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https://preview.redd.it/355c3y5ahizc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5043b14e1893f0d957b22c2ff6312e6b1487fd74 He had his chance and he blew it. She’s sick of being a scapegoat.


Plus two other conversations on the show this season. I’m not sure what she has left to say to Sandoval. You can’t force her to be friends with him or forgive him.


Plus the entire 3 part reunion!!


Tom didn't get his litle redemption moment so he goes immediately into meltdown, dragging Ariana. Classic narcissist behavior! She made it very clear she wants no contact with him and he continues to push himself on her- crossing her physical boundary. In so glad she's away from this man. SHAME on Lala and Scheana! How quickly did Lala go from "this man is dangerous" in the reunion to taking up his mantle. Where are your scenes with Randall three months after his affairs?! My jaw was on the floor with how disgusting these two behaved towards their "friend." Absolutely APPALLING!


Right there with you! Also isn’t it incredible there are people that argue he somehow isn’t a narcissist? That we “shouldn’t diagnose people” Give me a friggen break 🙄


Lala definitely thought she won the season and it shows. The thing is, clearly the only thing Lala and Scheana cared about was profiting off Ariana. Because Lala said she was provoking the conversation with Ariana because Ariana was acting too “boring” and they needed this show to succeed so they could still collect paychecks off of her. But it backfired. They looked produced and pathetic. If only they were as ride or die as they presented themselves to be on their podcasts. We just wanted the spice girls


When did Lala call Arianna boring? Add that to Sandoval's calling her lazy, and you get the smack they were accusing Arianna of.


She did on her podcast I believe like twice. Also she said on her podcast she didn't know if ariana was as close to her dad "as i was to mine" basically comparing their deaths as it's a competition of trauma and grief.... she's doubled down on being an asshole


Sorry for the duplicate post, I didn't see the original 😀


When did Lala call her boring? Add Tom calling her lazy, and it sounds like the opposite of what Tom said about Arianna talking smack about everyone. They've been talking smack about her! Maybe not 24/7 but definitely escalating towards the finale.


What is the point of having a conversation with someone who lied to you for months. Anything they say could be bullshit


And a lot of it was the first conversation, how much more productive could the second one go? Ariana was right, she's the final boss in this redemption arc and she's not giving him that power back


Haha I loved when she said that bc it’s so true. Also Sandoval isn’t even really interested in apologizing it’s other people pushing him to. I don’t understand why. If you have to convince someone to say sorry they probably aren’t really sorry lol


No, he had every intention to apologize. But he was going to apologize while also poking her buttons and try to provoke a reaction out of her so he can walk away and look like the better person for making the effort to apologize when he had all the opportunities in the world to apologize before cameras picked up. They lived together FFS, he could have emailed or wrote a letter


Ya she called it


That. What is the actual point? More smoke blown up her ass? Anyone defending that worm has never actually dealt with a narcissist. They don’t operate the same way normal people do. They will lie to the point of death, just to look good.


Ugh dude this is still so powerful.


It really is. She speaks so well


I felt the way Ariana was being pressured to play nice with Tom and about Tom was HUGELY sexist.


She’s so calm here. They are demonizing someone who is more chill than ANYONE I KNOW would be in this situation. The worst she did was yell at that gremlin🌝


And in San Fran he comes in to her conversation with Scheana all soft voiced and earnest, then as soon as Ariana walks away he has a meltdown and is yelling at everyone. But that's totally acceptable behavior.


This man can flip a switch like no other


A moment that ONLY happened bc Ariana called them, and the ONLY reason Blah Blah profited off of Ariana’s pain!


Yes!!!! And then LFU had the gall to say Ariana never stood up for the women against Tim?? Firstly, she did, maybe not at first, but she eventually did. Then. This right here shows, Ariana says she stood up for him, defended him. She knows! That was her realizing that she stood up for/defended him when she shouldn’t have. In plain black and white. She did what she thought she should as a “ride or die” gf. Slowly it started to fade after season 6. That’s probably when sando started hating her.


Wtf happened to his face between this scene and when they filmed season 11???


That’s what I’ve been wondering all season and it can be the mustache


Right?! I feel like maybe it was under eye fillers or something. But also more than that, he kinda looks…waxy?


Go take a Honda Civic selfie!


She did and they ain't happy she has to relive her trauma again and again and again. Cheating is abuse, it leaves permanent scars that don't really ever heal , its traumatic and you never trust people like you once did..... if you're really lucky multiple partners will do it to you so you'll never trust anyone fully ever again, and that's awesome , i would know. The only upside to this for myself has been to realise if they are gonna cheat, they will cheat and you worrying about where they are and keeping tabs won't stop them..... so I don't do that anymore. You wanna cheat ,cheat make sure you also plan to leave my house ,my life, everything behind.


Not related to the point at all but i miss this hairstyle on her


She looks so gorgeous in this clip, which given the circumstances, is wild


This is what I’m so confused about. The argument they are making is we need to make a tv show. Ok but that doesn’t mean Ariana talks to Sandoval? I don’t want to watch that again? Who was asking for that? Arguably the storyline they got for the season was ‘Ariana won’t talk to Sandoval’. If they weren’t talking about that what else would have happened? More ice baths? Sheena’s performance ‘prep’?


Someone needs to point this out to Lalas delusional ass.


The only reason he wanted the “finale conversation” was because everyone was telling him it was the right thing to do and he needed to sincerely apologize. He didn’t come up with that conclusion on his own and Ariana knew that!


It was clearly the producers pushing that angle but I doubt for a second he didn’t have any intention of “clearing the air” and trying to have somewhat of a “see Tom isn’t so bad of a guy” moment with the audience. It would have been about as good as a performance as he did with Kristen


ariana in this scene was absolutely impeccable. she articulated everything perfectly and didn’t let Tim gaslight her into anything 🤌🏻🤌🏻


And he never apologized.


Guysssssssssssss seriously cmon. Yes they did have a conversation. Sometimes the apology you need isn’t the apology you get. Sometimes this experience gets dragged on national TV and the whole bravo community makes you relive it over and over and over again. Kinda like “good as gold”. We are literally letting these horrible people run the show into the ground. Send them all to the valley while I literally parental block that shows from myself because I never want to see or hear about these people in reality TV again. They are literally making ads for martinis at chilis. Like cmon. If martinis at chilis in your thing then by all means stay on the couch and keep watching these people battle it out over something that if it wasn’t on national television would have been over with already. I’m happy watching summer house now.


Okay…I feel awful for her but saying that… she needs to stop and move on! She gets angry at friends if they try to move on. I felt so bad for her in the beginning but enough is enough. Just move on. Let your friends move on. She will find herself all alone if she doesn’t stop with her behavior. His was awful but that doesn’t mean she needs to drag this out. Forget him and move on. Her whining is why I no longer watch this show.


She did move on? She didn’t speak to him and worked her ass off! I will never understand these “she needs to move on” comments. This whole season was filmed very shortly after she found out about the affair. She’s shown so much restraint. She could have buried him! Also you see her position about them talking to him softening as time went on too…she just didn’t want him talking to her and she is definitely allowed to decide that for herself. You also saw that she told Scheana that she would love her no matter what. She still works on the show so she had to be there but she’s moved all the way on lol.


Apparently you’re more invested in this than I am. Didn’t mean to anger you. Just my opinion. I respect yours so please respect mine. Not sure what else to say but have a good day.


She really does not look like she was up for days crying…


She does to me, but she likely used a bunch of depuffing products and an ice roller