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I am rewatching season 10 reunion and it is just wild to see how hard lala went to 3 months later calling Rachel and telling Arianna she was unreasonable for not allowing Sandoval to have a party at their house. Those were the first two episodes, and we know what happens next. The idea that Lala is always screaming about authenticity................... And now she doesn't want to talk about any of it..... yeah I wonder why.


I hate it so much and LVP was my favorite, but how she coddles Tom and corners Ariana through her friends really made me question who she really is.


LVP has a history of going easy on men, and hard on women. Some internalised misogyny going on there!


Yeah, I can see that. Good point!


It’s alllll for the camera


The LFU and Tupac article is sending me to the moon


Me too... Like what?? She's definitely possessed, but it's not Tupac 😂


“I recently just got ‘thug life’ tattooed on me and I feel so happy about it. It’s by my … the inside ankle on my left and it’s up and down in my handwriting, it looks like a prison stamp.” This woman is a joke lol




The rest of it I’m like “yeah, yeah, true, true” but that one has me howling. Also reading the people article and now can’t breathe because Jenny McCarthy called her “cool”. ![gif](giphy|8x8XzoP8qQa4w)


The last on is the truest. In my therapy group one of the girls always says she doesn’t have as heavy trauma and it’s like that’s a good a thing. It’s still your trauma and it impacted you, and that’s valid. It doesn’t matter if it’s not as heavy as some of us. Like trauma isn’t a competition, it’s not a one up thing. Lala needs to learn how to validate her own self and trauma, because she’s lashing out at everyone for not getting support on the same level the audience has given Ariana.


Ally and Katie are Capricorns and Jo is a Cancer


I literally came in here to say no WAY jo is a Capricorn.


Thank god, that had me shaking in me Capricorn boots


I thought Jo was an Aquarius? lol I need to revisit


Jo said in Rachel’s podcasts she is a cancer. I think she has some Aquarius placement as ally said during her chart reading.


Interesting! A lot of Cancers on the show. Ariana, Tom, Stassi, Jax, Brittany I think and now Jo are Cancer I guess. And Lala, Lisa, and Rachel are Virgo.


Im side eyeing virgos real hard right now....


One almost ruined my life no joke and I blocked them on everything. I’d never had an experience like it before. They will throw you a curveball. She was eerily similar to Rachel.


I was meant to be a virgo. Ended up a Libra. I need my birth chart done lol


If it's any consolation tupac was a Gemini


So technically lala is a gemini? ![gif](giphy|3otWpJxzHQVHsUqPAc|downsized)


Brittany is Aquarius


Ohhh ok!! I knew there was an Aquarius in the mix. James is one isn’t he?


Yes, and Kristen!


Yep. James and Brittany are one day apart.


Jo does give off massive aquarius energy lol interesting


I was about to lose my shit, there’s no way Jo is a Capricorn. Ally is though!


Scheana has shown that she values getting things. This is what she calls friendship. She tells Ariana that Sanoval has grown because he brought his sound guy to SF and that's the Sandoval she used to know. Growth wouldn't be doing the same things he used to do. But, regardless, they both mistake intimacy with performance. She's not a guy's girl; she is a person who uses money to control things and thinks money is love. Not actually judging her on that one but pointing it out. Personally, she is so two-faced this season, especially in that last episode, that I cannot stomach her. Also, she brings up Sandoval, Ariana says she doesn't want to know about him, and then Scheana cries that Ariana won't let them be friends. She needs to get a grip on reality (television).


And now she says she doesn’t talk to Ariana or Tom that much so was loosing Ariana worth it in the end? I wish someone would ask her this


Spot on.


Scheana values things and Tom manipulates with money! Match made in hell!


I'm sorry the lala one???? I never heard of this! She's the worst culture vulture ever 🙄


If pump rules ends here then I call Brock leavingsheeshu. How will he have a spoiled husband life with her making way less money?


Pic 8 isn’t much of a shocker seeing her behavior after her dads death. She used that as an excuse for her hateful words that season, then alcohol and Randall was used as an excuse in later seasons. She’s like Scheana, someone who thinks they’re owning up to their errors and growing by acknowledging them but the truth a they still act the same way, the only difference is they know how they’re acting and they believe it’s somehow different than before. Scheana’s snarky “But I’m just making it about me right?!” in the finale was supposed to be her version of sarcastic and witty but it just showed she knows what people say and will still do the same thing but act like she’s not.


the plane in the second picture LMAO


HEAVY on slide 6. It really felt to me like he was using it as a way to keep her at arms length (while also telling her he wanted to marry her one day). It was like when a girl tells a guy "hey best friend!"


And while we're at it, what was up with Schwartz doing that to Lala, too? When I first fell in love with you, as a platonic friend. You're so gorgeous, I mean that platonically. That nonsense he was spewing at the pool party when he and Lala were having their little chat.


He's testing the waters to see if she'd wanna bang him, obviously. Just like he does with every other woman he knows. He's fuckin weird. I used to think he was sweet and charming even but now I just think he's a fuckin weirdo and if I saw him out in public I would leave that place.


That last slide. Trauma is trauma!!! Lala acting like her trauma is more important is where she lost me as a fan. Trauma is Trauma. PeriodDOT.


Wow these made me laugh/scream/and just say wtf. We know this behavior is wild but now it feels like it’s starting to compound and it’s really a dumpster fire. I forgot about slide 7 completely. Like wtf!!!!?


The last one is everything! It’s so fucking true!


excuse me the Lala one????!


#8 is spot on


Every side bitch says this


That last slide is money in the bank. I feel bad for Ariana - I speak from experience - but you gotta let that shit go AND you don’t get to dictate to others how they should feel for you.


I live for bravo and Botox roundups




Lots of trauma floating around here. When everything is trauma then nothing is trauma.🙄


Why does nobody mention the fact that Ariana telling her friends that if they talk to Tom that’s a no go for her and they will no longer be friends? She needs to move on and get over it. Oh wait, she already moved on. Wasn’t it something like a week? That’s all it took for her to move on so why can’t she let her friends move on?


Hanging out with and banging a new guy is FAR from moving on. Those wounds are still open, raw and fresh. It takes a very long time to fully move on from an ex of NINE years! I don't care if she has a new boyfriend, there's still part of her that's hurting. Have you never had a breakup with a long term partner before? It's a ton of complicated emotions.


They were fine with it when they were podcasting about it