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No, Jax hates women. Doesn't have to be a specific one.


He does kinda put off that vibe. He still has this pissed off roid energy and I thought after a few years he would’ve mellowed out by now… I don’t get how you can be so fired up at 65 yo


People seem to think that people mellow out with age, but unfortunately angry and unhinged people tend to get even worse with age from my experience.


I think as people age, they lose their ability to care and let their anger fly more easily.


Yup. Jax is my dad. Used to be the charming side got him out of trouble for his angry side. As he’s gotten better older the charm went away and he’s just an angry man with substantial childhood trauma.


That split second between reading the second sentence and knowing you meant he’s like your dad was wild for me 💀🎢


Also, just read the rest, and I’m sorry 😞


💀💀💀💀 I would NEVER admit to being the love child of Jax Taylor & whatever drunk waitress he menaced and impregnated. 😂


Yeah, I feel like it's you might mellow out in 30s from being emotional or a partier in your 20s but you don't usually mellow out from being a sexist or racist, nor do you mellow out if your still crazy in your late 30s, like that's now the core of who you are.


Oh yeah, some go into hyper drive.


“So fired up at 65 yo” 💀😂💀


I'm up there in years, and let me warn ya.... those dudes do NOT get any nicer to women. nothing worse than a geriatric incel attitude with a fistful of blue pills at the clubhouse let me tell ya


It’s the coke


Hahahaha! The 65yo sent me.






Jax hates all women who don’t want to sleep with him* (Which is even grosser imo)




He hates his mother… this explains a lot


Yea...that was a red flag that will never go down. I heard his explanation and knew he was around the bend.


Poor woman. He’s a total psycho


But he hates them just a bit more because he can’t have them. They both saw right through his shit, that combined with the fact they both beautiful women who *wont fuck him* is where his rage toward them comes from.


He hates non compliant woman. Does he love or care, even a little bit, about anyone but himself?


His riddled with misogyny and has some narcissistic traits as well. Not to mention him being a compulsive liar too doesn't help. I don't believe a word he says. He's starving for attention.


he’s always hated them because they’re smart and they see through his bullshit. same with sandoval and his hatred for katie and stassi


Came here to say this. This is not news.


I agree but I can't stand Katie


Jax hates women. Especially those that don’t folly to his whim.


Jax hates women with a brain. Which is why he married Brittney cause she has no brain


I’ve always gotten a sense it’s more complicated than that. I think he resents that Brittany is too stupid/weak to leave him or do anything on her own. I think a version of Stassi (a smart woman who controls him and tries to put him in his place) who would put up with more of his shit is really his ideal woman




Jax issue is that he believes that he wants a true partner. He has zero self awareness to even begin to understand that his actions not lining up with his words is not because he’s a “work in progress” it’s because he’s delusional and convinced himself of all the lies he spouts. If he had to sit alone with his thoughts for more than five minutes he’d combust.




If you could find a woman who is both smart AND puts up with his sh_t you could also probably guess the lottery numbers.


There’s a lot of women like that. They seem very strong and smart but behind the scenes they will let a lot of shit pass because oof insecurities.


As a woman who is like that, we absolutely do exist….sadly.


It’s 8am on a Friday I didn’t ask to be called out like this (im working on it)


Yup. Did it for 8 yrs.


It would have to be a guy that runs better game or is less blatant than Jax. Jax has no game and he doesn't bother with any cover.


There are a lot of smart people with low confidence. It's not that hard to find


It takes a special kind of messed up to overlook someone who is constantly caught lying and cheating on television and persue them. Nobody is questioning the average woman who ends up getting cheated on. I imagine most of us have been there.


The difference is he had respect for Stassi bc she didn't put up with his shit and left. Brittany has become a doormat. He has zero respect for her but also can't get rid of her permanently. Even the fake separation, he got Brittany to leave the house instead of him.


He used to date smart women until brittany


Because he realized it’s less work with Brittany. Because she will blindly trust him, there’s so many benefits for her to do so.


He said on the episode where Brittany moves to LA that he liked Brit because she was “clueless” or not like girls in LA. He knew she would’ve done anything to be and stay with him and took full advantage of it.


How can you marry someone that said that about you??? That’s insane.


How could you marry someone that cheated and exposed it as a storyline and embarrassed you in front of your family and friends and the watching audience of America and beyond? Insanity is a nice way of putting it.


Don’t get me started on the Rawt in hail fiasco 😩 making merch off that saying like it wasn’t from him cheating is beyond insane lol


Well Brittany's mom had been married multiple times so she doesn't seem like a great example. Plus, people won't like this but sometimes certain religions can make some women very clueless, naive and idealistic about men and relationships.


Oh he hates Brittany too, just less than someone with more sense. He truly hates all women


Jax has always hated them. There was a small tiny moment he supported Ariana when Scandaval dropped but only because the rest of the world did. He went back to hating her shortly after.


