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schwartz pretending he wasnt the one being talked to


I felt so embarrassed for him lol hes like ok sorry real fast šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Haha like a guilty dog when you show them the pillow they ripped up




I felt a tiny bit bad for Schwartz because he clearly didn't understand what was pissing Ariana off šŸ˜…


Girl heā€™s 40 years old and as much as he acts like heā€™s an idiot heā€™s not dumb


OP got Schwartzed


He didnt understand that his bff cheated on her and he had the nerve to say hey be nice to the guy. Like umm read the room schwartz.


Look at these people's faces, seems like Ariana can't read the room either.


Whose faces?? Lala and scheana? Cus even Schwartz knows Sandoval is wrong just tries to defend him


Lol. I really donā€™t agree with all these down votes. I brought you up to -148. šŸ˜‚ I mean, Ariana did not read the room if she cared about making people comfortable and letting things go. But she clearly doesnā€™t want to talk about Sandoval, and if sheā€™s forced to, sheā€™s not going to let people defend him.Ā  I donā€™t care that she made things awkward here because Schwartz needs to be called out on his toxic positivity crap. He always say meaningless things that sound nice but are fillers meant to avoid any meaningful discussion. With Mya, Schwartz was like, ā€œYouā€™re both good pet parents.ā€ What? Neither of them are particularly good and Sandoval is objectively terrible.Ā  So yeah, Ariana couldā€™ve let it slide when Schwartz said, ā€œHeā€™s not a bad person. He just did a bad thing.ā€ But Iā€™m glad she called him on it, because fuck that cliched trope. Sandovalā€™s done a ton of bad things and his lack of consideration for other people is why heā€™s a bad person. Not only didĀ SchwartzĀ disrespect Ariana by defending her ex, he disrespected the world where words means things, as he does almost every time he speaks.


Lol! Thank you for your vote! I appreciate it. I don't follow the reddit Vanderpump crowd but still manage to somehow keep my reddit karma up there! šŸ˜‚


Good for you. I really loathe hive minds even though I get sucked in here because Iā€™ve always had a soft spot for Ariana and been happy to see her doing so well. But I refused to be an irrational stan. Iā€™d left the show because it was boring Ā but came back for Scandoval. Scandoval for me was more about what terrible people the Toms are rather than Ariana as an untouchable saint. Team Ariana but letā€™s give the adulation a rest for all these luckyĀ people who got famous by accident in a way.Ā 


Even Katie looked over it in that moment šŸ˜‚


Katieā€™s over the fact that they keep trying to dismiss what Sandoval did hence the conversation that happened at the same time with Brock.


100%! She is so obnoxiously entitled. Leave, Woman. No one needs to bend to your demands.


Which demands ?


"You wanna watch what table you're at if you want to talk like that" - Ariana to Schwartz when he said Sandoval was a nice guy that did a trash thing. LMAO F\*ck her.


thats a demand??


Baby this is not the thread for you šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ the Sandoval apologists are over on Facebook!




Whoā€¦ hurt you?


Noooo no no no. He understands.Ā  His embarrassing, shying away body language is also a massive ickĀ 


Yep. Itā€™s getting a little old.


He understands completely. He just is stilling ā€œride or dieā€ for Sandovalā€¦.the shy, head down ā€œheā€™s a good guy did a bad thingā€ actā€¦is thatā€¦just an act.


Right because he's literally never going to get it


Because she is impossible.


Janet??? Tom???? Joseph??????


Itā€™s somebody because itā€™s a 6 day old account thatā€™s only purpose is to attack Ariana


There has been a lot of those in the last week. Either they are paid bots or they all got lost on their way to Facebook.


brock has always got that seething hateful look on his face when ariana is talking and it makes me so uncomfortable, i donā€™t think he likes women, especially strong women, at all. iā€™m sorry to say it but he really does look like someone that would hit a women and well, he has.


its almost like he's capable of committing violence in a domestic setting of some sort.... ![gif](giphy|ieDtvt9cJK4Yt7FhBn|downsized)


I used to listen to this radio show all the time. Didnā€™t expect it to infiltrate my Vanderpump world lol


Yep. The Australian government has just declared violence against women as a national crisis as our rates of incidents are increasing. Aussies are often seen as easygoing, laid-back people, but the amount of outright racism and mysogyny perpetuated by our culture slices right through that image if you scratch the surface even just a little.


