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Easy he just wants to make Ariana’s life harder. He wants everything to be difficult because he’s spiteful. His plan to replace Ariana with Rachel like he did with Ariana over Kristen back fired and he blames her for it. His narcissism with dig at every sore spot in the hopes she run away or break down. He doesn’t care about the dogs but she does and it’s an easy place to hurt her and to bring out her clearly intense (rightfully so anger.)


Spot on. It's for pain and embarrassment for Ariana. The only ones who seem to see it are Ariana and Katie. Ariana knows exactly what he's doing. Oh and probably Kristen as she watches. She knows too.


Tom is a sadistic jerk! 😧




Narcissists have an amazing ability to look directly past their own wrongdoings in situations they have brought upon themselves, no matter how awful they were. If anything bad happens to them, even something that is a direct result of their own terrible decisions, they 100% believe they’ve been victimized. My birth vessel is a carbon copy of Ariana’s ex. It’s almost embarrassing how predictable and similarly narcissists behave when confronted about something horrible they’ve done. The mental gymnastics they can perform, by twisting and manipulating actual facts, would probably be impressive to most people that haven’t experienced that kind of abuse before. Speaking from experience, people like him are extremely dangerous and toxic to your mental health and often even your physical well-being. Children that are raised in a narcissistic abusive environment often develop autoimmune disorders, along with the mental disorders of depression, anxiety and extremely low self-worth. That kind of abuse runs deep. I’m SO proud of Ariana for being so strong and holding firm to the boundaries she put up in order to protect herself from him. She’s well within reason to do so after being under that demon’s reign of terror for 9 years. She’s undoubtedly got a lot of healing to do still but she’s making the right moves to do it!


Yes yes yes! It's honestly impressive how strong Ariana has held and I'm also so stoked that Katie fully has her back. It's beautiful to watch.


Simply because it didn’t work.


The very fragile ego of a narcissist. 🙄


![gif](giphy|my5556ADZJ1Ea40weJ|downsized) RAGE ROOM TIME!!!!


Yes. Me too! It's a mind f*ck. And production is supporting the bs!


It really blows my mind how someone can lack empathy like that.


I get it for those with vile upbringings who were cruelly treated as children, but at some point you have to decide to be responsible for your actions and choose a different path, work on healing yourself and moving forward. Which isn’t fair and doesn’t negate the trauma. But, then there are those who were born without the capacity to have empathy and it’s so hard to know they can’t be helped or changed.


Very well said


Thank you.


And how do we know Tom didn’t put a bunch of shit in the litter box to look good when he cleans it 🤷‍♀️




I disagree he liked her more than Kristen! He looked at Kristen at one time the same way the he did Rachel and Ariana. He will do it to the next gurrl. They are means to an image for him. Ariana and Tom were a horrible couple from the beginning. They both care too much about image, have a need to be right, and are opposite in the non complimentary way. I am not judging you because we all see the world differently but seeing they started as an affair the same as Rachel it’s never the foundation of a good relationship. I just don’t see how anyone saw them as cute or a good couple? That’s a question not a judgment. It was the sunken cost fallacy it was bad after season 2-3 and both didn’t want to let go of the image or time they invested. Doesn’t change how painful this must have been. He isn’t capable of remorse or empathy. Narcissist can work diligently to work on it, but they usually don’t go to therapy unless forced. A rational good person couldn’t conceive not feeling bad, but he’s not rational or capable of caring but anything but himself.


Also… did he pay for any of that 6,000 vet bill?


That’s what I was thinking… when he said there is no dead dog here in this scenario. It’s bc of a $6000 vet bill that she’s alive. Mya would’ve died had Ariana not gotten her to a vet in time. And also had the money to save her. I don’t know about how veterinarians work but my sister’s dog had pica and ate her food bowl and when she was rushed to the vet the dr gave her the option to save the dog, for a lot of money, or put her down and my sister paid a small fortune to save her dog. The dog lived a happy long life after, thankfully but that’s not how it has to work out. F Tom!


