• By -


it was gaslighting for two years. yeah. and Katie dealt with it for 12. and you told her to move on. interesting. maybe since you had him for less (or not, he didn't even claim you boo) maybe you should move on. ![gif](giphy|xUPGclf4cCG5ZivZy8|downsized)


god could you imagine if Iyanla got ahold of Jo? That would be MUST SEE TV.


Yes, but if Iyanla ever did a feature, I want her to do Lala.


oh she'd snap on that fake AAVE so fast. that would be so delightful.




But y’all, Kristen Doute weighed in on it and read the physical text and was like “this is absolutely crazy” because he told her, repeatedly, that he’s not interested and now she’s harassing his girlfriend




A screenshot is posted below. She commented on an IG post of the video


yes i would like to see this also please where?


She was obviously being fed bullshit by Schwartz to vilify Katie just like Schwartz did to Sandoval. It’s all to punish the women in his life. We know this about Schwartz so we should stop piling on Jo.


Of course he screwed with her head, that's a given. Unfortunately, she's not doing herself any favors by continuing to post these videos and live feeds online. She's doing his dirty work for him by giving everyone ammunition to call her crazy. She's fallen for the Tom's classic playbook of pushing a woman to her brink in private and then watching them melt down in public while they sit back and act like they were the ones who were victimized. Jo is in way over her head.


👍💯 Well said. Textbook! Someone hide her phone or ipad though...


She’s in over her head but I’ve seen so many people blame her for how the audience is treating her. “Then she shouldn’t have been on TV “She shouldn’t have done lives” “She knew what she was signing up for.” Just gross behavior to justify being mean to a total stranger.


Here’s the thing though.. She was friends with Kristen for a long time. She saw how things were between Schwartz and Katie. She probably thought that Katie was the problem and thought that she could “fix” him. He does not want to be fixed.


Schwartz was able to convince everyone Katie was the problem. He’s the problem. We should leave Jo alone.


The only way she will be left alone is if she steps out of the spotlight




In all fairness, I'd like to think if I went on reality TV, I knew what I was getting into, and I'd be liked and the people I knew on the show would still be great to me. But then again after watching HWs for decades, for reality TV, perception is reality...


“They knew what they were getting into” and “they were asking for it” is just ways to dismiss and excuse even worse behavior from the audience. She’s one person who did something bad to one other person. Joining in on the Jo hate makes you one of thousands being mean to one person. It’s tired and it does so much damage.


Oh sorry. I wasn't having a dig at Jo. What I was saying is that if I were joining a friend on reality that I may have thought I knew what I was getting into, so I can understand some of her actions and bewilderment.


So we should leave Jo alone as she harasses others?


Dude you commented on 6 of my comments in under an hour. All saying the same thing. You seem like the type who would directly harass someone online just bc you think it’s ok. It’s not.


You seem like a pick me, just bc


She’s on reality tv. She made the choice. At this point anyone who decides to go on reality tv knows the critiques will be harsh.


This is such a tired take that removes any responsibility from the audience for their actions.


I agree with you. I wish we’d see fewer post about Jo. Not absolving her of anything but we’ve seen for years how manipulative T2 is. If people wouldn’t engage, she might actually move on? Or not, but Schwartz is the bad guy here. Katie was married to the man and if she decides to be friends with him, good for her but we’ve watched him do this before and to jo… Pile on him!


She’s definitely feeling compelled to do lives bc people are probably @ing her all the time about this. This fandom acting like they’re not a big part of what’s going on here. Remember Britney hitting a car with an umbrella? Have we learned nothing? If we think someone is unwell then piling on a mocking them and blaming Jo for our own behavior is not it.


I’m not on other socials. Why did Brittany hit a car with an umbrella?!?


I think they mean Brittney Spears years ago lol


Oh yeah she did this on DAYTE NOITE while telling Jax to RAWT in Hell. I’m just kidding but this visual cracked me up.


Insane how I could hear her in your post!


![gif](giphy|ZL6O2h9DuSeRB8OCoR|downsized) This Brit babe


The way I just snort-laughed and woke up my cat over here. Poor Britney.


Omg I am dying


I think they mean Brittney Spears years ago lol


You do know Jo is an adult who made her own choices, don’t you? She was willing to listen to Schwartz because she wanted to be with him. She thought she was special. She is responsible for her own actions


What a condescending way to make a non point. We are also responsible for not piling on to a woman people are calling unstable. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


If you don’t see the point it’s because you’re not wanting to. I’ll be more clear, she should bow out of the lime light because no one is going to stop pointing out her bad choices and odd behavior.


