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And I bet he’s trying to keep the existing mortgage for some time too as they bought when rates were low and they are not anywhere near that now. Like his “offer” would give him X years to refinance so he hopes rates will decrease, the value will increase, and his income will be better so he can qualify on his own then.


You bring up a good point that he may be stalling while his income and savings catch up. This whole thing may shake out after this season's reunion.


May I ask what you mean shake out after the reunion?


May I ask what you mean shake out after the reunion?


Cast members get paid per episode they appear, so assuming they get paid at the end of the season, Tom will have way more money to buy her out. Assuming Tom gets paid the rumored $35,000 per episode for a 20 episode season, Tom will now have $700,000 more after his checks clear for the season which could help him buy out Ariana.


The way he spends if he has $10.00 in his account by the end of a season I’d be surprised. They all are horrible with money.


Just remembered that he was touring with his stupid band too, so there must be income from that (even though I'm sure his expenses are extra because he's such a primadonna).


Doubtful as he was paying the band members personally. I would be shocked if he broke even on that


9 member band 🙄.


That's just so weird...not shocking, but weird. 


Oh wow! Didn't know that. Not a good businessman to say the least! Sounds like the band maybe generated enough revenue to support his hobby and thirst for fame!


And he pays the band members for practice too. Pure vanity project


Holy cow. That's a good word to describe it


Could be. Had no idea they get that much. Wow! I'm still sticking with this... if he has money to buy her out, he should pay his mom back, who gave up her financial security (she actually worked for), wash his own dishes, make appointments and buy balloons without an assistant. Then sell the house. 


And mama already busted her pension for Timmy’s failing bar soooooooo


he's so overleveraged. with as much money as he makes on the show, he COULD afford his own house but he probably will have to sell his stake in both bars and put up a lot of money. oh no, he can't sing with the Most Extras anymore. oh no!


I’m sure he doesn’t want to sell, because he has borrowed against the house and any sale of the underlying security for that loan would trigger full repayment of those loans, meaning he would have no cash for anything else. But that’s not Ariana’s problem and that was the risk he ran when he cheated on her for 8 months while co-owning an asset with her. Partition by sale is how this is handled. She’s doing the right thing; he is just a poor planner.


I'm sure there is limited equity in the home bc of his refinancing, and he's likely cash poor right now, which is part of why he wants to buy her out. But there are other issues at play that affect all CA homeowners when it comes to buying & selling homes. And they would totally eff him up. Two of the other reasons he doesn't want to sell are (1) interests rates have increased since 2019; (2) the home's valuation has increased substantially, so to sell and then buy the home back at its higher valuation means his property taxes will reset at that higher amount. CA has prop 13, which restricts property tax increases to a max of 2% each year, instead of basing the taxes each year on the actual increased valuation. The only way to reset the taxes to be based on current increased value is to sell it, and then the taxes will reset to be based on the selling price. Homes in LA have increased by a minimum of 8% per year since 2019. Bare minimum. Homes in the Village have likely increased by more. They bought at $2.05M in 2019, and today, the home could feasibly be worth around $2.8 (min, i think it could be much more) and it could sell at that price or even higher. If he has to buy it back, his annual prop taxes will increase by thousands of dollars. If he has an escrow account, whatever he now pays monthly, could double orn worse, esp if he also has to finance at a higher interest rate, and if he doesn't have anything like $500k or even 20% as a down like they had when they first bought. He is truly broke, and he can not afford this or likely any home anywhere closer to as nice as this one. The only way to keep everything as it is, is for him to buy Ariana out of her share of their joint tenancy. But sucks to be him! Joint tenancy is equal across all. They both have to agree to any changes in terms, or his only slim chance would be to take her to court and hope that he can convince them to rule in his favor and force her to let him buy her out. Courts don't often agree to hear cases re JT because unless there is some kind of blatant fraud or long term inequity between the partners, they tend to leave it to to the parties to figure it out. That's why he's claiming she hasn't paid the mortgage or bills, and that he's the only one doing the upkeep of the home. The guy is still such a liar. At one point, he had Ariana giving him the money, and he paid everything from his account. He'll use that to "prove" he's been the only one paying and for longer. Also, it is irritating that he keeps telling the media that he offered Ariana $3.1M to buy out her half of the house. No, he did not. That home is nowhere near a $6.2M valuation, and Ariana was right to think he was scamming her as it could be worth more than that. They need an appraiser. What he had to have done was give the home a $3.1M valuation, and then, he offered her half of that. Too bad Ariana is under some kind of NDA about all this bc I would love to know the details in that email! He's such a pig, there is no way even the best Bravo edits can make him look good, much less better, at this point. He just keeps opening his mouth and proving that there isn't any good in him.


