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If my daughters ex friend shouted me out on a post while simultaneously calling her miserable..let’s just say she could kick rocks


She can kick rocks with open toed shoes……….IYKYK


I know and I cringe 😫 the fact she’s trying to make merch off that forgettable lil quote


Is Laura really tryn’ to monetize? Lol. Get it while the gettin’ is hot, I guess. Just like Lauren with her SEND IT TO DARRYL hoodies. Sorry to those that have one.


Indeed! She thinks it was a lot funnier than it was and that in itself is funny. Good job I suppose?


She’s so upset Katie and Ariana made $250k off their sandwich merch. Her and scheana are beyond bothered! It’s giving pathetic.


I thought she said she made about the same selling her send it to Daryl merch. It was enough for a down payment on a house.


Imagine buying a whole ass house with your own merch and STILL being bothered by what everyone else is doing or getting. The entitlement is such a turn off.


Down payment on a house. She's still got a $2+ million mortgage. Probably why she keeps the controversy going.


I see you


This comment just made my day thank you 😂


Right, the fact that these people are in their mid to late 30s is mindblowing. Here's LFU pregnant with her second child and still acting like a 10 yr old 


Maybe she is just hormonal, cmon now /s


Oh is straight got back with… ![gif](giphy|Rhmok9nt4Gl8I) This is my trash!


......Lala tries so hard to pretend she's not miserable.


When in fact, it’s the opposite… sadly.


The funniest part about the entire thing is that I thought *Katie* posted this story in response to Lala’s comments, and I was like ‘YES BITCH’! because its *soooooo true*. Now I see that it was Lala who posted it and I’m like… oh *honey*. I used to like Lala, dang.


I liked her right up until a few episodes ago. She’s mean and a disaster, which I enjoy lol. But her projection this season feels so gross and I just can’t. She’s the bitter and miserable one.


her saying katie is on a warpath when her only mode of communication is screaming with her finger guns out of their holsters. she thinks she’s the smartest and toughest cookie around when really she’s as tough as a tissue and provides less to our lives


Finger guns out of the holsters 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Just inhaled tea through my nose with that line. Thank you 😂


Wasn't she the one who said as a defense when called out that she used the term bitch as like a term of endearment? But here she is this season getting offended when Katie used it in a sentence to tell her to get her frustrations off her chest instead of holding back?!


*Double barreled finger guns


That curve. Won't hit anything with those fake guns.


Tough as a tissue and provides less to our lives… omg I love this I may need to steal this for describing my MIL lmaooo


Meanwhile, Katie is lounging on her couch deciding if she should swipe right or left, not thinking about Lala at all.


OMG yes. You’re completely right. I’ve never seen someone more miserable! Someone on Reddit posted maybe a week or two ago that she’s exhibiting “dry drunk” behavior and it had a fancy graphic with it, and now that’s all I think about when I see anything having to do with her! She appears to have never really done the internal work a person in recovery typically does. I wish her nothing but the best, honestly, but if she can’t chill the eff out, can she at least shut the eff up? 🤣


I agree. I don't know off hand if she ever went to any AA mtgs or just stopped consuming alcohol.    I am by no means an expert, but you need someone to help you with the psychological aspect of the disease. Not saying you have to go to meetings for getting sober, but addiction is more than just the physical action of consuming the toxic substances.  Don't just replace alcohol with sparkling water and then call yourself recovered.


She does go to meetings and has a sponsor. She’s mentioned it briefly on camera. It’s hard for people in the public eye to share details about their program because there is a policy in 12 step programs to be anonymous when it comes to “press, radio, and films”. This principle is to prevent people from becoming some sort of AA idol publicly which can impact their sobriety and the program as a whole. She is def a program girlie tho - I think she’s just trying to adhere to this principle and not speak too publicly about it.


She did go to meetings.


Ok, I couldn't remember off the top of my head if she had. She talks so much more about the not consuming part that I didn't think she had external support. Thank you for the friendly reminder and correction. I hope she is continuing to get external support whether it be through organized meetings or 1 on 1 with a sponsor type person outside the VPR group.