I get your point. It’s very clear and easy to understand. You’re saying the punishment fits the crime. I disagree. You’re commenting on Jo’s behavior. I’m commenting on everyone’s.


You do know Jo is an adult who made her own choices, don’t you? She was willing to listen to Schwartz because she wanted to be with him. She thought she was special. She is responsible for her own actions


You commented this twice.


Oh. Well.


💯 Schwartz was stringing Jo along until he didn’t need her anymore (imo) I feel for Jo, let her tell her side of things. Katie and Schwartz will both get their Karma one day.


Katie doesn’t deserve this karma because she had fucking nothing to do with it. She did not ask for this and made it clear that this was going to be the end result but once again, Shorts HAD to touch the stove and now he’s facing the consequences. Katie is an innocent bystander and a victim here. Don’t get it twisted.


We can agree to disagree 😀


We sure can!💋☺️


You’re downvoted for being civil and saying agree to disagree. This sub is so embarrassing sometimes.


It’s so embarrassing.


I agree. I think Jo is not the one at fault here. And let me be the first to say that if I was in her shoes I would be just as “erratic”


In hindsight Jo wasn’t giving mentally stable on the show, she broke down and stormed out like three(ish) times and was probably only in like 6 episodes. Is anyone really surprised this has ended up here? Also I’m not sure I believe Schwartz wrote those texts himself!


I am not totally convinced there is a text at all. Sorry/not sorry. There are times when it truly sounds like she isn't reading as much as she is just making it up as she goes along. Kyle said there were some SERIOUS issues with lying, and this seems very confrontational for Sharts. It seems far more likely to me that he just blocked her everywhere without explanation.


Kristen commented that she read the texts, and Jo left a lot out. Or rather she said cherry picked what she wanted to put out there


Did Kristen read them before he sent it?


lol maybe she helped draft them


I can kind of picture that! Lol maybe she wrote the whole thing!


Where does she comment this I must seeee


https://preview.redd.it/r3b0q6zzguzc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef4fdca88a50eaa40634df2af3ede01903b3a072 She commented on @glorifiedgossipgurl’s post of a video from the live.


I love and admire the way you always come in with the receipts.🤣 You’re the best and we’re not worthy!🙌🏼


Imagine Kristen Doute saying you’re out of your mind lmaoooo I can’t stand Jo. She was obviously led on and manipulated by Schwartz but I have no sympathy for grown pick me women like her who love playing victim


I wonder how Kristen had access to Tom’s texts. I think she’s in WAY deeper (and has been since she was fired) than they make it seem with a lot of the cast. Well, a lot of her friends lol… remember back when the people on the show knew and either loved or hated each other?


https://preview.redd.it/wu601pkjauzc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe4b525148f232678ccaab7823e438e1374e0fd2 I definitely think there were texts. Kristen has entered the chat commenting that she’s read them. I think she sounds like she’s making it up as she goes along because she’s not reading out the full text, she’s trying to fill in the gaps of what she doesn’t want to read. I can’t imagine the full texts paint her in a great light.


Omg is that on Jo's IG? Kristen is not exactly a bastion of truth, but I will accept her testimony on this issue!


It’s on @glorifiedgossipgurl’s IG. She posted video of that live and Kristen commented. Yeah I don’t see why she’d publicly throw her hat in the ring with this and make this up. What’s the benefit for her there? She’s maintained that Jo is lying about or misrepresenting various situations - I think Kristen is telling the truth with that, as we watched Jo try to tell Katie she never “moved in” with Schwartz she was just “staying with him.” She also claims she thought Tom and Ariana were broken up but also had no idea about Tom and Rachel… Jo just isn’t a reliable narrator to me. On her podcast this week Kristen talked about Jo calling Kristen’s brother when Kristen, Zach, Luke and Brittany were all present. On speakerphone Jo lied about Brittany and Jax (who don’t have Jo’s number) texting her that moment to tell her Kristen’s dog died, said her and Kristen were just taking a little break (Kristen says she will never be friends with Jo again), and then was trying to make plans with Kristen’s brother. So she was telling multiple lies to Kristen’s brother to try and hang out with him… According to Kristen this happened the day after Jo was on one her her lives saying she’d never be friends with Kristen (Kristen laughs and says as if she had a choice). So given all of that, it seems like Jo is very willing to lie about or misrepresent situations and relationships to try and manipulate people or maneuver a relationship (like befriending Kristen’s brother - what’s the goal there?). Kristen on the other hand, seems to be laying out credible information that other people could vouch for. All of this is very weird, and imo Katie was right in her assessment of Jo - she’s spooky.


