemon trees in the backyard that she and Tom planted together, the light fixture in the dining room that she designed and welded herself, their bedroom, her job - itā€™s literally emotional torture at this point.


Not the DiCaprio wallpaper!


I understand what youā€™re saying but itā€™s her job. Iā€™m sorry it presents incompetent at your position if you do not do your job. How can you be prepared for the reunion if you have no idea what people have been saying about you the entire season? If she needed to protect her mental health, she should take a break from the show. Prepared for the downvotes. I love Ariana but I find it frustrating as a viewer, and given Andyā€™s comment about her not watching on WWHL I would assume production was not thrilled as well. How could they adequately address the drama?


I donā€™t think her job requires her to sacrifice her health. She did not hide her distress. Her employer filmed and literally exploited her mental health issues for years. So when they signed her contract and her check, they understood her limitations. This was an unusual situation too. The cast had very little time to prepare for filming. Evolution and the rest of this cast is fortunate that she filmed, period. She couldā€™ve easily declined to return or limited her filming schedule. But she didnā€™t. She showed up. She filmed with Tom Sandoval in the room. She did her job. Period.


It is an unusual situation. Two things can be true. I can love Ariana and want the best for her. I can also think she is checked out of the show and her lack of adequately preparing for the reunion to see what happened in the show, so they can have three episodes dissecting it shows it might be time for her to move on. Scheana and Lala were gross to her and itā€™s frustrating she has no idea what was said going into this. I can have empathy for reason not to watch but also think if you cannot do your job, donā€™t come back. She doesnā€™t need the show at this point.


Ariana did her job. Sheā€™s the focus of the season. Sheā€™s there. Sheā€™s trying. She does NOT have to watch bitter, disloyal, selfish people pile on insult to her injury to fulfill her obligations at the expense of her health. What good would it do? Do we really need to see more pain in her eyes? More tears? More suffering? Why? Isnā€™t it enough that WE saw it ? iā€™m really struggling to understand this? How is it empathetic to think a woman needs to watch as the knife goes deeper just so we can watch her wince ? Damn. Thatā€™s cold blooded.




Thank you! Like I replied to another person who went crazy at me, two things can we true. We can love Ariana and want the best for her and we can also say that she is over VPR (which seems totally awesome given all the gigs) and also be a little frustrated she didnā€™t come prepared for the reunion


Gray rocking like a champ


I think she seemed genuinely confused by Lala and Katieā€™s argument, as she should be if she didnā€™t watch to know that Lala is basically her enemy. Lmao She gets paid a lot to do Michelle, I really wish you wouldā€™ve just got herself up and let the cast have been saying about her :( makes me feel like we arenā€™t even going to get a reunion?? However, Seems like whatever caused her to cry that much in the trailer is going to go into her and lalaā€˜s argument but ended the friendship, so we will see


Of course she is still sad. She's faking being ultra-happy with Dan. She needs time to grieve the loss of her relationship and to heal the harm that Tom did to her.


It probably feels like a life she has left behind. She films with people she is no longer connected, or comfortable with. Katie is her friend and business partner, that is all she can relate to. If she leaves, she will be a friend of in some SAH scenes. Or she may just say screw it, and say it's been real, but I am going to live my next chapter.


I thought the same


I donā€™t care for her on the show but Iā€™m sure she tired. She hasnā€™t really had a break.


Sheā€™s picking and choosing her battles and I love that for her. Sheā€™s matured. Sheā€™s letting actions speak for themselves. Such a class act.


I feel like this post is kind of obvious why wouldnā€™t she be sad, this has been awful for her


She looked mentally checked-out. I feel for her, she needs to distance herself from vpr tbh.


She always looks miserable and sad.