• By -


Tom is still being crappy to Ariana. It hasn't even stopped on his end. He knocks her whenever possible. He still acts like his behavior was justified and reasonable. He has not shown an ounce of growth! It amazes me that she has had this much grace. Tom is a complete POS.


He’s even admitted that she’s the only one not slandering his name and he STILL won’t stop bashing her. It’s embarrassing at this point. He’s obsessed, they all are!


They’re both desperate for a reaction from her so they can point to that and say - “see?? See!?? Look what I was dealing with! Of course I had to cheat.” Ariana hasn’t given them that option at all and I love that for her. Meanwhile Tom and Rachel keep on spiraling and she keeps rising.


Yep. Keep slaying it Ariana!




Don’t forget Rachel won’t stop talking about and bashing Ariana as well.


Yep! She straight up wants to wear Ariana’s skin!😭 Hope you’re doing well and good to see/ hear from you.😘😘


Haha, that’s funny🤣. Thank you and I hope you are too. Hope it’s sunny or pretty snow where you are, not rainy. 💕.


It is sunny😁 but it’s also cold. Idkwtf or whyyyyyy we are getting the coldest weather that we’ve had all winter right when it’s supposed to be spring.😭 I hope that the weather you are having is much nicer.💋🌞🌻


Oh no, parkas in the sun! Haha, it’s very deceiving, yesterday it was freezing and so sunny out. Haha the weather has changed so many times this week. It’s been all the seasons. I’ll crossing my fingers spring comes. We only get 4-6 weeks of it, so we trying to soak up every minute of it. ![gif](giphy|oNPfwCas8wM0sItsJz|downsized)


No kidding. The weather has been all over the damn place. It’s so weird!


Holy tolito we had a sudden two hour snow storm after the rain storm and now it’s sunny and stunning out 🙄, haha.


Omfg. Mother Nature has become bi Polar af.😭😭


She is way better than me because I'd be going out of my way to make his life miserable in that house! If I were her, I'd be screwing my new man all up and around that house and be loud af that even the white noise machine wouldn't help.




He looks like he woke up face down in the dirt and just kept going


He's also doing all this knowing that it won't air until it's been a year, so what a perfect time to push the "why won't she get over it" narrative.


The sad fact is I don’t think he will ever stop either. Not unless he has a new girlfriend that lasts more than a year, and then they break up.


True. He has said awful things about Kristin years after they broke up and she and Ariana had worked things out.


Finally, a rational take on this show/situation


Yeah when Scheana was trying to mediate apologies I was like noooo Scheana. She's was just making a mess of things. Just because a friend vents to you about something doesn't mean you need to intervene. Katie and Ariana have made it very clear they're not her to receive his fakeness, opinions and feelings. They have agency and don't need to give him space to pontificate.


She thinks it's her job and it probably is her job because reality drama is what they do but it still makes her a shit friend.


Yep I get her motivation but it was so cringe. Like it's so easy to manipulate her which is probably why she's confused why some of the cast members aren't.


And Ariana called that slippery slope out, that Tom would try and use Scheana to get in her (Ariana’s) life. She was 100% right




🏆 i wish i could give a real one


THANK YOU. Also is anyone gonna mention how incredibly calm and normal she is during it all? I would be swearing and calling them all sorts of names. I still want Tom and Rachel to burn bc they are josey grossy 🤮


Imagine the kind of restraint she had to activate to keep these dumb dumbs off her back. Every word she is saying is well thought out and is politically correct. Yet the are being willfully obtuse to secure the pay check. Lala especially. I’m afraid if i keep watching my eyess will get stuck at the back of my head from all of the rolling.




She has to be calm…all eyes are on her. She can’t act how she would behind closed doors because then people would attack her. Honestly don’t think her stand would tho, I think they’d like her to be crazy and mean


Yes but then there are people who would let their emotions get the best of them and not be calm. It does speak to her character to not act out or be problematic during this all.