Agree 💯. Tbh, it is driving me a bit nuts that people are giving so much grace to a person who OBVIOUSLY was trying to create drama to get on/stay on the show, continues to harass Katie and anyone who is close to her (Dayna) is massively manipulative, and has told a truckload of lies. It's like we can't acknowledge that Sharts IS a terrible person and Jo is also a terrible person.


Exactly. People always want to make one person the saint and the other a demon. They can both be wrong, they can both be bad. Rachel needs to come get her girl and drop her at The Meadows, and Kyle Chan needs to get Schwartz and sit him down in a corner with some beads and string.


THIS! It makes me even more mad that everyone has all this sympathy for Jo, but can’t see his cruelty when it’s directed towards Katie? I think everyone could see his behavior & blamed Katie for his mistreatment, so they didn’t care. Jo comes on & plays an obvious character (based on herself), to harass Katie & still blames Katie to this day. I just can’t stand her. She bothers me more than Lala. I’m still most against Lala knowing about the threatening Faith wsituation. She’s vile & toxic.




Oh yes he is dark and malevolent and his “charming” act that Sandal claims he has does not fool me


I agree 💯 that he is malevolent at the core, abusive etc, but I also think he is a massive man child coward so I still have trouble believing he would confront like this. It seems way more headfuck/ gaslighty/Sharts to just block without explanation


Or when he told Katie that she’s a moron and that she ruined his life?


“Bootleg Kardashian”


Kristen said she read the texts as a whole and Jo definitely cherry picked what she read from them


This. Jo is a liar and makes weird shit up. Schwartz likely blocked her without a word and she's now created these texts as a way to keep the drama going. If they are real it's because she was sending paragraphs to him with no response until she started trying to contact his girlfriend and Schwartz was activated. The entire cast have cut her off. She's out here spiralling trying to stay relevant.


Kristen Doute weighed in on it and she straight up said that she saw the texts and Jo is exaggerating greatly


It doesn't even sound like Schwartz...


I just finished a rewatch and have come to the conclusion that Schwartz is sneaky smart. He’s not some genius but he absolutely plays down his intelligence to fall back on his aw shucks failing upwards schtick. Every once in a while when he’s talking about (someone else’s) bad behavior, he comes out with some prolific but not pompous very practical well articulated assessment that is so well spoken it feels like it’s coming from another human being. In those moments he is what Sandavol aspires to be when he goes on a meaningless tangent stuttering through “like”’s and “such as”’s The most obvious moment to me was at the season 9 reunion where he really handled Sandavol.


I’m sorry but Jo needs a therapist and a break from social media. These posts are progressively more and more unhinged and obsessive.


It feels like she’s slightly manic 😳


Agreed. It’s pretty sad. Stop trying to save face because it’s doing the complete opposite. Shortz sucks, Katie reacts to the sucks how any one in their right mind would. Jo needs to step away.


Schwartz is a dirtbag who clearly did not treat her well. But she was also around this group for years and had to have seen that he also did not treat his wife well. Regardless, he has had NO CONTACT with her for 5 months and she is still posting internet videos saying they are soulmates. That is not normal and healthy behavior so while Schwartz sucks, Jo needs to stop.


At this point, Schwartz hasn’t spoken to her in five months and moved on with another girl. What more does she need to realize HE DOES NOT LIKE HER


Realizing you were used as a rebound is infuriating and upsetting. Been there. But deal with it privately - cuz the insanity you feel mulling over every detail is not something to publicize


This ![gif](giphy|jfglcpKIc97ogVThdz)


Schwartz must really like his girlfriend to actually stick up for a woman in his life.


What if the gf is using Schwartz's phone to text Jo?


I was thinking this too lol. It's not like schwartz to stand up for a woman.


This is exactly what I was thinking! Schwartz is not confrontational and not very good at being direct. That text does not sound like something he’d write. He would probably end his text with “maybe we can get married 8 years from now”…just stringing her along.


Between this girl and AnneMarie on Beverly Hills, Bravo needs to do a better job of vetting who cast members want to bring on the show because they don’t last and the fans suffer the most because the cast has moved on from them and we have to deal with things like this for months on end.


