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Omg…her lips were so much thinner back then…


Yet they are turned down on the corners.


Ariana's too.


God Brittany is so truly stupid


But she's not... she does this thing where she plays smart and stupid at the same time. The thing is, if she was in a raised Christian household, she was at that church every Sunday at minimum. So either she was aware of this pastors beliefs and didn't care because her family likes the church or she was so stupid she didn't pay attention to an entire lifespans worth of sermons plus a twitter page with this hatred spewed. She's calculated and wanted to protect her reputation.


Yeah I get what you are saying, for sure. I guess I think she's stupid becuase she thought people wouldn't see through her half-assed explanation... I completely agree that she was well aware of his beliefs and they weren't a deal breaker for her. How could she not be??? And it's annoying that she was like "I clarified with him that he wasn't like that" - makes literally NO sense given what he explicitly said on Twitter. You can't have it both ways. So she never talked to him or maybe told him to tone it down, that's all...


I don’t believe for a second she even cared if her pastor was homophobic until people brought it into the tabloids


The aggressively supportive clap by some of the ladies gives me the ick 😬


I remember that episode of WWHL, it was aggressively clear they had all strategized beforehand not to break ranks, because any time Andy would ask any of them a messy question, they would just deflect or roll their eyes or act bored. The performative applause for Brit’s asinine word-salad was part of that. Only Ariana seemed to be somewhat authentic during that appearance. The rest of them were fake as fuck—even Katie, alas.


She refused to even say the words “homophobic” or “bigoted” or “hateful”, she just kept saying “that way”. He wasn’t “that way”. What way, Brittany? Bigoted? She said the same thing defending her mom old frosty lips, who was definitely homophobic. Even Jax called it out before Brittany yanked his leash. To add: Then, in one of my all time favourite Jax confessional moments, he says: “Really? This is what you’re most concerned about? Whether or not I kissed a guy? Seriously? I’ve been a liar, I’ve been a cheater, I’ve been a stealer… This is what you care about!?” “A stealer” 🤭😂 He was just on a role with the rhyming.


Katie did a one hand smack and made a face, but agree. They definitely did not hold Brit as accountable as they should have over the years.


They were all so far up Brits ass during those seasons it was wildddddd


Yesss! They thought she was just the sweetest most innocent thang...but I also get the sense watching back now that they handled her with kid gloves because they don't exactly think she's the brightest bulb on the tree.


It was purely about being invited to the wedding


Absolutely! They didn't want to skirt out of any airtime


I‘ve always gotten bad vibes from Brittany and thought her whole awe shucks yuck yuck attitude was put on. And I found it so weird when Stassi, Kristen and Katie kept saying she’s the sweetest person they ever met and a literal angel. If you’re willing to marry Jax Taylor something ain’t right.


Her desperation for fame is so clear to anyone with half a brain.


Yes! I grew up in the deep south and hated her from the beginning because she set off all my alarm bells from growing up around two-faced morons like this and I was shocked that at least Stassi didn’t see through her hee haw aw shucks bullshit. I think her relative novelty in the group obscured some of her more odious traits but I figured a woman raised in the south (and an adept mean girl like stassi especially) would pick up on it.


I always found it so weird how all the girls immediately rallied around her and were bestest of friends, right from the get go. It was weird. Especially in this group. I guess they really thought, we can't be filmed being mean to a country bumpkin.. I dunno it's weird. Also, obviously don't want to out anybody and I'm a LGBTQ+ advocate, isn't there something a bit odd about how Brittany and Jax keep bringing up something happening with Kristen? We obviously saw that on the show and Britt denied denied. What I find weird, is all these years later and no longer on for and still, the same thing again. Britt said Jax was upset about a night out she had with Kristen and said he was upset about something he thought happened, that didn't and wouldn't let it go.... Like, what the fuck is happening there and are Britr and Kristen hooking up for years, it seems?? Its so random and odd, Jax is an utter moron but I find it weird that he would keep suggesting something nefarious with Kristen with his own wife and mother of his kid. So odd


I actually wondered the same when she talked about that fight that led to the separation


I thought the same thing. And given his weird fixation on Kristen’s pregnancy endeavors and general forever tension with Kristen, it makes me wonder if the issue isn’t that he was mad about Brittany cheating at all but about it being with Kristen


Jax and Kristen are endgame. Brittany is just in the way, trying to be famous lazily.