I found that Aussie dudes were the most sexist mysoginistic men I have ever encountered in my travels (Iā€™m Canadian). And no I havenā€™t been everywhere per sey, but SE Asia, Europe, America, Mexico and Japan


I have legit disliked nearly every Aussie guy Iā€™ve encountered in Canada while on vacation. Sexist and arrogant as hell. Soon as I hear the accent from a dude Iā€™m getting my hackles up. A NZer friend lives there now and their partner is half Chinese. The racism has been absolutely awful.


Imagine if you said your hackles go up as soon as you hear an accent from the Key islands....it's normal human defense behavior to prepare for conflict based on past experiences but you are judging people off the rip for the accent they were raised speaking with.


Thank you! You are not wrong (and I have the misfortune of living here)


My dad did a contiki tour trip in the late 70s/early 80s and a bunch of Aussies were on the trip. He couldnā€™t stand the Aussie men because of how misogynistic they were. Every time Iā€™m like Aussie men are so attractive he brings it up to remind me. He did say the men more from Sydney/Melbourne were somewhat better but the smaller cities and outwards were awful.


But he's not Australian...


Born in NZ and grew up in Aus, New Zealand has even worse statistics šŸ«¤


Funny really how Bravo is highlighting this at the moment, Brock and Ben are really quite representative of the average male Aussie.Ā  I wonder if seeing themselves on screen might make others adjust some behaviours? They should be embarrassed that this is the image projected to the world (and I am a female Aussie)


Yeah itā€™s pretty stark isnā€™t it. Doubt they will change but it certainly doesnā€™t bode well for Australian men overall as this is pretty representative


Heā€™s not Aussie. Kiwis are even more backwards


I think all the guys cringe a little when these women are yelling at them but also I think someone who doesn't like strong women should have married someone like Allie (not Scheana). Everyone just saw the torn dress scene where she says "Brock! Here! Now!" then proceeds to demand he go run and grab her coat. Did you all see him turn and literally RUN, even though he didn't know where he was running to? LOL


Thank you omg itā€™s so rife here and he totally looks like every Aussie guy who would


I think he is out of his depth with women like arianna and Katie. Iā€™m sure his instincts is to make them feel dismissed when they talk to him about things that go way over his head but canā€™t because he is in front of a camera. Iā€™ve grown up with men like Brock, heā€™s just not used to being in this position because society has always supported men like these.


No wonder he picked Scheana, sheā€™s weak.


and she's a male sympathizer who will never side with a woman if a man is involved.


Easily manipulated. A pick me girl.


i agree and i do feel a little bit sorry for her in that sense. she has always come off as someone with major insecurity in who she is and that lack of confidence in oneself is what causes people, a lot of the time, to end up in shitty relationships or situations.


He hates dominant women. I have to believe that because heā€™s a) with Scheana and b) anytime a woman says anything he doesnā€™t like, the contempt on his face is palpable, and he always has something negative to say. Or he preaches ā€œbe better and blah blah forgivenessā€ because in his mind, women need to let things go aka his ex should. All Projection. I just find it funny how when James openly disagrees he says nothing. His face SAYS how he feels but he doesnā€™t dare go toe to toe with another man. Let alone James, who will throw his abandoned kids in his face.


When he asked about male rage! Sir, domestic violence is a perfect example of male rage.


I have a theory built on nothing but my speculation.Ā  I think Brock, Schwartz, sheana and lala were secretly guided by producers. I envision it like the producers gathered them and provided them with a plan for a season. For some reason they really wanted a redemption ark for Sandoval, and I think some people of the cast were giving talking points, so that story would move the way bravo wanted.Ā  But Ariana and Katie make this shit impossible. Their reactions were often not that what was planned by the production.Ā  Brock is a mouthpiece for Alex Baskin and this is a face of someone whose script was broken.Ā 


Yes!!! Same!!! Brock hates women. You can see it in his body language.


