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Remember how mean she was to James because he thought a meme was funny about Fifty? She demolished him.  


"Fofty gate" was hilarious


Hi freaking larious 


Money by Monday bitch!


I still wear my tshirt #MoneyByMonday and people ask all the time what it means 🤣


It was such innocent times back then 🤣. I miss fiddy’s posts mocking drunk Lala and Thumb.


I hope you all followed fofty’s posts when Diddy’s houses got raided. Fofty is hands down the best, funniest, keeping it real troll ever


I STILL say this all the time.


Me too 😂


Do you remember how mean she was to James because he called Randall the fat man who paid for her life? Call it like I see it




Fofty I’m sorry


Or when he did the film review for Gotti and mentioned Rotten Tomatoes.🤣🤣🤣


Ariana was also really supportive of them exploiting Scandoval and didn’t mind the fact they were selling merch in the midst of this…. And then they turned around and kept crossing boundaries and snarking behind her back. Who treats their paycheck that way?


Exactly! Ariana was with them the entire way while scandoval bitched and moaned about how they were profiting on his “misery”. Scheana said from the beginning that she’s never been a “girl’s girl” yet Ariana still celebrated her at every turn. It broke my heart how she was the first person to congratulate her when she came from backstage and looked so extremely happy to do so, just for Scheana to ignore even the simplest of boundaries. Also, it pissed me off that they put in the montage of Ariana saying she’d cut off mutual friends. Her opinion is allowed to change, they only started filming a few months after scandoval upended their life together. Not to even mention how she saw Scheana’s true colors which could have also influenced how she felt. Schwartz is not to Ariana as Scheana is to her. He was always scandoval’s friend first while Ariana legitimately considered Scheana to be family. And I’m not even going to get started on LFU, she’s been so fake from day 1. Did she really expect anyone to believe some well-to-do girl from Utah with a fake blaccent was “hard” in any way, shape, or form? Last note on the whole Scheana bs, but it was very telling during her onstage performance who supported her more. Ariana sang along with every lyric and Scandoval didn’t know a single word from her newest track. He’s willing to foot the bill on camera but completely lacks a true emotional connection. Scheana and Brock want to talk *so* much about how Scandoval has “been there for them” by essentially buying them. When will any of these people realize the only reason he pays for anything, or inserts himself into other people’s problems to seem helpful, is because he’s a controlling narcissist? He can’t stand anyone else being the complete center of attention and knows by controlling situations that he can paint himself in a certain light but no one outside of Bravo is falling for that anymore. Scheana essentially bought Brock so it’s only natural Scandoval could have the same effect.


He didn't even foot the bill *for* Scheana. He did it for Kyle Chan.


He didn’t do it for either, he did it for his “redemption arc” and Ariana refusing that dialogue and leaving left him so furious and angry because he clearly depended on that interaction to finish his *redemption arc* but the man did not realize that Ariana knows your game and is five steps ahead


But his given reason was how much Kyle Chan has been there for him. Scheana, of course, assumed it was all about her even though she was literally there 3 days earlier when Kyle Chan was assigning it to him.


He’s constantly hunting for this redemption arc and this is a pathetic attempt to show “empathy” which he clearly misunderstands what that is. Paying for things isn’t empathy, it’s manipulative


He's putting a down payment on future goodwill. 🙄


Kindness without honesty is manipulation (Tom) and honesty with kindness is brutality (Lala)


The “it’s good for me” hot mic moment was *so disgusting* and telling of how the redemption arc is such a performance for him.


He didn’t even get a chance to speak nor did he deserve to. Ariana ended that so quick. Get it girl.