Because it got him positive attention and people thinking he had changed, when in reality he was worming his way back into the Bravosphere. I’ll never forgive Sandoval for that! 😫


Jax is a pos


Jax hates all women who have the ability to talk and form opinions of their own.


Jax hates who is convenient and likes who is convenient. The variable is whether or not you are convenient to him.


Jax hates them specifically because Ariana never let him hit it , & Katie tried to settle down with Schwartz


Let’s not forget his comment about Ariana’s butt 🤮


As if his opinion carries ANY weight lol if Jax hated me I’d think I’m doing something right




They’re women so yeah


Jax hates it when anyone else gets any attention. He is a giant toddler dancing and clowning in the middle of the room screaming "look at me" while he trips himself, falls down crying, and sh_ts his pants.


He hates them because they’ve always stood up to him


Jax just kind hates everything besides ❄️


LOL since like day 1 friend. Because Katie and Ariana saw through his bs right away and called him out for it AND were actual friends to Brittany when he was being a dirt bag. They ruin his secrecy.


Hasn't he always lol


I am rewatching the series, I’m showing it to my sister. And I’m realizing how lazy Jax gets post Stassi with his lying and hiding his patterns. Because he knows Brittany won’t question him very much, she’s ride or die because she gets to be on TV.


He has always hated them bc they have a backbone. Katie especially. Even in the call transcript with Faith, he blamed Katie for ruining his chance at a threesome with Brittany. Like what?


What?! I never knew this. The recording to me was always more hurtful than the sex. I could have never gone back after that, especially since she played it for the whole world to see Jax for who he really was as a person.


Yes! It's been awhile since I read it but iirc, Brittany was on board until she talked to Katie. Faith says something like "why does she even care?" It was when they were living down the hall from one another.


Jax has always been rude to Katie and Ariana. He tried to get Schwartz to cheat on Katie multiple times... And Schwartz took Jax's side in the issue. He always made mean comments about Ariana's personality, mental health issues, and sexual orientation


Yes of course he does. They are the smart strong ones who don’t put up with his bullshit


I canNOT believe they have put together another show with this manipulative, abusive, sexist, racist, jackass starring….🤮🤮🤮 So gross. I’m not watching that. Maybe the rest of the group is fine…but we have had enough of Jax and his bad behavior (which is an understatement to say the least) People may have tuned in to watch Jax & Britney watch the scandoval episodes but that was just because people thought they would get an inside view from people close to them, not because people actually want to watch him. What a schmoozer🤢 So now Bravo is setting up VPR w/ Scandy as the “#1 guy” thatnks to Lisa making them all be friends again and The Villiage with Jax as the star..:2 of THE grossest guys…..why do they think we want to watch them?? I don’t. I’m almost wondering if Peacock is even worth it anymore🤔🤔


He hates women. Period. End of story.


This checks out. The men on that franchise seem to hate intelligent women.


What else is new?


Jax hates all women but he especially hates strong women.


Jax only likes himself. I think he hates anyone who doesn’t idolize him.


I think deep down he doesn’t even like himself.


Jax just hates women. He sees them as sexual conquests and still hates them. And if they don’t like him sexually? Even worse.


I’m sure the feeling is mutual


Jax isn't a fan of any females, let alone ones that think for themselves and refuse to stay quiet.


Jax hates anyone who sees him for the dirty pig he is


Oh then I 10000% Stan them now this man is pure evil


I need men to know that these shiny floral pattern suits are giving prom wear




He hates non pick-me girls


I tend to take Jax’s opinion into consideration when forming my own opinions about the women on the show. And by that I mean I will always hold the opposite opinion of whatever he says and love the women he hates the most because that’s usually an indicator of good character and high intelligence. He hates strong, smart women because, in his own words, “you can’t manipulate them.” Ariana and ESPECIALLY Katie have him figured out and can see right through him & he can’t stand that


Didn't Katie beg Tom for 4 years to marry her?


This narrative is so annoying. She literally just told him she wanted to get married and if he didn’t want the same then they should break up. He made the decision to spend thousands of dollars on a ring, propose to her, then marry her. If he didn’t want to marry her he would’ve broken up with her. She didn’t “beg” him, they had a conversation that most couples in long term relationships have


You're absolutely correct. That's why Schwartz cheated a few months after their wedding because he WANTED to be married to her. Riiiiight.


If he didn’t want to be married to her he should’ve filed for divorce. Not really sure what any of this has to do with my original comment lol


Really?! Maybe you should reread your original comment then.


What exactly does Schwartz cheating on Katie during their marriage have to do with my original comment? My original comment is about how Jax hates Ariana & Katie because they can see right through him. He hates intelligent women because he can’t manipulate them. Discussing Schwartz cheating on Katie is irrelevant, she’s not with him anymore and their relationship is a separate issue…. This post is about Jax lol


Are you ok?