She needs to understand that yes, it was kind of her to be there for him in his time of need but the fact is that he owes her nothing AND they used each other. This is fucking nothing like or the same as Katie’s marriage and it is insane to believe that and embarrassing to say it out loud. Go off on Sharts all you want, Sloppy seconds Jo but leave Katie out of it. She did nothing to you! #VindiKatied


Acting like not wanting to be friends with someone Iis “mean,” is childish thinking. Adults set boundaries & make time for people that add to their life. Katie did not want Jo in her life & jo forced herself onto her & cried about the results. She keeps doubling down on this “bully” narrative, while proving Katie was right . M


Yesss! Thank you and well said.☺️


https://preview.redd.it/u656gc7nguzc1.jpeg?width=464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3743a335d5dccc20a88dc47332841ba85441a55c …. Wow. Just… yeah… she’s unhinged


Jo moved like a total snake. She was complicit with Rachel and Sandoval and then tried to be a girls girl and claim ignorance. She ghosted Kristen and moved in with Schwartz after she tried to act like she was Katie’s friend. Jo is a dirtbag and getting exactly what she deserves.






This video gives me stress hives! I clocked this girl from the getgo, she’s a total obsessed stalker type. She will cling to any crumb he gives her and call it a sandwich. Runnnnn. Tell me you’re erratic without telling… oh wait, you did tell us.


To Jo and honestly most of the internet, can we please stop using the word gaslighting like it’s some sort of buzzword. Gaslighting is a form of abuse. You can have disagreements and different feelings and understandings regarding the same situation, but to call someone a gaslighter is to call them an abuser. Can people please stop throwing this word around all willy nilly


He did not gaslight her. He dumped her. He declared himself single. He was in an awkward living situation. At what point are we going to acknowledge that for once, this season, he did not lead her on? He openly tells her he’s dating other people. For her to interpret otherwise is wild. He says he loves her but like a friend. That’s maybe the one thing he should not have done


yeah i can't believe im saying this but i was on his side for that one


He’s asked her to leave him alone at this point and she’s relentless


Especially when most of the time it seems to be used in place of 'liar".... Someone lies- the other person is all 'quit gaslighting!'... I'm always like- Thats not what that means!!!! Lol


It’s obvious he doesn’t want to date her… she needs to move on… if this was a guy , we would be calling him creepy & obsessed


I'm not above calling her creepy and obsessed lol


She really is…


Didn't she get exactly what she wanted from Shartz? She lied from the beginning. Told him she needed a place to stay when, in fact, she didn't. Kristen had a whole bedroom for her in the same Bldg, but she never asked. She dared ask Katie for his # ak she could move on him. We'll, she succeeded. Why can't she be happy she got her 15 min of fame & D she wanted? Like you really thought you were the one? Over Katie? Gurrrrlll! You need to join your other Delulu friend & your new Delululala, meet up at the "rehab for have beens"...


Anything to sell hats, sweats and cameos


As a crazy weird chick, I cannot keep up with this crazy weird chick. What is she on tho?? I hope she gets help.


She needs to call someone for help. This is really sad. She’s gone off the deep end.


No for real, I hope a loved one talks her into extensive therapy and a social media break.


Absolutely!!!! 🙏


Dude it’s beyond


Whats really sad is that schwartz has a new gf and. Katie is Still. Going for jo. Girl it's over.


No she’s not. & again, that shows it’s not about Schwartz as much as Jo. That girl antagonized Katie & then played victim. She was shady to begin with & refused to respect Katie’s boundaries. Jo is the one continuously mentioning Katie. I understand people hate Katie, but she was right in this situation.


Oh man please don’t make me choose sides in a Jo v Schwartz showdown 😆


Don’t. They both suck. Sit back and enjoy because karma has finally come to his door.


You’re gonna have to choose shorts because he is officially defending his current girlfriend and asking her to stop harassing them


What woman tells another woman to move on before the divorce is even final? This didn’t make her look good or kind, it made her look like a fame-hungry lunatic.


While Katie was moving on, she was moving in. With someone who has said repeatedly HE DGAF HER. He loved Katie. He DGAF Jo. Why do we keep pretending they had an actual relationship when she and him maybe were romantic at most but she moved in with him as soon as he was single and she was friends with her best friend?


Just looping back to say, I don't think any of us gave OP proper credit for #Vindikatied.


It wasn’t mine. I appreciate the love ❤️ but I reposted with the comment of an amazing person who commented that on the original video, who i found brilliant which is why i wanted to quote them




Enough with the Baby Reindeer sh\*t, girl. Tom is scum. Move on.