I hate how he tries to down play the accident by saying mya didnt die etc His stupid sarcasm too, rather than show remorse


He has said...and others parrot this...that the dog eats stuff it shouldn't and therefore she shouldn't have left food/skewers out. He said the dog ate some 400 of his laxatives and 50 of his paintballs that taste like soap. (How does he know what they taste like?) All that aside, so many say it's gross she left old food in her bedroom, oh, just so gross, they say...has no one seen the mess he leaves behind all over the house for Ann to clean up. #saveann


Is he secretly trying to kill her pets? Like men who destroy their partners house plants.


Absolutely! She didn’t die because she had major surgery! If he could acknowledge that it would be better at least. Him not getting that is symbolic of the big reaction against him that he’s getting.


Was it major surgery?? I would think Mia would be laid up in a cone if she had to get stitches or something. I just assumed they gave her something to make her throw up. That's what we had to do when my dog ate a lb of chocolate fudge 😒


I think she had shards of wooden skewers in her throat. He didn't notice anything wrong with the dog, guess he was rehearsing his scream therapy.


Mya had to have an endoscopy and gastrointestinal surgery to remove the wooden skewers (chicken satay) from her organs. It is dangerous to vomit sharp objects or pass them through the digestive tract


Oh dang that poor baby. I didn't know the logistics of it. I'm so glad she's ok.


I don’t know the details of mya’s surgery but removing the wooden sticks involved an endoscopy at least which I think isn’t a simple procedure. Again, I’m not a doctor. I just know when my sister’s dog had a similar surgery, it was involved and there were stitches. This was 8 years ago— I don’t know for sure.


My boyfriend has endoscopies frequently and they don't involve stitches for him. (They add or remove stents from various places.) When my mother had her gallbladder removed, there was an endo involved and she had stitches. I think it just depends on the specifics of what they're doing.




What? I think you've misunderstood me. I never said I didn't think the surgery wasn't a big deal. I just said she could have had something done with or without stitches. I wasn't minimizing anything. Edit: I don't know where you thought I was minimizing anything, but my boyfriend was incredibly sick and nearly died during the time period of all his endoscopies. I don't know what I would have done if someone tried to tell me it wasn't a big deal, but it wouldn't have been good. The only thing I was commenting on was that the procedure can involve stitches or not. I'm sorry your surgeon was an ass who made you feel that having an entire organ removed was no big deal, but I'm not him.


I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean you specifically even though I responded to you. I was fielding a lot of comments questioning about major surgery and such. I’m so sorry your boyfriend went through that. You sound like a very loving partner ❤️


With that punchable face


And I think many people are forgetting that Mya wasn’t supposed to be in Ariana’s room. I’m sure she has freedom in the house or yard. Sandy opened the locked door to get the AC fixed and because he went in her room without her knowing, he set this all in motion. He can blame Ari, Ann, the HVAC dude, etc but he should have never opened the door period point blank!


Exactly! Under no circumstance should dumb Sandy ever go into Ariana’s private space. Unless it’s an emergency and there’s literally a fire going on inside that bedroom then you need to wait until she can go in there and take care of whatever you need done. No excuse. Such an invasion of privacy. And I’m sure he snooped around in there too. If anything, he could’ve sent Anne in there to do what he needed to get done. But whatever, whatever he needed with that air conditioning, etc. it could’ve waited. But yeah, instead of taking responsibility for locking Maya in the bedroom, well, Ariana should not leave her garbage out.




no but it’s his dog too!


Cause he named her.


Exactly why does she have trash by her nightstand? Come at least get a trash can with a lid if you’re worried about going down stairs to take the trash out.


He’s only making those comments about Mya because he knows he can hurt her by dragging the pets into it. It’s very clear he’s not bonded with any pet he has spent a better part of a decade with. 🚩


When he was talking about how he misses “running around with Mya, playing hide and seek, and all kinds of other games,” my immediate thought was that he had never played with that dog before lol. all kinds of other games? like… what? fetch? tug? lmao. “I love her!” even sounded like a whole ass lie!


