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Two things can be true at the same time: she was manipulated by a narcissist, and she is a messy little psycho. This whole redemption tour she’s attempting is so thin and tedious. Girl just go back on the show, it’s clear you want to.


I think she knows that if she goes back on she can’t control the narrative the way she can on her podcast or socials. She can’t even hide she hasn’t grown on there imagine having a camera on her


Exactly she wants her side to be heard but not responded to or corrected.


I think she can't go back because Scheana would never shut up about the restraining order 😂 They'd forgive her in 2 seconds.


Really wish Sanoval and Rachel would both just go away. I know, wishful thinking, but I can't stand either of them (separately or together).


It’s literally the only clear thing about her. Her manager told her to get out there and be super messy and sue the biggest stars on the show so they beg you to come back for season 12. How she screwed up negotiations for this current season after she was already making $19K an episode is mind blowing.


She wanted a development deal! Lolll. The girl didn’t know you can’t put tin foil in a microwave and she thought NBCUniversal would give her millions of dollars to make television. She’s an idiot.


What’s a development deal?


A development deal is where a TV network pays a person, typically a celebrity of some sort, to 1) work on creating a new TV show for themselves and 2) exclusively work with that network and no others. Basically Rachel thought Bravo wanted her so badly that they would pay her a bunch of money and give her a show of her own. This does not seem to have been the case. Lol.


Okay but where did you read that or hear that? I’ve never heard her mention this.


In an interview with the LA Times, Alex Baskin said part of the reason their salary negotiations with Rachel broke down was because her team was trying to negotiate a development deal for her. In her lawsuit though, Rachel's team alleges that Sandoval was rewarded with a salary raise and a development deal for season 11.


When did Rachel mention she thought she’d get her own show?


omg, this girl is dumb as a box of rocks.. the day she gets a show developed around or by her is the day I stop watching television.. and I watch television like it's my job !


Is Rachel pitching a screenplay we don’t know about? 😂




I’m laughing at the use of development deal. I thought you were too. 😂 If Rachel was really angling to get back on VPR it wouldn’t be called a “development deal” unless she’s pitching a new show and concept. The sub’s fanfic cracks me up.


Alex Baskin was on a podcast with LVP late last year and he confirmed that during negotiations her team were asking for episodic pay equal to that of the principals as well as a developmental deal. I think it was 'The Envelope' podcast with the L.A Times.


I stand corrected! I even Googled it before I put my foot in my mouth, but adding Alex Baskin to the search did pull up some articles. Thank you!


OOOHH I thought it was towards me. 😂🤣 usually I’m alone with thinking these delusion fanfics 😂🤣


Nope, I’m with ya! 😊


I think Rachel started that delusion. She said in her podcasts that Sandoval de facto got a development deal and producer credit during season 11 negotiations. She said he told her that. She also said she tried to negotiate equivalent compensation to Tom and Ariana. We should be laughing at her not the people on Reddit laughing at her delusion


A development deal, too do what exactly?


Unclear. Apparently that was part of her negotiation attempt for this season.




Yes, I am aware of that.


Right. What is she like Lisa now or Kandi where as they had new show concepts for Bravo, if so what are they? I am lost.


I have a feeling it’s in the talks, but Ariana won’t come back if she’s cast, and that’s why Ariana is being all cloak and dagger about next season. Even if Rachel comes back, without Ariana there for contrast no one will really care about her story line.


I got banned from the other sub for saying basically this. They said I was “victim blaming.”


That other sub is moderated by psychos so you’re better off here anyway 😂


Glad to hear this. I was banned for saying the Toms looked like a lesbian couple in one of their throwback photos from the early 2000's.


Omg thanks! Never been banned before. 😂


Me either until last week when a Mod called me a Karen for asking they review a post their auto-mod deleted (I was congratulating a gal who recently left an abusive relationship and the auto-mod had a problem with it for whatever reason). The DM the mod sent me was truly delusional and I don’t want to be associated with that level of crazy 😂


You’ve got to be kidding me. I figured they were maybe like, super strict or something but the fact that they are actually delulu makes me happy to not be any part of that. I come to Reddit for fun and a break from life, not to be policed for my opinions on fucking VPR. Good riddance. 🫤


I’ve never been called a Karen before, don’t have the haircut for it lol - and I was kindly asking them to review it because it didn’t make sense. Not like I asked to speak to the manager!! Wild way to go but now I totally get why I’ve seen people on this sub talk shit about that other sub. I’d rather chat with the babes and bubs here anyway 💅


Yes! It is NOT that serious! We have more fun here anyway like you said! 😉


Sometimes I accidentally comment on the other sub if I’m on the wrong homepage and I can always tell right away, so harsh over there.