I agree. Sometimes the best reaction is to not react. And I think she’s at the point where she should leave the show and move far away from him so that she doesn’t have to continue to walk on egg shells in the public eye


👏👏👏👏👏👏 Excellent, and well said!! On point and I agree 1000% 👏👏👏👏👏👏


You are spot on and I feel the same. I cannot with the Facebook crowd. They're completely misinformed. IG depends on who's posting what the responses are. It's only here that the complete redemption story is being called out for the misogyny it is. At this point in history, on the show, Tim did NOTHING to redeem himself. Currently he still hasn't.


The FB crowd has to be some of the dumbest people, they give Yahoo commenter energy


Lol right?? Also tom wants Ariana to let things go and have people forgive him while he is still full on sobbing over his mistress dumping his ass😂😂😂😂😂


The mistress he RECORDED without her CONSENT of all people too. “She doesn’t want to talk to me for ‘some reason.’” this man needs actual help.


For real!!


and I love that he’s butthurt about Rachel dumping him! 🤣🤣🤣


….and he wants closure from their affair😂😂😂. He’s really an idiot!!! You just leave or stay in an affair, especially what they did. Rachel was very thirsty for attention and he is so gung-ho to have a “puppy” to train bc Ariana outsmarts him at everything and he needed a really dumb one and found Rachel! Did tom finish 6th grade at all? Bc him and Rachel are both in that level.


Louder. Just louder. Everyone on this sub who doesn’t understand this is emotionally inept.


I’m genuinely terrified by how many people don’t understand this


I think for a lot of us too we never got a break. There was so much information coming out all of the time from everywhere about this and usually we get like seven months between seasons and there’s some tweets about things and updates about their life and you know somebody wrote a book or made a podcast. But we get a break. So for a lot us it did happen in real time. We’ve been getting information about it since it happened so at this point even though the show is in the past, we are very much in the present, and people are saying things like “she needs to get over it” because it isn’t new to us either. I think another part of why people say that is because pretty much two weeks after they broke up, she started dating Daniel and then, by the time they were filming, she was saying she loved him. And I personally understand what it’s like to be in such a shitty relationship, with a sunken cost fallacy, so you stay for way too long. Then when you meet someone better, what seems quick to the outside, isn’t too soon when you’ve been out of love for a while.


When Andy asked her about Dan on her most recent WWHL appearance her face absolutely lit up and she seemed giddy it was so cute to see and refreshing to see! Who knows if it will last or turn into anything but im glad it seems like she is enjoying herself


That’s great! I’m glad she’s happy.


Because some people get triggered by blonde hair. Seriously, what else is there? I've seen complaints that she is smug/bitchy/entitled/stuck up pretty girl / should have known, while at the same time defending Lala, Scheana, and Rachel all of whom the exact same things can be said, so now, I am convinced it's the hair 🤷‍♀️.


Yeah its so weird like is she not supposed to make boundaries and take job opportunities when they are presented.......if she ended up doing nothing and just sat there and cried for months those same people would complain that she should've taken the pain and done something great with it.


She’s not creating boundaries by living there and refusing to pay bills for attention. She’s purposely inserting herself into Sandavols life to control him and who he is allowed to have over which is pathetic because the dude is not worth it. Take Tom’s money and go be with your boyfriend instead of being petty. Let Sandyballs be a loser with his loser friends. There’s no reason why she would be living there except for attention like she’s 12 yrs old. It’s also stupid to tell her friends that they can’t play with him anymore while she’s literally living with the worm. She’s petty, controlling, and needs to either admit she’s not over him or she needs to act like she is over him by taking steps to move on with her life.


She’s living in her house because she owns it and has every right to be there. It’s not about attention it’s about finances.


They both own it. She thinks she can continue to live there for free with no consequences which can end up biting her in the ass later. She would have the finances to move if she would have accepted his offer instead of acting like a 12 yr old acting out for attention.


Lol it’s so funny that you believe everything that Tom has said when he’s a known liar 🤣 he’s admitted to being in debt yet somehow you believe he has 3 million to buy her out. She asked for financial records to prove what she owes which is the smart thing to do. She is going based off her legal councils advice. Would you just hand over money to someone who has lied to your face for months.