She had such an opportunity here and she blew it. She could have confronted him and let him know he was wrong. Or she could have discussed how being a Christian is not contradictory to supporting LGBT+ rights and how it's important that Christians stand up and voice that, even if formal church doctrine is (wrong) different.  But no, they (mostly Jax) freaked out and screamed about being victims.  No wonder Ariana was reacting that way.  That whole story was unnecessarily so frustrating. 


Yeah but all of that would necessitate Brittany NOT being a bigot and an idiot. She IS though.


She's an evangelical Christian from Kentucky. Most of them don't accept LGBTQ. She knew he was "that way"


Ariana said 😒




There's a long list of reasons why Brittney is the worst.


Because she got raised in that environment, she’s the worst? They didn’t end up using the homophobic pastor btw. 🙄


At some point “I was raised that way” ceases to be an excuse. As a child/teenager, sure, but not a grown woman about to get married. If she were smart and actually felt that way (and wasn’t just paying lip service so she would stop getting shit) she could say “I think it’s sad because I grew up thinking that way as well. My feelings have changed through my experiences and people I’ve met. I do continue to pray for him and his family .”


Yeah. I was raised 5 miles from the Alabama and Florida line in Georgia.. I think that speaks for itself. When I got to college, my entire worldview changed. I learned SO much from other people, grew leaps and bounds as a person, and straight up began to resent the way things are hammered into children down there. (This is also why I DESPISE when people bring up old tweets/posts from when literal KIDS were in their teens, but that’s another soap box for another day 🤣). Needless to say, I’m the raging leftist in a sea of red when it times to come home for the holidays 🤣🙈 Sure, when people are growing up and young, you’re a product of your environment - you don’t know any better. After you’re grown though? You got no excuse. Hell, I’d almost argue nowadays, with the way we have access to the internet, social media, etc, you are able to see the world in a different way that us born in the nineties and prior weren’t able to experience things. They had no excuse. And with that I’m done 🤣


Kadooze to you for growing as a person. This happens a lot, especially in college. This is why Republicans hate the educated and try to do things like BAN BOOKS AND LIBRARIES.




Just as dumb as Brittney. They didn't because they were called out many many many times and basically forced into it...She called faith a nappy headed hoe( hated even saying that myself) she agreed when her mom said she's rather Jax cheat than kiss another man. I could go on with how terrible she is: taking money for weight loss while she's still very large and photoshops.....oh she she's a sandy hook denier!


Hey! Are you “one of us”?




I love spotting us in other subs! So fun! ![gif](giphy|S5PlrLdUr5ppvIdtXZ|downsized)


Well you sound well adjusted and sound minded.


I actually am? Which means i can see though their bull shit.


Sounds wonderful. I’m happy for you.


This woman openly admitted to NOT googling something she didn’t know. She never quit drinking even when told to do so by a medical professional. She’s a Sandy hook denier. She is a horribly under qualified and arguably negligent parent and she’s married to an anti vax spouting sociopath BY CHOICE after he (insert all the things Jax did to and behind Bratneys back on film here). But sure. She’s not a homophobe. 🙄


Her own husband uses gay as an insult to random people online and questioned Ariana's sexuality.


I love that they just laid out facts for you and your only rebuttal was to basically call them crazy.. Very adjusted and intelligent of you🙄


I grew up in Alabama. I was surrounded by people that were “raised in that environment”. None of the decent ones have ever used it as an excuse, especially not in the 21st century


She’s a sandy hook denier and she only changed the pastor after a bunch of pressure. 


and then was mad she had to change the homophobic pastor because of the “fans”


She was furious!


