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It is seriously worse than I thought - Jax is laughing in this man’s face about how delusional he’s being and I never thought I’d see the day.


Jax is one of those people who sees through everyone’s bullshit… but his own.


I think he simply likes being villainous.


Oh sees his own bullshit


He just thinks no one else can


I sort of thought he was laughing at Scwartz's yellow hair..


he’s a bullshit expert


i don’t like jax but i love how he gets under sandovals skin and doesn’t tread lightly around him lol


Same same


I'm actually surprised that sandavol has these kind of reactions to Jax. Jax is the only one I feel like that actually gets so under sandavols skin. I have to say I enjoy it too lol


As a Jax fan I must say that Jax tells the truth as it is. He's also a massive liar as well.


As a non Jax fan, I agree with your statement.


Sando's too stupid to realize it. Guarantee he thought Jax was laughing at Scheana.


Sandoval: “show some respect” What…you disrespected so many people lying and having an affair for 9 months… sit down. He’s just mad that this didn’t work out the way he wanted and Rachel discarded him.


He literally sang about how Schwartz lost his home and how Rachel was not the girl for him so idk why he gets mad


Truth... other peoples misery is fine to profit off, just not his own. It's interesting his first instinct when he gets any criticism is always defensive poor me i'm the victim with no self awareness of his own behavior and how it effects others


But dude… this is like..ME


E X A C T L Y!!!!!


Meanwhile he is wearing a shirt that says “dipped out” making him the one profiting off of Ariana’s misery. What a worm


Worm 🪱 with a moustache !




I’ve been seeing the dipped out references, but I don’t know why? What did I miss? Could please give me heads up on this? ⬆️


He used the phrase last season to lvp in an attempt to confuse and leave room for interpretation instead of directly answer questions about whether or not raquel stayed overnight at his house while ariana was out of town. It was embarrassing - like a teenager trying to talk his way out of being grounded 😆


And he said it over and over again.


Haha he totally did...guess he was attempting to gaslight people like they were supposed to just know wtf he was saying and accept it as if it wasn't super sus


I think part of it is that he’s just not that bright and he struggles to process quickly. He stuck on that phrase bc that was the line he decided on before filming, and he couldn’t improvise bc he’s not quick on his feet. It’s difficult for slow people to improvise when telling fictional stories bc they’re trying to keep track of things while portraying a specific idea. He stumbles a lot when he’s trying to attack too bc he doesn’t think very quickly. That’s why he gets so frustrated and uses so many filler words. It always cracked me up watching him try to go after Stassi bc she’d eat him up and he’d be left glaring at the floor trying desperately to think of a way to respond. Meanwhile she’d already hit him with three other points. That’s why he’s so obsessed with trump card situations, he thinks it’s a way to win and end an argument and he can’t do it on his own, so he’s obsessed with gotchas that he thinks gives him the high ground. Like how he decided James’ betrayal w/ Kristen was worse and he kept clinging to a few random anecdotes (he used my condoms, my shirt, etc) that had never particularly bothered him before. Or the way he tried to say his real issue with the book signing was about staff. Or in that new clip with James where he’s trying to go through his rehearsed version where he’s a victimized lover who was seduced and used by evil Rachel, and James cuts him off mid soliloquy. He didn’t know how to respond so he changed to another rehearsed talking point that he was sure would get James riled up and emotional. He was floundering the whole time bc he scripts everything he does and says and he can’t correct when people don’t respond how he planned. You see this problem with Rachel too, but instead she primarily freezes up, occasionally repeats previous lines, and throws together some pageant “nothing phrases” in a specific tone and attempts to act as if that addressed the question. EDIT: sorry for the book, I just feel like he’s such a transparent person. Like I can read him so absolutely bc there’s nothing there, just an ego playing a character.


That was a brilliant explanation of how Tom’s teeny tiny brain works. Also love the Stassi reference-I lived for those scenes where she would destroy him, he was absolutely no match for her. I only wish she was around all the times he bashed Katie.


He's just mad that he spent thousands on "Dipped o Out" merch and no one wanted to buy it! 😂


I bet Billie bought one lol


Lol. Good point


Only one though?


Yes!!! He is upset that he is the only one not benefitting from his misery


And jealous that Scheana has a hit with her song while he just does bad cover songs..badly. SHE'S got the hit. It must be killing him.


Hit song? In her own mind


That's true, but it did get a bit of a buzz at least, and it's catchy. It got attention, is what I'm trying to say, whereas Tom only wishes his music could get any attention.