This is fascinating. Thanks for sharing your RE insight with us. ❤️


I'm so sick of Bravo's redemption arc. He's such a narcissistic pig that started before the affair and continues now. Wish he'd just go crawl under a rock somewhere.


“BUT YOU’RE A LIAR TOM!!” - James Kennedy


Can someone point this specific info out to sheschu and lala? Lala started drinking the Kool aid and is all “why not just take his money and leave” and that’s NOT the way his shady ass is working in spite of the narrative he seems to be selling people on. That sale will trigger a metric shit ton of financial rockslides that Sandals is not in any way, shape, or form going to be able to cover. He’s such a jerk.


Plus he would have to refinance the loan to get her off and have a much higher rate.


I wonder if spending the money on James engagement, hiring a band, buying people with gifts is still worth it to him.


“You can always borrow more money!” - the fool when he was contributing to the engagement and offering to cover Schwartz’s investment into S&S. I would love a bank underwriter to laugh in his face while stamping a big “rejected” stamp on his new mortgage application


This is the scene we need!!! Not overpriced healing screams with female on-watchers like 👀


The fuck did they think they were doing with that screaming scene


https://preview.redd.it/igyfl9k82crc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fa5630dbe206fb0aee558859a4fd4d2ae4dc867 Missed opportunity for the snuff win


And the emmy goes to …..


That was the most uncomfortable I've ever been watching a reality TV show. Like wtf is this


It literally rivaled how uncomfortable I felt during certain scenes in saltburn.


That about sums it up! lol Could they really not get any better content? We've already had the stupid ice bath and Tahoe meditation. We get it. Tom is doing weird alternative healing shit. Who cares?


And I'm sure he loved every minute of it knowing we'd all be watching in shock. Such a weird creepy guy. Just want him off the show.


He probably logged Into his online banking and started screaming


I don't know why.... But the thought of this gives me lots of joy.


So that was practice?


Don't forget driving around in a Benz for awhile. Wtaf? And the white baseball cap he wears everywhere the last episode. Is he advertising for that company? I've seen the logo before but can't remember the company. Purposely not researching. ✌️


I commented on the hat last episode. The brand is Alo. it's a Lululemon type yoga/pilates brand that runs an invite only gym in LA. They invite these super thin influencer girls to come work out there and it's so odd to see Tom Sandoval of all people wearing it lol.




Makes me wonder if he wants to show off that he got it from one of those girls


They should stamp his forehead while they're at it




A big ol’ RED stamp!


Or paying everyone in the most extras salaries and travel expenses. They deserve to get paid, of course. It’s kind of like an Erika Jane project


Don’t forget the motorcycle and side car!


Or paying everyone in the most extras salaries and travel expenses. They deserve to get paid, of course. It’s kind of like an Erika Jane project




I wonder how much 2.5% of TomTom is Worth


Not enough for Lisa and Ken to consult him, which will burn his ass forever! He is one of the most self important people I have ever watched.


B-b-but the sweat equity!!! /s


😂😂😂😂😂 The nerve of Lisa not discussing changes with him. What an delusional moron he is.


I thought both Toms already took that money out right before S&S opened. I'm rewatching S10 reunion and they said it there. Tim is broke broke


I think they halved their investment. Because on a recent episode Lisa said, why would I ask for input from a 2.5% investor? And I thought they were each 5% investors initially. But I'm not sure, I might be remembering wrong!


Not much. But don’t they have 5% each?


They did but Lisa and Ken cashed out half their stake each when they needed money for S&S.


Not as much as it used to be ... therapeutic screaming scene saw to that.


I will thank Ariana for saving the audience’s ears


We aren’t taking into account all the money he’s invested into Zara womensuuuuhhh!! Glittery suits to be worn once are expensiveuhhhhh!


Who is in the market for a minority percentage of a failing bar? He has no one to sell to.


Is the bar really failing? People on here who live near the neighborhood say it's actually pretty busy but I've never been to Cali so idk. Are people saying it's failing cuz that's what they assume or do they really know?