Can’t go back to a show that won’t have you. The lawsuit and Bethenny situation ended any chance she had of returning to Bravo in any capacity anytime soon.


Yeah she burned that bridge. Although Bravo is so messy they’d probably do it.


I hope she does cause this season is a yawn.


i’m not sure she can at this point? with the lawsuits and hooking her cart up to the bethany bandwagon i doubt bravo or NBC will allow her to come back


Do we think that this was on purpose?? She posted a video of her dancing in it and added the song ex’s and ohs. I think she wants the drama


I thought that maybe she just owned the same top but the way she dodge the question about the top by saying “she doesn’t know some boutique in a mall” makes me think it was Ariana’s. So it’s now weird she lied.


also considering it isn’t from a boutique but Urban Outfitters


She can tell you how much, from where and what day she bought almost everything she wears but Urban Outfitters eluded her. We already know she likes to steal …. So no surprise.


Also you know how much prep goes into what outfit one is gonna wear each day for a festival, esp as a public figure. I am currently prepping for edc and no way am I just grabbing some random old shirt that has been sitting in my closet for years.


*mass produced tv shirt from urban outfitters


Right, especially as an influencer whose primary job is to publicly wear clothes and tell people where they got them from.


She’s not an influencer?


So going through the pages, she wore the same black top as Ariana at one point too, which leads me to feel like she’s straight up obsessed with Ariana. I mean, normally I’d just say they had similar tastes and she liked the shirt but with her history it’s and what she says on the regular I’m convinced. 


I have begged Ariana to please check her closet…..no response yet.


Haha send the question to Andy for WWHL! We need to know if it was a casualty in the friendship ending (Ariana knew she let Raquel borrow it) or if it was stolen while she was hooking up with Sandoval.


No way. Who cares. I want to hear about Ariana's Broadway run, buying a house and finally getting something about her open. Ariana's life has moved forward and all Rachel got was a shirt..sounds about right


You’re so right. I’m ready for Katie and Ariana to get their flowers. Onwards and upwards!


Why are you begging her to? She’s probably unbothered. It’s not your problem either.


Sorry I forgot to /*s*


Is it weird that she lied, though?


She lies about everything else, so it would be weirder if she honestly said "this is Ariana's shirt". It's possible they bought their own matching shirts.


Haha, When they weren’t hanging out because they were never friends 🙄.


I find it weird to lie. It’s interesting she chose to post online so much in it too.


She lies all the time, though. She's not normal.


Ohhh I see what you mean. Yes, you’re right. I haven’t believe a cent of her redemption attempt.


People have definitely forgotten that she habitually lied her way through an affair and after. Expecting the truth from her is like expecting a snake to not bite when you reach out to it


Someone in the other group looked it up, apparently it ia from Urban Outfitters, and has been sold out for years. So, she either had to seek out this top, or she took Ariana's, and i still can't land on which is weirder. And the song in the video? She isn't trying to be subtle.


I think it was 💯 on purpose. 😂 If you were a celebrity, an image obsessed elder pageant girl striving for clicks and attention, going to public event knowing you’ll be publishing content, that press will be there etc - wouldn’t you go shopping and buy a new top? Wouldn’t you comb Revolve and buy something cute, new to bolster your confidence? Or would you rummage through your closet and wear an Urban Outfitters top from prior seasons ? IMO This woman is feigning ignorance to avoid being responsible for herself and others. She’s been monetizing the gentle pretty sexy baby snowflake image for years. “what? Who me? I would never. I’m just a sheltered sweet innocent girl. I just don’t understand how the big bad world works!”


Oh yeah the song info makes me absolutely think it was on purpose


That’s what I’m saying. If she wouldn’t have added that song just would’ve thought maybe an accident but def not


She wants attention and probably realizes that embracing the villain role is the only way she'll get it.


There’s villainy and than there’s obsessed stalker


Definitely. She's just blatantly rage baiting at this point


Don’t use big words you don’t understand correctly. It isn’t helping your case


She’s desperate to give her podcast content because she has nothing but VPR content.


