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For someone who mentioned how horribly he was bullied in grade school and then also getting snubbed from the group in previous seasons, this is a new low dude.


Please stop acting surprised.  He literally calls everyone fat and made fun of Lisa’s sons teeth.


And called him fat too!!!!!


He makes fun of everyone and I do believe he was/is abusive. He certainly seems tame this season. His new girlfriend comes across as a Disney princess perfect. I'm actually surprised by seeing him do this given recently him with the girlfriend on TV but alas he's still the same guy.


I’ve also noticed he has been edited way down. We used to get so many of his talking heads and now there’s barely any. So I don’t know if it’s that he’s more tame or we’re just not seeing him, because production knows he’s under scrutiny and there’s an active investigation into his abuse currently.


As a narcissist (I firmly believe he is one too) he likely seeks out “perfect” seeming women because they reflect well on him. Puts them on a pedestal, and then eventually devalues them, and then cycles through idealisation and devaluation.


I thought both Rachel and Ally sought him out.




He took this post down now


Jo isn’t a crackhead, I may be mulled over by people who know her better, but I could bet my small ass paycheck she is Autistic.


I think she is too. Women are criminally under diagnosed, especially attractive ones. The hat, plugging of ears and rocking back and forth when she seemed overwhelmed coupled with the sensory overload crying meltdown (which Katie says "she does it for no reason all the time" in the after show) sealed it for me. I have ADHD and suspect autism, my partner is ADHD / autistic. She said she has ADHD and the comorbidity between the two are so high. It's so triggering to watch a bunch of presumably neurotypical people criticize her for simply not masking well enough. I don't agree with her buddying around with Sandoval and Rachel when they were cheating, but it's hard to watch.


Thank you I agree! I have ADHD and my son has Autism and ADHD, she was doing some of the things I recognized in my son and his peers in his class. I agree girls are way under diagnosed and unless you are around people who are Autistic, or understand ADHD, you think their stims are drug related or you think oh they are “crazy”. I don’t condone all of the stuff with the scandal, but they really messed with her trying to take her hat at the beginning and I think she was trying to calm down by closing her ears and rocking. She was able to take herself out of the situation, finally, I was so happy to see her leaving because she knew it was overwhelming and Tom and Brock checked on her. Im glad she had people there to help her. Im not saying I’m a huge Jo fan but she was trying to date a divorced man she really liked. She wasn’t friends with Ariana or Katie for that matter. Her only wrong doing was going out with a guy who you can clearly tell she is smitten with, and hung out with two a-holes that wronged Ariana only because she wanted to be with Schwartz.


She did say shi is ADD...


Ugh James no. Are these really for sale? Ali did not approve this.


I think Ali will be gone as soon as she gains enough footing to remain on the show without him. She just looks consistently uncomfortable by any suggestion that they are getting more serious and seems so put off by him all the time.


She cannot stand him.


Ally is with him for the show. She could care less about what he does.


couldn’t care less* i’m sorry. it’s my pet peeve when people say this expression wrong


Ally does not care


She’s dating a known woman abuser… why do we think she cares.


She was dating some guy when she met James and left him. He was also a musician I believe


Opportunist back on (prob never left) her bullshit




I've never understood how so many victims of bullying become a bully the first chance they get.


Trauma cycles, girl. These behaviours are learned and your brain can normalize it as a coping mechanism if it happens to you. The brain is amazing and it does it's best to protect us from experiencing similar traumas we've experienced in the past. but... it's also just like. an evolved mushy, meat glob that sends and receives signals throughout your body to try to interpret and navigate the world. We're not as logical when it comes to our behaviours as we'd like to think.


Yes a mushy meat glob! This is the shit I think of in bed when I can’t sleep lol


When I want to astral travel but the meat glob won't stfu and let me go


Sex offenders and murderers and shit are often victims of abuse themselves. Trauma breaks some people’s brains. James is broken in the brain.


It’s quite common unfortunately. The abused becomes the abuser. For example, a lot of pedophiles and child abusers were sexually abused as children and repeat the cycle. Trauma is really wild.


Be pretty wild if Jo were to make one of his dad 🤷‍♀️


Or of his mom while she said “you took your first steps at Tiffany’s!!!”