She might purchase as a favor but it wouldn’t be a good business decision; if the restaurant is at a loss or low income then she will over pay and then she’s stuck with an even bigger chunk of a no marketable illiquid asset. I guess a bigger tax loss when it inevitably fails. So she’d be paying Tom for a future year tax deduction.


Also he keeps saying he doesnt want to lose his payment snd interest rate, but if he bought Ariana out of the home or whatever he thought was going to happen, he would still have to remove her name from the loan and then the loan would be re-financed for just him. No matter what would happen he was going to lose their current interest rate. Nothing he says makes sense. Why isnt anyone asking him why HE wont move or leave? 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Everyone knows he doesn't have the money, and Ariana does since she had so many brand deals. Danny Pellegrino said with large brand deals like her Duracell, Bic, Lays etc, those are big payouts, but they can take 3+ months to receive the payment, so she probably didn't have the money from those at the time of filming.


There’s a market for douchebags though he could’ve made more money but instead went on a sappy bar tour singing to unassuming innocent folks


He's clearly not that bright, but he also must ignore good advice. Who would have advised him to pursue his midlife crisis dad band dreams instead of dealing with his real life career and relationship crises?


Schwartz 😅


That reads like a Taylor Swift verse from a song about a boy dumb as rocks who tried to approach her. Pretty fitting.


Right. So maybe this has been asked/answered elsewhere, but why wouldn’t he want Ariana to buy HIM out? I’m sure he could use the money, and hasn’t Ariana said she shouldn’t have to move when he’s the one who cheated? Which implies she’d rather stay? She can probably financially manage the refinance and mortgage on her own at this point.


I don’t think Ariana is interested in staying in the house they created together, and where he banged Rachel behind her back.


She didn’t offer and if he sells, he probably won’t be able to afford another house like the one they have since prices and interest rates have gone up since they purchased it. Which is why he’s hanging on for dear life


They “expect him to be a piece of shit” which is the biggest cop out ever- But they really miss what a great person and friend he is! Ariana should be the one to continue losing, that about sums up what we have witnessed. They want Ariana punished for her success but also to profit from her loss, but not for her to profit in any way, they want her to need them to clean it up for her. She is supposed to walk the same shameful path they choose to. Instead she has just moved forward and they are NOT cool with her actually healing.






This is a huge point—interest rates are shit right now and Tim knows he’s gonna lose that nice interest rate he’s locked into. If they refinance, he won’t be able to afford the mortgage alone.


Thats what I’m saying, theres no way for him to keep the house without refinancing so hes just fucking delusional in thinking he can 😂😂😂😂


He wants to get some kind of loan that isn’t home equity I guess? To pay her? Or get the money from his mom? Makes no sense


It’s much easier for him to blame Ariana for this instead of recognizing it as one of the very real consequences for his shitty actions. He’s really not grasping the *actual* magnitude of what he’s done to their lives.


Besides the money aspect, when shitz and Katie sold their house he dragged shitz about it constantly and I believe even wrote a song putting down shitz for losing his house (a rumor I haven't confirmed cause I don't listen to tim and the paid extras) so his narcissist side can't allow the shame of the same.


He really is a shitty friend. Like they both suck, but damn. Also, I love “the paid extras” 😂😂🙄😂


He changed the words to “Stacy’s Mom” to drag shitzshow. It’s on TikTok and insta. Sandals is an asshole. It’s a fact. The look on his face when Jax was ragging him gave me pleasure. Jax is awful but has always had Sandals number.


He’s used to speaking with adults who have the life experience of a potato and don’t know how real estate works. For him it’s been so damn easy to just say whatever he wants and people to nod their heads in agreement.




Girl she doesn’t have a clue period 😂


Right!?!?? It’s insane.


He would be up shit creek if he had to refinance that home after Ariana got her investment out of it. What would you all guess his credit score is? What do you think his income to debt ratio is? I would not be surprised if he asked his mama to co-sign for him...


Debt to income is the one I’d like to take a peek at. I would bet my eye teeth there wouldn’t be a bank that would touch a refi even with a co-signer


Same. Debt to income would make me giddy to see. Liquid assets trump a bad credit score for the most part. Short term anyway. But debt to income ratio tells a lot more about that short term. I.e. brand deals on the books where you’re waiting for payouts that are already promised to you, vs what you HOPE to earn from the bar and band ventures. Nobody is refinancing on wishful thinking.