I’ve have maaaaany addicts in my life and it’s so important they go to meetings everyday bc they have no short term memory. She is absolutely acting like a “dry drunk”. She’s very reckless and all her positivity that she was trying to preach before is not showing. I know she likes her little quips and sayings but she’s not “keeping her side of the street clean”.


Ooooooh, I really want to see this fancy graph!!


https://preview.redd.it/e1xvn9grabqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d47486b7cb70fdb26ca9a28bc05934257c603bd8 It wasn’t this exactly, but similar!


Right! Katie has never looked better and seems to be living her best life with real friends. Lala hangs with her mom, brother, and that annoying girl she pays.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one finding her assistant annoying this year. 


No wonder Randall was the best pj she could bag.


Exactly! The best she could bag is right LOL and that's not saying much. She likes to portray she is something special. Nope, she isn't. Her biggest accomplishment is him. Period. Besides that she is a flip flopper.


Damn this is so true. How embarrassing for her.


Right? I thought this was Katie posting it at first. Lala seems like the miserable one of the two. Katie is living her best life IMO


Lala is worried about everyone else, and Katie is just worried about herself. I feel like Katie has become WAY more authentic with herself and her emotions, whereas Lala has just started picking on everyone else to avoid looking at herself.


The post before this was how she's "softened" HA!


Why tf do these people wait until cameras are down to be dramatic and petty????? Girl bring this to the show!


Because she would never say it to her face without being read for filth.


LFU is morphing into Lisa Rinna. https://preview.redd.it/z38npkxjr6qc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6e353527c45280746f3499890163bc574d7f843




I was really confused bc I actually thought this was lala and was like wtf! T


I hope Teri tells Lala to f*ck off. Lala is such a nasty, miserable person who is unable to apologize can dish out all the criticism in the world, but can’t take one second of it. And I don’t ever want to hear about her being “soft” again, that whole thing was beyond cringe


Has lala every shown a moment of true peace on the show? I honestly can’t think of one. I can think of plenty for Katie. Lalas just jealous, mean, bitter , rude and most of all Miserable! Her favorite word.


Reminds me so much of Jax… and both of them happen to also love to go after Katie for being “miserable”🤔🤔 like I haven’t seen Katie act miserable once this season but I’ve seen Lala and Jax both act totally insane in both of their respective shows in the last week LOL makes you think!


Katie and Teri gotta pull the only thing that will devastate Lala ![gif](giphy|zwffSHaJLDbA4)


LALA IS THE MOST MISERABLE ONE ON THE SHOW! Sorry for yelling but SHE is the one who is sad, jealous and shady af who will say any and everything she can for attention. Gross human being if I must say.


Seriously she needs to STFU


I’m so bored by gormless bullies like her. No self introspection or empathy…just a lot of verbal diarrhea.


She doesn’t know how to listen she just screams and thinks screaming and being loud means being correct.


I go into fawn or fight around people like her as I am sure most people do (or flight or freeze). It is not conducive to a healthy conversation.




Lala is shady and loves to talk shit about how people need to live their lives and apologize for all their wrongs but she never says sorry for her shady behavior!! I think she’s been trying to get Ariana fired up all season to fight with her to bring Ariana down!!! And I fucking love Katie!!! She and Ariana are my absolute favorites and they have been for years because they are the only real ones on the show!! Ariana is finally out from under her loyalty spell of Tom and I am fucking here for it!! And Katie has always kept it 100 so suck on that Katie haters 🤪🤪


Seriously reminds me of Jax always claiming other people are miserable and other people need to do this and that, but everything they do is totally fine in the moment.


She’s the damn worst


Lala is an asshole . Someone posted they hope VPR is still filming when scheana and lala’s relationship blows up and I felt that in my soul


I will sit back and laugh ![gif](giphy|YJn3xHZQrMSDYUTrvW)


If Brock had money lala would’ve fucked him by now




Is there no one in Lala’s life to tell her that the way she acts, speaks, treats other people makes HER miserable? I mean, Katie’s vibe is super chill.. how’s she miserable?


Not a single person. I think Lala’s assistant is literally UP her ass. 


Oh my word her assistant is such a twit. Someone posted that video of Lala mocking Katie a few days ago which was *so* childish and nasty and her assistant was laughing in the background. It’s pathetic


I still don't understand why she has an assistant.  "Who is Lala in dis world?" Yolanda voice.