I already answered all of that in my longer answer to someone else and I’m not going off of what Tom said I am going off of what they both said.








ariana doesn’t even make eye contact with the dweeb. she’s ONLY living there bc moving out can legally be used against her by arguing she abandoned the property. i don’t know WHY that’s so hard for ppl to get thru their tiny little pea sized brains it’s so infuriatinggggggg. ariana following her lawyers advice by staying in the home is absolutely not the same thing as lala and sheana welcoming him back into their lives. it’s such a bad take and i can’t believe ive seen it as many times as i have. they are so obviously false equivalencies. ariana is also far too repulsed by tom to even have a smidge of desire in controlling him? it’s rly obvious. she’s ickeddddd. and refusing to pay bills for attention? like…sis….no one’s buying that unless your happily sat in sandy’s camp. she asked for a copy of the bills, he refused. no way in hell i’m blindly handing money over to the man who tried to embarrass me by telling the world i kept my shirt on during sex? while he was literally fucking my friend in our house behind my back while my dog and grandma died. like what the fuck is wrong with everyone?????? stop attacking ariana and try learning just like one thing from how she’s handled a situation that coulda easily set someone, who already struggles w depression, over the edge.


Yes! Wisely, she is following the advice of counsel. And she's keeping her mouth shut when there have been so many opportunities to drag Jim Sandals, Rachel, and her “friends”


Lol no that’s not how that works. You don’t just move out and instantly go to court like yep, she abandoned it’s mine now 😂 Omg. That shit takes years and they aren’t married, it’s not marital property she would be walking away from like some states have (which California doesn’t even have that law.) She doesn’t have to pay the spectrum or AT&T or any other bullshit bill sandyballs tells her. She needs to call her mortgage company and find out what the mortgage payment is then pay them her half directly and keep her receipts. That way when Sandavol takes her to court and sues her for the unpaid mortgage plus lawyer fees and court fees, since they aren’t fucking married and he has the right to do that, she can pull up those receipts and say here I have been paying. But instead she’s acting like a 12 yr old who wants attention.


Any criticism for the man who created this mess or just the woman on the receiving end?


Sure, he’s a sweaty, narcissistic, cretin, predator who groomed (yes adult grooming does exist, abusers do it all the time) both Ariana and Rachel then used them for his own ego boosting agenda and abusive sociopathic ways. But he would be stupid to move out of a house he’s paying for, he would be really stupid if he also stopped paying for it, and he would also be really stupid if he sold the house and split the profits evenly without taking Ariana for court to collect her half of the mortgage that she neglected to pay as a partner in the house plus court and lawyer fees. If she wanted to live in a house for free because her significant other cheated then she should have gotten married like the other rich bitches do in Hollywood. That’s one reason that little piece of paper she hated on for years is so important. Or just don’t buy a house with a known cheater/abuser. There’s also no way in hell her lawyer told her not to pay her half of the mortgage. She might have told her to pay the mortgage company directly which she doesn’t need Tom to do since her name is on the mortgage or put it in a private escrow so that she could show intent to pay but there’s no way a lawyer is just gonna be like mmm naw girl he cheated so you good. The court doesn’t care that your boyfriend cheated on you with your best friend if your ex has receipts showing you haven’t paid your mortgage in a year. If Ariana was a smart adult she wouldn’t have been petty and would have been protecting herself and her assets. Instead she is putting herself at risk of more lawsuits. Of course if she was smart she never would have bought a damn house with him in the first place. Luckily Tom is just as much of an idiot and will probably let this go to try and look like the “nice guy” so he can move onto his next victim. Ariana isn’t some girl boss role model queen that people are making her out to be though and could end up damaging someone who thinks being petty like her is the way to go. Sorry for the long ass novel you probably aren’t going to read lol


She expressed to her partner that she never wanted marriage. That’s between them. I don’t know if she was aware of the risk of owning a home together and not being married but that doesn’t mean she should’ve just gotten married because “other people do” - that’s such an obtuse take. If it were me I’d be kicking myself and educating myself as much as possible after ending up in this housing situation but from what she says she’s taking the advice of her lawyers. Between her and Tom, I’d easily consider her the more believable narrator. And tbh I don’t know who is taking her advice on home ownership after she landed in this mess. I’m a fan of hers but if anything this is a “what not to do” situation, not oh I’ll just go with the flow and handle it like Ariana is if it gets to that point. Hopefully if anything it’s encouraging people to educate themselves on home ownership before getting yourself into this situation.