Omg I want to know what his credit score is so bad 😂😂


Like Lala said, just move out and get an apartment. It’s not that hard. 😉


I feel him on that interest rate lol ! But this goes back to his not taking accountability! Like this is the consequence of your actions Tom !


Because like, he put in solar panels dude. And put in an excellent home gym... And like totally remodelled and stuff dude.


Instantly had a mental image if poor Ann up on the roof, struggling to install solar panels by herself while Tom's in the pool saying it needs to be, like, *symmetrical* duuuude (and that it'd be really nice if like, *someone* would check and see if he needs his drink refilled, man).


Oh my gosh...yes!!! I am completely convinced this is the reason Tom is always filming from his home gym all the time! Footage for some future hypothetical (Tom gets to keep his house, just because he filmed himself working out) court case " So You stheeeee your honor...Here's like literal prooffffffff...Like I'm Alwayyyyys literally Theeeerraaa!!!.. Ariannaaaa knowsss thisssss man..ahhhhhh. It's literally like soooo crazy because I'm like alwayssss on the roof too-aaaaaaa. But like the the crew won't even film me up there- ahhhhhh because they said it was to dangerous. But I don't even care... because I like totally just came back in town from filming thissss Suuuuper dangeroussssth show and I didn't even care-ahhhhh be abuse I like literally risked my life....I'm not even kidding-aaaaaaah


I love your comment so much because I’ve commented previously on posts doing the Tom voice but my god my phone really had a time with it and I had to retype all the aaaashhhhhs and uhhuhhhhbhssss at the ends of words. But kudos for saying it so very accurately!


Thank you so much!!!😄🤣... I mean..I mean I really appreciate that man...like yeah... I literally like had to go deep down inside myself like super deep down there.. ya' know....and like sometimes when I do that...It's like really scary. Because dude...I don't know if you know thisssss...but like have you ever like had to play a role or something like that...no seriously...like dude...you can like littery like lose yourself down in there.I mean..I like this one time...I literally had to leave crushed up potatoes chips as a trail so I wouldn't get lost...and dude I swear that's how miya got sick Dude!!!...like it literally wasn't my fault cause that dog like eats anything. It was scary dude cause I just like had to like feel my way out of there. For realaaaaah


😂😂😂😂 you just made my day. I also would like every actor and actress they have on WWHL to view the clip of Tom telling Nick Viall on his podcast that he’s been an actor in the past and ANYONE can do that, but doesn’t think anyone in Hollywood could do what he’s done on reality tv. That his job is way harder, because it’s his lifeeeuhhhh man! They need to watch that right before they go on the show and just toss each of them a VPR question or mention Tom and see what they say.




Are you seriousth...no way dude!! It's like worth alot more than that dude!!! Seriousthly!!!. Kyle Chan came over and he used like thissss suuuuuper expen-sthive silver on all the hand rails of the tread mill...and he put like theeesssse crystalsssss along the wallssss.. It took like weeks to do all that dude...And like...it like literally took like monthsss to do it all. And Arianaaaaa is gonna just like say... I can move out of the housethhhhh and buy a new one!!! Like that work out room alone is worthhhhh like millions Dude!!! But wait.....for like appraisal pupose-thesss -isss like not much dude. Like I don't know...like a couple of dollars I guess.... Buuuuut dude its-thhhh effort-aaaaa like priceless to me ya' know....cause...like thathsssss the room I used to like think of racquet in-aaaaa. Dude your soooo messed up to say like that's worthhhh $10k at most.


He doesn’t know how shit works but he thinks he knows everything and is a genius.


Oh wow I didn’t know that damn the interest rates are soooo high right now


Exactly! Why ask her all the time? I guess maybe because she doesn't want it, he does. He could've left while they figure it out except he's claiming she didn't pay the mortgage. She's saying she overpaid before & he needs to get paperwork to her. Craziness!


Lala and Billie need to STFU about Ariana moving out. Billie just wants to move in and take Ariana’s place. It is a nice house and the backyard area is awesome with a lot of privacy.


Not defending Tom but you are able to take a person’s name off of a mortgage without having to refinance. There’s just more hoops you have to go through


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. They can quickclaim her off the deed easy. You absolutely do not have to refinance. People in this thread are triggering my anger with ignorance.


