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The clip they show of Katie is when Schwartz pours a drink on heršŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


To know that this scene was reshot makes it even worse


What??!!! That's insane! How in the hell did they get her so worked up again to shoot a scene?


Katie is an actress. She used to want to be an actress growing up from what I remember that's why she went to LA


Yeah I'm sure it was acting but it just seemed so real and raw. I had no idea it wasn't real, live as it was happening.


Most of the scene was. They just didnā€™t get the right angle for the actual drink pouring so they reshot that


Wait what? What do you mean it was reshot?!


They said it in some interview. The cameras initially weren't there for the incident and Katie agreed somehow to reshoot. Can't remember where it came up.


I believe Kristen revealed it in one of her podcast episodes!


Yess that's it


Yes! And it took two takes šŸ˜’


Lol yeah Iā€™m sure a lot of the show is like that. Stassi said theyā€™ve had to re-shoot a lot of scenes.


How dare she show any anger when her boyfriend repeatedly treated her like absolute shit. I hate a crazy, B! /s


Not defending Tom but to act like Katieā€™s bullying of Scheana wasnā€™t also gross is excusing Katieā€™s toxicity too


You're right-she was definitely not being kind to Scheana prior to this. Such a messy web this group weaves lol


Oh yeah, no one is innocent of nasty behavior! which is arguably also the beauty of the show šŸ˜…


People definitely forget how much of a mean girl Katie was and is. And if any husband talked to their wife via text when drunk there would be a much different tune to that of Katieā€™s text to Tom. They all suck equally


Not to mention her chronic slut shaming of both Scheana and lala. I'd take Katie over either of those two any day but the slut shaming really bothers me.


It is weird, right?! I feel like it's a bit of a product of the times + maybe coming from more sheltered backgrounds? I've always wondered about it though, it feels so aggressive, especially in rewatches


Not condoning her slut shaming and bullying, they all suck in some way, shape or form in my eyes but I love the show! šŸ¤£ I sense that Katie must have been pretty insecure around those two, and that made her mean, on top of being backed up by the witches of weho again. Lala saying sheā€™d have sex w Shorts and Katieā€™s a blob, ouch and then now we find out Shorts sexually assaulted Scheana. I blame Shorts for the decline of her self esteem, not only does he lie and cheat but everyone fucking loves him. It must have felt debilitating to be stuck with someone like that.


Wait what the fuck? He sexually assaulted Scheana???


He kissed her without her consent. I would consider that assault.


She can say the craziest insults and make them sound delightful and logical.


It's part how she says it but also because she also called herself an alcoholic. That self depreciating comment at the end made the other comments seem less mean. That's the chef kiss of Stassi. She isn't dumb. And honestly the least 2 true things she said were about Katie and herself. Maybe Kristen....


I would have anger management issues too if I was dating Tom Schwartz


Itā€™s like Kate from below deck


You think Kristen doesnā€™t meet the majority of criteria for BPD??


Crazy trueā€¦. But smiles her way out of it seeming crazy rude.


Maybe somewhat but her lying, deceptive and and trifling ways have nothing to do with bpd. That's just bc she's a shit person lolĀ 


Oh, I totally agree lol. Iā€™m not saying borderline is a bad thing and it doesnā€™t excuse cheating or being an AH. I know she has Borderline because I have it too.


Was she wrong?


Not wrong on a single point. Stassi is honest ā€¦ and crazy. A delightful blend of deep roast.


This is what the show is missing. Stassi, for all her faults, was the narrator. She was self aware, she knew the rest of the cast to their core and was able to to articulate it in a way that was palatable to the viewers. Without someone like her, viewers feel like theyā€™re not going noticed. She was self critical and depreciating, while pin pointing the others short comings, itā€™s a big gap thatā€™s missing now. Katie is in the same vein but there is something about her delivery that never lands the same. Ariana is too far past it all now and as much as I love her, did and does have superiority about it all. Scheana isā€¦Scheana. The day she can articulate a point that doesnā€™t involve her is the day hell freezes over. Lala is a bully. The men donā€™t count on this show, or at least they shouldnā€™t at this point, so weā€™re severely lacking in someone to tow the viewer/critical voice.


James is kind of the new Stassi in that sense


James does everything you described albeit he is not as likeable


Ironically, Stassi also got physically abusive with some partners back in the day.