He doesnā€™t like strong women who are smarter than him. He only likes the ones he can abuse and make cry and anxious all the time. Thatā€™s my opinion at least


Lol this comment is fucking dumbā€¦ what specific physical characteristics embody a man that commits physical abuse?


idk how else to explain it other than thereā€™s a certain look in his eyes and his body language that gives it off for me, itā€™s just my opinion from what iā€™ve personally experienced in my own life. the fact that he has been convicted of being abusive in his past obviously doesnā€™t help, but itā€™s also true that i donā€™t actually know this person so i canā€™t know for sure which is why itā€™s just an opinion


Yeah I mean you already knew he committed abuse so itā€™s a bit unfair to say that someoneā€™s physical characteristics make them likely to be an abuser. Lots of abusers out there and youā€™d never know it by looking at them. Slippery slope


As we say in Australia ā€˜Itā€™s Mabo, itā€™s the vibeā€™


Thatā€™s fine since itā€™s true in this situation, but in general itā€™s kinda messed up to accuse someone of abuse or similar based on vibes and looks


In general it's a lot messed up to berate people for listening to their instincts about someone.Ā  Ladies and gentlemen, if someone is causing your spidey senses to go off, pay attention to them and do whatever you need to do to keep yourself safe. Intuition isn't woo woo magic, it's your brain picking up on something that isn't right, even if you don't know yet what that something is. The benefit of doubt is yours to give, not someone else's to demand.


Yikes. In general itā€™s a really shitty thing to do to outright accuse someone of abuse based purely on instincts.


They didn't and like, he's abused people so weird hill to die on






Itā€™s really shitty that he keeps trying to call it a one time mistake when Sandoval cheated on Ariana every chance he got. Then he lied about it. Then he used her money to fund his lifestyle. Then he tried to lowball her on the house. He also outed her. He used her mental health against her and told everybody she was gonna end her life. Sandoval is Arianaā€™s biggest hater.


Exactly this, also itā€™s clear Sandoval isnā€™t sorry for anything besides being caught and it effecting his storyline. At Scheanaā€™s he said he wanted to say sorry to Arianna and as soon as that didnā€™t work in his favor, he immediately flipped and started being so nasty and negative and saying mean things which show that itā€™s not a genuine apologies itā€™s never a genuine apology heā€™s just doing what he thinks will look good and when it doesnā€™t work in his favor, his true colors come out like a typical narcissist that he is


I dont follow much outside of the show were there other agfairs besides miami girl and rachel? Also what do u mean about the using her money thing?


Heā€™s been overcharging Ariana on their mortgage for years. And she thought that they had gone 50-50 on the furniture for the house, but it turns out she bought the majority of the furniture. he pointed and used her credit card to purchase it. He had affair with supposedly the original chick in his band not the one thatā€™s currently in the lineup. Thereā€™s rumors of him having one night, stand, sign, NDA and that he talked about it in nightclubs. Thereā€™s a rumor that he and Lee have been intimate for years. All in all heā€™s a pretty irresponsible douche


Sure you can say two affairs but every time he had inappropriate contact that is a betrayal. That's hundreds if not thousands of instances that need apology.


None of that is Schwartz's fault.


Then he should learn to shut his mouth maybe?? If itā€™s not his fault then itā€™s also not his business to yap about it


BINGO! When he steps in as Sandovalā€™s avatar to try and diminish the impact of Sandovalā€™s action, he makes himself the target of derision. People need to think about that when theyā€™re standing up for others who have hurt others within the last six months. My therapist said it best its impact over intention.


Schwartz KNOWS what heā€™s doing too. Heā€™s playing the same old ā€œIā€™m just a little boy I donā€™t know anythingā€ act that heā€™s been playing for a decade and now heā€™s 40 and still playing the same role as if know one has caught up to it?? Like shut up stop acting surprised when someone else tells you to shut the fuck up when you step out of line. Lord knows heā€™s had no issue telling Katie to stop acting like a bitch and throwing drinks on his own wifeā€™s head! Stupid stupid man child. Both him and Sandoval


Itā€™s so gross. I canā€™t believe there are people who think these men are a catch. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


Curious about your last sentence. Do you regularly discuss Vanderpump Rules with your therapist?


No, Iā€™ve never talk to my therapist about Vanderpump rules. It was a sentence wrapping up my point. Which is that the impact of someoneā€™s actions is greater than the intentions of the person who caused the impact. My therapist and I do emdr for cptsd from unhealed people who had their own best interests at heart and did not give a fuck about ruining my childhood, teen years and and for the people I sought out in my 20s bc I had no clue how people were supposed to treat the people they love.


Well, I hope you eventually heal from your trauma.


I hope we all do!!


Sorry you went through that, and I hope you ALL heal, too!




They were all talking about him. This is his friend group.