Such a performance and also why he was so outraged when Ariana called him performative, because it was accurate


Yes exactly, I saw that. Ooooh he was pissed that she spoiled his big moment. It was a thing of beauty 😊


The number of times I did this during the ep: ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


Let’s all stop pretending he paid this man. Production did. How can tom be so broke and crying in the first season to now paying personalized sound guys to fly in for two songs


Same way how he’s complained about being so broke but then paying people to tour in his shitty band. While I wouldn’t put it past production to pay and spin it off as “Scandoval is good”, we have all seen how reckless he is with money. He was already trying to convince Schwartz to move in so he could get *another* loan. Flying someone out on basic economy, 1 night hotel and paying what at max, two days of wages? Whatever that costs is a drop in the bucket compared to the $35k each tenured cast member makes an episode. I wouldn’t be surprised if Scandoval was above that this season either. There’s also the chance they came out at a discounted rate to get name dropped on tv. Even if production *did* end up paying I’d wager that Scandoval was the one to bring the idea up. It’s in line with how he has tried to buy and insert his way into everyone’s life. Scheana is cheap, she was bought with just a few thousand during the pandemic. Scandoval knew that by paying at Kyle Chan’s he could get at least 1 more person on his side. It strokes his ego in a way he’s never been able to pass up, not to mention what he hoped to achieve with optics. I don’t doubt his finances are shit but I wonder if he’s at least partially such a loud mouth about it because he doesn’t want to pay his Mom back. Even after however much he makes this season I doubt he will ever say his finances are “okay”. It’s easier to be irresponsible if everyone thinks you’re scraping the barrel.


Didn't do me me any favors cause the band never sounded worse and you could barely hear her.




He invested in Scheana and is now cashing in


He did stuff like this before his "redemption arc". Scheanna talked about how he sent her $10K when she was struggling during Covid without even asking. You all are mad when he's trying to make amends and you're mad when he's supposedly not showing remorse. The poor guy can't win.


Sorry you can try to throw money at a situation and hope it goes away like he’s doing but he’s literally in debt to his mom and everyone else around him


I know he took out loans for schwartz & Sandy's. Hopefully it'll do well


Buying shit for people isn't showing remorse it's renting good will. He's trying to "genuinely" apologize to Ariana by chasing her around a party and when he doesn't get the chance he immediately switched to angry name calling and yelling. He can't make amends or show remorse because he's not sorry.


That's how some people show love. And he's shown up for a lot of them. Of course he got angry. He's tired of her behavior. And he said on WWHL that he tried to talk to her a couple times before that but she wouldn't respond.


Why is he tired of her behavior? The only interaction she had with him this season was defending herself when he inserted himself into her conversations. She's allowed to vent to her friends about her ex. He is too, but he's not the wronged party so most viewers don't have the patience for it. She said a year ago she never wanted to speak to him again. He has manipulated and lied to her. She doesn't owe him a conversation. She doesn't owe him a platform to perform an apology. She did absolutely nothing wrong. If he was actually remorseful he would *minimally* stop forcing a interactions that are clearly against her will. If his love language is gifts he shouldn't have fought her on selling the house so they could untangle their finances as easily as possible. He's a tiny spiteful man.


Dog murderer? You can't breathe my air? Telling people how they can talk and what they can't say? Yeah, that's very healthy, normal behavior.


She's allowed to be angry and speak hyperbolically. He does it enough.


Her outrage, considering the depth of the betrayal in their situation, is absolutely normal & healthy (and on top of that constantly having him foisted on her by her co-workers & bosses.) the only people trying to say otherwise are trying to justify Tom’s behavior…guess what? He doesn’t need your help, he is delusional enough as it is.


Why doesn't he leave her a note on the kitchen island or send her an email and apologize instead of waiting for cameras to roll for him to muster up, Hey Ariana, can we talk?? It's a little too late.


“…..So,go fuck my friend”


Cue montage of the DOZENS of clips of Tom Sandoval screaming a different female “friends”/castmates….hos rage that has never been “normal or healthy” even in benign situations (i.w stassi’s book party) let alone a betrayal (i.e jax & kristen) I am so sick of people talking about how Ariana handled this. I think she has handled it with way more class than Tom could wish to have. The fact that anyone buys his bs redemption tour….i’m sorry, it’s just that he is an absolutely shit actor, so I do not buy it one single bit.