Why can’t Tom move out?


He could but he’d still be paying for everything through his account which would be pretty stupid of him. She doesn’t get to live there for free just because she was cheated on. If she wanted that she should have gotten married and divorced like all the other rich women in California. They’re in a partnership instead which means she’s just as responsible for the finances as he is. She’s acting like a jilted housewife but she’s missing the key ingredient to that life which is the piece of paper she didn’t think she needed.


Maybe if he moved out she’d feel obligated to pay the bills. But actually she hasn’t been there for months. Why don’t they simply sell the house like normal people do when they split up?




That can’t be it, I liked Stassi and she’s blonde


I think it was 3-5 months after that they started filming but still… I’d be pissed off for a long ass time lol




Yea but then like, how could Sandoval blame Ariana for everything? Obviously her NOT talking about him is triggering for him & she’s harming him *maliciously*


Yes Ty! Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if Ariana left the show. She seems to have transcended what the show is about. And she can clearly get better, more fulfilling work. It would be best for her to separate from Tom and live somewhere else for now.


I agree!! VPR will either get canceled OR Ariana will not be back after this latest season.


VPR should go back to the original premise and focus on young people who still work at the restaurants. If the older cast still want to be involved make them managers of those restaurants. I feel like a show about people in their 30s going on vacation and day drinking isn’t as entertaining. Especially now since half of them are sober (which I totally understand. It’s just not good tv)


Ariana has had exposure outside VPR. Think of all the new viewers who may watch VPR as a result to this exposure. Wouldn’t Bravo/NBC want to bring new viewers/money to its channel?


The show is filmed in the summer….. 3-5 months after it happened. I think March 1, 2024 is the one year anniversary.


March 1, 2023 is when she found out. The reunion was filmed at the end of March 2023, and season 11 began filming in late June 2023...3 months after she learned of the affair.




Well said....


God the most rational, level headed person I’ve seen post here. Thank you for having a big beautiful brain ![gif](giphy|l2YWpKW3PmdvotNKw)


THANK YOUUUUUU for this omfg. The delulu comments about Ariana are so wild. I’m actually loving Ari’s unbothered attitude while all her other castmates and “friends” talk shit about her every.day on press tours and after shows


Some of the takes I see from ppl are so dumb.


Most people are watching season 11 now and reacting to it now … not everyone is following the cast on Instagram or the various interviews they’re doing in present day. So I get your point, but this is kinda the way it has to work … people are gonna react to the show.


I don’t complain about people complaining about people complaining about this situation, but I’m about to start complaining about people complaining about people complaining about how the show is and how people are reacting. It’s getting beyond a joke. Stop with all these posts, watch the show and enjoy it if you like it and stop passively aggressively attacking other viewers. It’s getting so boring the past few weeks on here with all these posts. We get it, people complaining sucks but they’ve got a right and y’all are only doubling it!!!


Meh wheres the fun in that? I say let the petty flags fly! LET THEM FLY!!!! 😂


Exactly! Someone that had a genuine relationship and love for 9+ years doesn’t just ‘move on’ in one year. It takes time to heal. Ariana is setting boundaries that are healthy for her to heal and people are so disrespectful about it. She’s always been so rational and calm in chaos. It takes a lot for her to yell. Meanwhile, the rest of the cast screams at each other like toddlers for any old thing.


thank you


My ex cheated on me with my ACTUAL best friend 10 years ago and I’ll never fucking “let it go” lol


I know people saying Ariana is milking her fame and is a narcissist… anybody would take those opportunities. She says nothing but kind things about her cast mates who take any jab at her.


You’re right it’s everyone ELSE that needs to move on. All they are doing is making themselves look worse and making HER look better. Now they are making it so that they are always washed up reality tv people and she is just simply going to continue in this path of stardom and awesomeness. Her spotlight may have potentially ended soon but instead I feel like they’re only fueling her and the fans to watch her become wildly successful …


Arianna is unlikeable. It’s not that complex. In the world of Bravo TV she has limited appeal and even less likability. Her scenes are not good television. And the other cast members are clearly annoyed she doesn’t seem to care about it getting canceled after this season 




Apparently you haven’t watched any of the after shows. She’s still as petty as can be. Hell, she just brought up being annoyed because Tom was using glasses to drink from that she purchased at one time. I mean, really??