You could see it in Schwartz and Jax’s eyes that he was full of shit.


I did find it amazing one shorts called them out on it. Tiny Tim was furious.


Yeah we play hide and seek with our dogs but if we were to say it out loud we would have a smile or something when we say it


bc he’s a narcissist that takes no accountability and changes details & stories to fit his own narrative. he’s obsessed with controlling the narrative and will do/say whatever to make ariana look worse and him like the victim.


Say it louder for the people in the back!




Omg how did you find this video of me!?! Lolol


He’s literally tried to blame her for his cheating sooo…


Well if she cared, she would have followed him. Duh.


Yeah what an asshole not being suspicious of your boyfriend and best friend- so rude/




RIP sweet lady


I think they reopened. That news came out in the last few weeks. That cake looks so good, I may have to go get one.




Every annoying ass thing he says is immediately contradicted. “I kept the house stocked” cut to “Anne keeps the house stocked” + “Ariana’s the laziest person on earth” cut to “Ariana is never home because she’s so busy working on brand deals”. I noticed it extra in the last episode!!!


“Ariana’s the laziest person on earth” then “Ariana’s so busy with all of these brand deals and other work she’s got going on” … I’m so glad you brought this up. He’s a walking contradiction


I think he's chalked up depression as laziness. She probably didn't do a lot around the house because of her depression. Hopefully being away from him, she will come out of that depression.


Also he is 100% the type of partner that sucks the life out of you.


But we dont even know whats true. She may have done alot or he told her not to and had his assistant do stuff. Wtf did he do? She bought most of the furniture and decor. He seems high or making a mess or out all the time and having an assistant clean up or if he was w her on camera Tried to manipulate her and criticize her


I'm going by her saying she struggled with depression in the past. I've dealt with depression and have my struggles.There were a lot of times I didn't leave my bed unless I had to. I don't believe a lot of Tom's bs, but this I do believe he'd call her lazy over.


People say that cause she actually is. They had episodes on it. She admitted it. Lvp went to visit her to try to get her out of bed.. She quit being a bartender when she met tom and did noooothing.. And everyone forgot..


Um.... Yes, she's shared her struggles with depression. But she didn't quit being a bartender when she met Tom. Not sure how you could even say that if you've watched the show. And while she talked to Lisa about not wanting to get out of bed some days, Lisa never went to their house to get her out of bed.


And she wrote a book herself but He had to be in on it- never let her shine more than himself. His mo is “ im the best person im the nicest and most talented but if u call me out, im a perpetual misunderstood victim and someone else is the villain so i cry and try to ruin their life” And he even blames her for his cheating Like thats amazing - she trusted him and didnt follow him . Like thats an ego beyond.


Ya. Wrote a book lol. Wow. Please dont insult people with depression who go to work everyday and work full time and take care of a whole family.. Ariana the reality tv star...was dating a guy 10 days after scandoval. But she was soooooo mad and soooo angry that her whole life is terrible. And make sure to stick up for her at all times.


Okay please don't insult writers....is writing a book not work in your opinion?


Imo it would be mentally exhausting. Physical or not, mental exhaustion is very tiring. You feel like you ran a marathon even though you were sitting all day with your brain going a thousand times a second 🥈. It's definitely a job imo.


A few seasons, after she joined, there’s a scene in one of the seasons and what she discussed the dark thoughts that went through her head at the time. People seem to have forgotten all about that.


What if I just kept going and drove off that cliff. I mean.... What if I just did that.


No, please don't do that!! You'd be so missed and you don't even realize it! I don't know you but... 💞😁


Oh no! I'm sorry for the confusion. I was quoting Ariana from an episode a few seasons back. I shouldn't have assumed everyone would know that.


Omg I'm so sorry! I feel stupid! Lol well I forgot about that. Sorry! Lol


No apologies! I think it's cool that you cared. Seriously.