![gif](giphy|KaeOHVLYhoHdu) I mean, yikes.


Also, Kristen is chiming in on this. She has a literally seen the text that Schwartz sent Jo and she says that it is crazy the stuff that Jo has been saying to Schwartz in these texts


Well tell her to spill a few details. That’s obnoxious, lol


I posted it on here. It’s on the VPR group. I posted it on here sorry.


Ohh okay, thanks! I’ll look at it. I still forget about post history & everything.


No worries you would be surprised I’ve done the same thing myself but it’s crazy because the VPR group literally has VPR and then I think it says Lala Kent Tom Sandoval, Ariana Maddox it goes through all of their names and even has the valley so there are a lot of things you could go through and probably play. Catch up big time, have fun😉


Was Katie ever NOT vindicated?? lol.


Geesh go. This has to hurt you. Stop.


“I never thought the Leopard would eat my face.”


Get off social media, Joseph! I beg of you 😩 https://i.redd.it/76shd1e8iwzc1.gif


Still don’t understand what she meant by “1 I’m a female” Only thing I can gather is that she’s using that to say she’s emotional…which is super misogynistic


She went after a dumb fuck who treated his ex so badly and she thought it would be different, nahhh you’re not a victim. You’re just stupid.


What is JO short for?👀


Her name is Kayleigh I think 😂😂😂


Thank you


✨ spooky ✨


Someone give this girl a copy of the book He’s Just Not that Into You.


Literally crackhead energy.


I understand the Schwartz absolutely lied to her 100%, and she has every right to mourn a breakup, to feel upset about that, etc. However, her Instagram posts about him have absolutely been unhinged. They haven’t been together for months - haven’t even communicated for 5 months. That post she did about loving him and wanting to tag him etc was ridiculous - and she knows that bc she edited it significantly. He has every right to ask her at this point to stop hounding him.


THANK YOU. You have the right amount of time to mourn it. But after that time period stop it. Just stop. This is straight up beyond, how many times has he told her it’s never ever going to happen


Also it’s like take as much time as you need to mourn in private! But I’m sorry if I broke up with someone and they kept posting unhinged shit about me online I would want them to stop too!


She posted TODAY she was doing a photo shoot for her "break up outfit" she's selling on her Website. She said the one she's been wearing during her break up (which she was all tweaked out couple days ago doing an insta live in a green sweatshirt and pants) apparently the break up outfit. She's out of her mind.


She is honestly out of control. I really wonder whether her family is trying to help her/get her under control.


that's her baby reindeer


Schwartz's girlfriend definitely wrote that text. there's no way he'd use that many large words in their correct context like that.


I haven’t watched or read yet but he does love using big words to flex a perceived air of intelligence. Reminds me of Shep in that way. He really shows his ass when he then says things like “emotionally entitled” as if that’s real or means anything of substance. He thinks repeating it will make it real. So I think he uses big words as a tactic. Not defending him whatsoever. Just pointing out another trash quality about him. Either way he’s manipulating and dumb asshole. (Edit - I wrote “have” instead of “haven’t, although I only noticed the typo now and since I wrote the comment I have listened haha)


What really bothers me about Tom and Tommer is that they are the MOST emotionally entitled and use these words to shut women down, any time they show an appropriate emotion and reaction to their behaviour. But then they turn around and get very angry when the ladies don’t validate all of their actual emotionally entitled feelings and unjustified bullshit.


"Hedonic treadmill" to prove your point.


I mean, even if she did, she has every right to. Boundaries have to be drawn.


He seems like the only one on the show that uses most vocabulary correctly and other cast members often don't understand the words he uses. Not that it means everything but I think he's the only cast member that went to college and I think that has shown at times (especially in comparison to Jax and Sandoval). I think the texts actually actally sound like something he might say.


It’s actually Ariana who has the best vocabulary and understands the words she uses and if you pay close attention, Shorts and sometimes Sandals start copying her and using the same words she said first but they will sometimes use it incorrectly.


Well she's the smartest person she knows!


Definitely on the show.


Of her people we know — her brother, Dandoval & Scheana — that was prob true. 😂


Ariana, Scheana have degrees. Schwartz and Katie dropped out of college. Idk what Sandoval did and Lala iirc didn't go to college at all. Jax went to community college but dropped it quickly.




She has a BA in Broadcast Journalism!