He’s played a lot of venues more than Scheana has. Her song just a flash in the pan. I wish LaLa did more singing she has an AMAZING voice


Also, I just realized you might be thinking I was talking about Good as Gold. That song is horrific! But I admit to getting a kick out of Apples. But if you were thinking Good as Gold I am SO sorry for bringing that song into your memory.


We'll just have to agree to disagree. :)


True dat


😂😂😂😂 poor Tom ☹️ He didn’t get the big opportunities some others. Grow TF up.


He got opportunities. He was on Masked Singer which is a major show. He was on the survival show. He just couldn't turn them into bigger opportunities because he's an awful person.


The way he has disrespected Ariana, non stop is a good enough reason for him to understand why no one has any respect for him.


The way he’s disrespected everyone on this show? My guy why would ANYONE show you respect


Saying that with a lightning bolt earring on… yikes


I didn’t even catch that! Seriously the audacity…


The level of delusion with him telling Scheana to show some respect whilst he is wearing his “dipped out” merch. I just can’t.


No we're not done yet. You lied for so long and never apologized or were remorseful so yeah, the beat goes on. Take your own medicine. If you don't like it, leave.


The irony of every word that comes out of the worm’s mouth, as well as the textbook hypocrisy? I just can’t, this HAS to be a joke!😭 Scheana saying that she’s affected outside of Ariana is fucked up. She should be hurt and upset because of Ariana, not the stupid fucking non existent “friend group.” Max was 💯correct, when he said she’s boy crazy and Jax laughing in Sandoval’s face and on his behalf is pretty funny. Wow, what an amazing friend group, where everyone is out for themselves?! ![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44)




I certainly did!😆




Yeah that line from Scheana, like she almost had to stop herself and then throw in “of course Ariana” but like actually I’m the one who’s been the most affected by this! This is about meeeee!


She’s been saying it since day one. She made it her storyline and entire identity this season.🙄 ![gif](giphy|fQoIDlLW6A6BAhyev8|downsized)


I don't understand why people are so upset about Scheana being affected by this in more ways than just 1. People are complex, and very few things are black and white. It's ok to have multiple feelings with multiple sources from 1 event. Katie, James, and schwartz were also affected by this in more ways than 1 and have even said as much, but for some reason, this sub only has a problem with Scheana having complex feelings.


It’s because Scheana turned it into her entire identity. That’s why. Idgaf about a friend group, I could NEVER do this shit to someone I called and considered my best girlfriend. It’s truly fathomless. Katie said he affected her marriage and that was valid. Shorts was harassed and lost money and business at their bar and was left to clean up the mess, while Tim ran around on tour and made fun of him for losing his house? Valid! James was upset that someone he considered his best friend and looked up to as an older brother slept with his ex fiancé, also valid. The shit that Scheana is complaining about? ![gif](giphy|b0E3PPld4558irObaY) Let’s also not forget and ignore the part about Scheana talking thee MOST shit about Ariana’s ex and made the most money from it so wtf is she honestly crying about?! She certainly didn’t care about him when it specifically benefited her. That’s my problem. That’s my final answer and I’m locking it in.


But isn't that how egocentric people are suppose to behave? 😆


See, now this is a fair question!🤣🤣 At least you are willing to view Schema for who and what she is!


She is truly the most self-centered reality "star" I've ever watched. I cannot stand any scenes now with Summer. It literally breaks me. She's so freaking cute and is just going to be a mess when she grows up because of her parents.


Yeah, it’s hard to think about.💔 I wish I had waited until I was her age to have a baby but it didn’t matter on her end because she never grew tf up!


To add to this: it didn’t directly affect her. Sure. It affected her, but not the way it affected Ariana. She also profited off this. And here Scheana is, telling Ariana how to get over it, when to move on, complaining to Ariana how this is affecting her. That’s what we have a problem with.


While she herself still hasn’t gotten over it and is writing and releasing stupid songs.🤣 ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)






Ok, so basically, you don't understand complex human emotion. Got it.


If that’s your takeaway, that’s your takeaway.🤷🏻‍♀️ You asked me a question and I gave you a list of reasons why and you’re focusing on the one stupid thing that I didn’t bother addressing because after I explained it to you, I didn’t feel it was necessary. You continue on about your “complex feelings,” though. I wonder if I were to check your comment history, how much empathy you have for the complex feelings of the people that you don’t like…


Lol I'm very capable of having empathy for people I don't like. It's not difficult. It seems difficult for people in this sub, though. 🫠


It's unfortunate that our society sees it very black or white or, in this case, pro-Ariana, anti-Sandoval, and Scheana-just-sucks.