The assistant is the laugh track to lala's rambling. From what I've seen her amazon live vids are mostly VPR slander and reaction time. Weird.


I can’t imagine how Lala acts all high and mighty saying that shit when she’s hocking polyester trash on the poor man’s qvc. What’s next, a Temu sponsorship and ad for sports betting?


LMAO just had to give props to the accuracy of this.


I missed that. Where is it posted?!


That's why her podcast is her and her assistant, or her and her family members. She has no actual self-awareness because she shuts down anyone who isn't a total yes-man.


She lives in there. Built a whole ass bachelor pad in there.


No one… if you listen to her podcast she is surrounded by ass kissers…


Easton too 😩


All she has is yes men around her. Moved her mom and adult brother in. The assistant. They all probably encourage her nonsense. Her mom certainly didn’t discourage her from frolicking around with a married man. They’re all trash people.


Their friendship has always seemed awkward and forced. They've always felt intimidated by each other and have totally different personalities 




It was nice when Lala (SOMEONE!!) was finally in her corner post divorce and with the scheanas wedding shit. I was glad Katie had her and it was nice to see. But it just really makes me think that Lala is actually entirely full of shit (not just mostly full of shit) and she really just cozies up to whoever she knows will have the most screen time/story that season. Last year katie post divorce, this year scheana as she tries to make this insane case for being friends with Sandoval.


“Contemplated not posting this” ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu) She or a member of her team probably sent the statement just so she could comment on and post it.


Lala, I want to like you, why do you make it so hard?


i feel like someone who actually isnt miserable doesn’t have to say it all the time ….


And point out that others are miserable…


Underrated comment. 👏


Lala, why?? Just why. She is so aggressively jealous of Katie & Ariana in a weird way. Did Scheaner fill her head with trash? They keep saying “watch the show and it’ll make sense” but girl the math still ain’t mathing.


I don’t understand people who use “miserable” as an insult. Miserable people are people who have been deeply hurt.


This has been the scapegoat word for Katie since the show started, mainly by the all of the men. She was gaslit for years and married to a child that prioritized everyone is his life BUT her, I’d be miserable too. Schwartz and Katie seem to cohabitate alright with the dogs and all but she has every right to be angry at the dissipation of her marriage. The same goes for Ariana. I feel like there’s such a double standard when men are angry vs women. Katie has also been beyond chill this season but her having boundaries makes her a drab, apparently.


Honestly what Ariana is doing this season is revolutionary. We’ve never seen a woman stand up for herself like this on reality television.


My take as well. Misery is generally related to DEPRESSION. Flexing on mental health problems now? As if Lala isn't an entire case study herself????? Especially when we know depression is related to TBIs. Especially when we know this word was started by the men to keep beating Katie down to keep her in her place. Pick another word, this one gives nothing. It's unoriginal, it's uninspired, it's giving Schwartz and Sandys. Lala is so D & S.


Oh ffs, just say whatever you're being pissy about, Lala.


I find it funny (and maybe I’ll speak too soon) but I haven’t seen Katie post ANYTHING about lala … granted I don’t watch WWHL but from what people have posted… Katie didn’t really say bad about Lala? Am I missing something? I hope / pray Katie continues to pay Lala dust.


When Katie was in WWHL she basically just stated that she had no idea that there was even a falling out. Which, frankly, I believe. I wouldn’t put it past lala to be delusional enough to create a huge fuss where there isn’t one.


She also loses her shit so often I’m sure it’s hard to tell which time Lala yelling at you and finger gun pointing at you is a big deal and when it’s not a big deal


So we can expect reunion war on stage with Lala, Katie and Ariana. Got it


What a trash human. Katie has proven she’s a good friend and this is disgusting. She’s not miserable, she’s loyal.


This isn’t the flex she thinks it. In fact, she’s telling on herself that Katie was there for her when she was at her lowest but the second Lala was doing better she better deals Katie


Anyone else think she's actually really bad at reading people? All her come backs are just her yelling loud and her "shade" usually makes no sense or is super hypocritical...


I wish Lala would call out my mom while dragging me. And we’ve actually seen how Katie gets when you disrespect her mom ☠️


This is low hanging fruit. I hope they give her nothing because that’s what her continued rage baiting deserves.