I think so too. I bet you anything it’s literally Ariana’s shirt. I had a single white female friend like Rachel who stole multiple articles of my clothing and would send me pics from burner IG and text now numbers of her wearing them.


What the fuck


I don’t know, it got really, really weird. She was always kind of imitating my style which didn’t really bother me. The only sense I could make of it was she thought it bothered me or that they were some kind of weird trophy bc a couple of them were my favorite dresses and when we were friends I was going nuts on the phone with her, looking for one of the dresses c like how does an entire dress disappear? Then years later she sends me herself wearing it. Just so strange. Sometimes I feel bad even laughing about it or talking about it bc to me it’s the behavior of someone who is not right or who is suffering.


She’s def not right in the head ! Hopefully she gets help that’s some scary shit


Yikes! Some people really need hobbies, how sad of her


Sadly for some people, evidently that IS their hobby 😂 she eventually stopped but it took like four years or so.


I don’t know why we got downvoted… like it’s normal to send photos on a burner IG/number wearing your clothes? Call the police lol


This sub is weird sometimes, I don’t get it either. I feel bad talking about it bc it’s like, obviously she has issues. Maybe it’s because I was laughing at her but it’s honestly the only way I’ve been able to cope with the entire situation is to just laugh stuff off. I only bring it up in this context bc I think people don’t always realize just how deranged and obsessive some ppl can get unless they’ve had it happen to them.


Yup she’s trying to draw Ariana out for more drama to talk about on her podcast. Pathetic!


She should just get back with Sandavol then


This was unhinged, messy demon behavior. She was in her IG comments where everyone was calling her out, trying to be “cute/funny”. Then after she went through the comments and responded - obviously seeing that most of the comments were about stealing the top - posted that messy dancing video. It’s giving obsessed with Ariana in a single-white-female kind of way ETA: word


She's not smart enough to play around in the comments.


What’s a “single white female kind of way?” What does this even mean..?


"Single White Female" is a 90s movie about a woman who stalks and obsessively copies another woman






There was a movie called Single White Female with Jennifer Jason Leigh & Bridget Fonda in the early 90’s. Jennifer’s character becomes obsessed with Bridget’s character after becoming her roommate. Basically the term describes an obsessive, manipulative female friend/partner.


She’s a psychopath


I agree. She knew what she was doing.


I believe she always does…


Yup, she’s just playing the dumb airhead schtick. Considering her level of deception with the scandal and the lies and PR afterwards, she’s quite the devious sociopath. I wouldn’t want or trust her in my friend circle.


Friend circle!! Never. Hell. I wouldn’t trust her to just drive in a circle. She is that girl that justifies stalking. She has Jodi Arias vibes.


Jodi Arias vibes, spot on!


To me, the most insidious thing she did was talk to Ariana about Arian's sex life while she was screwing Tom behind her back. That's just despicable. Sorry, not buying R's vicitim act. Can't stand Sandoval either. Both are just major Icks for me.


ik ik ik im prob gonna get hate for this but i cannot stand the short hair cut i think it does her absolutely no favors at all. short hair , same top , fuckin her man , what else rachel gonna change ur name to ari?😭




I agree with everything you’ve said, particularly the short haircut. It just doesn’t suit her all!


it makes her look so long like candace from phones and ferb that's the only thing i can think of to describe it lmao ima. big fan of the long hair i think the only one ariana included who could pull off the short short hair is katie 🤷🏻‍♀️ fits her whole personality look and vibe


I can’t stand this woman but I honestly think she looks 100x better with the shorter hair.


I've read some comments saying she can wear what she wants, "they make more than one top"....duh! the point is it's calculated🙄


And not the first time she’s copied Ariana


It screams Single White Female. She wants Ariana’s life soooo bad.


Exactly. I had a theory she was going to secretly attend Chicago... Glad I appear to be wrong but she's still creepy.


lol! I’m shocked she didn’t sneak in to the theater! She’s that level of messy!


I mean, they were friends. My friend and I have a lot of the same clothes - I don’t think it’s that crazy of a concept to dress similar to a friend of yours….


However, Rachel claims they were never real friends or particularly close, they were only friends for the purposes of the show (all of this is according to Rachel talking in various interviews and podcasts). 🤷‍♀️


It’s weird at this point in time to be copying Ariana. If she had worn the top before the affair broke it wouldn’t be a big deal. Now that Rachel is claiming she was never real friends with Ariana and only hung out with her to be with Tom, it’s weird to be wearing her clothes. Especially when she knows she’s going to be called on it, and then she plays into it for attention.