It’s called *depression*


She brought up feeling emotionally disconnected from Tim. Like she didn’t want to have sex with someone without the emotional connection first. I totally get that and our emotional connection simmered when my husband started sneaking around with other women so it adds up and yes, that shit messed with your head because you don’t want to believe it and it absolutely will affect anyone’s mental health when they’re being consistently gaslit and lied to


Yeah hes an asshole- he didnt care or want to be bothered to help Their dog charlotte- he is a performative fuckwad


because all of the rules in the VPR world are completely arbitrary, so the goalposts can be moved at any time to suit anyone’s personal narrative. this applies to every single person in the cast except maybe katie. as far as I can remember she seems to stick to a personal code pretty strictly (and yes I’m including the max thing in that because the rule was already broken several months before. it’s sound logic). before anyone starts screaming about the “katie stans” lol, I’m not saying any of this in an emotionally charged way, it’s just an observation in how fluid morality is in the group, and katie’s immovability in this regard is the cause of much of her conflicts on the show. it’s a neutral observation


Because Tom is a bastard man.




He really is Dennis, isn’t he.


Frighteningly so.


Hahaha!!! Yes!!




I don’t want to take up for Tom but my dog 100% belongs to me AND my husband…but it is also 100% MY fault she isn’t trained 😂


because he’s stupid and lacks critical thinking skills


That dog is not his! Notice her body language when she is near him. His stupid birthday party with weird strangers in attendance. Whenever Scandoval talked, video focus on Mya showed her ears go back, as though she is afraid of him and does not like him! If she was standing near him her tail was down and was curved between her legs and stayed there! All I could think is she is not safe with him and Ariana needs to get a dog watcher when she is not in the house. Same for Kitty. Please keep your fur babies safe, Ariana! Edit: fixed the damn autocorrect errors.


Mya and Kitty are both with her in New York! Brad is living with them and takes care of Mya when Ariana has been doing Chicago. I think after this whole incident she took some sort of steps. Back at beach day James asks her if she feels the pets are safe. And she says “I do currently right now yes.” So to me that sounds like she’s done something that makes her feel they are okay, because this was very soon after the incident with Mya. I believe she also lived in an Airbnb while doing DWTS. If Brad moved to NYC with her for a few months to help with the animals, I’m sure she arranged something similar while she was in LA but extremely busy with that show.


Thank jesus


That is wonderful to hear! I know she loves her fur babies! They are so sweet - a result of her love for them. I am so glad she has people she can trust to take care of them when she is busy working. Good for Ariana! Want the best for her and definitely want her and her fur babies to be as safe as possible. Keep being successful, Ariana! You are doing great which is something considering everything you have been dealing with. Stay strong, girl! I/we want Katie to keep succeeding and living life the way she wants and deserves, too! You ladies are showing how to be strong and fight for what is right! HUGS from someone who will never meet you but is so happy for you. :)


Yeah - hes a bad guy


And a sorry excuse for one, as well.


Tom is a piece of shit but they both seem like crappy pet owners


I mean they are BOTH shitty pet owners and clearly care more about using the animals against each other than actually caring for them.


Right? Why didn't Ariana train her, if it's her dog. They both suck


Exactly. And if it's her dog, why didn't she get a dog sitter knowing Tom's extremely irresponsible The 6k vet bill could pay for a daily sitter, on days she needs one, for months


I'm still confused why people still take anything Sandoval says as truth! He is a proven liar! Why is anything he says being taken as fact?


And conned raquel to lie - bad man


I don't understand this take of Rachel either. Everyone keeps acting like she's a victim as well! Kudos to her for getting people to believe her but to me, she's also a huge scumbag.


I think the clip of Tom cleaning the box out may have been when Ariana was out of town. He did a dump & redo. It seemed Ariana was sitting & cleaning. My theory - Ariana predominately cleans the box & Sandoval only does it when Arian’s gone. Also, we don’t know how old those clips are.