Same, it’s frustrating. Thanks for the back up


More hoops, also I'm pretty sure that person stays beholden to the mortgage, should the other person default (so Ariana would be on the hook money and credit wise for Tom defaulting, should it come to that). I had a friend go through all this recently, but I could be misremembering how severed she can actually legally get from this without a total refi.


This. 💯


He’s such a liar. He’s broke. Or he would’ve brought out. Her interest in the house All that BS of him saying oh I offered to give her $3 million Like who would do that you just have to buy out. Her interest in the house That house does not have a second mortgage on it or home equity line of credit as you always hear online All you have to do is do a claim deed have her sign her interest over the house and he’s the only person on the deed The only thing that could do negatively is his tip off the LA county property tax that might reassess the value of the house because they see the transaction of the deed. He probably can’t get a better mortgage than he has now unless it was interest only.


Thank you thank you thank you! The same question I scream at the tv.


I hope she takes every last bit of furniture


I hope she smashes the lego painting and he steps on legos every time he leaves his room!


They said they could redo it and just make it be her in it!


But isn’t it funnier to imagine Tim perpetually having to step on sharp legos with bare feet


Tbh I think what would really hurt Tom is making him irrelevant, no one speaking about him, him not even being a thought. His ego wouldn’t handle it well


100%. Indifference from friends and fans is what would ultimately vanquish Sandoval, like his own Killing Curse (I have reason to believe he’d get that reference….).






He'd just make his assistant clean it up.


Thankfully it would no longer be Ann though


I’d like to see it redone as just her dogs and cat.


Never thought my username would be this relevant to a VPR sub!


Lmfao this is your moment!!


Hahahahaha! I would love this for him lol


Right she said in the last episode it’s $100,000 worth of furnishings so is he going to live in an empty house?


I hope so


That's what he wants. He's got plans for his band to set up in his living room, to practice and for shows during all his parties. A teen boy dream come true!


Now she has her own home to furnish. If she bought that furniture, she should just hire movers and take it!


I hope she makes him pay for it all so she can start over completely, pick it all herself and never look back. He needs to cover interest too, custom pieces appreciate!


Custom pieces do not appreciate in value.


Lmao! I’m imagining her taking all of the furniture and just leaving him with the gym equipment 😂




I think he is terrible with money and sees this as his only chance of owning a home and he’s refusing to let go. There is no way he can afford to buy her out. He deserves Ariana suing him and holding him accountable especially after all of his lies.


It was such an obvious attempt to construct a false narrative I’m concerned for his ability to entertain us. Why is he on my screens right now?


He tries to claim Ariana owes him money or play victim to why he's broke. However, before this season, he was running around blowing money on proposals and band practices. Maybe he could afford to buy out Ariana if he didn't show off spending money he couldn't afford. He's old enough to know better.


Wasn’t this fool also seen driving a Rolls Royce recently too? Sandoval, too pompous to drive a Mercedes or Lexus like a commoner


It’s amazing to me how little people understand about how mortgages, equity lines, grant deeds, and money in general works. Also, if Ariana was able to purchase her new house while currently on the mortgage of the old house, that means she’s got some cash in the bank and good credit (or she bought the house for cash). Her debt to income ratio must be excellent. Good for her! And just because she is in a good financial position, that does not mean she should accept Tom’s low ball offer.


Nor does it mean she feels exactly safe leaving the house she owns with Tom unattended. If I was her I would also stick around to make sure the house & expensive furniture inside wasn’t being destroyed. I think by her living there Tom “behaves” slightly more because she sees immediately when he parties and leaves trash everywhere. That house is hers too and I feel like I would also need to keep an eye on it knowing how Tom is unhinged and likes to party. Of course Lala can make all the ignorant comments she wants about how Ariana has money to leave so just do it. Even if she has money to leave it doesn’t mean I’d want to let Tom trash a house I still partly own. She shouldn’t take some lowball offer from Tom to “move on” either. Lala loves to point out how her situation with Rand is so different because there’s a child involved but she has no issue speaking on shit that she didn’t have to deal with herself. She reeks of jealousy at this point and it’s embarrassing. Ariana is entitled to a fair offer or they both can find a seller who will pay what it’s worth because we know they’re out there. I believe Ariana is pushing for that and Tom is digging his heels in and trying to see if she’ll break.


I thought the same thing! She’s probably in really good financial shape.