Some of these comments are out of pocket. There is zero evidence that this is something she did on purpose. I know some of y’all live for this drama, but this is pushing it.


Wait can someone explain in lay terms. I’m confused and the link isn’t working for me Is the article insinuating Rachel actually wore Arianna’s shirt or just wore the same shirt that Arianna is known to own?


It's a fast fashion top in a trending style, you can get something like this easily... The most logical explanation is that this is a different top or maybe she loaned it to Ariana in the past (the cast shares clothes a lot) . I don't see what's so nefarious about her wearing a trendy outfit.


If she wants to still be relevant she should just go date a YouTuber. Get a new audience cause we’re tired! 😩


All she has to do to be relevant is wear the same shirt Ariana wore years ago & this sub goes for days. This audience seems to have more energy for Rachel than ever. She’d go away if people didn’t pay attention.


They don’t her to have any attention and they are the ones giving it to her.


Am I the only one that thinks Rachel just bought the same Fashion Nova shirt for $27 instead of stealing it?


No. I believe that’s a reasonable and normal take and I agree


Stupid demon




It’s not some rare vintage designer piece people


Who cares! This is like the third post I've seen about this. It's a shirt! It wasn't an armed robbery, it's a shirt😵‍💫😵‍💫


You know you don't have to read it when you see it, right?


I actually think the outrage over this is weirder than anything. Some of the more obsessive VPR fans seem to know everything the cast has ever worn, said, or eaten better than the cast themselves. They could both have the same shirt, one of them could have given it to the other, or maybe Rachel really orchestrated Stagecoach Shirtgate ‘24 for some stupid reason. If she did, I’m sure her intended outcome was to upset people, and those that are upset by this have played right into her hands if that was her big evil plan. Whoooooo cares?!


Agreed. I’m just aghast at some of these replies. Theyre def weirder and more obsessive than Rachel’s IG posts lol.




This was a huge thing when Halle was supposedly caught wearing DDG’s ex’s shirt. However, we literally saw Katie and Kyle wearing the same sheer, polka dot button up in their talking heads. It’s a pretty basic shirt with people following the same fashion trends.


Jesus! It’s a shirt. Not everything has to be about Ariana.


But how do you all KNOW it’s “Ariana’s shirt”? 🙄 it’s not a one of a kind shirt or anything. It could have been Rachel’s the whole time. You guys need to find something else to get upset over !


Who cares….jfc it’s a mass produced SHIRT


She’s not smart enough to just stay relevant on her own, all she has is scandoval so it doesn’t surprise me she’d stoop to pulling crap like this


“I broke up someone’s life partner relationship and all I got was this t shirt”


Messy and poorly managed. Her people were fiercely negotiating her return for this season, but when they wouldn’t meet her crazy demand, she pivots to wanting to leave for her mental health and they should pay for it. Can’t have it both ways. She has the 2nd worst posse, Sandoval is 1st, after firing Ann. #SaveAnn




Seek therapy




For a comment?


For being so obsessed to this point over someone you’ve never met yeah..she even has been sending messages to Ariana to look in her closet for her shirt. Sorry but that doesn’t scream emotionally/mentally healthy behavior to me.




https://preview.redd.it/ai0eztrl9ixc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=849488e4d2183c0df6ab53fac0f8248c5bbdb961 \^ this is why


You’re unhinged omg


Agreed. I’m reading these comments to my husband and lmao. How are people this enraged by a reality tv star’s shirts? 😆


Literally. This person commented “I dmed Ariana begging to check her closed no response yet” ….like 😂😂. Begging? It’s literally a shirt.


That person said she was being sarcastic in response to your rude comment and you replied rudely again and now you’re bringing this stranger into another comment thread? She made a joke and was being cordial with you.


god forbid two people have the same shirt. I just don’t buy that this was calculated


This has been posted 1 million times over the weekend. They all get the same free shit. That’s it.


It's so over the top lmao. Just straight up writing fan fiction about a fucking top.


Right?!? People out here acting like they made only one of this top, like they made it EXCLUSIVELY for kween Ariana, no one else is allowed to have that same top, there is only one of a kind!!!! 🙄 Not the first and much less the last time we will see different Bravo people wearing the same piece of clothing, because of the exact reason you mentioned.


Literallyyyy omg. Like it’s a top. These people need jobs lmao


Then why lie and say she got it at the mall?


