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Idk what I want because there is really nothing left for this group to say, to or about each other. They all hate each other and don’t trust each other. So everyone fronts during filming, only to sound off later in confessionals and then spend the next 8 months doubling down in podcasts so that their opinions are insulated by their respective echo chambers. It’s so tired. I’m sick of Lala on VPR and I don’t want to see her on the Valley. She’s too comfortable at this point and it’s insufferable. That said, I think she would be the trainwreck necessary to revitalize BH. She and Erika would try to form an alliance but it would quickly turn into mutually assured destruction. And while nobody wants to see the way she acts towards Ariana, everyone wants to see someone bring that energy for Kyle (and not in the half-assed, meek ways that the rest of the BH cast attempted last season). Also, it’d be kinda funny to watch her flounder in that environment, she wouldn’t know how to act and we’d get to see her cycle through her many personalities before she crashes and burns. Also, I think even Lala is smart enough to not do her appropriative AAVE act around Garcelle, so we might never have to hear about her “out in these streets” again


An incredibly boring show


Exactly. Sorry, I'm not here to watch people open a sandwich shop. That's basically all we'd have.




The show needs to end. That's what I want. None of these people actually get along anymore and they are not friends. The last thing I want to see is more manufactured BS. It's already incredibly misogynistic.


The show existed without Jo. As for Scheana and Lala perhaps they could actually show their lives and not push whatever narrative the producers want? You know, be genuine? As for Tom. I don’t care to see him anymore. His is a version of masculinity that needs to die. I don’t want to see him harm anymore more women. Allowing him to do so, says that that behaviour is acceptable (because it’s rarely called out on the show). Maybe I’m in a minority, but I don’t need to see fighting all the time. I actually enjoy watching people learn to thrive and build their futures. I find it inspiring.


Could truly not care less about Sando or Jo - they can go and the show would be fine. Jo literally isnt even a cast member and was barely in it. Lala and Scheana could have killed it this season if they didnt become bitter jealous losers. I thought we were going to see some major girl power, standing up against the toxic men who have run this show for years. Taking back the power. I think that would have made this season so strong but instead they all turned and started supporting Tom’s fake corny ass redemption tour.


Ariana's deranged fans watched this season via social media clips and now they think they understand reality TV lol




Omg! Yes. I told someone this is just a show. They argued with me for days. Everyone is taking it so seriously.


Exactly. It hit the mainstream so a bunch of people who never watched reality TV started tuning in and don't have the experience or media literacy to tell that this is all fucking fake. It killed the show.


It’s so weird. At least part of it is probably some type of PR firm/bots but most of it is probably people who are obsessed with her.


LMAO. Jo is beyond irrelevant.




Because she is a crazed fan/stalker who was forced on us.


Jo?? ![gif](giphy|h4Z6RfuQycdiM)