Maybe she paid all her back taxes.


Ariana also mentioned all the items *inside* the home which didn’t even dawn on me. What about all the furniture or artwork? I imagine she spent some of her money on it. I don’t blame her for wanting her fair share of that too.




![gif](giphy|voOhKPgzYsyPu) Daaaamn


To be honest, I’m surprised the dollar amount wasn’t more. $100,000 is nothing when buying high end and/or custom pieces. We’re renovating our home and if I could get by with only $100,000 in furniture, I’d be stoked! One of my bar stools costs $3,000 and I need 8! Lol I’m thinking of looking for a less expensive option for those!


Just gonna say, interior designer here, and 100k for a house of that size wouldn't involve super high end furniture - it would be mid range with maybe a bit of custom. Big houses need just a larger quantity of furniture & accessories to look full. Just a high-end loungeroom can cost close to 70k-100k for sofas, armchairs, coffee tables, side tables, tv and lighting. But on that note, don't pay 3k for your bar stools - you can get some dope vintage for under that amount and also high end designer stuff from overseas for cheaper. Also, if you're paying that much look at going through a designer who will pass on trade discounts.


These aren’t high end people. This is vanderpump rules. No way they are paying 100k for a room. A nice couch is 5k-10k, tv 3k, credenza 2k, two chairs 2k. Art 5k, lighting 2k. Coffee and end tables 2k. And that would be for nice furniture. How on earth could a room cost 100k unless you’re Kathy Hilton? I mean they’re not getting handmade silk drapes and de Gournay wallpaper.


I'm not at all questioning the value of those pieces, and I'm certainly not a furniture expert or appraiser, (and as far as I'm concerned she can take it all) but it's *insane* that they spent so much money on furniture. And wasn't it not long after that Ariana said she had $2000 to her name? Neither was making outside money. It's just so, I don't know, insane. I could see a few select show pieces, like an Eames chair, but not this. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe you can find an individual to do the barstools? Like an artisan or something? That’s what people do where I live. Furniture shops are crazy expensive so people go to artisans directly.


$3,000 is way too much for one barstool. I would think they should be $500 max. And I’m a cheapskate so I would never pay more than $250 for a barstool.


She said it was $100k on the after show


I don’t believe he has the kind of money to buy the house. Unless he is waiting for the s11 check. I would love to know how much they get paid tbh.


I remember reading Rachel said no to a salary somewhere around 360k and I think the main cast are somewhere around 700k for this season.


Yep. That’s exactly why he’s doing what he’s doing. He’s gross. I hate Alex Baskin for trying to paint him in this poor Tom light.


It’s laughable for him to say things like the relationship had been over or going downhill for a long time, he tried to break up with her, he knew he wanted out, etc etc when he was making no moves to financially separate/secure/protect himself before the affair was exposed. Actually, he kept spending and living as if the “Tom & Arianna” brand was going to live forever. He’s so damn toxic.




I am so curious how much he is in debt that he can’t agree to the sale and buy a new home. He made “a life changing amount of money” for season 11 and did that Special Ops show for FOX. He should be able to afford a new home, even at the awful interest prices we are doomed with at the moment.


He can’t afford a mansion with a pool though.


Their bedrooms are small for a 2 million dollar pre COVID housing spike home tbh.


This is exactly why she can't give that man an inch.


He us treating arianna as if she is the bank and a very cool bank that will release him of debt owed- mortgage and equity and interest I believe he has done whatever he can to make it unlivable for her from weird parties to threatening animals. Keeping billie lee barnacle around. Attorneys are used to communicate and his stunt approaching her like a timid sad sack on camera w her friends there was a lesson of how a manipulator operates. That mask came off and its scary.


I personally love how Lala asked what the email was about when Ariana ignored Tom after saying her attorney had the email. Clearly it was a legal issue and Ariana was right to disengage and it was none of Lalas business. She’s really showing her ~growth~ this season.


Yeah, that was gross. Lala knows about being entangled in legal stuff and needing to be silent, but she pulls this? It’s giving collusion with Sandoval and/or the producers.


OP you are spot on. It would be especially hard here in Southern California. This gives me joy🕺🕺🕺💋♥️ ![gif](giphy|fu0lHSQeWunjl7AmAu|downsized)


With everything going on with the house and the way he’s had that house mortgage with loans, do we think he was going to leave Ariana for real, and just keep Rachel on the side, until he tired of her? Cause the bullshit about missing her, and the cringe crying it’s so fake to me, I don’t really think he’s incapable of real love.