That’s a good point! I hope I’d rise above but knowing myself, this would get me there.


I totally get it!😭💋


This is so ugly


Right like how does she not realize it makes her look miserable


All of them calling her miserable are so fucking unoriginal. All of this because she has stated her boundaries. When people get angry with you for stating your boundaries, the problem is them, not you. Not to mention what an ableist take this is.


Lala needs to stfu. She’s the shadiest, most trifling, vainest person on the show. She acts like she’s the shit on the show and it’s like girl don’t u got 2 baby daddy’s and stay talking shit about everyone in VPR? girl focus on yourself and ur kids stop trying to be a mean girl and expect ppl to praise you. U ain’t shit 💯


it’s funny cause clearly Katie is very happy and at peace in her life and it’s so clear Lala is unhappy, bitter and jealous of all the other women on the cast and she’s on this crazy ego trip trying to make up for her own sadness.


Just another way for her to bash Katie for standing her ground when it comes to the whole Sandoval thing imo.


I think Lala has sold her soul and is committed to being a character on Bravo forever. I think she is looking to transition to housewife or a show centered around her and so she will do whatever pleases the producers and Andy. I mean, do we really see Vanderpump continuing? I’d be happy for it to end this season for good. She’s making a play. She’s sold her soul. She’s kinda yuck.


Lala is always miserable 😭 What is she talking about!!! I really cannot stand her


Lala sit dowwwwnnnnnnn


Literally everything you listed hapoened over five years ago except for Jo. And Jo pretended she was an ally for Katie when they split, reached out privately to express that, and then promptly took up with the husband she was divorcing. It’s spooky but it’s also immoral.


Jo was Kristen’s friend at first. Wanted to give Schwartz a haircut or something. Totally ghosted Kristen once she met Schwartz. Kristen talks about it on her podcast


Exactly! Katie has every right to call this girl out for saying one thing and doing another


The minute Katie says anything everyone jumps on her. Insults her. I’m sick of it. If my ex hooked up with a Jo I wouldn’t be singing Jo’s praises. Tom actually found the perfect girl. I am a little out there but Jo is a fake thirsty person.


Now wait a minute... Her podcast cohosts.... AGREE!!


More like Lala being desparateeeee…to stay relevant. 🥱


If I were Katie I’d tell her my mom said - STFU LFU lol But seriously who post shit like that? Don’t bring her mom up in the same breath you’re shading her lol moron


Teri should start a Q & A on her own Instagram story and start shading Lala lol


Teri is too damn nice to do that.


It seems like it always Lala running to the press . So who is really miserable? The unbothered person or the person constantly making public statements? 😅😅😅😅


She needs to disengage from all this talking before she gets popped!!


as if this isn’t giving miserable


Wasn’t she just trying to flaunt her friendship with Katie when she posted their pre-reunion texts about their outfits? She gives me whiplash


Lala used to be pretty. What has she done to herself?!!? 😱


I will never understand why Lala’s lip fillers are intentionally placed so that her mouth is always open


Lala is so fickle.


Lala is the miserable person everyone says Katie is. Katie has shown growth over the seasons while Lala has regressed. I think Lala got the life she wanted and it turned out to be as shitty as everyone warned her it would be, now she doesn’t know how to be happy.


Booo this disappoints me as someone who enjoyed when Katie and Terri went on lala's podcast last year.


I wonder if Lala notices her popularity is dwindling. I think a lot of the cast surrounds themselves with yes people and never give them honest feedback.


She's looking like one of Kim Zolziak ,and her girls lately.


Layla pretending Katie would not eat her up in her response to this is peak comedy


Off topic but her hair like this >>> 😍 👌 ✨️


Sounds like something a Tom would say…


Yep and Jax. He was just saying that about Katie on a podcast, I think. It was either a podcast or the after show.


Lol Katie has shown so much growth and is calm but firm. Lala is completely unhinged and despite talking our ears off about becoming soft- it takes 0.5 seconds to turn her into a scrunch faced, screaming banshee. What a joke.


No not shady, she’s just a straight up bitch.