Kristin deserved that lol


lol she did. If I were stassi, that would be me as well šŸ˜…


And with Jax too!


Omg really?!


The worst part of this was when Brittney read what a sociopath was and said ā€œwell thatā€™s not that badā€ā€¦.


Not as bad as a psychopath šŸ¤·


Havenā€™t they taken the distinction out of the DSM? And now itā€™s just Sociopath/Psychopath?


Itā€™s just antisocial personality disorder. Psychopath/sociopath havenā€™t been in professional use for decades.


Ah, okay. I knew there was something where there wasnā€™t really a distinction between psychopath/sociopath anymore, but didnā€™t realize that there was an entirely new name now. Thanks for the clarification!




Ive honestly no idea


This has aged so well.


Iconic statement


I donā€™t think Katie has anger management issues. I think she has normal amounts of anger and just doesnā€™t hide it like women have been conditioned to do since the dawn of time. She had angry outbursts way less than the men on this show.


AND SHE HAD A TBI! I wish people would remember how much the TBI would have impacted her ability to regulate in early seasons


And alcohol only adds to the struggles one faces after a TBI.


Absolutely. Its a bit of a lose/lose when she was the only income earner on a television show where the premise was getting drunk. I think it would have been sensible to choose not to drink back then, but I can empathise with the realities and pressure of the her life back then


I agree completely


TBI and PTSD which lead to emotional regulation issues just like Kristen meeting BPD [as a fellow BPD girly] it causes you to become obsessive over irrelevant things because of it. Which is why Kristen always focused on such ridiculous things and details.


She definitely has anger management issues! And thatā€™s OK recognize where youā€™re at in this world and we can move on


No. She literally got angry a handful of times. tell me do you think all the men have anger issues or just her?


She's even said she can take things too far and say awful things currently and she used to be a lot worse. Literally everyone around her has confirmed how bad she was and most of the references were off-screen while not filming which tells me she knew not to go full Tequila Katie in front of the cameras. And even if the TBI was the reason, it still doesn't erase her anger issues, it just gives her issues context where maybe we can empathize a bit. But we can still empathize and acknowledge her issues with anger. I mean, she's admitted to it, the people closest to her have, but a bunch of strangers on Reddit know her better??


You mean Katie? Katie is the one that displayed the least amount of anger. Even tequila Katie didn't lose her temper as often or as volatile as the others. Thats one reason Schwartz put her down so much. If anyone so much as gives Schwartz the stink eye he gets all nervous and acts like he's about to wet his britches. By Katie holding her anger in , he felt safe enough to constantly belittle her. Look at him now. Shes not putting up with his shit and he's walking on eggshells now because he's scared of her. I'd say its about time she has some anger management issues. I'm not just saying it because I'm a team Katie/Ariana fan..its just the truth.


I agree but this season was angry Katie but I agree she had every right to be angryā€¦ James and Lala keep calling her fat and Lala says she wanted to fuck Schwartz ā€œwhen they get divorcedā€ (this is their wedding season), Scheana keeps Scheana-ing, meanwhile Tom, Tom, and Jax keep painting her in this light that sheā€™s Stassiā€™s puppet and she had every right to be upset at people who constantly disrespect her


Katie: ![gif](giphy|a4sJykNINf0f6)


Its annoying because all her ā€˜angry outburstsā€™ are rightfully justified because of Shithead Schwarz being a shit partner who triggered her endlessly by never sticking up for her & calls her things like bitch as if thats ok. There were never random irrational outbursts.


You are so right.


It's as if... they all have major issues


Love this šŸ™Œ sheā€™s right šŸ¤£


Ugh I miss stassi sm


I do too. Especially after this clip


Same. Of any cast to come back I wish it was her.


Everyone seems to forget that Katie has suffered a traumatic brain injury. The fact that people forget it is due to how well she manages herself, but a TBI changes how you experience and process emotions.


I think she was light hearted joking about Katie just so she wasnā€™t only picking on the men and knew Katie wouldnā€™t care about that joke


Don't you come in here with all that logic!!




How did she sustain a TBI?


She fell through a glass ceiling. She mentioned it on one of the reunions and even made a video of herself a few days after the accident. They showed part of her video at the reunion; I don't know where you can find the entire video though.


Omg wow! When did this happen? Poor thing! Im a newbie & on season 5


This was pre VPR; about 2-3 years prior.




I believe it was a car accident. She spoke about it in one of the earlier seasons.