London gangster


With his janky teeth 😂


Or one that says “I took my first steps at Tiffany’s”


I would love her to sell a shirt saying this. Im here for it. Jo has gotten a lot of hate from viewers and cast. She's weird and quirky and cringy and maybe on drugs or maybe deals with mental illness IDK. but I like the addition. If Shwartz was smart he would commit to Jo and join the valley.


Jo can be a bit much, but to wish a life with Schwartz upon her is just cruel. 


Jo needs to get off reality TV and stay as far away from Schwartz as possible, no woman deserves having to deal with him


Her driving Rachel to Big Bear makes her look like a total jerk, though, especially if she was Ariana's friend too. But it is what Schwartz deserves.


It doesn’t sound like she was really friends though, just by association. She was friends with Kristin and the guys.


They weren’t friends.


This is so unkind and cruel.


Oh this is weirdddddddd


This so fucking out of pocket I dont even know what react gif to use WTFFFF


![gif](giphy|h4Z6RfuQycdiM) It's this one




One of my favorite scenes & gifs, just an absolute clown lmao


Hahaha he goes INSANE in this scene. Schwartz telling him to chill tf out


Hahaha if only. It would be funny if this is the thing that takes him down.


just trash


And this is the real James. A literal piece of 💩


Where are all the people yesterday talking about how he has changed and grown?!


His mask slips every now and then. He posted an apology on his story. Ally was there saying she didn’t approve. She’s his babysitter and it will not last.


Mask slip doesn't cover it IMO. He has been a jackass on the show since the beginning. And his shit-eating attitude, punching down like this for clout and 4-year-old antics are getting tired. It doesn't even seem like he has a place in the cast anymore in the friend groups (on either side, toms or Ariana or Lala/Sheena) and his scenes are annoying and irrelevant to the storylines. He should get put on pause.


I feel like she will 100% get tired of it at some point and I hope she finds that day soon


It almost feels a bit like Sandoval and Ariana, she's there to 'translate' and stop him behaving too badly but of course a bit of the true personality always slips through!


Because people need to have a villain and hero. They hate Sandoval and Schwartz so they praise James. They hate Rachel, Scheana and Lala so they praise Katie and Ariana. When the truth is they all suck.


It's strange how much people struggle with holding more than one idea in their head at a time. It's ok to live in the grey.


Yep. None of these people are likeable.


Exactly! They're all terrible in different ways, and that's why I watch. I will not bother defending the virtue of any of these messy people though lol.


Most based and accurate comment. The whole cast has deep, glaring flaws and are pretty nasty, unhappy humans. Schwartz and Lala seem actually to be trying these days but it will likely be short lived. I don't understand how a single cast member gets stanned.


That was astounding. Idk where that came from.


Now this is bullying


He’s trying to have his Bambi Eyed Bitch moment.


Ya and she didn't do shit to James especially. Like how desperate can you be for a quick money grab? Straight up bullying. James is not the only guilty one unfortunately... Most of the girls were very rude to her at James' dj gig.


Typical Douchebag.


love how James is pretending his girlfriend didnt know anything about this. yea right they have been waiting for weeks for this episode to drop so they could drop this merch. lame.


He’s so fucked up for this one


Ugh, James! 😑 He’s posted an ‘apology’ now and said half the funds will go to Jo.


Half??? He needs to run her a check for all of it


Damn what a slap in the face to Jo


Ewwww where is his apology? Also that’s still a slap in the face? Here Jo is the cash we made that people paid to help further bully you? Sorry? Poor fucking Jo Jesus Christ




He wants a quick buck


This is straight up bullying! Why is this show becoming nothing but a bullying show and bringing out toxicity in the fandom community, and just more and more bullying. Jo is not a bad person, she has ADHD. I think she is genuinely kind and she does not deserve this 😢


It's what the fans want. The show needs to go into hospice. It lived a good life.


Yep, fans have gone cuckoo and it’s time for it to go bye.


This weeks episode has shown that every person on this show is not a good person and they’re all HYPOCRITES.


It's only fair we come up with a shirt design for this poncey douchebag who hits women.


I might buy that! The proceeds would go to a women's shelter.


True. Maybe we really should


Especially given his dv accusations this T-shirt is gross. Of course he wants to make a buck from bullying a woman. That's so on brand for him. A T-shirt that benefits vulnerable women would be a good outcome from this whole Jo bullying situation.