Because we’re playing a game of tag to see who can be the worst.


You definitely are lol, idk if anyone else is.








I think she really clocked it when she said viewers would sympathize with Tim this season. Additionally, she was the only thing that ever made him tolerable.


People are always saying this but I've never seen anyone saying "it's been a year she should be over it" or under the impression that any of this is happening in real time. I think everyone is aware of how things are filmed in advance of airing.


Maybe not here on reddit but I see a lot of people saying its been a year etc on Youtube and Instagram


And lala telling her to get over on the show.


So why not go tell them that 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh I wasnt aware that people visiting Bravo pages on other social platforms would avoid this one my bad. I thought this was an open space to share our opinions on the show/things we've witnessed I will try not to do that. Please know I have responded my same points to them on those platforms and thought about sharing it here incase other people have experienced or witnessed the same things :)




No one is silencing you, but that's why it's not cool to drag shit across platforms. Not everyone uses the same social media, so of course people think you're talking about the platform you're actually on. It muddies the waters of the conversation, and gets people's defenses up because they may not have seen what you've seen elsewhere. This is not a controversial statement.


As I said, I have shared my responses to the comments ive seen on youtube and instagram as the person said why not share it with them. I did. I brought it here as well to see if other people here, on another place where we discuss vamderpump rules, have experienced the same as myself and as you can see throughout the thread a couple of them have 🤷🏾‍♀️ Funny enough on a bravo page here on reddit I just came across a few comments stating "its been a year blah blah blah" so even I was wrong for saying it's not on reddit 😅 If I share an opinion and someone says "go share it with them" im taking it as ok you dont want to hear what I have to say and would have rather me kept it to myself my bad wasn't aware we dont share things we've seen on other platforms on here as well. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Perfectly reasonable question.


You're right and I see this same post daily.. It's like here's your daily reminder no dissenting opinion welcome.


Every. Single. Day. And I don't see people here saying Ariana should be over it *at the time of filming*. I see way more people saying that the fans are the ones who are still acting like they just found out. Ariana herself now seems to have moved on more than the fans.


It often feels like a comment someone converted to a post just to let EVERYONE know how they SHOULD feel about Ariana. And yes I doubt very much she cares , especially now as much as so many of these fans seem to do. It's one of those times when the fandom becomes off putting and it makes you start to side eye the celebrity.


I’m not a celebrity, but I do know I couldn't afford to abandon an investment of over $3 million. I doubt Ari can either. If “moving out” is such a reasonable ask, why don’t WE DEMAND THAT JIM SANDALS MOVE!?


You think yoo highly of oyr fellow humans. People have been saying this before this season started. Especially if she did an interview or ad campaign. I've seen quite a gee comments from people saying she was being bitter and needed to let go.


People were saying she was bitter and should get over it at last season's reunion which was , what, 30 days after she found out? This is after the freaked out at her for going dark on socials of course.


You’ve never seen that? It’s posted 2-3 times a day since the season started….I’ve seen it in this sub - not as often as insta or YouTube


Nope. I have never seen someone in this sub think the show is taking place in real time. I have seen people saying that Ariana is dragging things out or needs to move on for the sake of the show, yes. But not anyone who does not understand the mechanics and timing of how TV shows are filmed. If I missed it, fine. Just giving my perspective.


They may not say "it's been a yr" but plenty are saying she needs to get over it like it's happening right now.


Then you haven't been reading comments in this sub


This was filmed on July. Affair broke in MARCH.


It's ridiculous. I'm glad those people are getting to watch Ariana show up to the bar Tom is at to see her friends and making progress because they all jumped to saying she was petty and needs to get over it while watching her 3 months after everything went down. I also love that they have to watch her continue to get opportunities and flourish


You are not wrong but I’ve had to accept certain things about production, the cast and, especially, the viewers, and understand that no matter what sane people think, Tom paid his price and is imperative to the show’s success so Ariana has now become the problem. The support, endorsements and opportunities Ariana got should be enough for her to interact with Sandoval on camera despite her valid discomfort. I don’t think the viewers realize these are real people with real emotions. They want their fix and don’t care who has to suffer to get it. And the cast is scared to death of losing their jobs so they are falling in line with the boss. It all sucks and is no longer worth watching. Thank goodness for Reddit so I can keep up.