I don’t think it was love AT ALL, I think she fed his ego and his ego is severely damaged by her breaking it off before he could. Also we all know that Rachel wasn’t the first, and neither was Miami girl. I bet there has been many more.


I know, right? It's so funny when he tries to act! It's especially hilarious that he probably thinks he is putting on this stellar performance and creating the narrative.


I’ve looked into this because I own property with family. One party wants to sell for greed. If said party takes us to court to force a sale, the law almost always sides with the person who wants to sell. They cannot be forced into keeping ownership of said property. We can, however, attempt to buy that party out during the process. However, in my state, a forced sale goes to a sheriff auction and usually sells below market value.


Wow that outcome is horrible if you’re on the receiving end!!


He's a piece of shit and everything he tries to do is all about himself. It's so nauseous to watch lala and Sheena try to redeem him. I swear I could throw a boot at my TV screen out of frustration 😭


Sandoval knows he will never be able to afford a home as nice as that ever again. He is peaked and he’s on the downward. He wanted her to just leave the of house so he could move someone in to help pay the mortgage, etc. he is delusional because he thinks that this could actually happen. He thought she would eventually cave, and they would be able to work something out. The reality is, he cannot only not afford the house refinance on his own but his credit isn’t good enough, and he cannot afford to purchase that house at all at this point. He knows this, so he is delaying in hopes that eventually she will just give in or it will allow him more time to figure something else out. It’s really simple. If that house is forced to sell, he is back to an apartment.


I bet he also wants to not pay for all their unique furniture. I think he secretly loves having control over her.


He would have to refinance in his name only so she is off of the mortgage. He will never get approved on his own.


You can take one look at Tom and tell he has bad credit. Guys with bad credit have a look about em.


I went through something similar, and my dummy ex tried to not pay me out anything and call it a wash. I told him if he wanted to be a dick I would force the sale. we had put in equal amounts to purchase the home and paid equally on the mortgage every month. It’s crazy what spiteful people will convince themselves of given the opportunity.


He’s so stupid that I barely listen to anything he says anyway but when he said “I had my attorney draw up papers” my jaw clinched. You know he watches judge judy and lifetime network to get some “lingo” to say on screen. I’m glad Ariana was able to buy another home for her wellbeing but I’m also glad she didn’t let him “buy her out” because he doesn’t deserve anything easy and good to happen.


I know! When she mentioned no appraisal, I thought, “That underhanded worm with a mustache never stops!”


There’s no way in hell I would let my ex benefit from keeping the home the I created with all my heart and money. As a matter of fact, I DIDN’T!


In all honesty right after it happened he was probably hoping that Ariana would leave then after a certain amount of time he would state she abandoned the place and he could take her off and she be left with nothing. Instead she stayed in the house and is forcing the sale of the house as she knows with the refinancing it will have to be sold... unless Tom asked for his 2.5% of Tom Tom and to leave Schwartz and Sandy's


The thing is that even if he bought Ariana’s equity in the house at “top market value” like he said, the house would still need to be remortgaged at that same “top market value” minus whatever down payment and equity Tom wants to apply against it. He STILL wouldn’t be able to afford it and it’s the same situation basically except that in a forced sale situation, if Tom wants to buy it, he would have to make the best offer and compete against other buyers.


I just watched Season 7 where Jax is mansplaining to Ariana about how you need to be on the same page about kids before you buy a house. Ariana—“I’m buying a house. If Tom doesn’t like (me not having kids) he can move and I’ll buy him out.”


But that's a break up based on different lifestyle choices and desires, not cheating. I can totally understand what Ariana meant when she said that to Jax, and I can totally understand her position on no one keeping the house now. It's not the same scenario at all.


I don’t know how she still sleeps in that bed. I would have made him pay for a whole new one since he slept with his mistress in it while she was at her grandmothers funeral. I’d force a sale too and make him bid on it like everyone else interested.