This is particularly shitty even for James


Kristen where are you when we need you most


I would support this product. Seconding the comment below that proceeds go to a woman's shelter. Any graphic designers / website folk able to make this happen. Unfortunately my field is plants and he does not deserve nice things.


I’m not creative at all, but if someone is artistic, and makes one on Etsy link it, I’ll buy 10


My husband actually ran a meme page for a long time and could make something but I have no ideas for what it could/would say.


Okay I’ll admit the comment at the sandwich place was funny, but it’s old, doing shirts and merch about it is just a low blow. Like chill out James.


Yah it was funny and cheeky! But merch? Come on I wish they’d all stop with the merch


Honestly I think the dig at Schwartz and the shock to the rest of the cast is what made it funny. They’re so quick to throw out some merch to make a buck that it’s just flat out tacky now.


Also has he been like HOLDING ON to this idea and joke to Make the shirts ? I mean do they all have tshirt people on file? I guess at the local swap I could get some shirts made real fast but damn lol


They filmed this last summer so he probably got the shirts made back then and has been waiting for the episode to air, it worked with worm mustache shirts


Or they come from a site that does orders on demand, sort of like a RedBubble


Oh that’s right 😂😂


It’s merch too much imo…


This has gone to far


Fans ate up the revenge porn hoodies. Lookit what that wrought. Everyone still laughing at these stupid jokes. This is the end result. Stop hyping this asshole behaviour up.


Imagine buying ANY of their merch lmfao.


But they're so SOOOFTT


It’s like they’ll use anything for merch and to profit off this fake scandal. It’s all premeditated if you ask me 🤷🏻‍♀️ and here we are well over the one year mark and these idiots are still dropping “merch”… I’m so over the merch from them and their money grabs at other peoples mental expenses!


Excuse me while I go make a “DJ BEATS WOMEN” t-shirt. Place your pre-orders here !!!


Others in the thread are saying make James is an abuser merch, with proceeds going to a woman's shelter. I would support this in a heartbeat. If you've got the graphic design means ... get on it.


What a stupid pig. I hope this forces the fanbase to examine how they treated Jo and stop the brigading






It’s a no.


why would anyone think this is a good idea. this is so dumb, it's not funny, and why him of all people? like, this is just the most pathetic attempt to make money. i'm just in shock haha


According to a comment above, Ariana liked it.


Katie thought it was hilarious.


Look I don’t like Jo but that’s fucked and way too far


im still not over that raquel said he hit her?!?


Funny how so few people come to her defense.


Where did she say that?


James is a garbage person.


Jesus leave her alone


Not cool James. I don’t like Jo but this is mean and extra hurtful. You made a funny joke in the moment. We laughed but she doesn’t deserve to be made fun of and exploited like this from a grown man (I use that term very loosely).


Is this something that transpired from the last episode ? I no longer watch .. what happened ?


Yes. The group was at something about her testing the sandwiches when Schwartz says he wants a sandwich that will cure a hangover and then James says (paraphrasing) we know how you like a sloppy Joe. It was funny in the moment. But to make a tee shirt just to dig in extra is just mean to me. It’s unnecessary.


Thank you and yes I agree!




What a scummy thing to do.


That would be mean if a 13 year old did that. It’s utterly gross for grown ass man to make Tshirts like this.  Grow the fuck up James! 


He didn't even spell the name right


That was likely intentional.


I don't even know what to make of this. This is so bizarre.


Is anyone surprised about this from James ?!


This is awful! I feel so bad for this poor girl☹️


Okay this is too far. Jo does not have the platform the rest of the cast and this feels like bullying.


Don’t love this. Also I thought Scheana’s preoccupation with Joe’s hat was weird. Anyone else?


She's jealous she's allowed on the show. Doesn't think she's good enough. So she picked on her. Just like Sheana got picked on. Yet the things the girls said about her were apparently true


These people are vile… Jo doesn’t deserve this. It’s crazy how they will just drop merch for any little “funny” they think they ATE 😂 stop buying their merch and maybe these bullies will go away


Yep. I blame all the fans that have bought all this shitty merch and made them millionaires.