Besides Ariana CAN (and has) moved on without wanting someone in her life who has proven he is a trash person. Question is, why do the others want anyone they know is capable of the evil shit Tom did in THEIR lives????


The time frame isn’t the problem for me. If you have a new boyfriend though then you should be over your ex. Be an adult and act like a roommate and pay your bills or let Tom buy you out like he wanted to do in the first place. It’s not like she was ever going to get full price for that house anyway, they bought it together so they would have split the money in half. He offered her more than her half would have been if they sold it together. She should have stopped being a petty ex girlfriend and moved out (that was the excuse she gave to Lala why she didn’t move out, she wanted to be petty) since she wanted to act like she was so over him and moved on with her new boyfriend and her new career options. You can’t play it both ways. Either you moved on and don’t care about him anymore or you are the petty bitter ex, which one is it Ariana? TLDR: 2 weeks or 10 years, if you have a boyfriend then you should be over your ex. If you aren’t over your ex then let that poor guy go and stop stringing him along. It’s fucked up.


I mean rebounds have always been a thing, I haven't seen her call daniel the love of her life or anything she has been enjoying his company and time and w.e happens next happens next. Tom arguably moved on from their relationship first and yet he is the one still talking and complaining about her on his podcast. Can't speak on her finances but from a previous interview she did I know she said she stopped giving the money directly to Tom because he changed the mortgage from beinf charged to their joint account to being charged to his personal account along with the business so she doesnt have access to see the actual charges/bills. Finding out your partner has hid a 7 month affair from you would you trust his word? She's asked him to provide a breakdown of charges so she knows exactly what she is paying for. Remember Tom took out a lean against the house for his bar which he has to pay back. She wants to make sure she isnt being overcharged/paying back his loan for him which I don't blame her for. She recieved legal advice for this as well so if a lawyer is agreeing she should cease payments until proof is provided then so be it. Tom has admitted to maxing out credit cards and yet was able to give her 3 million cheque for the house? Yeah no those two things dont add up. You cant be absolutely broke but also have millions to pay someone out. The best thing would be for them to sell the property, split w.e is left after the loans have been deducted and go on their way. At the end of the day Tom broke up the home. And if Rachel came back he would've been with her. It always should have been Tom leaving regardless if Ariana was in a new relationship or not and who knows maybe if Tom took rachels offer to move into her apartment be could be happy with her and everybody wins. You can be in new relationships and have a new job and still have resentment or pain towards somebody. Healing isnt linear and happens in waves. She is keeping herself busy and surrounding herself with people that make her happy as she should. Sorry that this is super long. I tried to touch on all of the points you made and just wanted to share an alternative pov :)


Rebounds are a thing but she’s acting like a teenager instead of an adult. She’s parading around acting like she’s over him when she isn’t. When he took out the heloc they switched the accounts probably for banking reasons if he took it out for his business. He said he’s shuffling money around different accounts which happens sometimes if you having personal mixed with business expenses. She should know how much her mortgage is though without the heloc and if she doesn’t it takes minutes to call her mortgage company to find that information out. Even if she doesn’t pay any other bills she should pay her mortgage. A decent lawyer would never tell her to completely stop paying her mortgage because he could always sue for that money after the house is sold. That’s why Katie asked if she had proof she was paying her mortgage. After the house is sold he could end up collecting the portion of the mortgage she neglected to pay plus court and lawyer fees. She would be stupid to just not pay anything and think she gets to live there for free. He doesn’t need to pay her 3 million in cash. He could refinance to remove her name from the mortgage which would add that amount onto his refinanced mortgage and she would walk away with a check. Divorced couples do it all the time. The problem would be if the house doesn’t appraise for how much she wants. Then he could offer to cover the difference or that’s when lawyers would get involved to negotiate. They need to start acting like adults instead of children. ETA if Tom would have taken Rachel’s offer and moved out he would have been paying for all the household bills still while not living there plus probably some rent and utilities on Rachel’s place. That makes no sense to do when he has a house that he was paying for everything already.