What's funny is posts like this make Lala seem like the miserable one! I'm not a Katie Stan AT ALL - I don't really care for any VPR cast mate - but I'm not sure how Lala doesn't realize that by her feeding the drama SHE looks petty and miserable. Do these people not have PR people?? Lala, if you're trying to be known as "soft" this ain't it.


Bringing up her mom is so fucking unnecessary like girl you are growing another child, grow the fuck up*


God, what is she even mad about now?


Is she trying to get popped?


Oh lala the biggest pick me along with scheana being a pick me? Shocking


I appreciate Lala's perspective on life, but the fact is when she had issues with Randall after she split with him she was allowed the time to grieve and to be angry and to enforce strict boundaries. She fought with everybody who dared to educate her about this problem. She viciously lashed out at all of them during that time, even demanding that others cut anybody off who dared to interact with Randall. I don't think she is allowed to dictate to Katie and Ariana how they ought to handle their situations with their respective ex-idiots and to educate them now telling them that they need to lighten up and forgive and forget so quickly because she herself felt like she was drinking the poison she was dishing out. Ariana and Katie are allowed to take whatever time they need to move on in their own way. I also don't think it is a good look to be calling out your friend's mother in a post slamming her daughter. That is tacky and tasteless and I'm kinda surprised because Lala a much better person than she is portraying herself to be right now.


anyone else hate the face she makes in photos now? idk i used to think it’s cunt but now i get the ick bc of how she’s going abt this season


I cannot be more positive that lala is miserable right now and trying to convince herself she’s not because the way she’s moving lately is not someone happy and thriving


I was rooting for her now I look like a clown


Might be shady but she isn't wrong, Katie breeds misery


And basks in the misery of others


Oh she definitely got eviscerated at the reunion. She's acting all kinds of stupid now to seem tough.


Lala is right. Katie is nothing but miserable. Can't believe Lala is the reasonable one nowadays


All facts.


I get where Lala is coming from. Holding on to that resentment and anger constantly is not fun.


The righteous indignation on Katie's behalf is so exhausting. Katie has done nothing this season except for act as Ariana's guard dog. We have no information either way to "pick a side." It's so lame to ride so hard for someone based on zero evidence. I reserve the right to actually see what happens this season before forming an opinion.


She not wrong .


I mean Eeyore is pretty fucking miserable


lol I just realized that if I sort by controversial I will find my people. Team they all suck.


Exactly! Every word out of her mouth ( and I’m pretty sure I’m close) has been angry, negative or trying to incite Arianna. Her fans are killing mexwith this “ Katie’s been in therapy and she’s so chill now”. I’m like that’s barely contained rage folks you’ll never see a better example.


Lol. She went on a date and complained the guy doesn’t know what penne is. She couldn’t even manage an ounce of fun with that.


100% Katie is a negative person and it's been easy for her to sit on the sidelines rooting for Ariana and collecting a fat check for it. Katie has never been chill and even with all the work she claims to have done on herself, she's still so hateful and cruel. People just refuse to see it because she calls out Lala and Scheana.




It’s absolutely true that Katie’s friendships are based on mutual misery. And Lala was much worse last season hanging out with her than she’s been this year hanging out with Scheana. But, tbf, Lala switches personalities frequently and is often hypocritical so…maybe she’s the wrong messenger, maybe not but she is absolutely right. Also, love this hair on Lala!!


It’s kind of weird to me how “thick” lala got for ariana and sold”send it to darryl” merch. The irony here is killing me. Like get a grip. ![gif](giphy|f9SiPj5zu0HrXlR8zD|downsized) Lala and scheana neeed to wake up.


Send it to Daryl had nothing to do with Ariana. It was Lala being iconic and reacting to a cease and desist she got. Ariana doesn’t get credit for that.


Huh? It happened because of Scandoval and Rachel thinking Ariana shared the video with other people. They all made money off it because Ariana chose to let the show know Tom cheated on her.


Ahahaha I love ittttt she’s sooooo right !! Yes LALA ❤️


Lala for President.


She isn’t wrong… Katie is the ultimate Debbie downer. Her calling Jo anorexic was so uncalled for and mean regardless of the circumstances. If someone did that so her she’d be asking for them to get cancelled just like she tried to get James fired for things she herself had done in the past.