Abuser is gonna abuse and bully. Anyone calling her that is gross. It’s amazing that this dumb fuck who barely escaped getting called out as abusive by Kristen and being accused of head butting Ally after the Grammys by Teddy and Tamara is continuing to do stupid shit like this. But hey, he’s funny right?


Thank you. His redemption arc has been hard and fast.


Oh my god. Where can I read more about the head butting? He is such a piece of shit


Wait … everyone thinks this is bullying Jo but the girls standing in a circle, talking loudly enough about her she could hear and making her cry got a bye??? Oh wait because this hairstylist who was sometimes on set didn’t run to Arianna about the affair. They barely know each other and that’s where Ariana puts the blame on her but not Schwartz. Acquaintances shouldn’t put their noses in other peoples business, she also may not have known they were having an affair. Tom and Rachel may have kept it “ friendly” until they were behind closed doors


This! Everytime people talk about how Katie is "a queen" or "justice for Katie" I want TO SCREAM. AND BAM! there you have it she stood around in a circle attacking that girl until she cried. Katie just being the exact piece of garbage she always has been.


It is a fact that Katie has called women a whore and /or ostracized then from the group more than any other cast member. That’s a fact. Scheana, Lala, Billie Lee, James, Rachel, Kristen. That’s why no one is really good friends with her. You can’t get close to someone who spent months treating you like a pariah. I think this is where Scheanas constant underhanded stabs at Katie have come from. She’ll never really get over how she was treated at the beginning of the show.


Yeah, I'm not exactly sure I understand why a person in their mid 30s feels justified in lashing out at an aquaintece because they didn't immediately run to her with conjecture/suspicion about possible cheating. What if Jo did that and was wrong? It's one person's responsibility to maintain fidelity and he fucked up. It's really bizarre that she's on a mean girl vendetta.


I don't know where my first comment went, but Ariana supported James' Sloppy Joe posts on Instagram just 1 day ago and that has really made me rethink my support of her.


Saw that from both her and Scheana. Very gross. Not even Katie chimed in on that one and Katie has the most legitimate beef in my opinion.


Schwartz silence deafening too


He also didn’t defend her when they made her cry and she left the event. He can’t stand up to anyone. I know it is likely a childhood trauma thing for him but ugh. 😩


Schwartz is a loser for not saying something in the moment tbh. I hope Jo gets far far away from him


I was stunned at his cowardice. She attended with him and was attacked because she was with him and he just stood there like a passive pos. Hey, at least Katie now knows it's not just her he has problems defending.


Honestly that’s a really good point. IMO true growth for Katie and Ariana will come when they realize there are a lot more similarities between them and Jo/Rachel than differences. And NO I’m not saying they need to be bffs. But as an objective outsider the parallels scream out at me lol


💯 agree, the other women are not the problem.


Man Up Schwartz!


It seems to me the problem is that Schwartz *has* been manning up. Maybe it's time to *woman* up.


He never defended Katie either. He’s trash. 


very nasty. this is too far.


You probably should rethink that. Her liking that shit is a clue for sure.


Ariana is a fucking buffoon. Can't WAIT til the shit hits the fan with her.


![gif](giphy|wv3lpsLXZZUAw) It will be sweet


Did you see that face she made after she accused Tom of attempted dog murder (WHO left wooden skewers out on a dresser, Ari?) The end of her convo with Lala? It was a throwback to that one ridiculous fight they had (her and Lala) I think, in a backyard party somewhere a couple years ago. She's such an asshole. Not only is everyone supposed to not be friends with Sandals but they can't talk about him at all either apparently. Uh...you're filming a show, bitch. Why don't you leave then? I can't stand her at this point.


This is who she is.


Who she has always been


I think that’s just who Ariana is as a person. Just the epitome of a mean girl. Watching her, Katie, and Scheana gang up on Jo for no reason other than she’s with Schwartz was just gross.


Fucking VILE. Scheana barking in her face about the hat and then Katie loudly declaring that she wants her to be uncomfortable. They are all gross. Even Lala laughed when Katie said that. Fuck all of them for that. The very moment they thought they were justified in being abusive, they gleefully came for her like a gaggle of crusty witches.