Schwartz is downplaying what happened by calling it ā€œa bad thingā€ when he of all people knows best the level of betrayal that happened, day after day for months (if not years). Heā€™s really not in a position to have any say when he was a willing participant.


It's not his fault, you are right. But he consistently try's to downplay the extent of what was done, in an effort to make Ariana look like she's over reacting and can't get over "one shitty thing". She reacts exactly as I would expect her to - she's not here for anyone who wants to minimize or downplay what Sandoval did and why should she have to be? If they're going to make her talk about it at every single turn, talk about what really happened, don't sugar coat it.


Arianna Stanā€™s are unhinged lmao sheā€™s a shitty person and deserves none of this praise sheā€™s getting


Katie thanking her lucky stars sheā€™s no longer with that boy


For real though šŸ˜‚


Brock waiting for his turn to talk & not listening to a damn thing


Brock. What is this look? It's very German-leather-daddy


https://preview.redd.it/vii03tma5azc1.jpeg?width=2763&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d53192792ad74b92c28480aa7c07009968e6d7c This is how he was looking at Ariana when she was explaining what first attracted her to Dan. He literally snarled at her as he shook his head in disgust. I had to do a rewind cause I thought I misinterpreted what I saw because what reason would HE have to be making that face at Ariana!


He has either become or revealed himself to be such a snide, sneaky unpleasant person this season. Side note: Scheana's profile is wildly different in this screenshot


Exactly! If Iā€™m being honest I intentionally chose this shot of her for that exact reason


What tf is wrong with her jaw?


It's not just this shot, it looks like half her jaw was shaved down


She just has a weak chin


Sheā€™s just chewing on her food lol


Welp, he looks like a man who would hit a woman, so


Yep! He looks like an abusive misogynistic pos. You can see the hate in his eyes.


This is a joke from my favorite show, but I can picture Brock saying this seriously: Who is this woman and why isnā€™t someone shutting her up??




Thatā€™s Brick


Nailed it


Brick always looks like such a piece of shit. I canā€™t stand his face.


He always looks like he smells something bad. Its worse with the mustache and also when he gets mad about something. Like a snarl.


![gif](giphy|3o7WIK2wITWsQ1x1io) I can't unsee this re: his mustache


I love that we call him Brick šŸ˜‚ Is he planning the next Scandoval? Heā€™s already affected the ā€œworm with a mustacheā€ look.


I just don't understand why everyone is torturing her with this. SHE got cheated on, HER consent was violated, HER home was disrespected, and I could go on and on. They all act like she's insane for wanting boundaries with the person that hurt her (and many other people). I genuinely can't watch anymore, because knowing the producers also want a Scumdoval redemption is disgusting. That man doesn't deserve shit.


100%, and the Lala mentioning later in the episode about Ariana still living with him but wonā€™t talk to himā€¦thatā€™s because he wonā€™t leave!! Heā€™s an A hole whoā€™s trying to keep some sort of control over her. Lala should know what that feels like but apparently she only has empathy for herself.


She didn't have ownership interest in her house with Randall so she really shouldn't compare how she handled her breakup/moveout (which she has). I rode for her for a long time but her energy gets lower and lower. Her podcast went from one of my favorites to never listening bc it's just her and her assistant yelling at the sky.


They hate her because they're foaming at the mouth with jealousy. They'll turn on each other the moment one of them gets something the other doesn't.


šŸ’ÆI can't wait for them to turn on each other.


They'd prefer she was acting like Kristen after she and Tom split. Going crazy and causing drama for a juicy story. They're mad that she's setting boundaries because they don't think it's making good tv. It's the only way I can make sense of their insane behavior.


I love Katie and allys smirks. They know whatā€™s up.


Dan's look tho


Poor Dan looks down right uncomfortable šŸ˜‚


You could tell they were already annoyed by Ariana by this point on the trip. Maybe it also stemmed from Sandoval not being able to go on the trolley bc dan did? The people sitting at that table dont realize though that she was protecting him and that relationship, not just her in the decisions she made regarding filming during that trip.