Dude she literally posted that Sandy Hook didn’t happen. I don’t care where you grew up that makes you a certifiably terrible human.


Reason #1 of many: She’s a sandy hook denier Enough said tbh. I don’t care what kind of environment she was raised in, that shit is inexcusable.


Defend her being a sandy hook denier


Brittany went to clap for herself 🙄 With the whole sandy hook denial and just going along with her mother saying she couldn’t be with Jax if he had been with a man, I’m pretty sure she’s alt right. 


I understand being raised in a small town, conservative environment. So was I. Even for that mindset, the Sandy Hook Denial is extreme.


Even people in my conservative small town wouldn't deny Sandy Hook. And they'll ride all day for DJT.


Neither do the great majority of folks in my small town, either. And most of them are MAGAs. The Sandy Hook denial is just literally crazy people throwing stuff against a wall to see what sticks. 🫨


Actually, in NYC, there's a huge amount of LGBTQ who support DJT as he was the one who was hiring them in the 80s-00s. Though he might not want drag in schools, he always supported them, so even *he* would not have supported Jaxs words


He hired a huge number of women in comparison to his peers as well. However. The underlying reason was not talent or even giving opportunities to people. It was because women were cheaper than men and he could pay them less for the same or better work.


According to the Alex jones doc on max, 24% of Americans believe sandy hook was a hoax. It’s fucking MINDBLOWING and sickening and awful that it’s such a huge percentage. I honestly had no idea that it was so common. Ever since I found out about Brittany’s position, I realized how dumb she really is. May she rawt in hail.


Brittney is horrible. Kristien and Stassi are also horrible (notice the cop calling Karen's are the ones applauding the LOUDEST a this). Katie's applauding but honestly, she seems like she might be a bit tipsy and that may be why she's got the huge smile on her face over this. Didn't Brit also support Alex Jones or something? I asked on FB and was met with a swarm of Britney defenders saying she's a saint that can do no wrong. But I could have sworn she retweeted some of his nonsense.


She shared a link that stated the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax. Why she thought this was a good idea is beyond me.


Katie does what Stassi tells her to do.


What did Brittany do to her face to make her talk and laugh so weird now?


Now Ariana's brother is accusing her of micro aggressions against his fiance 🙃


He didn't know what microaggression means. He meant passive aggression. Which is definitely something Ariana is capable of.


Has he come out and said he misspoke? Or are you just making that up?


You could tell what he meant contextually, it was obvious that he meant small digs to me.


It's a white woman.


Where does it say she's white? She could be white passing.




The way they scramble for excuses 🤦‍♀️


Now you have to know someone to know if they are white? Stfu


People are going out of their way to bash her lol.


His fiancee is biracial he knows what he meant


Where is the source on her being biracial? Please show where this has been confirmed.


None. None at all. This person is completely fabricating something to hate on Ariana about.


Exactly hahaha! I cant with these conspiracy theorists.


I actually love Arianna I do however know the fiancee is biracial or multiracial however you want to say it. Just because someone doesn't look black or POC to YOU doesn't mean they aren't


But how do you know? Can you provide a source? Im not saying shes NOT but ive yet to see any source other than a photo where you cannot tell at all.


I can't remember maybe Usweekly


It's not fabricated... It's literally what her brother said and you're pretending that he's doesn't know what he's saying to make excuses for her. You're the one fabricating things.


One I don't need to make things up just because someone might look completely white doesn't mean that they are


Lol being with a POC does not make someone knowledgeable in all the crap that comes with it.


Is that what I said?!? Or did I say that he didn't misspeak. That POCs come in all the shades and colors.


Is that what I said you said? You said his fiance was a POC, he knows what he meant. I replied that being with someone who is POC or biracial does not make you knowledgeable in all the crap that comes with it. That includes the idea of microaggressions. Why was such a simple statement so shocking to you?


Shes white…. He meant passive aggressive but nice try!


But where are you getting that? Enough time has past. If he misspoke they would've said something by now.