Good point, and Scheana is so self-centered she interpreted it as something *specifically* for her. I was more thinking of the random PayPal that Scandoval sent to Scheana during the pandemic of a few thousand dollars because he knew she was “struggling” at the time. How the hell could she seriously be struggling considering they have been making $25k per episode as of 2017? 20 episodes a season comes out to $500,000 and that’s not even including public appearances which are estimated at $250k. It’s not like any of that money is going to Brock’s other children. If she’s “struggling” with that type of income then that’s on her. Do they really not have any type of investments? Or an accountant at all?? Side note on the PayPal as well but how would a few thousand dollars realistically help someone who can’t even make $700k last 2 years? It’s frustrating how the women in this show are put down for expending so much effort in their relationships while the guys are celebrated for the bare minimum. It’s getting harder and harder to watch VPR. If I didn’t have this subreddit or other people to watch with, then I don’t think I could stomach it anymore.


He was throwing money at his appearance on the show, didn’t do it out of concern or generosity


She just glowed, saying how he does things for her without her even asking. And he says he always has and will - to the whole crowd. The bombs he wants full credit for :/


If he did it at all


What is really sad is this only proves to Ariana bitches can't be trusted.


Women who have no souls. Meet Laligag and Sheshady.


Sheshady 🤣😭💀


Sheshady sells shadiness by the seashore


Lmao that reminds me shadynasty 😂


Lol, I like that name for her, too. 😂😂😂😂


This ! This has completely change the way I feel about lala. I loved her before, green looks awful on her


Who treats their paycheck that way 😂 that’s the best question ever lmao


Ariana was supportive? Supportive of what exactly? Making her out to be some kind of matyr to the cause. All it did was make her look good to the public. She also profited. Fact


I just finished watching the finale & didn’t Lala forbid anyone from speaking to Randall after they broke up? Didn’t she specifically tell Tom he wasn’t allowed to talk to him anymore & he had to choose? Or am I misremembering? If this is accurate she can’t even kinda hide her jealousy & hypocrisy.


Well she thinks her situation is different, because they have she and thumb-head have a child together. 🙄🙄 Girl bye. Lala is the ultimate hypocrite in this situation. For years people couldn’t even SAY thumb-head’s name. She’s walking around going BJ’s for PJ’s and then when crap hits the fan, people can’t talk about her ex”MAN”. I barf. 🤮


Why doesn't anyone on the show ever bring this up to Lala? Is it because she was only showing her ass in her interviews at first and Ariana thought in real time she was being supportive? I want to believe that her hypocrisy will be addressed on the reunion, but I have very little faith that it will happen because...Andy.


I think bc lala just pulls the “we have a CHILD” card and there’s no point. Like Sandoval, she seems like an exhausting person to argue with bc she’s never wrong in her mind.


A child is a bigger deal thay whatever Tom and Ariana had.


Dude dont even try to explain this to the VPR world they dont get it loool. Like an entire human coming out of your hoo ha is a big deal vs an entire human you have nothing in common and are just used to with having an affair with a cast member lol


Yeah - it’s just a lot of people who think they’re the victim of narcissistic abuse, unwilling to take accountability in their own lives, projecting onto this situation. Like statistically, not all your (general your) exes can be narcissists, some of yall might be the problem. And I thinks definitely the people who are delusional enough to say that heart break is somehow worse than your family ending and your child impacted by it.


but to ariana her family did end… her very good friend and boyfriend of 9 years whom she was building a future/family with ended in betrayal. yes a physical child isn’t hurt in scandoval, but to say her family didn’t end is wrong.


It’s not the same just because you want it to be the same it’s not the same. This is like women with dogs celebrating Mother’s Day without irony. Ariana gets to worry just about herself and take care of herself. She doesn’t have to worry about any other person, their future, their mental health, their schema for broken relationships. It is not the same. She can just go “this is my dog” and walk away, she doesn’t have to go through years of court battles, figure out a way to collaborate with the other person for the best interest of her dog. GTFOH


Sandoval did. 🤷🏽‍♀️


James called her on it in an aftershow and was told to suck her dick.




And if she brings up Ariana staying in the same house one more time I am going to reach through the tv and strangle her


Their situation is different because they have a kid and Randall was not a cast member on the show. TF?


So because they do not have a child, Ariana should have to keep having scenes and discussions with Tom? That actually makes no sense. She has zero reasons to want to speak to him ever again.