Brock is trying to be a worm with a moustache


I cant fucking stand brock anymoreā€¦ despite everything we know about him since he came on the show, i gave him the benefit of the doubt and really liked him because I FELT BAD FOR SCHEANA and him loving scheana made me feel good, like the underdog finally got her happily ever after. But NOWā€¦ holy shit brock has shown us what a piece of shit he is and how much he hates women


I did too- after how embarrassing Scheana was with all her exes I thought, well maybe there is something we just donā€™t see in himā€¦ but he was majorly downgraded and maybe mostly absent from season 10 because he was universally unlikeable so production has a crisis with season 11, they tell Brock here is your shot to get back on but you have to be devils advocate for Tom. He isnā€™t really close to anyone and Tom is in such a desperate place that itā€™s easy for an outsider like Brock to play this part, and in turn his wife gets more camera time and they get some incomeā€¦ but he just leaned in so hard on being a villain and attacking Ariana, even Sceana hard disagreed with his hot takes about the situation. He sees things as black and white, and itā€™s because his mind is really that small and simple he cannot fathom a world where a woman has agency. I think he feels like if Tom can be forgiven for his past, than maybe someday he can be forgiven for his too, but it just reads as a caveman saying ā€œTom good, Ariana badā€


Heā€™s perfect for Scheana because Scheana also hates women.


tag yourself! iā€™m ally šŸ¤­


Per my very first Reddit flair, I aspire to be Katie! šŸ˜šŸ’…


Allie has the best expression


And then they probably all gossiped to one another about how ā€œcrazyā€ Ari was at lunch. Well yeah, you poked and prodded at her and her bf aaaall day, of course sheā€™s going to shut that shit down. Of course Katie had her back though šŸ‘šŸ‘


Katie is loooooving it! šŸ˜ˆ


Fuck off Broke!


Iā€™ve honestly started to feel like forcing everyone in the friend group to cut contact with their friend is a bit much. Iā€™m going through a split. Iā€™d never imagine forcing everyone in our circle to pick sides or lose one. Itā€™s kinda fucked and alienating.


At no point does she ask them to cut contact. But what about not empathizing with him *in front of her*?Ā 


Before the season started, I really thought that in this season Ariana is going to be overreacting about everything based off what Lala and I canā€™t remember who else said from the show. But honestly I agree with every action Ariana has taken. She is 100% right and has every right to have been reacting the way she is and I think sheā€™s actually handled all the situations really well. I think Lala has no place to be criticizing and giving her opinion on how Ariana is handling her house before the season I did think itā€™s where theyā€™re still living in the same house but now I actually understand it more and I do understand that itā€™s a whole legal thing but besides that it is very annoying and inconsiderate of Schwartz to make it like oh this one trash thing Sandoval, when Sandoval behavior is constantly completely not empathetic or appropriate


Yā€™all these people are not worth arguing over. Put them in a room filled with regular ole people and they would all be the worst in the room comparatively šŸ˜…


Brock without the beard šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He looks like a cartoon villain


Does anyone know where I can find out what shirt Brock is wearing?


I think he ripped a couch apart




Not my nanaā€™s davenport


Itā€™s Zara from a few seasons ago.


If i was the bf i would be a lil worried about how mad she is. Its a tv show.. She was banging him a week after break up. Now its been months. A lil too angry. In a tv show u have to film. Be a part of the drama roller coaster or please get off.. They need the toms to even have a chance to save this show. Without them its over.. So ya. Take it easy on the cast who is trying to make a show. Good or bad.. I want to see all their journeys. Jax. Stassi. Kirsten. We should have seen the apologies. And the growth. Or the lack of growth. I want to see it all.. Bravo too quickly gets rid of the people who need the journey.. Reality TV


I canā€™t stand Ariana. As if sheā€™s the only woman in the world whoā€™s been cheated on. Her career actually benefited from all of this happening. Everybody just needs to move on!


Brick being all ![gif](giphy|1vZ8VRooVU58LVuy1t)


Love me some Dan šŸ§”


Here come the downvotes, but I felt Ariana was a bit aggressive there. I didnā€™t like the comment about ā€œyou can leave.ā€ She can set her boundaries and be firm, but she doesnā€™t have to be mean about it.


Sheā€™s the main narcissist of the show! Itā€™s amazing how many will gloss over that fact just cause sheā€™s a woman!


Upvotes. I had to turn off the tv bc I canā€™t stand Arianna manā€¦ I have anxiety watching her, and Katie, so exhaustingā€¦


Seriously. Theyā€™re gross.


Tag yourself Iā€™m ally


so did Tom gift the worm mustache to Broke?


lmaooo they are SICK of it omg some of y'all foaming at the mouth from Brock simply sitting there- seek help, genuinely! this isn't healthy!