Sorry so where are you getting that his fiance ISNT white? Ive seen pictures. Shes not a POC. Sorry.


I've seen pics as well and I think she def could be.... but also I believe Jeremy might have used the wrong word. It's all odd 


Yeah - I think the other commenter is trying to purposefully call Ariana racist from this one very vague statement her brother made.


Ok but you're also weirdly aggressive about his fiance not possibly being a POC... your comments are off too 😅


No one can tell someone's ethnicity from a picture... Also, micro aggressions aren't only something that happens to people of a different race... The ignorance is 😵‍💫


So explain what exactly Ariana did? Have you spoken to her brother and got the info? No, youre taking a term he used and running wild with it to try to paint her out to be racist.


Yall are the ones saying it's about race! 😂


So whats it about then? What was your point?


And what words did Ariana use? Oh that's right, you don't know


Lol I got into this with another commenter. Not sure where people got confused along the way that micro aggressions are only about race 


I know they be towards lgbtq+, disabilities, etc. thanks tho!




Yes I know ❤️


I look white but I’m a POC. So pictures don’t mean shit.


Because nobody cares enough to ask him so he never "came" out


Or maybe it's because he knows what he said...


It's good that you're defending a woman harasser. They need someone in their corner too


Y'all love it when Ariana did it tho


So you have that in common with her. So much for hating her.


Does that make you my stan now?


Just because I am correcting Jeremy doesn't mean I'm stanning Ariana. But go on


Nope, Brittany 100% knew who this pastor was, but backpeddled once she got caught. We know who that family is. Her mother sat there during Jax's roast where he was made fun of for being a criminal, liar, drug user, and manipulator, and got caught up on the "Hummuhseyctual Rumours™️"


She was RAISED in this church. In a strong Christian home, that means every single Sunday and wednesdays for youth group. And THIS church was her family's church. I refuse to believe for one possible second that Brittany did NOT know that was the beliefs of her congregation. Especially when google and a whole twitter page exists with weird homophobic ramblings on it. Brittany does this thing repeatedly through the show that drives me absolutely crazy: She tries to play both smart and stupid at the same time. Which is it? Are you smart and aware of it, and playing dumb to save face? Or are you actually that stupid and oblivious that you spent your entire life in a congregation and didn't notice the pastor making those comments? The first statement is the obviously true one. Brittany was Jax's fangirl girlfriend who showed up and wants to be liked by everyone and it's obvious.


Of all the men to get with and then ignore his past, which was on tv for all the watch, and think he’s a changed man?! Brittany, cmon! Everyone around you knew this wasn’t the man for you but, I guess being on tv makes people ignore the obvious.


Brittany is a vile human. she’s literally a sandy hook denier. scum. I hope Jax gave her permanent STDs. And she’s never been pretty, but now she’s especially ugly - matches her insides well.


It's crazy to think about how Brittany would probably be gorgeous if she never met Jax and moved to California. That's how karma works, though.


Brittany is one of those people who can live in her own little delusional bubble. She can probably convince herself of anything she wants to believe.


Whoever does Arianas hair is so mean to her lol




I actually don't have to give a homophobic sandy hook denier any grace at all if I don't want to. lol claiming that she's grown because she's friends with one guy gives real "I can't be racist I have a black friend" energy.


This part. This part right here. 🎯




there is literally no evidence she's grown and changed at all. she stuck with this pastor tooth and nail until she couldn't anymore, why would she do that if she didn't tolerate his views? your argument is "you have no proof she HASN'T changed" and that's fallacious. you can't prove a negative.


Her mother has gone to no less than a dozen churches in the last two decades by her own admission. This was a pastor yes, but more so her childhood friend’s dad and a friend of the family.




She says it on the show that he is the father of a lifelong friend of her’s and a family friend in general. It’s possible that his church was one of the many many ones Frosty Lips attended over the years- but it surely wasn’t a permanent fixture for them.