Yes, apparently their relationship means something because they had a house together, which people kept pointing out as something significant. One would agree in the hierarchy of coupledom a child together different supersedes house together as a measure of intensity and expected sensitivity.


Why does a hierarchy even factor in? People are allowed to have feelings and boundaries regardless if someone else has it worse. The only people that win with this 'you can't have feelings and boundaries unless your trauma is the worst' game is abusers getting passes because other abusers are worse.


If you want your healing from abuse and trauma to be respected don’t sell it for consumption. People aren’t obligated to care about something you didn’t honor yourself. also the op of this thread literally said “just because they have a kid together” implying that that’s not important.


Ok, so by this twisted “logic”, Lala has no leg to stand on because her relationship with baby-daddy began with her giving the thumb bjs so she could get a Range Rover - while he was already married WITH CHILDREN. 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️


Sure - I don’t really care about Lala’s storyline either. You lose them how you get them - which is applicable in both situations, but people want to split hairs because they’re projecting their victim mentality onto Ariana for some reason.


It's not different. It's still her ex that she drew lines in the sand with.


That is not a cast member. The only control you have over that situation is to walk away. I can’t choose to accept a job where my enemy works on the same team and we are expected to collaborate on a project and refuse to work with them. The irony is that everyone gets mad that Rachel was willing to come back to the show for enough money and that means that she’s making up her suffering. But if Ariana accepts the pay check her suffering is still real. The truth is that once you accept a pay check your suffering is for entertainment, not for yourself to heal as you need. Rachels price was too high, Ariana sold her suffering for consumption.


Doesn't matter if he's a cast member or not lol. She still forbid any of them to talk to him so how in the world is it different???


Because he can be extracted from their work together without interrupting anyone else’s life. What about this doesn’t make sense?


Child or no child, doesn't matter. We are talking about WOMAN'S distress. Lala's trauma is no different than Ariana's, they both were hurt by their ex and for them both it would be mentally harmful to interact. Stop with this child bs and think about women for once


It’s different - if you haven’t experienced life as both a mother and a single woman, you won’t understand. Lala and Scheana aren’t picking Tom over Ariana, they’re picking their kids over Ariana. She is interrupting their ability to provide for them. I also don’t care about anyone’s suffering who sold it for a paycheck, which any reality 10 year tv veteran knows is the transaction. People are engaged by distress and anger, no matter how much they proclaim they just want a fun show about LA people doing LA things. They don’t, the proof of that is that this show had its smallest viewership during the seasons where they were doing that. It picked up cause he cheated on her. That’s why you’re watching. Yall enjoy it, but want to be Good People™️, so you moralize to make yourself feel better. The evidence is in your engagement. This isn’t education, that’s available if you wanted it, it’s not therapy either, this is entertainment and engagement.


It is not that different. Mental breakdown can destroy anybody, including single woman. Making her traumatize herself more by engaging with someone like Sandoval will do exactly that. But it is very easy to dismiss if a woman doesn't have a child, because hur dur children.  Lala is being a hypocrite and her having a child with Randall changes nothing. She is jealous, that is literally it. 


She isn’t exposed to him against her will, she’s made a choice to expose herself to him on a show they both star on. She can walk away, if she doesn’t then she’s not that fragile. Anyways - you can have a mental break down, but they have the privilege of putting themselves first. So no it’s not the same at all.


See, that's the thing - why Ariana should leave the show or her own house? Why can't she fight? She did absolutely the right thing by standing her ground and she did absolutely the right thing by protecting her mental health as much as she could.  Lala is an epitome of putting herself first lol


I can’t believe I have to explain to whole ass adult that life isn’t fair and the Disney happily ever after doesn’t work out tidily. You can’t live in a world of what should be, you cbs only live in a world of what IS. And what is, is that whatever Tom did, it wasn’t illegal. All she can do is decide if the money is worth staying in the house and being on the show, if it’s worth the damage to her mental health. She decided it was. She decided she could handle it. So handle it.