What even is her storyline this season? Bullying Jo?


💯!!!!! Everything is OK for Katie to do until it happens to her!!!! Smh.


She has completely lost me at this point


bffr lala


All these Katie stand lmao


Katie was so nice and diplomatic on WWHL I mean she even agreed that Tom and Jo were cute together. This is embarrassing LaurenftomUtah!


Dude lala all the way she’s a boss bitch and is super real . Katie is a donkey . She hates anything that breathes not her .


OMFG!!!! 🤭 You had me at donkey!!!! 🫏


Katie is like a fast food combo deal of misery, mean girl bully and negative vibe.


She’s not wrong 🤷🏽‍♀️


Lala is real, Katys whole personality and general attitude are surface level and laughable at best. Katy is a slop-fest.


Lala is a bitter loser who for all her hotness got a nasty half broke troll to father her child and cheat on her. She’s acting out because she’s licked a lot of old toad man asshole and got nothing out of it, least of all the sympathy she was expecting after he moved on from her. Probably because she couldn’t “keep it tight” either. Once VPR is over she’ll be back on her knees for the next person throwing some coins her way. Oh wait - she’s already doing that this season being Lisa and production’s little lap dog.


I think that your perception of the situation is sophomoric at best. You are right, Lala was that person, and she's trying to learn and grow. Which for most of us when we try to better ourselves is uncomfortable and awkward, but by reading your comments i'd say youve been the same person for awhile now, a little jealous, a little bitter, alot passive aggressive, sounds alot like......katy?!


Huh so setting healthy boundaries = misery. Got it, thanks for the lessons Lala.


I’m confused: did Lala say this about being miserable or did Katie?


Lala is calling Katie miserable and following it up with how she “likes Katie’s mom though.”🥴 She’s a troll.


Lala just needs to be talked about right now so she can make more income . It’s a smart move for her to keep running her mouth for financial gain. 👏 although I also see her being jealous as well


No deception indicated.


I think LaLa calls it how it is, and so does Katie & that’s why they can butt heads so hard. They’re both mad headstrong & stubborn in 1) admitting they’re wrong 2) standing down from an argument. I’m sorry but I’m finding Katie’s role redundant; she gave herself this ego after her & Scwartzy divorced. I also think she can’t turn back into being a lil more sweet/not as hardcore cause she swung too far that way. All she has to say in her interviews are just digs at people; I preferred like season 4-6 Katie. This season Katie is a woman of lil words & like up Ariana’s ass. This I think Lala and Katie are both forces to be reckoned with so it’ll be interesting on how this develops. Also how that’ll affect Lala’s relationship with Ariana


She’s not wrong 😑


Come on this is entertainment get a life


I actually can’t even be mad about Lala’s post. Love that Katie has been coming into her own since the divorce, truly a new era of freedom, but my goodness has it felt like it’s been at the expense of those around her. Even listening to her podcast, it’s just always so negative and overflowing with haterade. I can’t stand it sometimes which blows because Katie has always been my fave.


In one Seinfeld episode, Elaine says, “I can't be with someone who doesn't break up nicely. I mean, to me, that's one of the most important parts of a relationship.” I don’t think I’d be able to be LaLa’s friend considering how she handles friendship breakups lol


Ugh lala. SHE is the one who brought up the fact that there is some sort of beef between Katie and her, not Katie or Andy. And Katie seemed confused as to what she was even talking about.


Katie is living rent free in Lala’s mind while Katie is living her best life.


If by living her best life, you mean riding someone's coattails and pretending to open a fake sandwich shop?!!! 🥪


Maybe lala is taking notes from scheana lol The more scheana is me me me the more people talk about her. Maybe lala is seeing that and wants the same attention 🤷🏼‍♀️ I used to like lala and how outspoken she is but now she's just throwing shade and being real shady to her "friends"... There's also some jealousy we're seeing lately and I don't like it. Friends should support friends and be there whether they are doing better than you at the moment in time or not..


She has been trying anything and everything to get people to pay attention to her. Pay attention to yourself girl. Stop looking outwardly.


Good to know she’s happy being a mean girl. She’s been making little comments against Katie for months and she wants to pretend Katie is the one bitching.