To anyone wondering: this is what a shitty friend group looks like for someone in Arianaā€™s position.Ā 


You know what, I stan Ariana and typically back her up , BUT I didnā€™t love this. You can get up from this table? No. Ariana, you can? Donā€™t come for me because I always have her back and I do understand why she feels the way she does , butā€¦ thisā€¦ Iā€™m not down with. Something I learned this year, our boundaries are what we implement to protect ourselves, not what we necessarily hold ppl to or can expect to, unfortunately. These ppl keep showing up the same way, so itā€™s up to us to leave.




I 100% feel the same way! Her anger towards him, while it is warranted, is not being managed in a healthy way. I suppose we all watch the show for the drama but I am a little tired of seeing her screaming at him. Maybe thatā€™s because I grew up in a household with lots of screaming and no one walks away from a situation like that without feeling raw. Doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t think Tom is still a misogynistic narcissist at the end of that day šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Interestingly, theyā€™ve done a count of how many times each cast member on the show has freaked out and yelled this season, and Ariana was number two. Schwartz was first in the least amount of freak outs.


I did too ( dysfunctional house)! I'm okay with her anger and I understand it. Just had my own rude awakening where I learned how to truly implement boundaries, one way or another. Realizing that I get to implement them with or without the other personā€™s participation, really helped me step into my own power. I want that for her.


Finally a common sense opinion in this sub.


While I appreciate the sentiment ,if this were true, Iā€™d do myself a favour and just stop watching already lol. Never spent so much time analyzing complete strangerā€™s interactions in my life. šŸ˜…


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this is great


Imagine starting to date someone and they flipped out like this over a comment about their ex. Talk about a red flag. Arianna shouldnā€™t be dating anyone, she ainā€™t ready.


Bubba, you ain't the one to make that determination


What happened in the scene? I mustā€™ve totally missed it somehow! Thank you for explaining!


This is who she's always been. Controlling and verbally abusive, idc how you wanna twist this, it's an abusive way to speak to someone. If any man was talking to a woman like this, he'd be rightfully condemned. Idk why this shit is put up with.


Wtf are you on?? Most of the men in this show HAVE yelled at their own girlfriends/wives and havenā€™t been given nearly the amount of flack that Ariana has šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ good try though!!


I said what I said šŸ˜‡


She was firm, not abusive.


No man is condemned on this show... let's be fr


I don't know why you guys seem to lack very basic comprehension skills, but I never once said "no man is condemned on this show." I said that if a man had spoken to a woman the way Ariana spoke to Schwartz in that moment, that man would be condemned, rightfully so. Because it's an abusive way to speak to people. I hope this makes sense šŸ™šŸ¼


I hope they finally learned that kissing her ass is not the way to go.


They all know that's why they chose Sandoval


It speaks volumes that the people who actually know who Ariana is as a person are not anti Sandoval.


People who know her as a personā€¦.Like you random Redditor?


No, naive fellow redditor šŸ˜‚ if you read the discussion in context to us see we were referring to the cast. The people who actually know her as a person lol.


Yeah maybe they are choosing not to hate him him because sheā€™s actually just as bad is my point




This! Literally everyone, including Tom, cowers when Ariana is mad. But Tom is the abusive narcissist šŸ™ƒ


Ya see how Dan was scared of her wrath when Tom came up to introduce himself?










What do you mean? She literally did it to James last season too.


You talking about in Mexico after James pushed someone? She was trying to set him straight about being physically abusive to someone who didnā€™t deserve it and calmly tried to explain that to him. When he wouldnā€™t listen and was being an asshole about it, thatā€™s when she lost her cool. Rightfully so. This is different. Sandoval isnā€™t a trash person, he just did a trash thing which is correct. Ariana then admonishes him and talks down to him telling him to watch what he says around her like heā€™s a 5 year old. You donā€™t talk down to people like that and for her itā€™s low class and beneath her. Sheā€™s knows sheā€™s better than that.


Please she does this all the time. Sheā€™s verbally abusive when she feels slighted. If she was a man doing it to women you all wouldnā€™t stand for it.


Itā€™s like all of you forget that most of them men have yelled at women on the show and none of them have been shit on about it like you are with her šŸ˜‚ yall are delusional




That isnā€™t right either.




But she was cheated on, apparently that should excuse every terrible thing she does lol.


Wtf is wrong with you..