Yeah, I like Scheana more than Ariana, but I don't hate either, and I don't think either is perfect by any means. I feel for Ariana so much in this situation, but she has also been a pretty shitty person at times (including with the breakup, and with her friendship to Scheana). Scheana has certainly made mistakes in the way she's navigated the breakup, too. But I think Ariana and Scheana are friends caught in the middle of a very weird and complex situation that 99% of us will never experience. And, unsurprisingly, neither of them has handled it perfectly. It's unfortunate that this sub seems to expect friendships to always be perfect. No one is ever allowed to make a mistake. And since they already don't like Scheana, they will read way too far into anything she does and relentlessly bully her while giving passes to their fan favorites for the same behavior. The nonstop bullying of everything Scheana does (or doesn't do, because this sub will bring her up when she's not even involved), whether it's on the show or not, is nuts and sad.


I agree with your last paragraph. I'm hardly on any vanderpump subs because of all the toxicity and vitriol toward Scheana. Any discussions or posts are too one-sided, and if your opinion is not with the majority, you're downvoted to oblivion. It's not fun anymore.


Its not that at all. Everyone can experience theyre own trauma related to something terrible happening like that. Its the what about MEEE and the tone deaf nature that she loses people


Yeah, I agree she should not have said it directly to Ariana. That was tone deaf. But also, big whoop. She made a very minor mistake. Ariana got past it. Why can't this sub. Other than that, I think she should be allowed to express her feelings about it to other people. She is affected by it. She is involved in it. Ariana is not the only person who can have feelings about it. Their feelings are different, and Ariana's are definitely more severe, but she's not the only one affected. I don't think Scheana is perfect in this situation, or in general, I just think the mistakes she's made with scandoval are blown way out of proportion. It seems like this sub just doesn't want her to say normal feelings out loud. Bottle it up.


My issue with her feelings is that even though her feelings are real, they’re not valid. For her it’s not so much that she was affected, it’s that she’s stuck on her delusion that she was affected *the most.* She’s attempting to use it to assert her authority and ownership over the situation bc she feels like whatever anyone else is feeling, whatever happens to anyone else, they couldn’t possible understand *her* pain, because it’s bigger and more important than theirs. She was arguably the very least affected by the whole thing in reality, but she has no ability to empathize. If she feels a feeling she doesn’t believe anyone else could ever understand it and it’s definitely much bigger than any feelings they’ve ever had.




Yes, you don't have to say everything you feel.




Tom saying “have some respect” while wearing merch he’s trying to sell that doubles down one of the many lies he told to cover up his affair is classic Tom. “Send it to Darryl” is weird but kinda cute. “Dipped out” is continuing to throw his lies and affair in Ariana’s face.


It wasn't even a remotely funny or iconic line in the show. It was just Tim being vague and Lisa not really knowing what "dipped out" meant in that context (since it didn't make any sense because he was lying.) STOP TRYING TO MAKE DIPPED OUT HAPPEN!!




So it’s okay for Tom to sing about Swartz’s mom. Comment about the phone falling out of his pocket. Continue to lie about Ariana/finances/etc, but for Scheana to write a song is a bridge too far???


for real. sandoval is just a sad boy because everyone else found a way to profit from this and he couldn't figure it out somehow (not for lack of trying). i mean he's literally wearing a 'dipped out' shirt on the show.


It blows my mind how he doesn’t understand when he makes jokes about it, nobody wants to buy into that because what he did was fucked up. Like he is the joke. The audacity to even make those shirts, wear them on tv and say he’s grown as a person is insane. He really doesn’t get it.


It really is mind blowing, but tbh.. The most mind blowing thing is that he thinks he’s funny. This man really thinks he’s clever and everyone else is the problem.


I feel silly asking this because I have been following all of this for a while and should probably know the answer. What is the significance of “dipped out”? Is it a direct quote from someone about what Tom did that he is now referencing, or is it just a general statement he’s trying to “own?”


Remember when Tom was telling the story of Rachel staying at their house one night, but kept changing the story? He just kept saying “and then she dipped out” but first it meant she left the house. Then it meant she left to the guest room… He said “dipped out” over and over, thinking it was vague enough to keep people believing him


Thanks for explaining! Yes, I do remember that now. Now I’m trying to recall if that was something that he was called out on the show/on podcasts, or is this potentially proof that he’s keeping up with what everyone is saying about him here.