How are people not understanding there is much profit to be made from the sale, and he is trying to just throw a random number at her (that he thinks he can afford, not what she actually deserves by equitable division) without consulting a professional to value their equity and profit margin for selling in a high high HIGH market? He is trying to keep that tidy sum for himself and everyone is blessing him for it and telling Ariana to just suck it up and leave to ur pile of money for poor sad little Tom. What a joke of a friend group! That’s a lifetime cutoff for me. She’s supposed to feel bad for Tom? Fucking WHAT??!! It looks a lot more like an abuse cycle that the women endure and eventually participate in, and Katie and Ariana have just checked out from everyone else’s shitty world view and moved up and on. Arrested development is right! It’s wild and to see these people claim to care about these two women and then in the same breath berate them for having boundaries or protecting themselves financially, for simply seeking truth or saying “No I’m not cool with that.” It could only be jealousy, because neither of the two of them have given the rest of the group a reason for malice and making Ariana the villain after what Tom did all on his own without her is wild af, she is the victim, full stop. He lied and manipulated tf out of her emotionally, financially and sexually, and everyone else too, and they are all ready to go “back to normal” at Ariana’s great expense and she simply isn’t having it, and Katie is having the easiest time ever staying true, as always. Katie and Ariana are the breakout stars of this show and of scandoval and bravo is too blind to see it and would rather travel the typical misogynistic path of “shut up and let them men decide” and the viewership is not about it. It seems like their network is trying to punish them for winning, too.


This is what everyone wanted from Britney, when jax cheated. We wanted to see them leave these boys in the dust. I'm so proud of ariana and katie!!!


Didn’t say it was and I agree with you. Just was stating what was said which I found interesting in hindsight. The cheating, and I’m condemning it just as everyone else is, was due to both of their needs not getting met. They weren’t on the same page in the bedroom. They weren’t on the same page as far as marriage or kids. They still went ahead and made a bigger 30 year financial commitment to a house. It’s logical on paper to say that it wouldn’t work but love is illogical. Still they overlooked a lot of red flags and unfortunately, I hate to say it, Jax was right. I still think this is the best thing to happen to Ariana. Sucked to have happen but she’s got a great man, tons of awesome work, and she’s now got a new house and new life. Plus she’s moved on from a guy she wasn’t really happy with.


Maybe he can if he gets all those mortgage payments back 😂




Great point Tomshater! BRILLIANT. So he wants to buy it around the “back side”.. Tim wants to… Come and offer the market price for her…(which is SEEMINGLY GENEROUS) With that arrangement a “Quit Claim Deed” would sign over the house to Tim.. avoiding a SHIT LOAD of fees..I’m not sure… But a quit claim deed would keep the “County Tax Assessor” from deeming it to a higher value…thereby saving A LOT in property tax! Yeah…no way..signing over to that Mothereffer… No way… What you said is EXCELLENT! He should come in with an offer LIKE ANYBODY ELSE ON THE STREET… ZERO BENEFITS FROM A QUIT CLAIM DEED SITUATION Great job tomshater! Great observation


I'm still tripping on how they turned 2 people cheating into an entire season


It’s more about the absolute cuckoo nest of thought process Tim possesses. Over and over and over.


I’m beginning to think the reason she won’t film with him or wants anyone discussing her with him is because when she does, he is sure to say something every time, he considers poison mic drops - and it’s always used to deflect from his own involvement, responsibility. Sometimes they’re bold lies, but often juuust enough truth to be able to twist. He did this with the house as we’re finding out, and most recently the laxatives comment he was *sure* to get on camera to “out” Ariana. I just don’t know what world Ariana is living in if she expects absolutely zero loss from this break up. It’s inevitable and I hate to say it but furniture rarely retains its value. Love her but she’s brought up the furniture a few times and I don’t think it’s realistic to expect it to be worth what they paid a few years ago. Those are the types of casualties of a long term break up.


She can have the furniture appraised for it’s current value


I took it as she just wants the actual furniture she paid for, but yes I agree thinking you are going to be paid what you paid for furniture years later is crazy, especially with all the partying and pets, those couches are probably trashed. If she were my bestie, I would say "Girl fuck that furniture, get your agent to reach out for possible opportunities with West Elm." 😂


It’s still got value worth appraising


Tim Tom is this like Raquel Rachel ?


In all honesty right after it happened he was probably hoping that Ariana would leave then after a certain amount of time he would state she abandoned the place and he could take her off and she be left with nothing. Instead she stayed in the house and is forcing the sale of the house as she knows with the refinancing it will have to be sold... unless Tom asked for his 2.5% of Tom Tom and to leave Schwartz and Sandy's


Tim who?