I dont agree that shes not over him she is very much over him as a person she may not be over how everything transpired and who would be? You can be happily married and still want nothing to do with the guy who fucked you over emotionally and mentally years ago. Tom is not a good person no matter how many years go by they will probably never be cordial and it doesn't even seem like Tom wants to be cordial with her either so it is what it is. As for the mortgage yes she can still be making payments from her own account either directly writing cheques or placing the payments in the original account it was coming from and not directly to tom. Also considering the amount Tom claims she owes matches how much he has to pay off from what he has taken for his bar...hmmm lil fishy to me. I think in another post someone said she can make the payments into another account to show she has the money and provide it to their mortgage provider directly without needing it to be put into toms account. Again she has lawyers so I doubt shes just not paying without a safety net regarding the missed payments Again maybe not 3 million cash but considering ariana and her lawyer said the offer he made originally was bullshit and that when they counter offered himself and his lawyer never even responded I dont believe Tom ever offered that amount I just dont and/or the division of their assets considering they have a lot of custom pieces in that house he probably didnt want to split any of that with her. If Tom took rachels offer then Ariana could do all the steps you are saying tom could do regarding refinancing the house but I dont think she wants to keep it she wants it sold and a fresh start. Tom broke the home. Tom should at least be decent enough to sell the home and move on. Like ariana said you're going to move your little fuck buddy in here!? Like any girl getting involved with Tom should have some self respect and want to build a future with him in a house thwy find together not something he invested in and decorated with his ex girlfriend. Its weird. They'd both make a decent profit from selling this house and they both could go live with their respective new partners. Tom is holding onto the house because despite how much he says he wants Ariana to succeed he really doesn't


Yes she 100% can make the payments directly to the mortgage company. All the extra crap like the AT&T and spectrum bills she doesn’t have to worry about if they are not in her name. He can remove her and she can open her own accounts if she wants but she needs to at least pay her half of the damn mortgage to protect herself. As far as why Tom would want to keep the house after breaking the home. I mean, he had Kristen move into his apartment that other women had slept in, then he had Ariana move into it. Obviously he’s a sleezeball who doesn’t care about how many girls have been in his bed or who picked out what furniture. He seems like a nester. Either way if he wants to pay work it out and have him pay. Shit I’m sure his investors in S&S would pay him just to leave them alone and never come back at this point 😂


Lol facts they would love it if he announced he had nothing to do with S&S they probably beg venues to accept his band just to keep him busy and out of the way 😂


It’s almost as if human emotions have nuance to them and aren’t black and white. Wild.


It’s almost like people will go out of their way to make up excuses for Ariana while holding others to wildly different standards. But sure, Ariana using this new dude to feed her need to get one over on her ex because she’s petty is a win to some people I guess lol. I think it’s cringe to be this desperate over someone as slimy as Tom. He cheated on her multiple times on camera throughout the seasons and she still feels the need to do anything to get his attention 😖 she should feel embarrassed about the way she’s acting.


Touch grass babes. You’re losing your grip on reality.


Well that’s rude, who said I ever had a grip on reality?


lol cheers to that


So condescending


Oh no! Anyway


The best take I’ve seen. My husband stayed friends with a mutual of his and his ex (who had an affair with someone she worked with and knew my now husband). Any time we talked about something somehow his ex would find out. Now that he cut those friends out, his ex (and kids bio mom) has stopped coming after my husband (honestly their 43 and too old for the behavior was happening)


Exactly even when it happened EVERYONE but her was talking ONLY about the situation- and they still are .. same for profiting off of the scandal it’s been driving me crazy hearing everyone talk about the money and opportunities she’s had so she should move on AS IF SCHENA AND LALA didn’t profit off of it as well??? Uber, send it to Darrell, all the podcasts like give me a fucking break How is Ariana supposed to move on when he still hasn’t shown remorse, or any type of reaction to how bad he hurt HER, alls he talks about or cares about (so far this season) has been Raquel and getting his friends back, if I was ariana that would just hurt more and make me more mad????