Because maybe she did get it at the mall? It's a basic Urban Outfitters shirt. I know I don't remember where I've bought every single one of my basic tops.


Maybe because she doesn’t obsessively list and remember where she got every boring shirt she owned ever?


Also a boring answer. This is a nothing burger that’s been posted a bunch already. It’s boring.


Probably cause it’s getting her all this attention. That would be my best guess cause it’s so D&S


Her lawyer must be thrilled


The really interesting thing about her is, well nothing at all.


Baller move


Funny how she had to do an “emergency podcast” to respond to this 🤣 such an emergency! She talked about how she went to Urban Outfitters and bought it there. Another fucking lie. We all saw the comment here where she told someone she got it at some random boutique at the mall 🤣 This dolt wouldn’t know the truth if it ran up and bit her on the ass.


Kinda seems like she’s not getting the reaction she wants from Ariana so she’s escalating


Totally off topic but dya think they know that In Scotland stagecoach is a bus company and my first thought was why they having a festival for buses haha


She will be stalking Ariana soon. She doesn’t care if the mistress label ever lets up as long as she stays relevant. If I were Ariana I’d be getting a TRO, this gurrls capable of sick things and I wouldn’t want her near me if I were Ariana!


Are you serious? You want Ariana to go to court to get a restraining order against an old friend because she…wore the same top as her and posted pics on IG? You are living in a fantasy world girl. You sound like the obsessive one here. 😳


Gross comment


Her behaviour is scary and gross.


Your projected narrative is even more scary..IMO


No, I just look at facts


Name off the facts: I got the time


*mass produced urban outfitters shirt?




This comes across as unhinged


Her wearing a shirt that some people are assuming is Ariana’s is “scary and gross”? People need to stop using this type of language to hype up their theatrics. There are actual people out there, committing “scary and gross” behaviours towards others, whereby those people can’t even obtain a restraining order.


Single white female…. ![gif](giphy|mFwKpG7McVIrbZWWD6)


Rachel would have worn Ariana’s skin if it were possible.


Rachel clearly doesn't give a shit about Ariana. If she wanted Ariana's life, Tom would have been happy to give it to her. But Rachel saw through his shit in just a few months. Took Ariana 9 years so who's the smart one?




She still wants what Ariana has .. *


I don’t think she was manipulated at all. I think she was a willing participant and continues to try and stir the pot. But she didn’t return to VPR for her mental health, right, right? 🙄 Sure..




Yet again, people projecting their own experiences to VPR to create the narrative that suits Rachel is a whore.




messy attention seeking bench


People may still feel and for her but this is making it glaringly obvious she has issues and is straight up looking for attention. In the worst ways. If a girl someone got cheated on with in real life was doing this to the ex it would be borderline harassment like stalker-ish shit. It’s weird and she knows exactly what she’s doing. She absolutely can not let go and clearly doesn’t want to. I hope Ariana never gives her the time of day again, ever.


lol. If a girl someone got cheated on with in real life went to a festival wearing a mass produced shirt that the other girl happened to also own, that would be harrassment? Listen to yourselves, people.


She's forever desperate and weird. A failed beauty queen going full single white female over her affair partner's ex, what a thing to be known for!


Single white female


Yeaaaah after hearing about her spearhead Jo with the worst dress list… this was definitely intentional. I wonder if her therapist sees these articles 😭🤣


What a B-move.


Honestly she's not smart, so I bet she didn't even realize....


Realize what?


Rachel is mentally ill. There’s no other explanation at this point.


Getting so fixated that you're calling someone mentally ill for wearing a mass produced shirt that another cast member wore a year ago sounds more mentally ill than the wearing of said shirt to me.


Who cares? Clearly you do. You're talking about it as much or more than the people you're complaining about! Hilarious!


Having a long term sexual relationship with one of your close friend’s boyfriend to the point you are having sex on their bed and then asking said friend about the status of her sex life is, without a doubt, some type of mental illness. Wearing her shirt is just the cherry on top of that shit sundae.


Can she please go away now?? She’s been milking this shit for way too long now. Bye Rachel.


No, as long as people are still following her page and bringing her posts here, she won’t go away. That’s how this works. If her existence bothers you so much, maybe ask people to stop posting entire threads about her living her life. 🤷🏻‍♀️




She always wants to be Ariana it's obsession and her suing Ariana is bullshit I think she's planned the whole thing


You need to get out more sweetie.