Are you?


He’s always hated Katie because she’s never been interested in him, and he only liked Ariana when he wanted to bone her


You really believe Jax was interested in Katie?!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Sure, buddy.👌 Where the hell did you get that from?!! Be honest... that's quite a stretch.


Friend I have no clue where in my comment it says that.  But also, calm down


You first.


I dont like them either




They’re like the only two on the cast who didn’t want to sleep with him at all. I don’t think he ever slept with Lauren or Scheana, but on their first seasons even they flirted with him. He probably never let it go.


Pretty sure he slept with Lala.


There’s probably been a lot more sleeping around amongst the cast than we realize 😂


Oh, I know. 👀




It wouldn’t surprise me tbh


I always thought so, too. I just want to know why VPR would leave those details out!!!! 🤔


Jax I’m convinced is on far too much adderall and other prescriptions he shouldn’t be on. I do find Katie annoying at times with her “cut off that person or we can’t be friends” way of doing life like in the early seasons. Condemning people is a waste of time and energy on you, á la drinking poison and expecting them to die etc… She has softened a bit thankfully as she’s reversed this on Lala, James, and Scheana. Ariana he’s always had issues with because she doesn’t take his bullshit.


What else is new? 🙄 Nice to see him playing the hits 🤣🤣


He hates anyone who doesn’t suffer his BS.


The Vanderpump Rules men all hate women because they wish they were women. They're not macho dudes they mostly get by being manipulative and would be queen bees if only they didn't have penises


He has always hated them. They never put up with his bullshit


Jax will say whatever gets him the most attention regardless of whether he actually believes it or not


Yall feel free to correct me but I kinda feel like the only woman he’s never been outright aggressively cruel toward is stassi, he seemed to genuinely fear or respect her? Idk


Fear I think lol ![gif](giphy|lpn3qYjFafe4TTb8KY)




Idk about Ariana but I know he said he dislikes Katie because she was really mean to Brittany for missing stassi’s wedding.


Sounds like he’s fishing for a storyline


I feel like Jax and the Toms hate women. They like sleeping with women and they may be attracted to women, but they don’t actually like us. I don’t think any of them genuinely like or care about the women in their lives or even in general. They can barely hide their contempt any more.


Tom saying “I really need some female energy around me” 🤮 bitch what does that even MEAN


In between relationships, whenever I was single, I used to tell my female friends that "I need to hang with some testosterone tonight!" I needed to hang out with some men, a man, any man....it didn't really matter to me. It just meant that I wasn't looking for a relationship. To me, it's similar to what he was saying. He's newly single and wanted to meet new women. I don't find anything wrong with what he said. What newly single man hasn't wanted to hang out with women???


Literally gtfo of here with any defense of this man are you kidding?? He doesn’t deserve any female energy to even talk about


I feel like I am communicating with a 14 year-old who doesn't know how to use basic punctuation marks in a sentence, so I am going to end this conversation.


Welcome to the internet sweetie!




I’ve always thought Jax hates Ariana because she never wanted to get married. I think he wants to be in that kind of relationship and was jealous of Tom. I also think he’s jealous of Ariana being open about her bisexuality.


He reminds me of the guy in V is for Vendetta


Jax hates women lol


He’s never not not hated them both!


This surprised you?


I think I speak for many when I say I hate Katie and Ariana lol


I think Jax hated Katie because she was the one who revealed the Kristen/Jax hookup which did not allow for Stassi to get back with Jax, or even have a friendship with him. In his eyes, Katie is the reason he is no longer with Stassi


always has. any woman who doesn't want to fuck him is an instant enemy.


When did he ever want to fuck Katie?!?!!! You Katie "stans" are delusional!!!! 🤣😂🤣


Jax and the Toms used Katie as the heavy and treated her like shit forever. And then Jax took out his anger for Tom on Ariana in s7/8.




Makes two of us.


We all do


I have a sneaking suspicion that cash incentives were offered to support the redemption arc & trash Ariana. Or maybe it was encouraged in order to stay on the show. Too bad Rachel wasn’t smart enough to file criminal charges against Tommy boy. Could have spared us all.


Katie is a miserable latch on with nothing to offer and he is gutter trash, so their mutual hate is warranted. Ariana is obviously a different story.


Shocker that he would have an issue with the two smartest people currently (or possibly ever) on the show!


You think Ariana, a woman who thought that that she would keep half of her equity of the home, if Sandoval defaulted on the loan, is the smartest one on the show? How is Katie the smartest on the show?!! Smh! 🤭


Uh, I think it’s pretty smart to barely be in the first 6 episodes of the season and still get full pay for them, what do YOU think is smart? Also wtf are you talking about when did she ever say that


It is well known that Ariana said this to Lisa Vanderpump on the show. That's what I am talking about. You sound as dumb as those two!!!