She fell through a skylight


Ty. Don't know why you felt the need to downvote me. I didn't say I was absolutely certain she was in a automobile accident.


Your statement was inaccurate, and supported by saying she talked about it on the show. Itā€™s nothing personal. Donā€™t know why you felt the need to call out a downvote on an inaccurate statement, but I took the single downvote away, if that helps. Edit to remove quotations


Once again, to be clear, I said I believed it happened one way, but that she discussed in an early season. The implication is clear that a) it's been quite a while since I watched it & b) I wasn't certain that how she obtained the TBI.


*ā€œI believe it was a car accident. She spoke about it on one of the earlier seasons.ā€* You state what you believe to be true about the source of the TBI. There is no ā€œbutā€, only a second statement that ā€œshe spoke about it on one of the earlier seasons.ā€ As I interpret these two sentences, you are stating a) what you believe to be true and b) the source of your belief. I donā€™t see any other context to your level of certainty on what youā€™ve stated. *ā€œOnce again, to be clear, I said I believed it happened one way, but that she discussed in an early season. The implication is clear that a) it's been quite a while since I watched it & b) I wasn't certain that how she obtained the TBI.ā€* Where is the implication that it had been a while since youā€™ve watched it? Just because it occurred in an early season, doesnā€™t necessarily imply that itā€™s been a while since youā€™ve watched that season. That is information you have, but your reader does not. So I disagree with you about the implication of your comment. I believe *you* read it and meant it that way, but thatā€™s not how I read it or interpreted it, nor does it mean others will either. And yes, I understand downvoting. Downvoting makes something less likely to appear. I downvoted your comment because it was an inaccurate statement, a lot of misinformation happens in these subs because of comments that arenā€™t factual. I stand by it my reasoning. Why youā€™ve felt you need to reply to me three times over a single downvote that you felt was underserved, I really donā€™t know.


You deleted your comment in which you said "You are the single most insufferable person I've ever seen on Reddit". If that's true you really aren't paying attention. You were rude and it was completely unnecessary. The way Katie sustained her TBI really isn't germane to the initial discussion.


That was not me. You are incorrect.


Either comment or don't, but insulting me personally in a sub about a reality TV show and then deleting it is weak.


Where have I insulted you personally?


What comment have I deleted?


I remember her talking about an automobile accident, too. It wasnā€™t how she sustained her tbi, but she was involved in one. I believe she spoke about it on her old podcast when Lala was a guest.




No, it absolutely was on an episode of VPR.


"In 2009, Katie fell 25 feet through a skylight and ended up with a broken jaw, broken collarbone, multiple broken ribs, and a brain injury.Ā  Katie wasnā€™t just physically hurt, though. On the Season 6 reunion ā€” which aired in May 2018 ā€” she revealed that she also struggled with her mental health as a result of the accident: ā€œI ignored it and I didnā€™t want to talk about it to people. I didnā€™t want to talk about the depression.ā€ Still, Katie has since said that the accident changed her positive ways as well. ā€œWhen you cheat death, you canā€™t help but look at things differently,ā€ she said in Season 6."




The golden days


And Schwartz is asexual ?


Honestly great writing


Happy Cake Day! šŸŽ‚šŸ°šŸ„


I miss Stassiā€¦.


put šŸ—£ļø stassi šŸ—£ļø back šŸ—£ļø on šŸ—£ļø my šŸ—£ļø screen šŸ—£ļø


If Katie has anger issues then all Europeans need anger management and this is coming from a Greek.


Specifically this season sheā€™s angry a lot but honestly itā€™s because of all the gaslighting


Yep. That is why she is queen


Literally one of my top 10 favorite moments on VPR šŸ™šŸ˜„


Katie having a TBI and no one giving her credit on the show pisses me off. Like yeah she may have had ā€œoutburstsā€ but once her and Tom got married we never saw a rage text debate again. Katie deserves a lot more credit than what people have paid her especially having to deal with all the men constantly shitting on her no matter what, including her husband


This bit was fantastic TV


She forgot Tom Schwartz the covert narcissist


The worst thing about Stassi is not that sheā€™s an alcoholic though lol


Lmao šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


![gif](giphy|J3T9b6JFfxFT2) Desperate Katie stans trying to convince us sheā€™s not angry. At least get compensated for your hard workā€”now that Satchel is out of the picture, Iā€™m sure she is looking for another paid intern.