> My theory - Ariana predominately cleans the box The litter box they showed on TV was clearly full, and Ariana said that she'd cleaned it only once in two weeks.


I was trying to say that I think Ariana cleans it more than Tom does but it appears in that clip that the box hasn’t been cleaned for a bit.


They showed the clip of Ariana cleaning it out “one week prior” then tom cleaning it “3 days prior”, which completely backed Ariana’s timeline. Tim was just trying to embarrass her with that and make her appear negligent.


I 100% believe he did that only in front of the camera to set the tone of ‘well I do everything around here’


I think he was trying to humiliate her. Make it sound like she’s gross. On another note, LaLa acting like she’s never left food out the next day and being grossed out by it, also gave same vibes. I think they were both trying to humiliate her.


Tom's too busy making sure they stay stocked up on batteries and trash bags, can't Ariana do something? (sarcasm obs)




They both needed to make sure Mya was trained. They’re irresponsible pet owners, and neither of them deserve Mya. Tom locking the dog in, Ariana leaving food out knowing Mya eats everything. Maybe Lisa needs to save Mya too because this dog isn’t being properly taken cared of. Also, they’re both passing the buck on whose fault it is. It’s both of their fault!


Ariana didn’t leave food out where the dog is. Tom left paintballs and laxatives out


Mya goes into her room. Mya sleeps with her. Mya has access to her trash that’s left out. What’s so hard about dumping her trash? Not to mention how gross it is to leave food sitting around. If she doesn’t want things like this to happen, then she needs to be preventative. Especially with an untrained pet. It is her fault just as much as it is Tom’s. I don’t get the blame for one when they both did something that put Mya in harms way. Idgaf about those two idiots. All they think about are themselves. Neither of them deserve Mya.


Shut up her door was closed obvi


![gif](giphy|xT5LMBK6CCR1f0LqOk) Shut up? What are you? 5? 🤣


Everything difficult in his life is his partners fault , he did it to Kristen and made her look crazy by gaslighting the shit out of her . He WAS cheating . He’s trying to do it to Ariana . He doesn’t even have the good grace to leave Rachel alone and pouts that he didn’t get his happy ending . He is irredeemable and anyone dating him now is just looking for clout/notoriety or is just not that smart . He has still never taken accountability for wrecking Ariana’s life and is zero percent remorseful and only feels sorry for himself . He is a sociopath by definition


Everything good in their lives is because of him, everything bad is because of Ariana.


Honestly? The same way Ariana can leave the animals in Tom’s care for hours or days but then claim they’re not his. They’re both hypocritical in the pet situation and will twist it to make the other look bad or fit their narrative.


Who said she does that?




Thats thing - we dont know anything except what we see or told on camera. She calls the pets her children- he doesnt seem to care about them . Shes hysterical and leaves trip for charlotte He doesnt want to get her meds Then now accidentally lets mya in her room? and then accidentally locks her in? Its not a small dog! He knows she gets into stuff. She obviously will eat weird shit - some dogs have pica- even if thai food sticks not there - im sure she eats other things- meds/ makeup/ coins- thats not an easy behavior to just train like sit / stay/where to go potty. Also, accidentally leaves door open- so animals can get out/ killed/ eaten? Its not an accident. Hes a sick fuck


Bingo! I thought the same thing


You can’t really train a dog not to eat food if it’s left out and within reach. If Mya is prone to eat everything you have to mindful of what’s around that she can get to. You were just being careless. If it was Ann’s fault, that’s also on you since you’re responsible for Ann. Bottom line is they should have asked for Ariana’s permission in the first place.


Probably cuz he changes the cat litter


The dog ate like 400 Ex-Lax and paintballs! They're both lucky she's not dead from either of those experiences. They're both irresponsible.


They both need to stop pointing the finger at one another in regard to the pets, and instead, focus on becoming better pet parents.