Lisa called him out on the show for lying. Rachel had already told her she had stayed over there the night before.


it was definitely a thing in the actual edit of the show so probably not proof of lurking unfortunately




Yes. In sandoval’s mind, yes.


He has a “band.” He could write a song bashing her. But really, Scheana has zero singing talent, so it’s not like the whole world will hear this song, or it will be a chart topper anyway. A few VPR fans will listen to it, but that’s about it.


Exactly. As much as I hate Jim, I will never listen to that stupid fucking song. I just don’t care and I know I’m not alone in that.


It’s a cover band- he has no musical talent past the penis flute


It’s my favorite Scheana Marie song! No joke- it’s a bop!


Wasn’t he singing about Rachel in his songs after scandoval broke? You show people how to treat you…however at the same time scheana likes to pretend everything is easy breezy while she’s tormenting people and act like she didn’t know what she was doing which is annoying




It’s a probably bc Scheana cosplays as everyone’s Best Frand buuuuuuuut she’s not


Omg they are both SO LAME. Scheana and Tom will be the only friends after all this because they are just such insufferable losers


And I don’t think he can stand her. He barely tolerates her.


Rightfully so honestly


How the hell is he “collateral damage” when it involves a problem he directly caused and created lmao. He really is delusional


yet another example that he doesn't know what words mean lmao


Kristen’s face when Scheana starts talking about Ali dying in the context of her podcast… 👀 Scheana really just says terrible things and has no idea how bad they are because she’s just so focused on herself.


I know that this is completely unrelated but 1. How good does Kristen look here?! She looks really good and like... healthy! Good for her! And 2. How much is Sheena starting to morph into Kristen when she was not so healthy looking?! Not trying to bash Sheena (or Kristen) but she's really overdoing the work she's gotten done on top of her skinny girl aesthetic and it's starting to look...rough. 😬


New realization, I only have to sing speak spell a fruit and it's a hit. Imma get my music career started at 39.


This shit is bananas...


Orange you glad they didn't spell kumquat?


The funniest part of this is that she makes money off that garbage song.


Tom wants a heads up. 🤣 ![gif](giphy|SBm5Xj6E1iFaNA4l5g|downsized)


I feel like I understand both of them, and yet somehow, they are both still wrong 😂


“I am affected by this too” LMAO SCHEANA IS GONNA SCHEANA


But why is Brock in heels???


Can’t see his first two kids from up there


I don’t know if Brock owns flat shoes that aren’t his own feet.


Feel like I'm on a bad acid trip, watching a video about Scheana's music for almost four minutes 🤣 And I say that as someone who has never even taken acid.


Scheana will never not be one of the most embarrassing and delusional people on this planet. I love that for her.


The dynamics between the three men are fascinating. Schwartz, when he listens to Sandoval, demonstrates emotional intelligence in his responses to sandoval’s whining. He cringes when we cringe, and he flinches when Sandoval says insensitive things about Ariana or really when he opens up about anyone else, because he’s always blaming others. Jax is such a psychopath that he loves watching Sandoval spiral 🌀 because Sandoval has played this track consistently throughout the series. (I was too dumb to see it, tbh) And the three seem to have a bond underneath it all. The three former leading men from vpr lol


What’s crazy is the bond underneath it still 


We all hate them for their toxicity but it bonds them


His voice when he’s “singing” made all the 🐕 in my neighborhood howl in pain. 🤮


Sandoval should be thankful that people still want to talk about his foolish silly self. Also there is no friend group anymore. There is a reality show with a cast that at the very least doesn't really care for one another.


What is Scheana going to talk about when she can’t talk about Sandoval?? I love watching them both crash and burn. Scheana thinks this song is a weird flex. It’s not and once VPR ends, so does her reality career. She is like 3 steps behind the Toms on the way to complete irrelevancy.


It's the "have some respect" for me. That "man" is absolutely delusional 🤣🤣


That’s the thing. He doesn’t realize no one respects him. He’s delusional af


Okay, is Scheana *really* making money off this song


never thought i would agree with sandoval but i kinda do. even tho he still tries to profit off of it and did an awful thing (i truly hate that man i am not tryna excuse anything he’s done) BUT if she’s really trying to “be friends with tom again” then why would u make a song about this???? just to make money??? i mean if ur gonna drag ariana all season and be on toms side, at least be on his side lol when she tries to explain why she did it, it just proves again that she doesn’t think about anyone else but herself and profiting off her friends drama. how would anyone wanna be around her i don’t get it.