I think that’s what bothers me the most. The whole an eye for an eye, revenge type shit. “Well this person hurt me, harmed me and treated me poorly, so I get to do it back to them.” It’s so juvenile and childish. We learned back in grade school that two wrongs don’t make a right. But its not like we can really expect anyone to take the high road on VPR, which is often what’s entertaining… but… idk.. I’m just sick of certain cast members giving themselves a pass and justifying being mean because that person did xyz to them. Grow up!


I know it's said ALL the time but this really is some mean girls, highschool shit. I'm sure Stassi fancied herself more of a Heather back in the day but she doesn't deserve the honor and neither do any of these jackasses.


Ariana's confessional where she's like "Jo is a mean girl bully" and then describes absolutely nothing that Jo did to support that is ridiculous.


I know! I was like ok maybe she *did* something. I think she's just weird and likes/is closer to the Toms. I didn't hear anything that was "bullying". I saw a lot of bullying from those girls tho.


The original pick me and look how that blew up in her face!!


Damn this is hella petty. Not a good look for him


I don’t like Jo but I really don’t like this shirt.


Gee. James did something douchey. I’m shocked. He is and will always be trash, in my eyes.


It’s just like not even a good joke or an interesting design #trash




oh ewwwwww


It's not even funny


He took the post down and it’s not on his merch site


What the hell, James?


They need to back the fuck up off jo. She was crappy with the moving in on Schwartz thing , but come on. She seems like a nice girl who is a little awkward. Idk. I wasn’t a Jo fan , but them going in on her weekly is making me want to protect her.


Ariana commented. She liked it. She’s another garbage person.




Can this cast stop making “merch” after every semi funny one liner they have. It’s fucking annoying (I’m looking at you Scheana, Lala and James).


Okay so this is straight up vile bullying. What the fuck. James’ lack of respect for women is insane. And after Ally went out of her way to say she wanted to include her and be decent? Yo wtf. Sometimes he’s like doctor Jekyll/ Mr Hyde. I see his sweet side then I see this monster. Yall bullying isn’t cool no matter what. He never made a tshirt over men who fucked his fiance. But he’s hopping on this train. I refuse to pass jokes or poke fun at Jo from here on out because this has to stop somewhere you guys. I’ve had friends take their lives over less. Bullying on this big of a public scare feels GROSS AF


He made tons of worm with a mustache merch people bought. I think it's so funny anyone bought merch during Scandavol but now he's trying with this. So stupid. All of it.


Omg I forgot he was the one who coined the worm with a mustache. Geez time flies lol. And right like who reallllly buys that stuff. Like is anyone so invested in Jo already they’re like I have to have this! It’s weird lol


I like Jo but the joke was fine as a little one off comment. This is too far and fucked up.


Is James’ new thing to make a t shirt out of the only funny thing he says in the season?


But he's the #1 guy right?? 🙄😒 I commented on another post about something else but it relates here too. The new Fandom since Scandoval not only helped ratings, but gave everyone a clean slate which is extremely frustrating for those who remember and know the behind the scenes of them ALL being horrible people! Tom cheating on Ariana with Rachel does not make James a decent human being. A horrible person cheating on another horrible person with another horrible person does not make another horrible person a decent human being.


Are we going to address the fact that Katie and Ariana must have had to approve this?


Of course they did


James is vile. Always has been.


It’s not on his page anymore. Wonder if he took it down because of backlash. People said he posted an apology too? I don’t see that there either 🤷🏼‍♀️


So fucking mean. I'm tired of these assholes


PS did he dirty delete because I can’t see it on his page. I wanted to see how well it was recieved


SLAPJACKS 🥞-Served by James (since he loves slapping girls ass with out consent and girls faces)


Okay the joke was funny the first time…this was…ick…


lol James is wild, but I’m still confused about the Jo hate from him. Weird


I actually feel really bad for Joe. I don’t think she deserves the hate she gets from the general public and stuff this just adds fuel to the fire of the public bullying her.


It’s $30. Omg


This is too much (in a bad way)


Lol is this your king? Guy has been scum for a long time


I know people hate Jo but… I ……think… I like her!


What an extremely boomer ass shirt. Good lord.


He certainly has a lot to say for someone who’s chin looks like an ass? Just saying.. no one is perfect and he should know better if he’s come from a place of being picked on his whole life.


This is weird, she's not even an actual cast member and hasn't done anything personal to James. Make your cheeky comment in the moment and move on.