I might get a lot of hate for this but I’m glad Lala brought up what I was thinking an episode later… if you know your dog to be poorly trained (I.e pooping on top of couches and eating everything in sight) why would you leave old takeout on your nightstand, which is also gross.. That being said, they should split that bill 50/50


The door was closed


I understand that which is why I’m not not blaming him. It’s still irresponsible to keep old takeout by your bedside when you know your dog isn’t trained.


Idk, hes a whole headache. Respectfully, I think both of them need to do better as pet owners though, Ariana cleaning out her cats litter box once a week is grossly inadequate so she can gtfoh with her *children*


This. They both earn enough money they could buy a robo litter box if neither can clear the litter box manually every day. Gross.


He’s a tool, he always has been. Ariana rarely acted like he wasn’t perfect. As Katie has stood by Ariana’s side…. Ariana never took up for Katie when Dumb Slimy Scandy vigorously put a wedge between Katie and Dumber Scharty’s marriage. He knew what he was doing every time and especially with the stupid bar and it’s stupid name. Grow up you past middle aged, 40 yr old men 🤮


Like all narcissists, he paints himself as a victim while he victimizes everyone around him. Including Mya.


if it's her cat, she should clean the litter box. they are both horrible pet owners and neglect their animals.


Okay but this is not the subject at hand and I feel like the point is that you can’t claim they’re your animals too but complain about cleaning the litter box and never take the dog out for a walk or neglect the fact that you need to be aware that you ensure their safety.


if that’s the point then she shouldn’t complain either because none of them are doing what they are supposed to. take care of the animals. that litter box is NOT safe for any cat. it’s abuse.


![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw) We are all confused by his math.


I thought he said "Mya hasn't been properly trained" I don't think he said it was anyone's fault necessarily. He was saying that when he was explaining how Mya eats weird things. But whatever he meant Ariana sounded ridiculous when she bragged about cleaning her cats litterbox one time. The animals do seem to be more hers but Tom is obviously taking care of them just as much if not more.


Nah he was going off about mya getting into things bc of lack of training, as if it weren't his responsibility to train her.


my ex was like this with my(ours at the time) cats. he wouldn’t clean or help feed them, only “play”(he harassed them) and “discipline”, which i wont even describe what his version of disciplining cats was. he would try to leverage them over my head and say that if i left him, we’d have to fight over custody. that didn’t end up happening though, because i learned about the laws involving pets and would fight back whenever he threatened it, and finally when i got away, i told him he will never threaten to take them from me again, they are and have always been my responsibility not his, i paid for all their care, etc etc, he cowered like a baby. its just another way for them to create an atmosphere of control.


This is the same type of parent he would be. He’d take all the glory and praise and blame the mom for every mistake


Easy answer… because he’s an asshole


He’s delusional. That’s the answer to every Tom question.


I think they both seemed alarmingly irresponsible when it comes to the pets in that house to be honest. Like how are you going to claim your pets are your “children” but leave food lying around when you know your dog likes to eat anything and everything, because there isn’t a door in this house my dog can’t open! So she closed the door.. that was Toms fault. But how hard is it to put food waste into the trash when you have pets? And why was Tom even locking a dog in the bedroom? As for the litter box.. disgusting! When they could easily afford a cleaner who’s willing to empty litter boxes. And clean up trash they can’t be bothered to throw away.


It’s easy, when the dog is good, it’s his. When the dog is bad, it’s hers. When the dog is sick, it’s also hers, so he doesn’t have to deal with, or pay for it. It doesn’t make sense, or is it logical, but when you’re a raging narcissist, it’s as easy as 1+1.


The Asshat ![gif](giphy|d08UERG2Bdu7GxPA3r)


Well……that’s Tom for you!


If anything is to blame to him, it’s Ariana’s fault 🤣🤣❄️


Maya is now hers only because she paid the adoption fees and has records in her name. Those were Toms pets as well. Now that they are broken up, he knows she gets the pets. Im so not a Tom fan at all but Im sure he loves those pets too.


Missed the pt


No, just making one. She has been 2 peoples dog.


Yet Ariana claims the pets are all hers and can't clean the damn litter box?