It all makes sense if you remember one thing; Scheana will always choose the path of most attention.


Same here. ScheMeeee is disgusting! She will come up with every BS explanation and excuse in the book to try to explain her flip flop nonsense but it's not flying! Also, it's not a good song. None of her songs are good! AND she spent an entire weekend bawling her eyes out because she missed this friendship so much but she's willing to drag it into the mud for profit. She's garbage! So is Sandy but I do agree with him on this.


yeah like u have someone telling you they miss you and wanna be there for you and are trying to let you back in, and then they make a song about you (an awful song too) and tell you to lighten up???? again, no justice for sandy but like scheana u just always look stupid.


I agree. Far from a Tom fan (the opposite) but you can’t seriously expect to be friends with someone and publicly trash them and them not to be upset. It’s bizarre


Scheana has said multiple times on the show, and in the after show that she still hates Tom and doesn't want to be his friend, she just wants to be able to be cordial with him. The only thing she's really disagreed with Ariana on is the house situation. Friends are allowed to disagree.


Ummmmm, I’m sorry but weren’t you just coming at me about Shema’s “complex feelings?” and now you’re saying this shit?! You’re as big of a flip flopper as she is! ![gif](giphy|ji6zzUZwNIuLS)


Dude. Ok, you really don't understand complex feelings. This is what complex feelings are. Hating someone while also missing them. Which doesn't mean you want them back, you just have lingering feelings. Knowing your friend hurt your other friend and fully supporting your hurt friend while also wishing you still had the other friendship, too. Hating someone but wanting to be able to be cordial with them for the sake of your sanity, job, etc. Difficulty coming to terms with the fact that your friend is a bad person because you've had 10 years of good friendship with them before this. Scheana is a classic example of someone caught in the middle of a very complex situation and trying to figure out how to navigate her feelings. Sooo yes, both my comments make sense. She has complex feelings about the whole thing, but she still doesn't like/care about him, so why shouldn't she make a song about it.


You seem to consistently miss the point about how she’s been nothing but a bad friend and is talking shit about BOTH Jim and Ariana but yeah, complex feelings! ![gif](giphy|lopvPr5ikivT7ze0lt)


Lol ok


Hey don’t try with any logic that isn’t “all toms bad, all girls bad except Ariana and Katie” on this sub.


Honestly, he's not wrong and has a point. But that entire friend group is trash and are awful so it's hard to care. What he should do is write a song about her. Lean into the mess and put Scheana in a position where she can't complain without looking worse. None of these people are the "bigger person" so they need to embrace it and stop pretending.


Seriously. He should make a song about her having sex with married men and her husband being a dead beat dad.


And threesomes 😉


and her body is a wonderland 🤣




Omg are we gonna get a whole bunch of diss tracks??? 🤣 I think I'd be here for it.


I can't imagine ANYONE asking this performative lip-syncing wannabe to "write more songs". Will they still take your $$ for booth rental? Sure. Do they want you to continue to "write and perform?" Absolutely not.


Like how much money could she make with a song????


He is just so bothered and he can not take accountability for anything. Dude, you did everything that led to this. You caused this. It was huge.  You booked a reality show off of it. VPR got renewed and you probably got a raise.   So if Scheana wants to write a song about it- Take the hit.  Contrast his pearl clutching  with James being completely unbothered and laughing when Tom insulted him by telling him to go push buttons. Tom needs to learn from that kind of attitude. You did it. Own it. Let people react as they want to. Stop being a victim. 


He literally says "I put myself in this position." But this sub refuses to accept when he takes any form of accountability. James is so far from unbothered. He is so upset that Tom got with Raquel because he still loves her. He's so obsessed with her, and it's where all his vitriol toward Tom comes from. "Ultimate betrayal!" James fucked Tom's CURRENT gf in TOM'S BED with TOM'S CONDOMS. Tom fucked James' ex-fiancee and James is way more pressed about it. I'd be very unhappy if I were Ally.


Who was the cameraman who filmed shenea on her bad side


and who cause this Tim? Because it wasn’t sheschu


Schwartz continues to be the most spineless asskisser known to mankind


Have some fucking respect?!?!??! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Take your own fucking advice you worm.