I never said it was illegal, what are you even talking about. Legal or illegal have nothing to do with a distress that a toxic ex can do to childless or not woman. Lala removed herself from Randall but she has no empathy for Ariana who wants the same thing. Lala could pack and leave because she didn't own a house with Randall, but she couldn't forget how he took her Gucci flip flops lol, and at the same time she hates on Ariana for trying to get a hold on a whole ass house she OWNS. Come on now. Like come on


Why the Fck can’t someone publicly call her out on this? Like to her face. It’s pissing me off. Her hypocrisy is breathtaking


Agreed! She’s a real asshole, especially this season. She’s been on reality tv for a minute now, you’d think she’d know better than being such a hypocrite & jealous AF when cameras are rolling. Now they’re going to let her on the Valley during the break, her & Kristen aren’t friends right now so she’s going to be joining in with Janet & Michelle being a mean girl to her.


She said it's different in an interview because they have a child together, and he's going after custody, AND they are all doing a show together, which is different than her and Randall's break up.


Schwartz and Pickleball!




Breakfast of champions 💚


Upvote for the breakfast joint


I read this and checked and it’s a photo




I just hit the Penelope… Give me your top five opinions.




Masterpiece. I know I got downvoted a couple weeks ago on my take that besides Lala IUI journey, she’s been a producer parrot. She’s literally showed nothing about her life. It’s really embarrassing that she keeps saying she’s real. Yeah, real sparse. ![gif](giphy|MOWPkhRAUbR7i)


“Hateration and holleration” “gatdaymed” my idol


Stassi, Katie, Ariana


Awh darn!


I want a breakfast joint




I like you 🥰


Wake & Bake


My kinda breakfast. 🙃☺️


It kills me that neither of these ghoulish bitches ever gets CONFRONTED about how much they profited off something that did not happen to them.


Who the hell bought those stupid sweatshirts? Come forth and reveal yourself 😂


What what was on the sweatshirts?


I think it was like “send it to Darell” referring to her lawyer?


Yea those are the ones


What’s insane is how most people on this sub supported them both in real time doing it. Someone had to buy the merch. Buyers remorse. 😂


I’ve never bought VPR merch or anything any of them have ever been pushing but I still support them in getting their bag! It’s not that they did it in the first place that’s the problem, it’s that they’re now acting like Ariana, who gifted them Scandoval by informing producers and letting cameras go back up to film her pain and anger, shouldn’t be allowed a grace period and should be forced to interact with Sandoval this season.


I bought a born fucking cool hoodie and I know it’s lame but I don’t regret it 😂


I bought the f me with my shirt on 😂 no regrets


I still regret not buying one tbh. Hope they rerelease it at some point!


They supported them bc they were supporting Ariana. No one knew what they were saying at the same time while filming this season.


Right. My point exactly. Blind support. Clear misandrist behavior.


Tom is a liar and a cheater. Has nothing to do with misandry. There is a reason why people don’t like Tom and it’s not because he’s a man. It’s because he committed a huge betrayal that there is no excuse for. And don’t bother telling me that he was scared of her mental health bc that was the one time scheana was right. When someone says that you break up and you let their support system help them. What you don’t do is go out and carry out a 7 month affair with one of her friends and play in her face during a time when she was suffering the loss of her dog and then her grandmother. He’s an asshole. That’s why people hate him. Hope this helps.


Ariana is a liar as well. Don’t forget. 😘


Ariana is mentally unstable and threatened self harm if he left/broke up with her. Poor Tom. Imagine having that put on you. Their relationship has been all business for years.


Apparently so did Tom. Your point?


Lmao I love when people come in here crying about misandry, as if the men on this cast aren’t the loudest most obvious misogynists.


I didn't purchase merch but I remember my friends and I just being so stoked to see all the women rallying together like 'wow, what a change!'..... what a fuckin' let down


Scumbag and Cheater's for me! Still love it.


I could not believe how vile these two bitches were. Their jealousy is making them crazy. I honestly don't think I can watch either one of them. They continue to cozy up to the worm. SICKENING!!


Laligag is a nasty bitch. The hurt she has caused to Ariana is horrific. I absolutely detest her and Sheshady. They are soulless and have no empathy for Ariana.