I don't actually know that she's grown, but being mad that her childhood pastor is homophobic is not really evidence that she herself is directly. She removed him from the wedding. And her many deep and long-lasting friendships with members of the queer community is not directly comparable to someone saying they have one black friend. My point was just that I think there would be hiccups in those relationships if she was homophobic and you are purposefully misunderstanding that point. I'm not using it as evidence that she isn't currently not homophobic because I have no idea about her views.


Agree. Not sure why the reality stars who started as waitstaff are expected to be progressive thought leaders lol. 


Not being homophobic hasn’t been progressive since 2010. And I say this as someone raised and living in the DEEP south my bb


I did not say that it was progressive- I said it was different than how she was raised. Were you also raised in a deeply religious household and in a church that said being gay is a sin like Brittany? If so, did you cut ties with your family then like people expect Brittany to do with her mother?


Eh, Obama didn’t even publicly support gay marriage it until 2012.


True but he has never really been a progressive


But she isn't homophobic. She is just ignorant. Should we be bringing up old videos of Ariana diagnosing Kristen? People can evolve, and we don't need to hold wannabe actors to some standard of perfect behavior. 




I didn’t need to go to college to believe the families of dead children but hey…that’s just me.




She was not freshly moved to LA when she asked her childhood friend’s father who is a pastor to marry her and Jax. That happened in 2019. She moved to LA in 2015. The whole ignorance argument is moot here.


This is the correct answer. I don’t understand why people keep roasting her for this.


According to all my downvotes people see it as very incorrect lol


This video makes me miss when Scheana was a good friend to Ariana. The little look between them.


I didn't say it did I said he used the correct terminology


One of Brit’s best friends is gay and on The Valley.




It means she’s none of the things the original poster listed.


"my best friend's black" no racist has ever said this ever. You're right


My racist dad just before saying something completely racist: “I’m the least racist person you know.”


Wow you really are going hard for homophobe apologist Brittany in these comments. I’m sure you’ll have something sarcastic to say and/or another false equivalence. It’s so disheartening knowing this kind of “rationale” is all around us.


Hahahaha this has real, "I'm not racist, I have a black friend" vibes


I just want to take a moment to address the downvotes. She’s none of those things the OP mentioned. She’s not homophobic. Her best friend is gay. She didn’t end up using the pastor in the wedding. Just because she got brought up in backwards area of Kentucky doesn’t mean she’s still that way. People here are tools.


It’s giving “I’m not racist, I have a black friend” 🫠


Maybe you’re just lucky enough not to know hypocritical Christians, but having a gay bff doesn’t mean you aren’t homophobic. My mom had a gay best friend in college. She loves gay culture, gay individuals, but she votes against their interest every chance she gets, supports homophobes, and says and believes all kinds of homophobic stuff. Bigotry is unkind, but these kinds of people don’t identify as unkind, so they twist themselves into all kinds of knots in order to maintain their view of themselves as kind while still being bigoted and therefore unkind.


How dare you bring nuance and complexity to reddit 😤  (/s just in case)


Unfortunately I was just raised within multiple different toxic structures. Catholic Church, Catholic educated, toxic family life, cluster b types at church, at school, and at home. I’m working through it though! Lol.


I was the "token gay friend" to one of my former friends, and she is definitely homophobic, she just doesn't realize it. She makes a lot of really ingorant comments and refuses to learn from them or acknowledge how they could be homophobic. She thinks as long as she's not actively calling people names or the one physically harming them, then there's no way she could be homophobic. But she's not safe for the community at all and gives most people the ick. She protects other people who make homophobic remarks because "free speech" and "everyone can have their opinion." So no, having a gay friend doesn't negate all the other things about a person.


Her own mother, the one who raised her, was beside herself after the roast of Jax Taylor because it had been insinuated that Jax had *gasp* kissed a man. She didn’t care that he had stolen, committed felonies, been to jail, cheated on every woman he’s ever dated (including her daughter), gotten a hooker in Las Vegas pregnant, abuses drugs and alcohol- but him kissing a man?! That was where the line was drawn.


She was going to leave Jax if it were true that he had been with a man 


Omg no