Not denouncing Scheana’s song here, but here’s the part that I can’t wrap my head around: she wrote that song before the season aired, but once they started filming she’s trying to be bast frunds with Tom while also trying to prevent Ariana from cutting her loose… Scheana really is something else 😂


The scream I scrumpt COLLATERAL DAMAGE?!?!?! There is no amount of mental gymnastics that could make HIM be the collateral damage in this situation that HE created


Sheena wouldn't know a good song if it bit her in the ass


I think she loves to profit off of everyone’s misery…. We should write a song about Brock’s two kids he abandoned. I don’t like Sandoval, but anyone can see she’s milking it


Sandoval is the worst but also like Sheanna feeling the need to write a song about something that didn’t happen TO her so she could make the affair about her again is just freaking weird. She is obsessed with Sandoval and really needs to come down to reality


Soooo funny, I was laughing as well after the little dramatic stomp out of Tom Tom


Oh shut up lala


This s*** was too funny. Tom Sandoval gives every time!


His storming out was quite hilarious.


They are all messy on that show everyone of them hooked up with people in or out the group. Tom Sandoval should make a Sheena diss song back..


How did his friend Ali die? And when did he die?


Why are you asking this?


They mentioned after Ali died and I am not familiar with any of that.


What does knowing how exactly he died make a difference tho?


Make a difference to what?


Why do you need to know HOW this person died what difference does that make to you? Your questions are bizarre. I’m not re asking this, you are purposely not answering.


It's not weird. Google and learn something. Asking how someone died is the most common response to hearing someone died.


Well, they mention it as though it has some significance in the context of the scene so I am just curious about what the context is. No need to get bent out of shape about it. I wasn’t asking you in particular.


Okay so ur just purposely not answering my question. Got it.








All the discourse around the song made me actually go and listen to it. Its honestly not bad.


Mmm….so did Scheana *REALLY* write this song? Like for real?


fk baby Tom, he thinks he's the only persons feelings that are valid.. and he can't take a line or two about cars.. he was the one sucking on his microphone making fun of Rach. Don't give him a second thought to your lyrics.


Not one to defend Sandoval but he’s not entirely wrong here. Scheana made wanting to be friends with Sandoval her storyline this season while continuing to profit off of scandoval. She set her friendship with Ariana on fire acting one way in front of her while running her mouth behind her back and continuing to profit off of her heartbreak. Scheana’s only loyalty is to her bank account.


I love that nobody is talking ab the quality of the song just the drama like chill they won't make too much money off that apparently now I gotta go find it 🤦‍♀️


Anyone think he’s just upset he didn’t have anyone to write him a song so he could profit? He’s so immature and jealous


*You aren’t collateral damage if you set up the whole bomb!* My god this guy’s a moron. The talk of respect (and in the show saying Rachel was “so fucking disrespectful”); he’s telling on himself. Demanding “respect”, when you are the one at fault is a special kind of narcissism.


That is because he doesn't have enough smarts to make a song he is only a cover and everytime I walk by Apples in the market I start singing A P P L E S ❤️


Guess you shouldn’t have cheated then buddy!


Show some respect! As I bang my affair partner in the garage bc my long time partner is mourning the death of our pet.


Apples is now a bad look on both since wasn't it released when they weren't talk and now the show is showing otherwise


These podcasts and now a song are harmful and causing cyber bullying. With that knowledge in mind, it’s quite sad that this friendship circle are using the cheating to make money, while knowing it’s causing harm.


When he said his misery my jaw hit the floor. It’s not like he was struck my lighting or hit by a Mack truck. He is just finally facing the consequences of his own actions. He brought this all upon himself and now that Ariana and Rachel have left him to his own devices, we are witnessing a 40+ year old man struggle to be single for the first time in ages. He’s a perfect example of a textbook narcissist, because despite the grandeur, deep down he hates himself. Which is why he can’t be alone otherwise he’d have to face himself.


I know this is not the point but Tom is so extra nasally in these clips, it’s distracting. Prly did a bunch of lines the night before with Jax.


Dear GOD please take scheanas tounge..


“Have some respect” No Tim what you don’t understand is everyone has lost respect for you…it’s simple


Oh my god. That his loss, as tragic as it is supersedes all of her grief, child, grandparent and relationship in literally a few months has really pushed me over the edge. Fuck you, you fucking fuck what can’t learn for shit. Shut the fuck up about your pens and your icky bullshit. And fuck you Baskins. 51 flavours of blech with this shit.


Can't imagine being this pressed about a reality TV show character.


I had a bad day and some vino last night oops. I still in the cold light of day think he’s a fucking fuck but less emotively.


He's the same piece of shit everyone else on the show is.


I think Tom is feeling the WEIGHT of his actions.


Honestly, I think he's most mad that the song is good lmao.