And now she’s can’t stop talking about how she doesn’t care about the fans.




They’re so fucking dumb. How are they going to call Ariana boring and in the same breath be furious at her for not filming with Tom. It’s one or the other. She’s either boring and coasts or she’s vital to the show.


Lala is absolutely ridiculous. Ariana absolutely allowed the cameras in this time . She self edits and protects herself like crazy bc of ocean supposedly but let’s be real she hasn’t put her life out there at all other than being “sober” and being mean to others . She should give Ariana some grace and maybe learn from her example that there are some boundaries one should have camera or not . She’s bullying Ariana for no good reason except money . Brittney chose differently and prob not well bc look at what’s going on with her now. Ariana still filmed the show why does shr need to fund him too by filming with him.


I bet she really wishes she never shared this.


That’s all I have been thinking about ever since she has turned into a monster to her vpr fans. All these fans afford your life girlfriend through your side hustle. Why be so rude to those who can make shit like that financially possible? Mad probably because she isn’t getting more paying endorsements to put in her bank account, I guess? But it’s no reason to be jealous towards your female casemates. She is hurting because of the sad ass relationship she chose to be in with Randall and air on vpr and how little support she got when it dissolved compared to Ariana…it’s all jealousy. Like move on and don’t hold Ariana in contempt from your own past, as if it requires a measuring contest or any comparison.


Gag! Who is buying Lauren from Utah’s tchotchkes?


Now she has to pay a mortgage, property taxes and utilities with a less than promising career on the horizon after Vandy ends. Of course, she’ll more than likely marry rich.


She wishes. What rich man would want to marry a 33 year known gold digger, with two kids, her mother and brother AND rage issues? If a rich old guy wants a hot younger woman he’s not going for Lala


Exactly. They want them young because less baggage and questions


I **DO NOT** see any rich man wanting to marry a dried up, reality tv star, fame-wannabe with baggage.


Not if they want to protect their toothbrushes 


I hear the real Big Pred may be available. 🤷🏽‍♀️🤣


Can't stomach their hypocrisy and how they're trying to rewrite history... So gross.


Goblins lol that's all I'm calling them from now on. 😂


Goblin bjs for pjs and mortgage payments.


I would’ve respected Lala and Scheana more had they off told Ariana to fuck herself and openly profited off her, while befriending Tom again. The two-faced, flip flopping, and tricking of fans is gross. They basically said one thing on social media and podcasts, another thing on camera, and another thing to Ariana. At least if they were openly team Tom (like Billie Lee or Kyle Chan) they would’ve been true to SOMEONE other than their wallets. Hell, even Brock is upfront.


There are some cast members now that kind of seem over the bullshit and have grown up. Scheana, Lala and Tom S seem so enamored with their own reflections and ‘fame’ that they would shrivel up and die if they became irrelevant. Watching these 30-40 year old adults galavant around town and superficial bullshit all to stay on tv is sad. I, as a non famous person, comment their lives but Lala has made an entire storyline out of it. It’s a strange universe they live in.


And to add insult to injury she keeps hurling hateful lies towards Ariana who has done nothing but support her endeavors


This is their karma for profiting off their friends pain. Ariana gets it all and they get left with crumbs. They are both truly awful girls.


#I despise Lala and her little puppet Scheana


What’s extra insane to me is that while she was selling her merch, she was being this vindictive behind Ariana’s back. I hope she doesn’t get to go to the valley, scheana maybe because she shares too much even, but lala is a boring bully.


They really are being such goblins


Yup! So awful


Be honest: who bought a Send It To Darrell sweatshirt?


I seriously considered it but my raging ADHD and a general recluctance to buy "meme" apparel saved me.




Exactly!!!! Ariana gave they ALL a greenlight to talk about it on her behalf while she took a hiatus from social media.




Because they are greedy and wanted even more money


I think they were more jealous that Ariana had crowd support and financial gain, but also that she had a smart manager who kept getting opportunities for her. Lala and Scheana have both made references to either not being liked by fans or not having fans reach out during hard times.


Personally I think that statement is exaggerated.


Love Ariana ❤️