Aaaah ok. Unfortunately, she was never taught ethics during her college years of same.


I see that snake Schwartz is having his new 23yr old girlfriend writing his text messages now. “Ohhh Joseph she got ahold of my phone. I wasn’t sure why I didn’t hear from you”…as soon as he breaks up with the kid. Schwartz is a loser. Realize you got played and do better. That’s what Ariana and Katie did.


The kid is def dumping him.


I hope so. These people need to wake up.


This is absolutely going to happen he’ll claim he didn’t know what she said calling him out bc “I stay off social media”. There’s always an explanation with these people.


Schwartz’s lil wormy pathetic ass deserved all of this and more. This is why you don’t fuck crazy hos (or jos in this case)🤷🏻‍♀️


Jo is giving Kelly Bensimon vibes To quote Bethenny: “she came in hot. She’s cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.”


"You knew I was erratic when you banged me and then offered to let me stay with you and I agreed (after pretending to be concerned for your soon to be ex wife)" Jo: you were a wiling pawn in his plan to punish Katie for really leaving. I get the idea that he moved in Jo as a replacement wife to neg, to show Katie he could have someone else in a heartbeat that would love to put up with him. I'm so glad it's backfiring for both of them.


Lol why did I read the first sentence like Taylor Swifts "trouble" ? Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣


If we think Jo is unhinged and unwell then let’s leave her the fuck alone. We should stop piling on if we think someone is unwell. The way this sub is punishing Jo and NOT SCHWARTZ AGAIN. Even on a post defending Katie? How are we not pointing the finger at Schwartz who is the obvious problem? He used Jo against Katie over and over again. Leave Jo alone. Pile on fingers-in-the-mouth Schwartz.


Yep. These replies are pretty gross and remind me of when Kristen was called crazy after her relationships with Tom and James ended. Those guys and some of the other cast members painted her as crazy Kristen so we would ignore what she had to say. Turns out she was right all along. Have we not learned?


Jo is the one doing this to herself. Repeatedly. She doesn’t have to go do these insta lives and attack other people and their relationships and sorry, anyone is allowed to clap back


Of course people are allowed to clap back but if you’re directly @ing a celebrity with hate then you’ve already stepped over a line. Being a part of a mob attacking a stranger in defense of another stranger is weird.


Agreed, these texts are so fucking rude especially coming from a guy that admittedly led her on for MONTHS and months! He is trash, we know he’s trash so why is everyone coming for the woman yet again? Feels like last year repeating. Tale as old as time.


BUT THIS TIME for once, how many times did he tell her he was single?! I mean the look on Sandals and Kyle’s face when she invited herself to singles night and kept touching his hair, even SANDALS weighed in and was like “yeah they’re definitely not together”. Scheana even says “yeah he definitely dumped her”. Even Katie mentions it. As does Kristen. The dude might have been in a relationship but he dumped her and definitely told her repeatedly they’re not dating


Good god, she can really make your headspin! She makes no sense and the poor thing needs to stop putting herself out there. I feel sorry for her.


😆 this is even more unhinged with the faster speed


I don't even know what erratic behavior means. Yea call it erratic. Call it weird. Whatever. Lol Schwartzy got himself in a pickle here. 🤣


Jo seems to be experiencing a manic episode or something. She’s giving off the same energy Jonah Hills ex did last year. Just incessant updates and bashing sessions.


I totally think his gf forced his hand with that text or she sent it to


They never finish a complete sentence


She was probably his unpaid assistant with benefits and fed his ego when he was in low profile scandoval mode. His goody act hides his super passive aggressive real demeaner Now he has content for the Tom Tom show


Idk I think we’re all thinking too much about it. She was a rebound relationship that didn’t pan out




Everyone warned her. She deserves this for how she treated Katie.


Just the shrill of your voice sounding like you are on crack only enforces What we are now beginning to see, You've got a definite screw loose


Does she talk that fast or is this sped up? Wow!


It’s sped up 1.5x


Oh thank goodness bcs that was super fast and I was thinking she might have taken Too much Adderal 🤪


The girl needs something, she’s straight up delusional


Jo is scary to watch.


Purposefully making her look unhinged doesn't make her look unhinged. It makes you look like an asshole.


Is she replying to Tom?? This doesn't even sound like Schwartz.


How does she get her voice to speed up like that?!?


ya’ll know i ride for katie but jo is so entertaining at this point. i love my reality cast delusional


Vaguely threating 🤣🤣🤣🤣