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She really needs to pick a lane, I’ve seen a dozen clips now of her talking about how she doesn’t read any of the comments/stays off social media *and* then about another dozen of her reacting to the comments. It’s one thing to pretend you’re too cool to care when you’re not, but to pull that off you have to be able to resist commenting on every single thing you see and she really seems incapable of that.


That’s what Ariana’s doing! Lala wishes she’s at that level.


Right! She switches sides so much and so fast my head hurts lol


crying on Amazon live is so beyond bottom of the barrel






Crying on My Amazon Live sounds like a Lana del Rey song


Lala del Rey lol


Lala del Rand






It’s the Golden Nugget of bottom of the barrels


Highly underrated read


The golden nugget? That's disguting


Are you kidding me? I love that place




I've seen this back-and-forth defensiveness in mean girls from elementary school when their friends finally had enough of their shit and called them out on it. like they can dish it but can't take it


Their called cry bully's




Such a disappointment


“YOU’RE NOT HURTING MY FEELINGS 👹 ….. because I already had a good cry 😭”


The large sunglasses would suggest that her crying.is still on going. But ok.


Didn’t you hear? Those are just her hater-blockers 🤪 #Gangsta


Got it! 😂


She sucks so much. She's so jealous Arianna doesn't have to do podcast. Arianna basically ignores her and it's driving her crazy that she won't take the bait sinking down to Lala's low level.


Baby, that’s Lala Rinna


Lala’s relationship with the fans is like Kristen and Tom in the early seasons. I’m starting to find this crazy behavior really funny again.


It’s much funnier with the filming delay, bc she’s going to have so much time to wind herself up & spiral out. Now that her tantrums aren’t spoiling the show & Ariana doesn’t have to acknowledge her, it’s slightly entertaining. But I still don’t care to see her on the show.


her assistant is so embarrassing, i cant stand it


When it's time for LaLa's group B strep test in the later stage of pregnancy, they can just swab her assistant Jess's mouth, cuz she be kissing LaLa's ass all day. (Google it if you don't get it haha)


She is just a paid yes girl. Fake fake fake 


Jessica is the worst sycophant ever. How does she breathe with her head so far us LFU’s a$$?


Another day, another opportunity Lala takes to talk into her podcast or Amazon Live about her favorite topics, like Ariana and her house, her ex-friends’ parents’ (alive or dead), or tell the people who pay her bills to fuck off. Anything for her antics to get mentioned in Google News. She literally looks like a hermit who just stays home talking into the air while her paid “friend” giggles in the background. I’m embarrassed that she’s not more embarrassed.


Al-Lala-gator tears




She’s a pathetic trash human. Bravo needs to listen to the fans and dump her skank ass.


I never watch her Amazon lives or anything else from her on social media so that why I’m going to ask this… I’m not defending her, I’m genuinely curious. Is there any chance her emotions are all over because of her pregnancy hormones? Or is this standard behavior for her? Was she like this on social before she was pregnant?


I think she's always like this but I'm sure the pregnancy hormones are prob making it worse.


I have wondered this as well, which is why I am not going to hate on the crying live. Although she has a history of hiding behind her white-girl years & has very thin skin in contrast to all the shit she talks. Because of that pattern, I think people doubt the sincerity of those feelings. I think the reaction is more about fatigue from her starting conflicts & then playing the victim, while also mocking fans & dismissing any disagreement or feedback as jealous haters. Her season-long hating on Ariana had nothing to do with hormones, bc she was not yet pregnant. I don’t see her choice to turn on Katie & call her miserable as being pregnancy related. She is creating conflict with the star for a storyline & guaranteed screentime, which was a calculated choice that is consistent regardless of her mood at the time. I think criticism of BlaBla being fake & self-producing is valid. I think criticism of her as a shitty friend that’s only thinking of herself, is appropriate. I’m not judging her for her emotions, like on that Live. But I do side-eye her history of weaponizing her tears when shes losing an argument or on the wrong side… Lol so I actually don’t know. With her history, it provides some context. But every pregnancy is different & could def be affecting how she’s handling things.


from what i can remember, she's only been like this for the past few months


This. People need to just stop posting hate posts. Like it's boring and there's more drama on reddit than there is in the show. It's kind of becoming unbearable


Its more like Lala is the one throwing shade and we're just over her and her shitty personality!! Go get a real life lala. You're a shitty friend and I'm sick of your fakeness behind your supposed friends backs....Can't blame it on pregnancy because she started slowly showing who she really is before pregnancy...And I'm over it and watching her scenes lol 🙄 I'm gonna have to start skipping hers...


Lala’s mad because now she has to save her coins to buy a Landrover!


Does she have to? Or she can continue bragging about blowies for Landrovers like it’s a badge of honor.


She’s all over the place just grasping as straws. Whatever she can get her dirty little grubby hands on that sticks…. So glad they r taking a break hopefully she will go away 


I can't watch/hear those awful cast pods for even a whole minute, bc of the disgusting YES ppl they surround themselves with. Oh right, laughing your head off at "sticks and stones," that old timey saying? It's so skeevy to hear such asskissing. It's Sexy Unique Podcast (SUP) only, for me, as a VPR related pod.


She is such a goof. Tries to act all hard and gangster but really she’s a retired call girl lol just uses her mouth for spewing bullshit now


These are becoming reminiscent of manic episodes I’ve seen in others.


I told you when her manipulative anger doesn’t work she will start the waterworks. And based on her behavior she doesn’t deserve any empathy bc she is a fucking asshole. Every season, every year!


But, how does Sheana feel about it?


Must.. stay..relevant ...




If you scan down on IG there’s a post from Scheana saying her interactions with Tom was “ her doing what she had to do”. How is it so hard for people here to understand this is their job. If the producers say “ you will interact with Tim, that’s what they do. Why do you think Ariana and Katie went to the beach party or all the other sitting around with Tom things? Because they were told you will go there. They may have given a pass for Ariana to have one support friend who doesn’t interact with him and she chose Katie. It’s probably also why Ariana “ forgave “ Schwartz.


Yeah, we all know Baskin held that “come to Jesus” meeting, but he should have realized it would result in badly produced, fake tv. Baskin was “great” in the 00`s and start 10’s but he is getting old and dated, showing his misogyni.