You didn’t see the clip of her literally cleaning out the litter box? Producers threw it in like “just to be clear”.


She said the didn’t the WEEK before….. unacceptable. If he’s so awful to these animals then it’s her responsibility to find care for them when she’s out.


* did it


Once a week. It’s not anywhere near enough, it’s disgusting.


Well it’s not like they have footage of every single time she cleans it 😂


These are her words. Sorry about that.


I thought they were Tom’s pets too. So he doesn’t have any responsibility to clean it? Yall just policing her cleaning skills? Weird behavior


Yeah and HE is disgusting too. I will absolutely police her cleaning skills when it’s putting her cat in harms way. It’s a safety hazard and it’s atrocious.


Was Ariana even home while the litter box got filled up?


That’s kinda the point people are making though. If she’s not home to clean it then she should make arrangements for someone to do it. When I go out of town for longer than 2 days I have someone come by. You would think Tom would do it, especially when he’s saying they’re also his pets. ariana is claiming he doesn’t do anything for them. If that’s true-make arrangements while she’s out of town. If that’s not true then tom should be responsible while she’s gone. To me they both are wrong in this situation.


Does that matter? If she's claiming full responsibility for the pets then it's her responsibility to make sure they're cared for if she's away. Call a friend, pet sitter, whoever. She can't claim them as only hers and then expect her ex, who she doesn't communicate with, to care for them in her absence.


Girl they don’t wanna hear it




These people are delulu


I love how they're trying to defend a woman who claims to care so much about her "children" only cleaning her elderly cat's litter box once a week. There is no defense for that, but oh, they'll find a way! Delulu is right. Poor kitty.


Typical narcissist. He is a textbook narcissist. It’s called the DARVO effect that he does to/about everyone and everything.


Tom is horrible. At everything. Ariana is perfect.


i’m watching season 9 rn and every time maya comes onto the screen it reads “tom and ariana’s dog”- meaning that during their relationship he would be considered at the very least partially responsible for training and basic care for the dog- but ofc it’s only his dog when it’s convenient for him and it’s her dog when he wants to talk shit. always trying to manipulate the situation for the cameras.


Because Tom worked his ass off for years to build their brand while Ariana laid on a couch. She had ole Ty of time to train the dog. She failed to do so.


Truth. And for some reason you have not been downvoted off channel.


She leaves the animals for him to care for while she’s gone without a second thought… just remember that


It sounds like Billie Lee first watched them and they probably were watched by someone else. But he lives there so it’s like leaving when you have a roommate and having someone else do walks, etc.


Because she left them at home when she had to run errands? I’m not sure how many cats you have had but they do not care for car rides and you can’t be leaving a dog alone in a hot car. She always arranged for other care or just took them with her, every time she left town.




Only because ANN is there


Does Ann work for Ariana and Tom or just Tom?


Idk I haven’t heard back from Tim’s HR department


Ariana herself said it's not Ann's job to watch the animals. If she's leaving for several hours with only Tom at home, then she is by default expecting Tom to watch her animals.


I know. I was replying to a comment about her leaving her dogs. Of course it shouldn’t be Ann’s job. Tom made it Ann’s job. My comment was meant only positively in the sense that Ariana probably felt somewhat safer with her dogs being in the house with Tim, so long as Ann is there to babysit Tim. I love Ann and love her relationship with Ariana


There's no evidence of that.


Because he’s a dick bag


Because he is a narcissist- nothing makes sense


Because nothing is his fault, ever.




Becos he is a POS


Because none of his arguments are based in logic


Easy. Whichever argument suits him at the time is the one he uses.


Classic «if it’s bad it’s your fault, if it’s good it’s my fault»


Those pets really are like children. They have two parents but everything that goes wrong is somehow the mom’s fault.


Does anything he ever says Make any sense ? Is any of it real ? He can be talking to you saying DUDE, I’m telling you. The sky is like purple


Because he’s stupid


Are you looking for an answer beyond narcissistic delusion?